THE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY 0. V. W. AUSBON, EDITOB. PLYMOUTH, N. C. Friday, October 4. 1901. Do you suffer from piles ? If eo do not turn to surgery for relief. DeWitt'e Witch Hazel halve will act more quickly, surely and safely, saviug you the expense and dauger of an operation. Plymouth Drug Co., Ko er Store Co. THE JOHN UOBINSON SHOWS. A GORGEOUS, SUMPTO US AND IMPRES SIVE AUGMENTATION. The acme of scenic splendor was reached when John Robinson pro duced the great spectacle of Solomon, Uis temple abd the Queen of fcheba. No court was greater in all that pertainted to magmfieence than Sol omon's, and as historically .reprodu ced with dozens of calcium ana Vari- 'ttlored lights on the brilliant cos tumes and scintillating armor, it has received unstinted praise from all who have beeu fortunate enough to witness the grand spectacle. The circus has been characterized as the most interesting in its unex ceptional features and in the general iiceilence of its ring performances. "The menagerie is large and compre hensive and includes living specimens of the rarest beasts, birds, reptiles and amphibi. The colossal Roman hippodrome is iu itself a feature that has no du plication and carries the spectator back to Imperial Ccusar's day. The show will exhibit at Plymouth Thursday, Oct. 17th. O. M. Phelps, Foretadttle, Vt. siyn his child was completely cured of a bad caae of ec zema by the use of De Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. Beware of all couuterfei s. It instant ly relieves pilts. Plymouth Drug Co., Ro per Store Co. . NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. IN EFFECT SEPT. 23d. 1901. Northbound : Z, Leava Belhaven daily (except Sunday) a. in. Leave Edenton daily (.except Sunday).. . 10 p. m. Arrive jiaizaoeiu i, cept Sunday) 2 40 p. ni. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Sun day) 4 20 p.m. Leave Edeutou Tues., Thurs., and Sat 830 a. m. Leave Elizabeth City Tues., Thurs , aud Sat 9 30 ft. m. Arrive Norfolk Tues., Thurs., and St 1105 a. in. Southbound : Leave Norfolk daily (ereept Sunday) 10 00 a. m. Arrive Eliz. City daily (except Sunday) . 1140 a.m. A Z ISA am tst Sunday) 12 45 p.m. Leave Edentoa daily (except Sunday) 12 45 p.m. Arrive Belhaven daily (except - Sunday) 5 20 p. m. ueave onm u-.., . , and faat 4 10 p. w. Arrive E. City Tues., Thurs., and Sat 5 53 p. in. Arrive Edeutou Tues.. Thurs , and Sat 7 00 p. m, Tratu stop at all intermediate stations. Connect at Norfolk with trains to ana from Virginia Beach aud Currituck Brauch Virginia Beach Division. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. Steamers leave Edenlou daily (ex. San day) 12 45 p.m. for Plymouth, Janiesville, WiHiawstou and Windsor Leave Edentou Tuesuay, Thursday and Katurday 124T p. m. for Chowan lliver landings; aud aud Friday for Scuppcruong stmers leave Elizabeth City for Roa - n.ka Island. Oriental and Newberue, Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday ; connect with A. fc N. C. IL H., and Atlantic Coast T.ine for Goldsboro and Wilmington, &c. and for Scuppernoug litver, Monday aud Wednesday. Steamers leave Belhaven daily (ex. Son day) tor Washington, n. C, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Aurora. South Creek, Makleyville, Ac, aud fi a. m Mon day, and Friday for Swan Quarter, Ocra" COke and Oriental. For further information apply to J.J. Hassell, Agent, Plymouth, or to the Oeu-t-ral Office of the N. & S. It. R. Co., Nor- mIVkING, IT. C. nUDGINS, Oen'l Manager. Gen'l Ft.& Pass Agt Watches and Clocks carefnlly Re paired Satisfaction given in all work. 0 R- LEGCjETT. Water St., Plymouth, N. C 9-25 NOTICE" OF LAND SALE. llv virtue of a dfcree of the Superior Court or vJ.hii.t?tn comity. I will 11 on Monday, Oct. "th 19(11 at the Court House door m Plymouth, N V to the hialie-t bidder for rath, the Jante Clifton tract of land, containing 40 ucrea wore or lJ.ndioi.uuK J. II. 8..CH, eo. H:llnd others. This Sept. 2nd, 1J01. A. O. OA1 LOUD. BEACON FLASHES- Mr. Frank Fagaa is in Tarboro. t A heavy rain fell here on Wednesday. Mr. Louis P. Hornthal returned from Norfolk Tuesday. Fresh oysters received daily ' by M. E. McUabe. 