V, he sr.lTiTid m NO' I ICJ). ..... ,imII 1 si (Mi toro.1 iliml Del' . 1,,, v....i.-.! n. edvd. is lv V"::i '" ' ' Having nuiiliju'd as mJininislralrix (t the (.( ct : ... -iic, ii i-;:;e-nl, notice is :.. r. '.v ..v. :s to till those having t:lam:s - ! .:i:,1 f.-tut. t! ptVM'llt tllO'lll oim Vt.tv ironi t!ic iL'u li.'nol, ul ir.s :!!. v. -I! ti, pa r.ii 1:1 tr ci ilseir ii- : e.iVi ry. A'l n u.,-1 . 1 to tin; nalil e- l , 1 j -( iP . It'll t . u - Mt'LMDUil. ;.,.v. !. Ai!iniui"tr;ttr. r iv. .. 1 ,, ;..!, vnll led-'.. ' 1 ,1, , ( ,i ,, .,.,. n n 'Hi! we can not tell. V 1-y he mh.u'i Ere another issue oC this ;ini i- , v ... tl.tlK nil;l v-iM year, ana in mnuuu' i " 'yny-' i wvL s.v-i.! one and all, a pleasant tUne dnniu; vM.d, the coining holidays. '.-' t, . , . During the year jti-t. closing w ( y 'l . , have diiie our best by the paper ;'! I , by you. We have done all we eot-ln j , 1 , ' ' and more than we were just died in j ' v tas.-, vet doing, so have no excuses to o! ' ' ' 1 We return sincere thanks toevm ' Vll , x , oneof you who have patronized i , .J' paper and have dealt as honestly l. ( " 1!1(Sr true, us as we have by them. Ve ask v ' , more of any man. I During the coming year we sk '1 '.V W'l'i V ' i i v. 1 '. i i j t ; . .. ! I . in ki I 'u' : .ir! ul , in i'!. t,. 1 '.! I Oil' '.''. .. f- ! ' .in'.--''"vl M.-ili liqMdi'r! l -r 0 ! .. ill. , , im M. M I. - !ia tt-.-.r.-'.'f . tli i;. . (, th- N. S. U li ).. i . ,1. ! i i. I1KAUY I'OIi TIIK . 1 ! 0:. do endeavor to continue uio papei io .-. , ! v. the best lines possible, and since- !; ' ' trust you will give us your lie; ' , ? ' co-operation in every way possiuh-. ; r-o i The successor failure of tho .: 1 :' ,,Ki is in your hands. It is your count v , paper and it depends upon you to ; A 1 uphold it. ; " 1 ' u 1 We have been Ihroagh some p A- ,( ty "tight" places during the y .'. ' , -but have always managed to "poll ; v. , ' , ... , throush" some way, but right i i. v we are in the '"tightest box" of all j the vear. L'hristtuas is at me u i : ( and we are needing money w than at anv time during t ho y. l. This should not be so, Proerastiaa- j I tion on your part if you are in - ,, . j.ears has placed us where we are at. j -- There is not a name on our booU ! ti but what we placed perfect cunii- a-- deuce in. Our time is gone, nioney is gone, and all we have to jshow for it is the accounts standing against delinquents. Not one vl you are unable to pay, and wouid get mad if called dishonest. '-.; you neglect this little ma'.tei' t -cause it is little) and put it oil. i thinking, perhaps, how serii)us a matter it is with us. Mow we ti n -i you will not defer this matter any longer, but send or hand us the amount before Christmas, if, possi ble. This is no idle lu'k, friends : jt is a most serious matter witis us, and we hope you will attend to it at once. Stops the Cough and works oil the Cold. Laxative J3roa)Q-Q'.iiu3 Ta1k'(s cure u pold in Olid day. iNo care, so pay. Viiw 25 cents. !'uv 1- The Chribtmas tret m.ikys its bough to the public l,i;l':;-M., I t-.i- -I'l v . i . . n '. !. it i.n;J ' .-j :U .-i-lf;:u-a !;(.'. f..r ii nni'';h. ... ! in i. ; mil.' !ri'ii": I I I'.:', A 1 N. y 1 '. 