C 0 M M I S S ION K I W P 1 i 0 ( ) E KD " INGS. The Commissioners of Washing ton 'county met mi special session on "Monday, 'November 4, 1901, with "Alfred Alexander, Jos. iSkittletharpc, J. M. Keid and K. U. .sprmll" pres ent.' and transacted tin: 'following 'j usiu ess : i. Miuntes read and approved. In the absence the Ouairnau, on motion of Mr. Skittk'thurpe, Mr. A. Alexander was f (ipiAn i nut !' inti i.(;m. Sheriff Jackson was present and made his report as to 'he making of a public Toad by petition of J. D. Craft from Pan Pau road to Craft's house, with the follow ing five free hollers: rt. li. Johnston, J. j T- j; l.... W T . ill ... . 1. X'J. ... . . v t ........ - - . . . ' - d.oon and 11. C Spruill. The confirmation ot said report bt iug .deferred for action of me oupeno: uuiui. Ordered that 1 h . Lamb Lie relieved ot poll tax. ' Ordered that J. 11. Davenport be re lei ved ot poll tux ' Cm motion of Mr. Spruill the Rodgers Davenport road esse deferred to next meet--iug. , By request of the Bar the Board assented as to a special term of Com"', to be tailed Monday, loth December. There being a vacancy in the ottiee of Constable in Liees Mihs township. Sic. ii. J. Branch was appointed to till the unex pired term of Mr. O. tlcrrington ' On petition of Mr. Spruill, for main road at head of Madison street, petition rejected. Ordered that Maggie- be allowed $3 per month ''' The. following amounts were allowed the persons opposite thtmi : J II iSkittletharpe, furnishiug poor . and jail $ Mi) SO V J Jackson, Lis aeet. for Sheriff 1 1 1 00 Jos Swain, I montiu services keep ' er county noma V2 50 Alfred Alexander, services and mile- " age 14 days G2 80 E K Spruill, services and mileage, 15 days 52 50 J M Read, services and mileage, 15 ' -days '.SI 50 F It John?ton, 1 record boon and fr't., $t) l?.", services, &C. 10, I'O 85 E W Chessou. services 1 day, grand - jury 1 50 J W Alexander, conveying prisoner 15 miles 1 50 Jos Skittietharpe, services 11 days Comm'r. and asst. warden o7 00 N S Davis, 1 day Dep'y. Sheriff 1 00 A L Holmes, conveying prisoner to jail 8 05 W F Ausbou, 5 days .services on Grand Jury 7 50 A J Davenport, 1 coffin for A Pier eon 3 00 O V VV Ausbou, publishing proceed- ings 3 CO V ?.i Bateman, binding reports, one tfiiuute docket, Ac. 25 S5 11 Elliott, furnishing poor in Skin- nersvile township 20 2!) W fl Bateman, court cost duo him 51 05 Geo V Ward, solicitor 1-1 io W J Jackson, court cost due hitu '.) 40 W J Starr, Dep'y Sheriff court cost duo him Ii V TarUenton, court cost A L Holmes, 0 10 1 m c 40 1 15 15 48 SO 1 30 2'00 i I'O 1 15 y 55 uO 2 20 2 20 0 O.'i 4 2'J 1 2b 2 15 25 .s5 D E Wood ley E 11 Spruill . E J Spruill J L Phe'p ' Jas A Cuesson, J P, 'W C Mrttriiu.-r cuurt cost J P Iliiliard, F " O llrciugtou " J J E Ktid A T Knowls " '' j D VVood-ey t L Hassfcll AV A Bonds j L Davenport '' " E It Davis '' H ChesSou B F Owens " " L P Hon. thai ' Jas Alexander ' ;hj Mingo Combs " " U) E S Nonnau ' i oa I E Bhaint ' 1 ,s5 -J jb Clayton u j ,;- Anthoiiy l'ol'.ard " " 52 W D linruett " 52 Philip Dozier " " l 87 Wii. Ames " " l t'O Illinoia Forest " 1 7o Tosephme Forest ,; " 1. !,", Ohas Dozier " " i ,S5 Willis Keith " " 2 20 jas I Bateman ' " i 4-. Khaderick I'idin " " 2 20 jas Overton " " T s swain " 70 j W Alexander, Constable ),-, 'W E VVh.to, court cost ,'54,-. Jacob Ilasselt '' ' ;( 40 'A W Ambrose " " y 40 D O Briukle.y, brick, 'ic , for pcor house ' ' a ho Nezer Garrett, timber on road in M M Alexander, furnishing poor in Scupperuoug tov.ichip . 