6;u. per quart. Justice H. W. Tar ken ton of Scupper nong. was here yesterday. Mr. J. T. McNair hes opened a restau rant on Washington street. John liobiuson's circus is advertising to oe in Plymouth uct. I7tn. Mr. P. VV. Brinkley's oqening on Tues day was a flattering sucoesa. : Work on the veneering, box, basket and barrel factory, goes steadily on. If you waut a lamp for $1.50 that is pret ty enough for your, parlor, aud good enough for auy use, call on M. E. McUabe. Mrs. Dr. S.. Hassell .of Scotland Neck, was visiting iriends here thii week.. Mr. P. W. Brinkley has recently put in a National cash register, it s a beauty. The Primatiye Baptist Association is in session at Concord church, this county. The big bill boards with the gay pictures of the circus are attracting much attention. The attendance in the several schools of this town is larger than ever before. Good. A full line of the well known Wilson heaters has j ust been received at llornthal's. If you waut a good heater, call and get one. Among tho prisoners in Washington county jail is one obarged with rape, oue with horse stealing, aud one with forgery. If you want to borrow mouey on im proved real estate, apply to V. Fletcher Ausbon, Insurance, tteal Estate and itental Agent. Mr. Fletcher Ausbon, the Rental Agent, informs us that he is unable to supply the demand lor houses. This looks as if Ply mouth is on a boom. For those who may wish something in the way of a heater that is cheaper than the Wilson, we have them in all sizes aud at all prices. Louis P. Hornthal, Deputy Sheriff Starr brought up an un fortunate woman Wednesday night. She was taken to the insane asylum yesterday by Mr. J. M. Bateman. Mess. Louis P. Hornthal and Clarence Latham have leased the town hull, aud their word for it, we will have a number of first-class attractions here this season. Wm Smith, a colored mau seemingly in good health, fell dead at Louue's mill on Saturday ufteruoon. The doctors pronoun ced his demise a result or heart failure. FRESH FISH I am now receiving Fresh Fish daily, except Sunday and Mon day. All orders will receive prompt at tention. C. E. FLOWEK8. Rev. Mr. Wingate, rector of Grace church, has purchased the Newberry resi dence corner 3rd and Adams streets, and is having same thoroughly repaired and painted. I have jnst received a nice lot of AulO mobileo, Cloaks, Furs and Feather Boas. Cloaks frora $210 to $9.00; Furs from $ 1.00 to $7 00. The prettiest you ever saw. Mrs. L. . Padgett. Don't make the mistake of buying a heater before calling ou Louis P. Hornthal. He has them in all styles, sizes and prices, aud cau suit you aud save youmoney. WANTED Timber Lands That will CHt 5,(KK) to 10,000 ft. per acre. Large tracts preferred. Heine man A Hutchins, Timber Land Dealers, 336 W. Belmont Ave., Chi cago. , A Monster Devil Fish Destroying its victim, is a type of Con stipation The power of this murderous malady is feit on organs and nerves and muscles and brain. There's no health till it'u overcome. But Dr. King's New Life fills are a safe and Certain cure, nest in the world for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only 25 cents at Spruili fc Bro's 1 Examination of Teachers. There will be, public examination for white teachers on tho and Thurs day, Uct. 10th ; for colored, Friday, Oct. 11, 1901. J. O. Everett, Sup't. Science has never discovered a means of shuttiug up the man with his first baby. Mothers everywhere praise Oue Minute Cough Cure for the sufferiugs it has relieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved Strike at the root of the trouble and diaws out the inflammation. The children's favor ite Cough Cure. Plymouth Drug Co., Ko per Store Co. The young mau of promise is all right if he pays. "I had long suffered from indigestion," writes O. A. LeDeie, Cedar City, Mo. "Like others I tried many preparations but never found anything that did me good until I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Oue bottle cured me. A friend who bad suffered simi larly I put on the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, lis is gaioiug fast and will soon be able to Mvork. Before he used Kodol Dys pepsia Cure indigestion bad made him a total wreck. Plymouth Drug Co., Koper Store Co, NOTICE 1 In obedience to the laws of North Carol i no as enacted by the General Assembly, session 1901, chapter 7, section 77, I will sit at the following times and places, for the purpose of receiving taxes : Plymouth township, Plymouth, N. C, Oct. 14th. Lee's Mills township, Roper, N. C, Oct. loth. Skinnersville township, Richard Elliott's store, Oct. 16th. Skinnersville township, T, J. Bas night's store, Oct. 17th. Scuppernong township, Creswell, N. C, Oct. 18th. Please meet me at the above time. prepared to get your receipt. W. J. JACKSON, Sheriff. A Frightful Blunder j Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen'a Arnir.A HrIvo h best iu the world, will kill the Dain and promptly heal it. Cures Old' Sarea, ' Fever w- rri fo:i itiJi'.. -ii -i i - OU1W, UiVClB, .DVUIB. i'CiUUB, UUrilB-Hi CK1U Eruptions. Best Pile cure, on eartk. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure'gua'rauteeo!. , Sold by u : 1 1 c i i. upi uui oj uiu. l The fellow that neelects golf to attend to business can never hope to be much of a player. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere stini ....