DeWitt'i little Early Risen nrer disap point. They are aalo, prompt, gentle, effec tive in removing all impnratiea from the liver aud bowels. Small and easy to take. Never gripe or distress. Plymouth Drug Co. Roper Store Co, OUTBREAK OF DISEASE AMONG HORSES. A NOTABLE AMUSEMENT EVENT. SOLOMON, HIS TEMPLE AND QUEEN OF 3HEBA.. THE Concluded from 2nd page. or work their horses hard and tarn them loose from the harness to graze upon such plants aa may be acoessible, both daring the heat of the day and at night ; also that many of them are watered from pools or wells containing anrface water which has a stagnant odor, end mast of necessity eon taiu considerable organic matter, while the people themselves use cistern wafer, or in some instances water from deep driven wells. Pure water is neeeesary in order to maintain the health of horses, lluoh of the forage that is gathered in year part of the state, I presume because of the very slight elevation of the land above tide water, and especially this year because of the frequent rains, is in a mouldy condition, and mould ing forage of itseif has been shown by ex perimeatation to produce a disease exhib iting a similar line of symptoms to those which have been manifested by the horses of your section which have been recently affected with what yon call staggers. The stables without floors, are on a level with the surface of the ground, and the bottoms of the stalls, in whloh the horses are kept, by the removal of the manure from them aud the stamping of horses, soon become lower than the ground surrounding the stable. This permits of an accumulation of moisture and a rotten condition of the material used as bedding, whieh is not al ways removed, and the stables becomes un sanitary. The bottoms of the stalls should be kept, by frequent filling in, upon a higher level than the surrounding ground, and in accordance with the custom of a few of jour farmers, dry-fell oyster shell lime freely used by dusting about on the ground aud sides and sills of inch buildings, would be advantageous. Several instances were found in which the animals had been wa tered from deep driven wells, cisterns, or with boiled water when taken from the surface weiU in localities where the disease has been prevalent, yet the animals kept under these conditions, receiving only food that was wholesome and free from mould and kept up during the heat of the day when not in use, have escaped the disease, and it is probable that if horses were not allowed to graze indiscriminately at all hours of day and night without regard to atmospheric conditions, and if proper at tention were given to sanitation aud hygiene in the matters of food and stabling, these outbreaks of this trouble and the occur" rence of this disease would be much less frequent. The general conditions and topography of your section of country would sjem to be favorable to the occurrence of diseases of this character, but by using every safe guard and taking every precaution necessa ry for maintaining a healthy condition among your horses, I believe it is possible for yon to escape to a very great extent outbreaks or tbe frequent occurrence among your horses of this fatal malady. Very respectfully, J. It. Bbiokam, Acting Secretary. The Grand aud Colossal Biblical Spectacle by John Itobinson. John Hobinson's ever popular and ever welcome shows come to us this year with such important accessions andaugumentatious aa to overshadow all coutemporary amusement ven tures. They have not only materially strengthened their ring and hippod rome performances, and largely ad ded to their already vast menagerie, but are producing an astonishing new feature, which can but commend it self to all classes of patrons. We al lude to the grand biblical specticie of "Solomon, His Temple and the Queen of Sheba." Unerring in his torical accuracy, faithful in scenic delineation, realistic in depiction of incidents and events, impressively grand in pageantic effects, maguili- cent in costumes and appointments, entrancing in nfusical features, be witching in beautiful ballets and ex citing in games and chariot races, this unprecedently subumo spectacle will commend itself to every Visitor. The show will exhibit at Plymouth Thursday, Oct. 17th. KINO SOLOMON AND QUEEN OF SIIEBA. THE IN CONNECTION WITH JOHN ROBIN SON'S BIG SHOWS COMBINED. This wonderful spectacle has a breadth o effects which surprisesand delights. Its processions and splendid ballets are incomparable, and nothing so vast or imposing has ! ever been seen in this country before, j We gaze upon tho ancient city of Jerusalem and the Temple of Solo mon animated with life and glywing with color. It is no mero artificial show, but a vivid and vast realiza tion of life in the time of Solomon. The scenes are beguiled by its reality as well as its surpassing beauty and the perfection of its details at Plym outh, Thursday, Oct. 17th. A high t Of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Mac bias, Me., wheu the doctors said she could not live till morning" writes Mrs. 8. 11. Lin cola, who attended her that fearful uignt. "All thought she must soon die from Pneu monia, but fche begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it had more than once saved her life, aud had cured her of Con sumption. After tbreo small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use completely cured her.' This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to core all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 60o and $1 .00. Trial bottles free at Spruill & Bro'a store. 