1;;; 17 las A CLess. in, 1 a and iuil( Mge, Hud wardes 1:m;( iv V 1; J ,S, '1U r,',-. "Married For Money." The spartan bun: (S.C.) Herald, referring to the above entitled play, which is to be presented in Plymouth next Tuesday night, says: The comedy drama. " .Married for Money" w;is the attraction at the opera house -last evening. The au dience was a lare one. The com-: puny, as u whole, piye a creditable performance, and real art, and clever work were at times in evidence, to which the audience was appreciative. .Reserved seats on sale tit Louis P. lloriifhul'c 35 cents. Admission 15, -.'5, and TH K Oil II ISTM AS . U M HFAl OF T HE 1) i :. I j LN K A'i'U li. A fitting- climax to .n year of re markable advancement- is Ti:e De lineator lor December, between the covers of which is eontu'ined a rare collection of special features of vnrieu interest. The winter fashions arc pictured ami described in detail ; there is a delightful article on Use i''!oral l'Y'ies of Japan, iiluslPUed in colors ; the home surrou ml ii;gs of several stage favorites are enterlain inijly presented and describee! ; there ate three splendid storied by well know n anthers, together with illus trated articles on Holiday fancy-work and home-made gifts ; new recipes, entertainments, and a wealth of oilier material of a seasonable nature, de voted to the pleasure and profit of every member of the household. SUPEUIOli COuUr PPOOKKD- The following State cases were disposed of at the Pall Term of the Superior Court for Washington coun ty, which eonvor.eu on Jioiidav, Oc tober X'S, l'.'Ol, Judge W after li. Ix'eal, presiding : State vh Grant Ci;0sson, Will Speller and Henry Skinner, aliiv.y, not guilty. state ys Tamer Uuessou, Cisa-i Norman and John Gieen, affray, not piw with cao State va Jas Brown, keeping d.;sordc-viy house, na pros witn leave. State vs Mathew Mills, cruelty to animals, no! pros with leave. state vs John Mack Sattcriield, larceny, alias capias. ' State vs Alexander Collins and Frank Blount, larceny, alias capias as to Collins, nol pros with leave as to IjIoihu. state vs Frank Johnston, iudtcent expo sure of person, and a d w, nviit to Edi:e comb couuty roads G inus. state vs Torry Gray, uulawful breaking into house, nol y State vs liUiharu BMdick and Jas Carter, affray, Biddtck to pay had cost, Carter . aud half cost. State vs G D Swain, appeal from J. I. judgment reversed. scato vs Andrew Lf-i0h, nuis.mce, judg ment suspended upon payment of cost. slate vs Dr. & Hasst-l, a d w, jadgmeut suspended upon payment of co.st. state vs J iloweil and Alfred I'helps, affray, judgment su ocadtd upon payment ot cost. state va Simon Aium, cruelty to ani mals, not i;uiliy. tSiatc l's Win EvN-rett, ciueity to animals, called ami farud, nisi .sei la and capias. State vs Eildie lloberts, e c W, bent to Edgecombe couuiy roads 0 tn-j. state vs 11 fcmy Brook-:, h'reenv, eut to Edgecombe roaua ! r.us. state ys J W Bead; c e w, and a d w, jiidginent buspctulcd npuu paym .-nt or cost. state vs Henry iluwcil, injvriug stuck, Hoi a true biil. State vh John Martin, disturbing religious Servi'.