BILL AIIF3 LETTER. From the Atlanta Constitution. My wife said she had a premoni tion that we would have an early fall and I had better prepare for it right away. She reminded me of some jrojcen glass on the roof of the flow erit and the sash needed repointing and shelves renewed and I might white-wash the brick wall and so forth and so fifth, and so on. Well I have done all that and was hum bly waiting for the next order when she told me that Sam, the darky, wasn't coming to run the lawn mow er over the grass in the front yard and maybe I could do it and save 75 cents. Well, I have done that, but nobody paid me the 75 cents and next thing I knew she sent one of the grand-children to me for 75 cents to pay her debt to the aid so ciety. These women have got near ly as many clubs and societies as the men, but they stay at home of nights aud that ,is better than the men do. There are the Masons and Odd Fel lows and .Knights of Pythias and Knights of Damon and the lloyal Arcanum and the Elks and the Knights of Jericho aud the Knights Labor and they are all nights, or midnights, and the women have to stay at home and nurse the child ren. If I was a marrying woman I would strike out the word obey and put in a promise for the man that he wouldn't join anything that took him away from home at night. It's bad enough for young folks to be around at night hunting for the moon. They are crazy about the moou and that's why crazy folks are Called lunatics for luna means the moon aud the ticks are not far off on a moou light walk in the woods. Last Tuesday night there were six -V couples of our lunatics who arent Up the river road in search of the moon. They wauted to see it rise from out of the water and they had to get out to the big, flat rock in the river to fiee ir, and they had to slidtf down the bank to reach the rock, and the young mjen cooued it down first to clear the way and the yaller jackets - were waiting for them and by the time the girls were on the slide the little devils began the attack and they took 'em ou the slide aud in the flank and in the rear, in the face and . shirt waUt and arms add legs and took the young men, too, and such screaming and scrambling was never - heard or 'seen in that part of the Country. The young men did not desert their partners, but shoved them up the slide again with great alacrity. The whole party were V bunged up amazing. Eyes aud ears and ndses and hands and legs began to swell, and they never got to see the moon at all. The girls cried with anguish and the boys moaned tkiX groaned ami there was no am tnonia, no soda, no doctor house within a mile. They could just see enough to Hud the horses and bv the time tltey got back home some were blind in one eye and some in both, and you couldn't tell a hand from a foot, uor a nose from a turnip beet, tior sn ankle from a calf calf of the leg, I mean. Well, they got home about mid-night and that 5-mile ride was the longest aud most miser able of their lives. -The young men have not yet reported for duty nor have the girls dared to look into a mirror, for fear of breaking it. It is a wonder that those with such thin apparel were not stung to death, I suppose that the stuffing and pud ding about the breastworks saved them. We old school boys know some thing about yellow jackets. It is bad enough to tackle a Heat in the daytime in open ground whero you Can run and fight, but to slide down into one near the water on a dark night must be awful in the extreme. The last time I came iii conflict with the spiteful things I located the nest and went to the house aud got the wire fly catcher and set it over the hole. It worked beautifully and was fast filling up when an out sider took mej "ker-bim," on the back of the neck, and I departed those coasts with alacrity. By and by the boys came and built a little fire not far away and set the fly catcher over the smoke and killed the whole, concern. But you must look out for the outsiders the scouts and sharp shooters. Bees can't sting but one time, but a jacket can keep up as long as the poison lasts. The sting of a bee is bad, that of a jacket is badder and a wasp is the ! baddest of all, except a hornet or, perhaps, the devil's back saddle on a fodder blade. They do say in Tex as that a tarantula is worse than all the rest put together aud frequently proves fatal. They say, too, that auy sting is a cure for the rheuma tism, but I never found a man that had tried it. Some poisous effect one person more than another. A good citizen of this county died in 'Zi hours from a bee sting, but my faithful servant, Tip. can take them up in his hands and let them "lite" on his neck and face aud sting him furiously, and he brushes them off ! and laughs aud says they tickle him. I have picked the stings off his flesh by the dozen, and he has never had rheumatism. A colony of honey bees number 5,000, yellow jackets 500 and hornets 300. But this is enough about