"7 A iru La VOL. xii. PLYMOUTH, N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1902. NO- 46- 11 Hi",1'" ,-wJiiJ TUB ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY C. V. W. AUrfBON, Editor. PLYMOUTH, N. 0. Friday, January 24; 1902. NOHFO LK & SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. IN EFFECT JAN'Y. 1st, 1902. TRAIN SERVICE. NOKTBBOUND : Ltre BeihaveaJ daily (except Sunday) 1 6:30 . oi. 4- Leave Edenton daily (except Sunday) : 143 p. m. Arrive E(iabtli City daily (ex cept Sunday). .. . ...240p.m. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Sun day)...'.. 4 20 p.m. Leave Edentoa daily ex. Sunday 8:30 a. m. Leave Elizabeth City daily except Sunday. 9 25 a m. Arrive Norfolk daily ex. Sunday 11 OQ a. in. Southbound: Leave Norfolk daily (except Sunday).. 1000 a.m. Arrive. Eliz. City daily (except Sunday). .... 1136 a. m. Arrive Edentoa daily (except Sunday) 12 30 p. m. Lve Edenton daily (except Sunday).. ..: 12 45 p.m. Arrive lielhaven . daily (except V Sunday) 5 20 p. m. . J Leave Norfolk daily ex. unday 4 10 p. m. Arrive E. City daily ex. Sunday 5 45 p. ni. Arrive Edeutou daily ex, Sunday 40 p. m. Trains stop at all intermediate stations. Connect at Norfolk with trains to and from Virginia Beach and Currituck Branch Virginia Beach Division. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. Steamers leave Edenton daily (ex. Run day) 12 45 p. tn. for Plymouth, Jaiuesville, Williauistou and Wiudsor Leave Edenton Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 12 4" p. m. for Chowau Kiver landings ; and and Friday for Scuppernoug Kiver. Steamers leave Elizabeth City for Roa -nke Island. Oriental and Newberue, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ; connect with A. & 5T. O. R. K., and Atlantic Coast Line for UoldHboro and Wilmington, &c, and for Scnppernoog liiver, Mouday aud Wednesday . Steamers leave Belhaveu daily (ex. Son day) tor Washington, n. C, aud TueRday, Thursday and Saturday for Aurora, South Creek, llakleyviile, &c.t aud 5 a. m Mon day, and Friday for Swau Quarter, Ocra" coke aud Oriental. For further information apply to J. J. , . Hassell, Agent, Plymouth, or to the Geu ral Oflic9 of the N. & S. It. R. Co., Nor folk, Va. - H U. K. KINO, H. C. HUDGTNS, Oeu'l Manager. Gen'l Ft.& Pusb Agt. Watches and Clocks carefully Re paired. Satisfaction given in all work. 0. H- LEGGETT- Water St., Plymouth, N. C. 9-25 J. W. PERRYXOMFY, COTTON FACTORS. Norfolk,.Va., Jan. 21, 1902. COTTON : Quiet Strict Middling 8 1-8 Middling "8 Strict Low Middliug 7 7-8 Low Middliug 7 5 8 Tingea 1 5 8 Stains...... 7 1-2 Blues and Sandy 7 PEANUTS: New Crop. Fancy 3 Strictly Prime 3 Prime 2 1-2 to 2 3-4 Low Grades 2 to 2 1-4 Machine Picked 2 to 2 3-4 Spaniih 75 bushel B. E. PEAS $3.25 $ bag Peanut Bags, in balca68 in 7$ Bagging and Ties and Peanut Baga for sale. Prices gnaraoUed. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE - Btf MEDICINE DENTISTRY PH ARM ACT. ( STANDARD, ) METHODS, First-Class IN ) EQUIPMENT I CLINICS. BEACON FLASHES. Tuesday evening was stormy and no mistake. Col. W, B. Rodman, of Washington, wbb here yesterday. Louis P. Hornthal ts out in a brand new ad. this week. Read it. A full liua of the well known Wilson heaters has just been received at llorntbal's. If you want a good heater, cull and get one. Mr. W. L. Sherrod, of Hamilton, was m this section last week. Mr. H. B. Sedberry returned on Wed nesday from a visit home. Mius Nina Harrison has accepted a po. aition us saledlady with Mr. V. (J. Avers. Mr. W. A. Bo wen of Greenville, was among the visitors to our town this week. Mr. W. W. Leary of lioper, passed through this week on his way to Pamiico county. For those who may wish something in the way of a healer that is cheaper than thf VWJson, we have thew in all sizes aud at all prices. Louis t. Hornthal, " Mr. W. H. Hampton is taring aud hang ing out seiue, preparing , for the spring fishing. Advertisements in this column are five cents a line, strictly. Nothing taken for iebs than 25 cents. Mr. Henry Hamilton, an uged citizen of the Long ttidge section, died very sudden ly On Thursday last. We learn that the Washington & Plym outh K. It , will he running through trains in ten days or two weeks. The attention of our farmers Is called this