V . tiih m'ai'i rurviTY of The three things most needed in JSror4thJ:u;olinit m -i. Good Schools. 2. Good Iio.-uis. 3. Free Rural Delivery. And they all three gp hand in hand, are mutually de)endent one on the other. The earnest efforts making in all parts of the State for the better schools is the best sign of jthe t(:mes, but without good roads the benetit of these schools must be denied to many children in disagree able weather. The blessings of free rural delivery will add to the com forts cf living in the country, but efficient free mail delivery in all portious of the rural districts is de pendent upon good roads. The ne cessity for Good lioads is therefore of primer 'importance if the small children are to enjoy chool advan tages and their parents are to be favored with prompt delivery of their mail. . The Good lioads Convention that will be held in Raleigh on the lth and 13th of February is the most important gathering JieJd t the cap ital in this decade. The outlook is for a great meeting that will have a lasting and stimulating effect upon road building in the whole Sta.te. The lisst Prescription for Malaria Chilte and Fever is a bottle of Ghove's Tasteless (Jhill Tonic. It is hitnplj irou aud qnioiue in u Uateless form, no cure no pay. Pricj fOc. uov 12-ly WIAT IS NEEDED. Editor Beacon : I notice in the last iss;ie of your paper that you ask why cer- it tain manufactures conki not be located in Plymouth. LJerinit me to say tbat to my mini the chief reason is thut you have uo1. the bast freight urnmeineuts for collect ing the raw material at your point. True you Are becoming something of a railroad centre, but your Hues, an J your freight rates are all constructed as they are in nearly every town in Northeastern North Carolina, with a. view to getting business away from vim. ;h?..t is needed, aud bad ly needed hi Washington eoanty, is a rail road extending from Plymouth to the coast via iioper, fcjkinnersville, Scupneruoug, Cresweli, Columbia, Alligator, etc. Tafce the. bauking business for isfan?o ' . 1 m it Plymouth has an excellent bank, officered by as clever gentlemen as ever cashed a check, aud for that reason the institution gets much business that otherwise it would not get, simply becaase transportation lines all run business out of the county. Jf a business man wants to get to a bank, trans portatioa lines take him to Edentou and back in a lew honrs m the same clay. But Plymouth is as fur away as Norfolk, and is out of the line of travel for 80 per cent, of the county. And what is said of banking "in Plymouth, is true of every other busi ness iu every town, or village, on the south sida of the Albemarle, we exist simply as feeders for places with enough enterprise to get rail connections with us. And the freight rates are constructed to fit the oc casion. If you would build a peanut factory in any town in the county, Norfolk is as near in transportation as that town to the built of the supply, v.ud .Norfolk as a dis tributing point. If you say cotton oil lac tory, ttbe same conditions confront you We have plenty of raw material, we have the capital, or could get it easily, and we have tne men to manage these enterprises wi'.h eminent success, but we havo not the opportunity. 1 rausportauon lines as now operated have' isolated 80 per cent, ol the people of Washington county from their county seat. And trade like every thing, but a monopoly, obeys the unerring laws of nature and takes the rout of least resis. tauce. That is, business in the end goes J where it ia most convenient, regardless ol sentiment. Now 1 am net finding fault with the transportation line vyo have, far from it, for I recognize the fact that they have helped greatly to devtlop the couutr'y re sources. What I want is such a line as will help further to build up our section, and enable us to live at home more. Elizabeth City and Edeuton. our neigh boring towns, aie both hustling to increase their rail facilities, aud if there is any sig nificance in the formation oe a certaiu live million dolhr syndicate in a certain city, a few weeks ago for the purpo-w of con trolling our present freight outlets, it Seems to me the time has Cuiuo when we will do well to look after our own welfare, and the booner the better. My word for if, in less thau twelve mouths we will f-el the' neces sity for it as we never felt it before, ibis j is a matter in which every citizen of the South Albemarle has a yital interest, both because- the increase of wealth iu our sec tion would necessarially help all, and the more freight