1 1 i :. . im m . im .s l',ir i; ., . r,i:i.l i ru;i: 1 1 ii i !';c, ;' ..; r. ..) tow SLSim i- i'(ia Hut uot . 'n (--j b i.-. i.' 1 - n ; SVe niu-L !iL t vi: :- ... :. . T . v, io ii ih- i ;, i . ; if. Li; " ;;:! ; -- a lu'i. i.v ; . , e.i Hi::; iu- t . . . ; i.f .!),', if uiii'i !.... I 'i-t . . 1 1 i . i . i ; i . : i.. .; ! i: ;...:'!- 1 x iiii; In1 i w ( ' . f V i;. o i . : : i ox. V, ' .V--.;:.'.!! '3 '.. . : .. 1 . 'f. : v ' .. - !:",'; !..' :.i.-.-;f M i'VilM n O'lMiy J ,-. -: . l-I:- ': ''if I f . i i ' ' ' 1 J 1 '. ' . ' I '!'f . Si .-"I.;; t , I i i I l.il ' .. iH Ul, !!'!- !"'! ti IliHIll'-iS, i -, Mfri.il -!,!:. 1-; i . 5 xi. in - ., t.nva-ini', . h. t. ,. ::: : I ' !!a- ' .. I' rinn.ns ... :vain.l ie -iv..-.-: h.unscinm: for via ..?" .;,.! i. -i f i :':m-; Till Wi.Oi I ti. .. i . a 1.. Crt-swra, : . --. ii"!-.;-. Jli.'.V v - :. I- " . .. .-- s::y, - : i'V, (. ', - . - - . JSJl ilu; most correct fabrics i'or fall and winter wear arc .shown by ' r.s, Kew gootls are coming in at a rapid rale, Ya have used all ouv energy and oxperieiu-c to nuiko your iui and' winter bnyini? a source d' pler.sviru and satisfaction to you. Our prices are gratifying to the most economical. Sew 2ods. With a full iiaio of Plain and Fancy Weaves in Pdacks and Colors, we feel sure of pleasing every lady who visits our store this seaso.n. Persian Printin-., Striped and Potted Albatross and Flannels, Of Pare Beauty and Htylo. WmmlmmmmMm CIofMiig Vor An and Povs. We ask you to come and examine them. Onr .Suits and our Coats reileet the bi-bet deveioj.uient of the tailor's art. Wo have a choiee eolleelioii, iuoludii;- the latest designs for Boys of ill nre. We eau save you money on every purehee cf Clothing. ' Poir't foriret -to a-k us about our new Check System. A check . i;h everv psivelutse that is worth, money to you. The Best Prescription fur Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottie of Guoy-iV Tasteless Chill Tcxic. it is siuipn irou auu quiJine iu a t.... !c - a i:-;. . care uo pay. Pric aou. i.ov l:'-ly GEOIIGE WAIrEil JiOIIIB, George Waiters Holme-? id not, for ! hath takeu Litu. Longaud ;..;...!, d i.e ferrd. Jiluoh of thu tmm was u:K-tn-Bcioua. During this time Uu htlkfJ inccs Kautly. Aj is irt-queutiy tuo c : aaud Circuatstatices, his iauguad was T.rufabe. TUe old habit, though not a. i i Years, ofttu, during uioniei.ts of Uiieu- - BCiousness, reasserted la--, it. Of U.n ti y Jest men this is coiefctiuits true. VL;u a juau does and snys dunnir buoh :uot:it::its ;s jio iadex to his ciiaracter. Duriu Lis conscious mouitnts ho con fessed that he had not lived u ChiiUan Jifd. That he had mudo a ii.!t:.a-.- he uisti ponfessed. Hone realized the :iiis.i-iku more than he. He wanted to be ti Chiu-'iau. i i himself he prayed uud with Lii.i lie L:;u ethers to piay. His tins i.e ! 1 flaked Ciod to lorivtf. ,l Whalsyv -v i phall ask in niy ua:iifc," suid the Samr, ''that will I do." (John iv:i:j.) it we con fess our sins, He is t'adhful and ja.-,t to ihr giye US cur sins itud to ck-aic es iVcm all imrighteousnebs, (1. John ia;.) burciy God (loth not hreak his prompts, .jjeaiu-tx.-d repentance is Lot a thiijg ii.