week to the advertisement of the Carolina llice Mills, Goldsboro, N. C. Don't make the mistake of buying a heater before calling ou Louis f. Hornthal. rie has them in all styles, s:zes and prices, aud cau suit jou aud save you money. Mr. M. H. Jackson, wife and sou, and Miss Tyson, of Pitt county, were the gutsts of Mrs. W. J. Clark this week. When sending stamps to pay subscription please do not send auythiug but 1 or 2c. stamps. V e cannot ue the larger onts. Mr. a. H. Everett of Greensboro, a for mer Washington county boy, made us a pleasant call while in Flymoutn this weelt. Mr. W. C. Ayers is offering home excep tionally great bargains just now. Head his advertisement and when iu ' town call ou him. Mrs. Lavina Ralph, who hes been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. C V. W. AUsbon, for the past 20 days, left on Wednesday for Mackey's i'trry. Mess. Joe Tyler, formerly with J. L. Savage, aud W. B- Ward, formerly with Li. P. Hornthal, have accepted positions with W. C. Ayers, iu the Briukley store. Mr. aud Mrs. T. J. Lewis have been visiting at Mackey's Ferry this woek, where they went to wituess the marriage of Mrs. Lewis' sister, Miss Claud Chessou, to Mr. Lewis. The ladies of the M. E. Church will hold somethiug novel in the way of a Bazaar ou Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 4th aud 5th, for benefit of the church, W e will give u more extended notice next week. Strayed A yellow pig with black 6pols, of the female perouasiou, about 2 or 3 month's old, purchased from Mr. Jno. M. Bowen, and probably gone iu that direc tion. The finder will be paid fur his trouble by returning to us. To My;Friend3 and Patrons 'lo secure more room 1 have moved my saloon from Washington street to the old stand ot J. L Savage, on Water street, opposite the drug store, where old friends and new ones will be cordially Welcomed. L. S. Landing. Misfortunes never come singly, it is said, aud we are beginning to realize it. Last week we had to get out a half sheet, and this week we are compelled to do the same, for the simple reasou that our paper has been side-trac ked or has gone off ou au excursion. We had a bundle of paper shipped on the I4tb, as bill lading shows, but no paper has reached us yet. As the happy customers hurry in and out of the grocery departmeut at Horn thal's they are bound to be attracted by the pedestrians who gaze at the show wiu dow, and when they ask who arranged it in such artistic suape, they are uot sur prised when told that Mr. Gardner was the man. That man Gardner is a genius, and we think he is deservedly the most popu lar salesman in Plymouth, and this is say iug much when we find so many courteous yqung men behind the counters. Stops -the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quiniue Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. nov 12 ly THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunkards are Being Cured Daily in Spite ot Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Pos itive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by period ical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home without pub licity or loss of time from business by this wonderful ''HOME GOLD CURE" which has been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful nse according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guar anteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thou sands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright meu. WIVEb CUKR YOUR HUSBANDS ! ! CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS 1 1 This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only, aud is so skillfully devised aud prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the CURE" administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discoutiuued drinking of their owu free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improvement.' Drive out the disease at once nd for all time. The "HOME GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others cost ing $25 to $50. Full directions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Collar. Address Dept. C471 EDWIN B GILES & COM PANY, 2330 and 2332 Market Street. Phil adelphia. All correspondence strictly confidential ap