THE KOANOKH BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY I" RID A. Y C. V. W. AUSBON, Editok. PLYMOUTH, N. C. Fit I DAY. D EC EM 15 ER 20, 1 901. NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL UOAD COMPANY. IN EFFECT &J?T. 23d. 1901. TRAIN SERVICE. KOHTHBOUND : Loavo Belhavcn daily (except Sunday) a. ni. Leave Edeuton daily (except Sunday 1 40 p. m. Arrive Elizabeth City daily (ex cept Suuday) .' 2 40 p. m. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Sun day). 4 20 p. in. Leave Edeuton Tues., Thurs., fcud Sat.... 8 30 a. m. Leave Elizabeth Uity Tuck., Thnrs , aud Hat. 9 30 a. m. Arrive Norfolk Tuck., Thurs., aud Sat .., 1105 a. in. Southbound : Leave Norfolk daily (except Sunday) 1000 a. m. Arrive Eliz. City daily (except Sunday) 110 a- 111 Arrive Edentou. daily (except Sunday) 12 45 p. Hi. Leave Edento.n daily (except Sunday)..,......... 125 p. m. Arrive Beltmveu daily (except Sunday)... , 5 20 p. m. Leave Norfolk Tues., Thurs., and bat 4 10 p. iu. Arrive E. City Tues., Thurs., and Sat :.53 p.-ia. Arrive Edeuton Tues.. Thurs , and Sat 7 00 p. ui, Trains stop at all intermediate stations. Connect at Norfolk with trains to and from Virginia Beach and Currituck Branch Virginia Beach Divi-duo. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. Steamers leave Edeuton daily (ex. Run day) 12 45 p. m. for Plymouth, Jame.-.,Vil!e, W'liliamston and Windsor Leave Edantoii' Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 12 4.1 p. m. lor Chowan River landings ; aud aud Friday for Scupperuong liiver. Steamers leave E!is.beth City foe Roa -nke Island. Oriental aid Newberue, Tuesday, Thursday r.nd' ; connect with A. &. O. U.K., HU-i Atlantic Coast Line for Gcldshoro and Wilmington, &c, And for Scupperuoug Iviver, Monday and Wednesday. Steamers Isave Belhavcn daily (ex. Sun day) lor Washington, . O, aud I'tiesday, Tliurstlay and Saturday for Anroia, South Creek, Mukleyvilie. &.c, and ." a. rn Mon day, and Frday for Swau Quarter, Ocra" cok! aud Oriental. For farther i.if u matioii ppply to J. J. IIhhsU, Agent, Plymouth, or to he Gen eral Office of the N. S. E. K. Co., Nor folk, Va. M. K. KING, IT. C. HUDGINS, Gen'! MarirtRW. Ceu'l Ft.& Pass Agt. - 't . 1 1 I Watches titid Cioc4s carefully Rc paired. Satisfaction given in uii work. . A ili OVJli A A Water St., I'lymouth, N. C. 9-2.1 J. W. FJSB.RY CGMFY, COTTON FACTORS, Norfolk; Vu., Dec. 1.7, J 901. COTTON: ' Q'11"1 Strict Middling ". ' iS l"8 Middling 8 1 Strict Low Middling 7 7-S Low Middling 7 5 8 'Tinsel ; 7 5-8 S31ue and Sandy 7 PEANUTS: New Crop. Fancy ,! Strictly Prime 2 3-4 to 2 7-8 Prime". . - 1-2 loa 5-S Low Grades. . 2 to 2 1-4 Machine Picked 2 to 2 1-2 fcpanuh 75 x? bu.shcl li. E. PEAS CS.CO.I bag peanut Bag?, ;S iu. oz 7,! B.iij;in and TieH and l'utuut Bugs for sale. Prices guaranteed. ) BEACON FLASHES. Mr. L. II. Iloj-uthal of Korfolt., has been hera this sveek. Mrs. A. W. Snell of Bertio county, Mas iu town this week. Tt:e boals and trains are handling heavy freihth just now, Mr. W. L. Sherrod of llamilton, was hero the pat-t week. A 'full iir.i of the well known Wilson heaters Ms just been received at lIornlhar. If you want a good heater, 'call and get one. Mrs. Yv W. llollis of Winthrop, is visit ing her mother, near town. Misses Mamie Clyde and Eva Hassell are visiting iu Norfo'k this week. . , We extend .sympathies to Mr. John Cor prew, m Lo.'-o wife died un Tuesday. Mrs. VV. T. Cross of Gatesville, is visit ing her sister., Mrs. Henry Wingate. Mrs. J. L. HasSoll of Willianiston, ii Visiting her mother, Mrs. iM.i;. Barden. Miss Anna Savage has returned from u visit to relatives and friend3 in Sull'olk, Ya. For those who niiy wish somethiag iu the way of a heater that is cheaper man tiie Wilson, we have them in ail sizus and at all prices. Louis I'. llorutltal. Mr. Herman, llorntha! visited his broth er. Mr. L, P. lisrntha!, 'uuriug the pa.