-.s -:- In the Bible wo have the record of i h pase, that none might despair; oijly ooe, that none might pria-aiut. The cJeptUted was a good !) i, l.l.-or, d hearted, holiest and trULidni ; a yni hand and lather. io i.io.ue lor .'.iw.! ud four children l.o ): n i i , self for tLeiu lei i.:;-i-ihr.e . 1. and chiidreu he hi. - motuci, Oi gisters aud a noat t titciui.s iu i;u lepftrture. Ijet .i- hop' n i . ' gain, God knowelh bi hi. IllS Vio.llgi: on ,u i r - '10I1-, bill not I tuitv u.i- o THE 0ABL3 COMPAN'Z, ; i: o Lai a , , YaV"' TH-S''. C1'A:':U 'T:(' ";5il J'iaiiOH arc nit o-ono but two, a -.'A: - t onn)vn v. If you liavo 'ra'a; ' .--o ;,. : -:i instrmnontri ;el tlsc low price, be r i-i may 1-e the bist tiin V(i!! will !. ro! oi-i-y ;-i n;.;n:'f iniity to :et tlio best ileJr'eaoni- ;C tb- Ie.ve;-,v. price. KeeuMiiber VHl ,iet tie-:; ies! nee cue diner iV:iH t lie ibeioey, eaviuo; tlealevs5 fee: Ufa. Te e . rTC. 1 .j bb?b O I Y . er-?v ST3s e' a.- -.- a--e A ece'ee ;..ee, .-. ' e ;:v'e;,,C7- el . - J . I . b -:b, y-bb rLSi J i! E 2n H te i ' v a , - -CI i-y ;'.3 - 4 uebbJJba y . cbb:i pan DEALERS IN Drx.us, Patent ami Proprietary Medicine, Per fuinery, Stationery, Soaps, Combs, lirushes, Cigars, &c. Special attention given to ' Physicians' prescrip tions, which are carefully tilled at nil hours from the host and purest drugs. A full line of Parian I 'a hits tlio best Paint made. Will not crack, chalk, ru! oil, peel or blister. Not ellected by water, A eomph to line of the celebrated "11AWKES" Spectacles and !''ve-(u:i.t . The best iii;iue. Give us a trial. - llesneetfully, H. B. SEBBEEEY & CO, oct 1 I, , I . 1 w,.:-i:. i.::n I lo.-t ;, : :: !!i;:n- . - n , t ' . I . ! . T ' : " f i North Carolina, WushintoiGotinty in the .Superior Court. Emma Whitnry, i vs Ts'ot'cc. Muck Whitney. 1 he defemhi'it uhove nninfd will (aim no-tii-H that an uutum ntitUd s uUove lma been eoir.niir uecil in the Hiipenor Court of WttHhuigtou I'ouiil to obtain it divorce, auci i be itfibid -nit wid liiither bike notice th it lit- is it-qidied to r. , j tr a, a Ppeiiil ierin of i ho Superior Uourt of Mi:d cJUnty to Ixs held on the Kith d iy cf D. eianber, 1 Oe 1, at ilie Court IIous-j ed' .-. e i comity, iti Vy n.outli, N O., and niiSWt r (.r deaoi- to t he -M'N,l;di;t in suid ut'ilon, o- t!s: jihuntill ., : I! nt.ply to the r art i'or the j tlief de iijiOiu. iV in Hiiid ensiioiaint, i'hi . -dny , 1 i Ml 1 . V. :! liATKMA", U.S. U. NOTICE, Hiivinc; ipmlified as administratrix of the estate ot Jaiue A. Uliesson, deceaned, uo iee is hereby giveq to all those having daims agKiuKt the said ustHle, to present diem within one year from the date hereof, or this notice will be pit ail in bar of tbeir recovery. All those indebted to the said es tnt-e will please make immediate settlement. Doe. 17, 11)01. COTTIE M. ClJESUOX, Administratrix. UAI.ATTA, tr'J., I.'OV.IC, 1603. rr)3'Ic(3Uinoro., K.l.bouta.Mo. i, -.iti. -ac-i: Wo pokl l;tst year. 600 bottles of ; '.U.'.P'S TAKTKLKHH ClllUL. TOXIC nd hava i,- -t.ihrno (tr"sjnlrcnd7 thtaycur. Jnallowrex- t .i of H years, In the drug bunlnoss, hajm , g m vn iiriicio thatgnvo uca umertw i.tei .... ua your 'A'oais. -. , . -e ,- ...'.: i.'.t CAWS' . . . .