-L-s, !5 and com. State vs Jos Skittletharpe, cr.inal know ledge of enild 10 years om, uci p.ow. state vs Jno Alien, indecent exposiirc; of person, calitit uud tailed, nic; sol la v.ud capias. state vs Henry C. Spruill, a d w, cont'd stats Vs Wm 11. T.irkentou, removing crop, nol pio-i. State v.s J'jo Nathan Alcxaadcr, larceny, not guilty. btate Vs J'.dward Sherron, affray, called and failed at full term I'.'OO, jiiilymt-nt 111 Sci is enteii 1 and it i ordr red liiai, a nci la be issued reinmablti 10 the next term ot this court. State vs Isaac F. Lckdi, a d w, judgment, suspended upon pnyuiuiit of cost. state vs Chas W Clit'ion, ml'g brandy, judgment suspended upon p;y meut of cost. tate vs Artakor Watts and Henry 1 'rooks alllay, nut a tfiio bill as to isiooks, judg ment suspended as to Watts. state vs Win Johnstou, assault with at tempt rape, uns. in jail. state vs Geo II lieaves, alias Geo II Lee, forgery, alias caputs. state vs David Tread Wt !l, a dw, judg ment suspended upon payment of eo.it. ;;U e vs Bei'j Jl.1r-is.1u, i Cs: ivpreserita.. li-jiij :;oi ; 1 1 1 . vs r i .1 J'ottif !'d. 'a.-. : 1' 1 ! , Thos Gfltlin and Peter Nichols, larceny. lVttil'ord and jbluiKton called and failed, nisi sci fa, Gatlin and Nichols gav bond for appearance next court. state vs Adam Bell and Henry Combs, affray, judgment suspended upoti payment of cost. t state vs Geo Speller, c c v. nol pros. DEAI.iat I.V :-j Patent .Medicines, Eye-G lasses, j Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. Ev- j crything new and nn-to-date. A full line of the latest effects in Plain and Fancy Stationery. Watches and Clocks carefully repaired' and regulated. You will save money by calling ou rne All work j.naranteed, I'ateat Medicines sold 15 ptr cent, cheap er thfin other deah rs. Give mo a call. Hornthal block, next doer to posiofi'nio. Besprct fully, oc'Jl.tf 11. VV. M1ZELL. R ATTt ft 1 "5 F T In my slock of .Milliuery, Dress Goods, Trimmings, "Fars. Cloaks, etc. . as we are continually e ceiviug New Cioous and New Styles, at .New Fricc:-:. ; Ladies, if you would have the very latest in Hats, Cloak?, Furs, Belts, or Ties, in fact anything in my line, give me u call. I guarantee satisfaction. Ask to Etc the new Short, Straight Front Corset, which wo .sell for ."!) ci-iK8. it's a hummer. ALr; ov.r sample line td infants' and CLildreu'o rleadwcar prcltie you ever :;'.v for the money. We cordially invite you to call. No trouble to Hhcv you throeglrour line, even if we. can't r.uit you. Special attention giten to mail orders. Respect fully, MRS. ii. K I'AiMi jilTT. Ilomthn! Block, ne:ct door to new bank. tt'l Vi.Vlf Yoti T;mt LiishioiKible liUincry, And I httve it, it', all styles, and at till prices. 1 ask you to come in' and j examine my line of Hats, l'otmets, I etc.. and i I. you v.'ant something fur; the little oncj to wear, 1 have" ihat j also in the very prettiest elTeots. 1' also have a full line of' Lttces, liibbons, .Fascinators, Silks, llaud kerehiefs, Corsets, (1 loves', etc., etc. When yon want Fashionable Mil linery, and a hundred ce tit's Worth for a dollar, don't forget the place Mrs. S. A. Blount's old stand". Yours truly, AluA. M. AY El IS. To do this you want the best you can get for your money." you t;i-;r Tin-; hkst of J- L- SAVAGE. who ahvaye has on hand it large ana well assorted line of fresh Groceries, such as J Mear, Pleai, Flour, Gngitr, OoffV, Molasses, ! Syinp, 'lobaceo, Cigars, Snuff, Canned j Conds, etc., etc. j Also constantly receiving fresh fehipments 1 of th.i finest 1'or' ign aial Domestic Fruitb, ! Vegetables and Confectioneries. I Make no mistake, but go 10 J. L. Sav- age s if you v.'ant your taule bupphed with the btst. My saloon ui tl.e rear has just hceu re- modried,' n'.aiu!