-..: s . I . - 3 . . ' ' uiaut iu wreu umure. i auoruu me siomacn complete and absolute rest by digesting the rood you eat. you don't have to diet but cau enjoy ail the good food you want. Ko dol Dyspepbia instantly relieves that dis tressed feeling alter eating, giving you new life aud vigor. Plymouth Drug Co.. Koper atore uo. The suburbanite knows his station in life. but sometimes he Is carried beyond it. . Lewis Ockermau, Goshen, Ind : "De Wit's Little .Early Kisers never bend me double like other pills, but do their work thorough ly and make me feel likd a boy." Certain, thorough, gentle. Plymouth Drug Co., Roper Store Co. A woman may be hard of hearing aud still not be deaf to flattery. The Best Pbescbiption for Chili.8 aud Fever is a bottle of Gkovk'b Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply irouaud quinine in a tasteless form, tio cure no pay. irrice, oOo. mar 1-ly A woman never quarrels with herself un less as a last resource. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunkards are Reing Cured Daily in Spite ot Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant aud Pos itive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkeuness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poison, aud nerves completely shattered by period ical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poisou, and destroying the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without pub licity or loss of time from busines by this wonderful -HOME UULU CUiUfi" which has beeu perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions ot this Aouderful discovery is positively guar anteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvel jus transformation of thou sands of Di uukards into sober, industrious and upright men. WIVES CUtfKJ IUUK liUaJ.ANUSII CHILDREN CURfc YOUK FATHERS II This remedy is iu uo sense a nostrum but is a specific tor this disease only, aud is so skillfully devised aud prepared that it u thoroughly soluble aud pleasant to the taste, so that it can be giveu in a cup of tea or coffee without the kuowledge of the persou taking it. Thousauds I Druukards have cured themselves with this pricelos remedy, and as many more have beeu cured and made temperate meu by having the CUKE" adiuiuistered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, aud believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleadiug "improvement.' Drive out the disease at once nd for all time. The "HOME GOLD CUBE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollur, thus placing within reach ol everybody a treatment more effectual than others cosl- iue $25 io $50. Full directions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians wnen reqneBiea wunouiexira charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Lollar. Addresa Dept. 0471 EDWIN H U1L1SM cs UUal- PANY, 2330 and 2332 Maiket Street, Phil adelphia. All correspondence strictly confidential. ap 16-lj UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE - SmSSS1 MEDICINE DENTISTRY PHARMACY. First-CIass 1 STANDARD, ,u ) MrTMOOS, IN EQUIPMENT. ( CLINICS. For 10H.ricfl rfalrtfr, Mr T Frortor. 3 Drawing Water 2yS5"' rawing Customers m&tSna, UP GrOOli9 however, will make your task easier for each item is a "trade puller." Tbey mast be.;,lowest, They are lowest in price and highest in, style and quality and we ask your kind attention tci gp ue the following : We wish, to call your special attention tp the new Dress Goods, consisting of English novelties, granite cloth, prunel la, poplin, Venetian, broad cloth, satin soliel, and many other new ones,, in all shades. You know the proper thing for trimmings are velvets, appli que and buttons ; we have quite an assortment of all. Our Furs were greatly admired ; tho colleretts from $2.50 to $10.00 ; the fur Boas from $2.00 to 7.00 and are very handsome. Remember also if you wish a tailor made suit we are the agents for one of the largest and most fashion able manufacturing houses in Jfew York, and price as well as style are right. Our silk and flannel waist patterns were very pop ular at our opening, and we can please you in all shades. You know what a line of Ladies' and Gent's Shoes we carry they need no introduction, all are sold under a strict guarantee. Our Men's Furnishing department is full of new things. Now a few things about Goats and Jackets for the ladies, we have just received the most exquisit line of Jackets and Automobiles you ever saw and they are all stvle. We can also fit the children in ail shades andisizes. Kemember if it is anything you want, we have it, and will endeavor to please When you are in town pleasure to show goods. IVIiss Ott will at all times offer any suggestion to those who wish her ideas on Louis P. Id you in any way. be sure to call. It is a styles. Hornthal. M3 81m

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