-,t week. Very little interest has been taken in court this week, as only civil casts were tried. , Mr. W. A. Harrison and wife, of Kins ton, have been visiting relatives near town this wetk. Mess M. II. Alexander aud W. O. Da vis cf CresweJ, f.peht Tuesday night in our town. Don't make the mistake of buying a hfiMtt-r before eallinj.; on Louis i'. llorntha! lie has the-ui in all styles, and prices, and cun suit yon and save you money. It is a little too much to tk for an Al manac v.'l.c-n you art) iu arrears with your hubseiiptiou. Tho Normal School (;irls are expected home to-uigut to tpeud ttie holidays, V bid them wek-oaie. If there is a cross mark on the margin of 3'oni' paper, or on tha wrapper, pia.i'i at tend to U AT'O-NOE. Obituaries and resolutions of respect exceeding ten hues, must be paid for. fcce notice at head of 2nd page. It being Christinas week, avid as we must taKe tune to do suuii: collecting, there will be no paper lsvaed next wek. Just received at II. B. Scdherry & Co's., the iiin-st and i.ct';C line of isuui'itiery that has ever bo.ui otfrr-d for sala in Ply mouth. Ask to fee th "lu-w Ceiiiuvy'. iine. To every school child w will giv? a tablet, free. :t Miss Hilda Sprnill returned lal. nibt from the Creeuboro Ft-male Codege to spend the X::ias holidays at ho;n . A delightful danco was iven in llm Opera House h.-.t Thursday niht, and a German ou Friday night by tho German Club. An alarm of lire was given about ten 'cioch luesdav burning- out at stoi u. it, caused by a fine Li. MeCabe's grocery Mr. Ed Swain hud a horso to pet stuck in a swamp on Monday night, an I in trying to reiease him tho horsy ril, hartiog Mr. Swain's leg very badly. The demand for he usr s increases every 3 I tlay. iue v . r letcner iV.ur.uon jusnnujee, Meal Estate and Ucmal Ag Micy had applcaiions in ouo day whicn he ebuld noi ! till. j DON'T FORGET if yon thould visit j Fdntou during the Clnistmas ho.idac s to Call at Baku's Pict'ire (la: lory lie has over picluret on exhibition. Knows I all tho latest sty les of woik known to tho profession. Call and see. Coiner Kicg aud Main streets, Euoutut), N. C. j The ciitutruction train is at woi k on this end of the Plymouth & Washington K. li. The en dre track has bc-ii iaid aud the rend is being put in ordr. Work will soon begin cn the ilepot. Col. Wilts, of (he Wilts Veneering fac tory, has b'( ii here this week. Work on this factory is b ing pushed and the man ageis hope to have the plant in opt-ration early in January. A delightful entertainnirnt was given at the town hall last evening by the Child ren's Library Club, t-a-vera! members of the Glee Club taking part. The success of the occasion is due to tLm efforts of Mrs. Vv . II. Hampton. Miss Mary Ne vbold of Creswel', fpont Tuesday night in our town as the guest of Mrs. W. Fletcher Ansbon, whi'c enroute j lioine from the Mate Normal School, litr many friends will regret to h am that she is sufiVriiig froai an attack cf rb.eiv.natisru, and iiad lo return honio a few days eai!i r on tha. account. We hup? she may be fnliy restjl'"'t in time to return to her ttudit-s after Xmas, It Saved His Log. P. A. Panfnrth, of LuG range, G.i suf fered intensely for six months with a frightful running sore on iiis h-L', but writes that nueklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in ten days. For Fleers, Wounds, Burns, Bods, Pain or Piles it's the lu-.t f tlve in the world. Cure uar niteed. Only 2."e. Sold bv Sorui'd k V,:o. Urgency' Call. We are sending out some bills this week and wo ttntt those who receive them will make un effort to pay them. They are till small, and you certainly can help us out if you try THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunkards are Being Cured Daily in Spite oi Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Pos itive Cure for the Liiptor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness- A body filled Willi poison, and nerves complou-ly .shattered by period ical or constant use of inurnuating liquors, requires an antidote capable ot neutralizing and eradicating this poiaou, and c estroyiug tho craving for intoxicants'. Siui'srens may now corn tlieui.m-lve: at home v it bout pub licity or loss of time from busiiie.s by this wonderful "HOME GOLD CUlih" which cnL The faithful me according to directions ol this rtondertul discovery is positively guar anteed to cure the wot obstinate care, no inattor how hard a tirinker. Our records .show the uiavvelous tramsformation of tiicn saiuls of Drunkards into sober, industrions and upright men. WIVES CUivR YOU1L IlUSlUND.S!! CIIILDUEK OUliE Yt.'Ult F.Vt'tlEKS ' ! This remedy is i-i no pensc a nostrum but is a spceiuc lor this disease only, and is so skillfully devised ami pr pared that it i thoroughly soluble and pleat ant to the taste, so that it can be jiveu in a crip of tea or eoil'ee Without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands ol Drmikarda have cured theun-cdves with this piiceie-s remedy, and es many n.oreuavo been cured I pnd . made t-faueralc ta.-.u by !uvn$4 the i "UijKE" auininicred by loving trends j and relatives v. ith.'Ut their knowhdge in j coffee or tea, and believe today that they j mseontiuuea f!rin.i:i-4 (u taeir ow n io will. DO NUT WAIT. Do rmt bs deluded uy apparent ana ur.hicaaing improvctuoi.t. l-'iive out tbs oiscase; at ouco - nd iov all time. Tha tlOjlli GOLD CUBE" is sold I at the extremely low price of Ou? Dollar, i thus p'ueing within r-.-,:i of cvtrbody ai treatment more eli'eclnal Cisui others cost- J ins? .o iji). iiui diH-ctious Jiceointany i each packuyo. Special ailv.ce by tii:ied physicii:is when retpiested v.'iiht.ut e.tra j charge. Sent prcpiod to any p.ut ef i.b..- wtiiid on reccijit t Cue Dollar. Add res-. I JH'pt. 'J 171 Ei'VVLM H GILES & COM- PA NY, S:ioO and 2;i:S2 Maikel Street, I'hil- j adclphia. All correspondence Btiietly coafaiertial ap IC-ly. For best H-tiuUs, tidvtrlise in thi;'; paper. I I NOT;CE. Notice is iiprby given that the Governor of Noilli Carol ir.a has called a term of he Superior Court for Washington county, 'o begin on Monday, December the Kith, 1 !i:).l, and b-' continued for une week, for the trial of civil causes, ail suit ors and persons interested will take notice accordingly, .ludgo H. 11. Starbnck,' of the Second "Judicial Ihstri -t, will preside. Li:vi Ei.-ukt, Cli'm. E'd. County Coin'rs. This Nov. 11. i:01. MOUTGACK tS.A Ll'l. By virtue of authority of a mortgage deed executed to uu; by !. W. Johnston ou the etli day of Apiit lMli), af.d ilnly re::ticled iu the ucgbtcr'i cU:ee ;u Wiis!;ington coun ty. Book pages o7- and 07:1, i thail sell at pub!".:; auction on the following t-'-ruiS, cash, at Yi u'eiocl: M. ou the i.tli day of January 111)'.', at the Court House door in riyteo ah, hi. o. in wa;.hm;toii coii.ity. the following property, vi. : l!ei:'.mi!n!; at Ihuniht.M: canal on m.ia rta.d leariiug n?"! thence S. V,:i E, 7:0 yards to Wo-od lawn lino", thenee i tin: canal, tiUlice up s ' ea:u;l to bi-mtiing, c ci -o.i; 10 acie more or o.