-g it the mos.t una ami niod- era in the town i his dcpi'.rtnient ih always hupplied with the most choice wines aud liquors to be li.nl . Polite and attentive e.de.men stand ready id wait on yon. Tbaiikint? the public for past patronage and soliciting a continuant. e, I am Yours t'.i please, an i-tf J. L. SAVAGE. O'i'ICE, LAND SALE. J'y virtue of a drcreo of the Superior Conrt of Washington county, liiai'e at Fall Term 1!H1, in the case ot Ida t'urvin vs William Purvis, the undersigned will sell for cash at the Court House door in Ply mouth. N. C, at 12 o'clock on Monday; Lnieember '2nd, l'.KJl, the following laud : A tiact of land containing HO e.cres more or less, adjoining the lands of Geo. 11. I'Ovvcn. Mrs. Emma H. 1'ateman andolhera, and Known as the 'Omeda Da vis" hind. There is riht much valuabl i timber on his land, and parties interested arc invited to i i ec t it. This Nov. I, l'.'Ol. t', V,. f-era: u.L. A. i . CiAYi.o;;:), Coii-u.-a-juoi'd. HEADY AW lic most coiTccl vcar arc shown by us. Now oods arc coming in at a rapid rate. c httve iiKctl all our energy an. experieiKje to make your fall and winter buying .a source of pleasure and satisfaction to you. Our prices are gratifying to the most economical. With a full line of Plain and Fancy Weaver, in Tdaeks and Colors, we feel sure of pleaL'ing every lady yho visits our store this season. Persian Printings, S.tript.tl tuitl Dotted Albatross and Flannel?. tcac&si!& Wrsip aiss Furs. t Of Rare ;Beanfy and Style. J2L' CttK.EMSlvS'lslsC! Wi For "Men and Povs. We ask Suits and our Coats reflect the highest development 01 the tailor's art. ..We have a choice collection, including the latest designs for Boys all size's. We can save you money on every pureluve of Clothing. jrDoirt forget to ask us about our new (!hcek System. A cheejfi with every purchase that is, worth n;oney to you. UEALEKS IN 'lrxgs, Patent aud Proprietary Medicines, Per iuii;erv, Stationerv, Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Cigars, &c. Special attention given to Physicians' prescrip- j ijolls -which aro carciullv " I "best and pill'CSt dl'UgW. .... ,. T , . , A full lino of Parian I'auits chalk, rub off, peel or blister. Not effected by water. A complete line of I ho celebrated " 11 AWKES'' Spectacles and Eye-0 lasses. The Pest made. (Jive us a trial. hVspcctfully, oct SI H. B. EESTATJEABT. I have opened a FJUST-CLASS ltetau . rant in the house recently occupied by W. J. JackHon, on Washington street, near th arte tsiau well, and am' prepared lo furnish ,,,., !.,! als at all hours, aud m the best tdiape. ' 1 mcai Oysters kejt constantly on hand, and served in any style, at short nolice. (Jive me a Call when hungry . OC 10 d. T. iUoNAH? FOK TllF 1 fabrics for fall aiul winter SLyfo p a uiia Biti-jsa von to come and exam ine them. A filled at all hours fi oiu the . , , . i r.n ' , . too best Paint made. ill not crack, SEBBSEBY & CO. 8. .1. BAI1CO, Undertaker and Carriage Maker, CofSar, Caskets and Burial-casen of all ' Ktyles-, grades, sizes and prices. CiTCloth Lined Cases a Specialty. Special uttentiou given to orders from distance. If it shonid be your raiBfortnne to need anything in thjs lip;:, call on me. I have an nice a line of open and top ve- hi'k'8 as c'vor been shown in this sec tier.. Iii work mul prices I defy com pe ti,; ,, T..v , , . , i,i,r.' . .-, tuna:, !,aaiuic my Ktock be'ore piacicj my Ktocti ue'ore piac.cg your crutT. I have hoeured the services of a first-clafes trimmer, and all work is executed in t'.i-rui;c;h, workman-like manner. S. ,. UAUCO, 1p I-IC .'ler.u. N. C.

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