such pes ky thinnsj though the sting of a mosquito seems to be attracting much attention from the men of ! science. But I was ruminating about things that have to be done before long. My wife says it is about time to make a lettuce bed for the winters supply and about time to transplant two or three rows of strawberry plants from our own runners, for it is a good plan to have new ones coming on every year. I receive so many letters from good women asking how to grow them and so forth, that I will say briefly : Prepare the ground about like you would for any garden herb or vege table, fork deep and manure liber ally, open a furrow and scatter ashes in it any kind of ashes, wood, coal or mixed. If you can't sift the allies, be sure and throw out the cinders and lumps. Place the plants about a foot apart, spread out the roots, draw the earth around lightly. If ground is dry, use water to each plant, then pull some dry dirt over the wet. That's all. Ilave the rows two feet apart. If you have no plants of your own, then o der some, and get Brandywiue, Lady Thomp son, Gaudy and excelsior. There are several other good kinds, but I know what these are. If ashes are scarce plant, plant fruit. use a good handful to each i Stable manure grow and ashes makes the : makes the i Let me make another sug- j to these good women. If gestion you have no asparagus bed, make j one this fall. It is the cheapest j thing grown, and about the best. We had it in abundance all the spring and are now having a second crop. Buy one or two hundred crowns at 75 cants a hundred, plant about like you would strawberries. Dou't dig auy ditch as they used to do. Give a good coat of manure every fall or winter aud the same bid will last you 20 years. Fork up the ground once or twice a year, but do not fork too close to the crowns. One other thing and I am done. Plant the small butter bean. It is sometimes called the see-wee bean. It is 8 n re and prolific aud keeps on bearing until frost. It will take an arbor or very stout poles to hold up the vines. BILL AltP. Have you neglected to provide protection for yonr family and your business, in case o! death, by not taking insurance on yonr life? if so delay uo longer but call on V. Fletcher AUbbon and get one of those matchless policies he .sells for the Union Ceutral. . Something to IIemembeu. When a cough or cold is long ueglected cousuraption almost invariably follows. Remember Mexican Syrup only costs 25 cerjts a bottle, and yet has proven in many thousand cases an absolute safe cure for coughs, colds and consumption. Taken iu time it cures quickly. Children like it be cause it tastes so good. Insist on your drug, gist keeping it for sale. Kead the seemingly miraculous cures it has effected, printed on the wrapper around the bottle. lm A Pitiable Sight. What is more pitiable than to see a puny, delicate littta child absolutely dying from neglect. There are many little ones, whose cheeks would grow rosy, whose eyes would grow bright, whose flesh would be plump and pretty if only the worms that are knawing at their vitals were removed, which is easily effected with Mother's Worm Syrup, so nice to take that children ask for it Also a cure for tape worm in grown people. Try a 25 cent bottle. lm The Secret op Good Health. The secret of beauty aud good health is cleanliness. Uncleanliness breeds disease. Internal cleanliness is even of greater impor tance than external. Keep your liver active and your bowels thoroughly clean by taking a Mexican Hoot Pill occasionally. Their use does the Lerves, kidneys, etc., good also. Only 25 cents a box. lm Gooou's Quick Relief. When your joints and bones ache and your fle6h frels tender and sore, a 2" cent bottle of Gooch's Quick Relief will give you quick reliet. Best cure for colic. lui Healthy Blood Makes Healthy Flesh. To haye good flesh and good feeling, to look well and feel well take some Gooch's Sarsaparilla. Nothing else so good fot pale and sickly womera. lm Pile-ine Cuues Piles. Mouev refunded if it ever fails. Anti-ague cures Chills and Fever . A WonJerful Offer to Women. "Wo have !cceiml vonl of a nioit romarlr. ftblo offer which is to bo mutia to women by Tfo Delineator, of New York. Taking the fact ihut noxt year begins a new century, The Delineator offers to distri bute $17,500 among 1001 women. Tho plan !s so cleverly arranged that a woman living in a small town or village, has just as good a chauco to win one of theso 1001 prizes na a woman living in a city becauso the prizes ire given for tho number of subscriptions secured in a town in proportion to tho popu lation of that town, instead of being give simply to those who send tho largest list subscribers which, of course, are most e obtained iu big citio. Another clover fef of the plan is, that all tho cities nnd towi the United State nnd Canada have been ranged in Heven classes. Tho cities of th' population arc- grouped in Class I and a;i theso