1 111 MU II JL I - ' John Hobinson's Shows. John KobinEon not only offers to his patrons the best series of circus performances, the finest and most elaborately equipped hippodrome, and the largest and most com prehen siva menagerie, but has added this year to his already superlative series of oxhibitions the gsand biblical spectacale of Solomon, His Temple, and the Queen of Sheba, and the fi nest scenic, processional, terpsicho rean and lyric spectacle that has ever invited public patronage. Our citizens will toon have the op portunity of witnessing these grand exhibition, for they are to be in Plymouth Thursday, Oct. 17th. W. T. Wesson, Gholnonville, Ya, druggist. writes: "Your One Minute Uougu Uure gives perfect satisfaction. My customers say it is tbe best remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles." Flymouth Drug Co , Ho per Store Co. J. W. PERRY COMFY, COTTON FACTORS. Norfolk, Va., Oct. 2, 1901. COTTON : Steady. Strict Middling 8 1-8 Middling 8 Strict Low Middling . . 7 7-8 Low Middling 7 9-16 Tinges 7 f-8 Blues and Sandy 6 to 6 1-2 PEA.NUTS : Dull. Fancy 2 3-4 8trictly Prime 2 1-2 Prim 2 to 2 1-8 Low Grades 1 1-4 to 1 3-4 Machine Picked 11-2 Spanish 75 p bushel B. E. PEAS $3.00 bag Peanut Bags, G8 in. 8 oz 8 14 Bagging and Ties and Peanut Bags for sale. Prices guaranteed. You Want Fashion able Millinery, And I have it, in all styles, and at all prices. 1 ask you to come in and examine my line of Hats, Bonnets, etc., and it you want something for the little ones to wear, I have that also, in the very prettiest effects. 1 also have a fuU line of Laces, Ribbous, Fascinators, Silks, Hand kerchiefs, Corsets, Gloves, etc., etc. When you want Fashionable Mil linery, and a hundred cent's worth for a dollar, don't forget the place Mrs. S. A. Blount's old stand. Yours truly, Mrs. A. M. AYERS. North Carolina, Washington County In the Superior Court. M. J. Eborn, ) va f Notice. E. G. Eborn. ) The defendant above named will take notice thnt an action entitled aa above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Washington County to ob tain a divorce, and tbe defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held on the 4th Monday in October, l'JOl,ntthe Court House of eaid county, in Plymouth, N. C, and anewer or demur to the complaint in tud ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in eaid complaint. ThU 5th d:iy of September 1901 W. M. iiATHM AN. C, . C. North Caroliua, Washington County In the Superior Court. Chloe Hinton, vs Say Hintou, The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Washington ouniy to obtain a divorce, and the defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear at the next tei m of the Superior Court of eaid county to be held on I the 8th Monday ufter the 1st Monday in September ' 1001, it being the 28th day of October, lfiOl, tit the i Court Iloiife of said county, in Plymouth N. l'.. I aud answer or demur to the compliant in eaid ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to ihe court for the relief demanded in said complaint. Tli'5talny of September, 1001. W. M . BATKM A N. C. S. C Notice. F. W. BmiMlilEY READY FOR THE Autumn Activities ! Hatohkcstjbbeb, Ala.. Judo 30, 1875. Dr. C. J. Moj-TKTT Dear Sir: I can as sure you that your TEETHINA (Teething Powders) it indispensable to us, and in ao single instance has it ever proved a failure. We have tried toothing medicines and everything known to na and "old women," and yonr Teething Powders are pre-eminently a success and blessing to mothers aud children. Yours truly, eto. J. 41. DLACY. All tbe most correct fabrics for fall and winter wear are shown by us, New goods are coining in at a rapid rate. We have used all our energy and experience to make your fall and winter buying a source of pleasure and satisfaction to you. Our prices are gratifying to the most economical. Mew ress CSootls. With a full line of Plain and Fancy Weaves in Blacks and Colors, we feel sure of pleasing every lady who visits our store this season. Waist CBoths. Persian Printings, Striped and Dotted Albatross and Flannels. C!ol4S, Wraps and Fiisj. Of Rare Beauty and Style. Fashionable Clotiiiiig For Men and Boys. We ask you to come and examine them. Our Suits and our Coats' reflect the highest development of the tailor's art. We have a choice collection, including the latest designs for Boys of all sizes. We can save you money on every purchese of Clothing. 53gr"Don:t forget to ask us about our new Check System. A check with every purchase that is worth money to you. P. W. DIE'S ia Is. Icy. COMING T PLYMOUTH Thursday OCTOBER 17TH. g3,gOO Paily Expense $1000Q0 KtxrFeatij&S. 2.000,000 INVESTEp. Coming in its Own Palace Special Trains. 77th Tear of the Oldest, Biggest and Best Show on Earth. The Pioneers and Perpetuators of Tented Amusement Institutions. Ten Big Shows All 'United plija lit mmiMmmmmmmm mm 4 Circuses S Menageries -2 Stages Soman Hippodrome, Combined with the Crand Biblical Spetacular Production HIJ1212T UF SEE IE USA An Impressive and Eminently Moral and Mind . Elevating Pageantic Scienic Spectacle, with its Enchanting B.diets, Magnificent Scenery and Georgeous Costumes. 100 BEAUTIFUL BALLET GIRLS 100 500 Men, Women and Horses in the Cast, CA31L HAGENBACK'S 540000 ?fKITr jiUiuuv Performing Elephants Elephants that Waltz. Elephants that Actually Play Musical Instru ments. Elephants that do everything but talk. 100 New and Novel Circus Acts, 1,000 Hare and Costly Animals. 50 Hair liaising Races. Drove of Camels Whole fumily of 20 Lions 4 RoyaJ Bengal Tigers 6 Polar Bea; School of con Licus I);m nf 8 Leopards Dn of 0 Hyenas One Pair of ElaDds One Pair of Horned floras Every known species of Antelope 10 Male bareback Riders 10 UVnmle Riders r0 Aerial Acs Tronpe of Trained . . Pouidfj 20 Feinalo Eiiuustriunx One Philippine Cow, 2i inches high One lnb.y Sea Lion Male Hippodrome liaceu MoDkey IlHces Elephant and Cannd Kaces Man against Horses Bacea Two-Horse Taudem Kuces High JnmpiDg Horbe Races Two aud Four Horse Chariot Races Two and Tour Hori-e Standing Races, Grand Free 53300,000 Street Parade 5 Bands of Music, Fife and Drum Corps, Chime of Bells, 50 Cars and Gilded Dens, 29 Tableaux Cars, 13 Traps, 303 Thoroughbred Horses, CO Mihiature Ponies, Steam Caliope drawn by 40 Ponies and driven by quo" man. 3 XI 53 OF ASLEVJHA.IVTS Excursions On All Linos Of Travel AlynioiitIs, HPT 17 lanrtlny JJ JL i 1 i T.