IG-Ij Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Thl3 preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't holp but do you good Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt& Co., Chicago The $1. bottlo contains 2lA times the 50c. size. Plymouth Drug Co., and Roper Store Co Undertaker and Carriage Maker, Coffinc, Caskets and Burial-casei of all styles, grades, sizes and prices. "Cloth Lined Cases a Specialty. Special attention given to order froon a distance. If it sbouid be your naisfortunt to need anything in this line, call on m. I have as nice a line of open and top ve hicles as has evor been shown in this tion. Iu work and pricoa I defy compe tition. Examine my stock befort plag your order. I have secured the services of afirst-elH trimmer, and all work is executed ia a thorough, workman-like manner. S. J. 13AUCO, ap 1-tf Hopkr, N. C. WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of a Branch Office we wish to open in this vicinity. Here is a good open ing for the right man. Kindly give good reference when writing. THE A. T. MORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSE, CINCINNATI, OHIO. " Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. stamps fob 38 r h fitter IdVh fl-i ? "" Have You heard the La test from Hornthal's? IT is always a pleasure on the part of the path-maker to find others following in the track he has made. Our business could not be counted successful if it lacked imitation. YG 'have lots of imitators in our style of doing business, until it conies to price, style and quality ; that's where they efc discouraged and leave the field to us- Xowf we have a few HeW Thing's to which we call your special attention. Our line of French dress ginghams for this Spring, have never been equaled in variety of stylo and design, quality and price. The very latest importations- We invite AN EAELY INSPECTION of cur Lace and Embroidery Department, which is now open, and replete with all the novelties of the season, A full and comprehensive line of Yalencines, Torchon laces, &c. White, Butter and Arabian appliques, Reveres and AH-Overs everv description. Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries. onf t Isiy old gootlg when you ciin have the lLa$et, Just k Cheap. We WIlLIi WOT he Under sold! Have made speciality of popular-priced, quick-selling goods, yet buyeis will not Le slow to see that Novelties are in the lead Novelties that are low-priced and sure to attract the trade. In our White Goods Department you will find a beautiful lii.e of In dia Linens, Victoria Lawns, Batis tes, Persian Lawns, Mercerized Stripes, Dotted Swiss, Striped, Checked and Dotted Dimities, Pi que, Corduroys and other Novelties too numerous to mention. A good assortment of Spring Prints and Apron Ginghams now in. To the Men , we would say, d0 jt Buy your spring and summer shirts until you have seen ours. They cannot be equaled in style, quality and price by any shown elsewhere in Plymouth. The balance of our business you know about what we carry "EVERY- THING" Our Shoe and Clothing department is superior to any south of Baltimore in price and style. Have you seen the new Panama shape hat for meu with roll brim, turn down front, turn up back Just received, Latest Fad ILadies' turn over Collars, stamped on col ored ILIsuens, to he embroid ered. We have them. Do not forget we are h quarters for choice famij ceries and supplies, H fhVTYlin imnlPmPTltQ fy' however, the accompanying lCillllJ.HU 1H1 fJlC HlCli titration shows n convenient nn.l IlZerS. ath. I -.x-Prealdent Lo I 1 Ho far recovcreJ ids recent attack to have arranged for a trip in the Suth., He wiil h!a home at' Princeton January -i, for an island off Georgetown, S. C., where, with a party of friends, ha will remain several days. er. -e arrangement whereby 6uch bar- iers may D crossed as often ns ie- firea, and that without any tension CU the wires he!n? IdKt W fnttinf gateway. It is 6imnly a double step-ladder and can be constructed by any one at all handy with tools in a short time, thjS railing consisting o: gas pipe, the lower ends of which ' should be deeply :n Korted Into the ground. "Where a wirf fence has to be crossed frequently la some cut of the way locality, this de vice Is of great value. New York . Tribune. of ,