-ss. W . i. I it :". A.OyuiiAuoIney: rTiT "T,T "TTT MURTOAOKl'tS iXA. By virtue of authnty of a mortgage deed executed to me by E. il. r ad ana wife on n,e 12th day ut sept. iy..o. a-d duly re- corde.l in the lU-ut-'Un-'d o:!lce in Wesuiog - ton county, bo.ik so. L'ts pages ('!!, tilo and' GUI. 1 hall sell at puu ia auciioi) ou the following terms: cash, at VJ o'clock, M. , ou the Ct'n da.y of January IDfJ, at the Court Hoiue toot in FlyiHouth, in Washington countv, the fodowim: pr(ierty, viz : One limes Mice, theneo vouthwadly along W. 11. H im plon's lino 100 t.v t t A. x-j. Ann clnuch t:,,, thou we.te.uly a!og chuieh line i c J ' feet to Madison Ktreei, i hence liovthward'y along said str-ct l'.h) feet to V. J limes' line, ilience castwardly nloug thneh' liu' 1M Uvl to beginning. Also the uoithern of lot No.:), in Plymouth, N. v. aid mortgage far more poui-et d:- hcnption. ili.XJtv L. M'HLiLii, This ;lrd day oi D.c. lhol. A. O. (iAvnoni). Attorney. T.T viil t n- (lie n!u:i'C u v;:u 1 Liver Omu-i.'.-a'.i I)v .pcusc:, i-i; licp.jarue In- I .lii'csti'-n . i" .'ir jf ! or CoL;i enew rc cannot . jure v.'it:t Wert s ".s,rtaV.:c- Liver rills, when the lUrer'iou.i ate st rsctly c-jntviiclwilh Tee" 1 are purely VciTcaMc. and nrver irtl to y i vc r.- j 'sftutuin. iiig Cofilc !. i.:;itfc iv5, is co , ilr w:M e oTeorho ric 1 1 s rr . 1 i'" . ; t'o-i". T ;-t ' ;iue :aan ;. out, i'-v 'I !' t' J TI C. V, i'A r ' t'.niPA.vy, ciiCAc.-. ri; lorn rmr I Bay Yo have decided to reduce our elegant assortment of Silks, consisting of waist patterns and remnants, at nriine cost for the next 10 days, 'ibese roods are all new and bright designs no old or shop worn goods, we have them in all colors. Just take a look at them and you will be amply repaid for your trouble. Capeg, eat a sill Jackets. Also wo oiler for the bargains in Child's and Misses Cloaks and Jackets, Ladies Capes. These goods are made by the largest manufacturers in the TJ. S, with right styles and colors. Prices MUST suit, as .we intend to move them. attention to the r jOh i ffl uu uties. granite cloth, prunel- Ov la? poplin, Venetian, broad cloth, i . i SEiuI new ones, in all Ion know the proper que and buttons ; we have quite an assortment of all. Our Furs were greatly admired; the colleretts from 82.50 to 810.00; the fur Boas from ! 2.00 to $7.00 and are very handsome. licmeniher also if yon wish a tailor made suit we are '.he a gen Is lb: one of the largest and most fashion able manufacturing houses in Jfew York, and price as well as style are right. Our siik and liannel waist patterns were very pop ular ar our opening, and we can please you in all shades. You know what a line of Ladies', and Gent's Shoes we carry they need no introduction, all are sold under a strict guarantee. Our Jjen's Furnishing department is full of new things. Now a few things about Coats and Jackets for the ladies, we have just received the most equisit line of Jackets and Automobiles you ever saw and they are all style. We can also lit the children in all shades and sizes. iSay, we have just received our famous ''Walk ; T'er Mines, and never in otu' Dusniess career' have . , . 1 . . . ; WO SCCll SUCii VaUCS 111 S.iOC making. P OT 3.50 WO them in Box calf, Pat. kid, yelour, .Wax calf, i pn cnlf. illhl Yici nod TCtiniiud. Kemcmbcr if it is anything you want, we have it, aud will endeavor to please von in anv wav. W "Ul il1 toWl1 l)C SUl'C t0 Call. It is a ! pleasure to show oods. - j V shall be glad to see you when in town. j ;c n.r .i.-y V-Jur headlllUirterS, aild WO Will bo 1 j pleased to show vou tiie most up-to-date and largest I ,.?.P. . Stock ol V EE. jf Tflll'J G". iXU priCCS tO Sllit tllO 4 . " 1 1 Hi OS. ' W have just received ! Hats foi' mCH, ill all shades. -, HVIVA. CoillO aild SCO tllClll. J 1 . i t . . . . t 1 1 . 11 , j. , . . . M tt Will at all tlltlCS oiler ally SUggCStlOn t() I i1(5S0 v ho V-. isll her idCUS OU StViCS. i Louis P. Special fSails? of Silks ! Silks ! next 10 days onlyt some new Dress of English. and many other shades. thing the new shape "Panama" They are the new roll Hornthal. ijBi3 cirnrt'.i"? is on every box of the genuine Laxative BrotcQisiMis:c blta bp remedy that nrfs a voia i'i

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