cities are nit very many, th prizes offered aro twenty-eight; tho high est prizo being $500, and tho lowest $5.00. The total amount of prizes given away in this class is $1,000. Tho remaining smaller towns and villages fall into six other classes, and as the number of towns in a class increases, be causo, of course, tlicro aro moro small town than large ones, tho amount of prizes given away to a class increase.", so that in Class 7. thero will bo $4,000 distributed among 60 winners. Furthermore, to everyono who fails to wio one of tho 1001 prizes there will bo paid an extra commission on subscriptions, provided they equal one out of every two hundred in habitants of tho town from which tho con testant sends them. This is altogether a very liberal offer, and one which tho famous old Delineator is well able to make good. From our point cf view, we do not sco why such an offer needs to bo Bade by tho Publishers of The Ddineator, for wo believe it already has nearly half a million lubscribcrs. Its strong hold upon tho affec tions of American women has como in the past generation, from its practical ad vies about dress details and homo matters. Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Careile. of Was hita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suf fering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, itud the best doctors could give no help ; but her cure is complete and her health Is excellent." This shows what thousands have proved that Electric Hitters is the best blood puri fier known. It's the Htiprf-me remedy for ec zema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisous, help digestion builds up tho strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Spruiil & Bro. Guaranteed 4 The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by ad poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All go ch should kuow that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite, Honud diges.iou and a regular bodily habi: that insures pn-f. ct health and great energy. Ouly 2")C. at Spru-.ll & Bro's. 4 He Fooled The Surgeons. All doctors told lienick Hamilton, of West Jefferson. O., after suffering 18 mouths from Rectal Fistula, he would die nnless a costly operation was performed ; but he cured himself with live boxes cf Buekleu's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Sold by Spruill Jfc Bro. m;i ,K. j i-tar Uimf ma1o l v Jchn K Goodwin,! ro,,S.Y.,l urk fvr us. kaadar, von Mr u..l ntalv tmiftj. tut w tmu U rt.u oiil kl how ii II from tk lo tMilb a d.y .I lb. dart, and mw a. jrcn go li! IT alt your ifmt.or 8ar. mi'Oi.nM only to Hi. wuik. All U tir. (Irani ymy BCttK ur mit cirk. W'a atari job, riimUhlna vm-vthlnir. KASII.Y, M-EEDILY Isarnwl rAKI KTLAiiS KHKK. AiMraas at op' bll.NSON (O., 1 OUTLA. U, MAU rii. tou tan autiutiimr at hetna. vil ASTHMA CURE EREE! Astliinalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Oases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FKEE ON KECEL7T.0F POSTAL. WHITE YOUR NAME AND ADDBESS PLAINLY. There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brings instant relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. The Rev. U. F. WELLS, of Villa Kidge, 111., says: "Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good condition. I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good de rived from it I was a fclave, chained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I dee-paired of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought you had ovcrspoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full-size bottle." Rev. I), Morris Weclisler, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel. New York, Jan. 3, 1901, Das. Taft Bros'. Medicine Co., Gentlemen : Your Asthmalene is an ex cellent remedy for Asthma and Ilriy Fever, aud its composition alleviates all troubleis which combine with An 'hma lis success is astonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthmaleno contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very trulv yours,' ' REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLEK.' . Avon Spuing s, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1901. Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co. ' .. : Gentlemen : I write this testimonial from a sense of duty, having tested the won derful effect of your Asthmalene, for the curaof Asthma. My wife has been afflicted with spasmodic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others, I chanced to see your eigu upon your windows on 130th street, NeW York, I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene.- My wife commenced taking it nhou't the first of November. I very sobu noticed a- radicaLimprovemeut. After using one bottle ner Asthma has disappeared and she is entirely free from all symptoms. I feel that I can consistently recommend the medicine to ali who are afflicted with this dis tressing diseaae. Yours respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. D. ; - . , ..'' ' Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co. Feb. fl, 1901 Gentlemen: I was troubled with Aeth ma for 22 years. T have tried nnmron remedies, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. I found relief at once. I have since purchased your full-size bottle, and I am ever gratefnl. I have family of four children, and for six years was unable to work. I am now in the best of health and anv'doi'ng business every day. This testimony you can make kucu use of as you see ?ftix- Home address, 235 ltivington street. 8. RAPHAEL, 67 East 129th St., City. TRIAL BOTTLE SEST A1KQLGTELK Do not delay. Write at Ohce, addressing DR. TAFT BROS. 79 East 130th St., N. Y. City. ... "A iirst-class Military School in Eastern Carolina." DEBH AM-KINSEY SCHOOL, La Grange, N. G. Military, Literary-Scientific anil COMMERCIAI; SCHOOL. Fifty-threa Jioirtling Pupils; twelve counties 'and two States represented the past Sessipu. .. COMMODIOUS SCHOOL BUILDINGS, BARRACKS '.FOR SIXTY CADETS. i . . The School aims to strengthen Character by developing Jatent tulents.atid power. The Individual needs of the Student n re considered. The Military training ftrcygtns the manly imlts, give a sound body and clear mind, Class room method cultivate observation, concentration aud mental graso. v Athletic encouraged. Expenses per half term, incjucuig tuition, board, fuel, lights and room, 53.00. No incidentals. Term begins September 4th. -.,,; . . . Write for Catalogue. f .J. E..DIJBSAM, Sup-t. Take HERVO TABLETS, The Great A Purely Veerotftble Remedy that acts direct ly on the Nervous System, Brain and Mood. Kevitilizing and replacing wasted Nerve Force. Strengthens and feeds the Tired Brain. Builds up tne Impoverished Blood, makes it red, and rich, and tne pale checks rosy and plump. A SEXUAL TONIC Acts immediately and directly on the Sexual Organs, at once impart ing tone, strength and vigor, no matter how hopeless your case may seem. Positively Btopa night losses at once. Cures Nervous Debility, Dizziness, Fainting Spells. Loss of Memory, Bad Dreams, Sexual Exhaustion, Languor. Tired Feeling, Sleeplessness, Indigestion, Constipa tion, and Kidney Diseases. THE LATEST DISCOVERY For all diseases caused by a weak, run-down condition of the nervous svstcm, cures the bad effects of tobacco and whisky, opium, etc. The very best remedy yet discovered for lost nerve force, and will not harm anyone or leave any bad effects on the system no matter how km used, but ou the other hand nothing but good results will follow. If vou simply feel bad there is nothing better to take. PRICE 50 CENTS A BOX. "Which 5 boxes $2. Postage stamps taken same a3 cash. , upnymcsit; to carry ana tase. Try one box and you can have your money back if yortiare not satisfied. THE NERVO! REMEDY CO., 58 West Jefferson Street, Louisville, Ky. . i sou ctm ron the u. s. n7 nn J Jk Vaui VJ VoV Li Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It arti ficiall y d i ges ts the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the lat est discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickIIeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other resul ts of 1 m perfect d i gestion. Prepared by E. C. Dc Witt & Co.. Cfelcago. FOR TEH . RELIEF. f RllU EECEIR OF POSTAL MEDICI KE CO., aug 15-Cra Brain, Blood and taa Tonic. ARRESTDBCAY4-By taking this latest scien tific discovery- Strengthens, cleanses and puri fies the Entire Ivstcnf, makes the old feel young. Try one -bo,' after that if they were $5.00 a box you woi(ld hae vhem. . . JUST, FROM EUROPE. Latest and best dis covery in med jf al scianee. Guaranteed to cure ' any nervous disorder. JProduces warrath, vigor and p6wr. Iihptrta'the feelmg and power of youth. . .' ' . ; ARE YOUR SEXUAL ORGANS WEAK OR INDIFFERENT. If o your, nervous system needs a tonic before you become a total wreck. Write Us. for'tms latest scientific discovery. It is a positive jure for all nervous diseases, or weak parts. DO YOUrSLOBP WELL?-H not, we guar antee this lttfp discovery will cure you or refuo4 your money. ' THE' BEST falSCd VERY OP THE AOE. Makes your skla clou- and, smooth, fills out your pale cheek's, givesou a healthy, robt appear ance. 'Makes Kfe enjoyJible. is ten days tfeatfnuf t, (scaled by maU.) t . Secured. May deposit rrrorYt-v foir tuition in bank POSITIONS till position is seturtd;or will accept notes. Cheap boasd.- Car fare paid. Ko va cation Jnter any time.. Open for both sexes. Catalcgjic free. Write to-day. PRAUGHON'a PRACmCAL; BUSINESS JIawlivHie.'TetMi. fjj QalvMtoti, Tex. Savaunak, Oa. . Teiarkaaa, Tx Indorsed by merchants and banker By far best patronized business college .mtoutn.t lnree montns bookkeeping I uith us equals six by the old plan. All 1 commercial branches taught. For circu lars explaining Home Study Course. address "Department A," For collect catalogue, address "Department ' 4f