lines we have the less we aro at the mercy of any of them. What is the remedy? Indues the A. C. L. to exteud its line farther(east, or build an electric road from Plymouth to the Coast. Lake Scuppernong will furnish the power iu abundance, and the wealthy owners of the land about ii could easily build the road if they were couviucod of its feasibility. Will not aoc:e one move in this matter? ' " " IV Favorite Nearly Everywhere. Constipation means dullness depression, headache, generally disordered health. De Witt's Little Early Risers stimulate the liver, open the bowels ud relieve this con dition. Safe, spee ly aud thorough. Tliey never gripe. Favorite pills. The home' woman would put a better face on the situation if she were able. This signature is ou every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold in on day COM MISSION E US' PKO UE E D 1NGS. The Commissioners of Washing ton county met in special session un Monday, "Feb. 13, H0;i, with Levi Blount", Ch'm.pJos Skittletharpe, A. Alexander, J. M. lieid and E. K. Spruill present, and transacted the following business : Minutes read and approved. Ordered that the Clerk of the Board no tify the Geo. E. ' King Bridge Uo., Des moines, la., at ouco to proceed with their Contract immediately on Spruill's bridge, or the contract would befoifeited. Ordered that all overseers of roads ou presenting their bills for payment ou the 1st Mouday in Feb. each year shad be ac companied by his notice of appointment. Ordered thet Bolaud Phelps be allowed half rations'. Receiving bids for furnishing county poor, being in order, aud L. P. lior-i-tbal's bid being the lowest he was awarded the furnishing couuty for such purposes to Dec, 1st, 1U02. Ordered that T. L. Tarkenton be allowed $3 for worn on briuge ou Uis road. Ordered that Wesiley Martin .be relieved of poll tax of '202. ' ' The following amounts were allowed the persons opposite tacir mtUlca as road ovur seeis : D. M. Spruill II, W. liatemau J. J. Poweis Jno M. Furlough Wilson Oliver ' J. E. Norman Frp.nkliu Tarl'entou J. E. Askew SI. 80 l.JSO 2.04 2.4o 1 .SO 1.80 2 40 1.20 yo (iO 1 .07 1.41 2,40 1.3:. .42 1.20 1.20 .84 2.40 liiO H. T. .Gurganus C. II. Oliver C. M. Kelley W, W Browning Edgar Bateuiau E. O. Staley A. J. Allen O. AI. Cnchson C W, An'ge E. 5.1. Lamb Saml. II. Woodley S B. Davenport Edgar Allen L. C. Marriuer $10 lumber Chapel Swamp briuge. C. V. W. Ausbon $0, publishing proceed ings aud bid for building Couuty ilome. Jos. Swain $12.75, iapt. County.IIoine 1 mouth, &c. 1 W. M. Batemau $0.42, stationery for Glerk's office. ' D. O. Brinkley $7.7., coal furnished Court House. J. 11. Skittletharpe $58.")3, furnishing couuty poor, jail, tc. W. J. Jackson $47.40, furnishing pris oners 1 month. i I M M. Alexander $:3 54, furniHhJpp poor in Scuppernoug. S. F. Spear $4".4f, furnishing poor in Scuppernong- Adjourned to meet lal Monday in March 1902. F. It. JoilNSrox, ClerK. A Legacy Of The Grip Is ofteu a run-down wystem. Weakness, nervousuefR, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kid neys often follow au attack of this wret ched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bittere, the splendid tonio, blood purifier and regulator of Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. Thousands have proved that they wduderfuljy strengthen the nerves, build up the system, aud restore to health and cood spirits after an attack of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only COn. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by Spruill & Bo. Whn a raan resigns himself to falc Lis rcsij; nation is plwavs anceoted. IJucklcn's Arnica Salve. . The best and most famr us compound in the world to conquer acljes and kill pains. Cures Cm, heals Burns and lir.aises, sub dues Inanimation, masters Piies. Millions of Boxes sold yearly. orts wonders in Boils, Ulcers, Felon?, Skin Empties. It cures or no pay. JJe. at .Spruill & Bro's., stoe. ' ' SNAP JS HOTS. Advice is usually don't heed it. ;iven to people w ho Many a young doctor sighs or .fne pa tience of Job. The spetchmaking acloris often addicted to curtain lectures. The land of promise must be where peo ple never pay their debts. Many a man is a chronic kicker because he Ua3 corns on his conscieuco. '. The hotel man has to bu inn keeping wuh .the public. It doesn't do a man any good to know the ropes if he hasn't o.t a pull. Digests what you cat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to cat all the foo'd you.vant. Tile most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its.use many thousands of dyspeptics have ' been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating-. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. if bust Prepared onl y by K. O. DkW'itt&Oo., 'iilcaso Tho il. bottio contains times the 50c. siza Important to Farmers- In view of the fact that it is not generally understood that the IJico Crop is liiglily protected from for eign competition by an import duty aud that the crops raised in this United States have every year fallen much below the home consumption Hie CAROLINA RICE MILLS of Goldsboro, . C, in order to encour age the cultivation of liicc on a lar ger hcalo than has heretofore been done, is now prepared to make con tracts with planters in .North Caro lina for their crops of Rice they mav raise during the year VJ02 on the most liberal terms. Parties intctested, who wish to avail themselves of this oiler, can communicate with us and we will take pleasure in giving full particu lars. -Respect full v. CAROLINA lilCE MILLS, ap.J jiolsboro, N. C. 9 Undertaker and Carriage Maker, Coffl.iiu, Caskets and Burial-caera of nil htyles, radeH, Ki'zes and prices. CSTCloth Lined Cases a Specialty. Special attention given to ni;l?rit frnr-i a distance. If it t-bouid he your misfortune to need anything in this line, call on ma. I have as nice a line of open aud top ve hicles as has evor been shown in this sec tion. In work and prices 1 defy compe tition; Examine my slock before plutiug ynUr order. I have secured tho services of a f.i'Rt-olass trimmer, and all work ia executed iu a thorough, workman-like manner. 5)'. "J. UAL'CO, ap 1-tf Roi'Eit, N. C. NOTICE. Having qualified as udminiK'.ratrix of ho estate of Geo. Wiley, deceased, notice is hereby given to nil tbuse having chum? against the said estate, to present them wiihin one year from the date hereof, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. A!l those indebted to the said es tate, will please- make immediate settlement. Nov. 14, l01. MOLLIE L. WlLET. Administratrix. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the e&tftte of Geo. W. Holmes, deceased, notice is hereby Riyeu to all t.Losu having claims against said estate to present them within one year from the date hereof or ttiis notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All tbof.e indebted to the said estate wi'l please make immediate settlement. 'ibis Dec. i:, i:oj. ' Annie IIoi.mks, Administiatrix. Dyspepsia Cure ! tl Pi " ' i i k mm - m m m m W m till 1 i i km i 1 1 il if! y k i j j 4 2L Having purchased of tlie as signee, fclie entire stock of goods formerly belonging to P. W. Brinkley, of Plymouth, 3ST. O.I Ijereby give notice that the stock is being run off at and below cost. All who wish to avail themselves of bargains will come and dp so before the stock is reduced, V cry rcsiiectfully, II. T' DEALERS IN Jrxis, Piilcnt :ni(l lropiictiiiy Medicines, Per fuiucry, Stationery, Soaps, Combs, Brusbes, Cigars, &c. Special attention given to Physicians' prescrip tions, vhich aro carefully filled at all hours from the best and purest drugs. A full line of Parian I'aiuts the best Paint made. Will not prapl:, ch;tl;, rub off, peel or blister. iNut clTcctetl by water. A complete ln.o of the celebrated "II ANVKES" Spectacles and Eve-Glattef. The Best. made. (live us a trial. i?(neetfully, cct 2 i Ii. B. WASTED t! Iieliablo man for lanaei' of a Brunch Ollice we wish to open in this vicinity. Here is a good open i n X for the riizht man. Kindly give good reference when writing. Tilt A. T. MillS UI!!)iJ;S.UE lillDE, CINCINNATI. OH IO. Illustrated catalogue -i cts. stamps. fC'MM) ,K, i yr nr " ipi-n'fr runt- .y C Y.n K ;h.(1'. itt,'l rny. V.,)i! hi J; j, i t,. hi-.Hrl, JI'U l:i:iV tl"t H.i:ki M-4 IKH'i.ltit W - tMtl touch yiii fjitirU iy Imv niain f'mtsi i U tc it 4, n mm v mi I J 1 1' i-r;tv;f ti iiU lit en' (is yit t I'. -rh ', nil ntc. in miv t nri V ijtft i ;t. y t ii tun cn: ii 1 1 :n c ttt iii-mo, J , 'nix ill- y i-ur liiiMv-r ip:.:o m tu m-iy u titewtiik. All i:i v. Ci'ftit ny hi' UK i i vcrv w iUr. f Btnit ft rt!h!i " evfiVtliinv. I A IV. h '( 1! i I V k-nnm' A !f 1 LAIfN i 1 I h. J:Mrfi At iw.-v, ''r,'i ic-v..- - f m l Wo C. AYE IEBBSE1Y & CO. NOTICE, Having qualiiied as administratnT nf th efttuto ot James A. Cbessou, deceafied. no- : .. r i .... " me it liireoy given to all those baring claims nciiinst the said :ttate. them within one year from !he date hereof, or this notice will be pltad in bar of their, recovery. All those indebted to the nnirf p. tat will pleaso make immediate settlement. COTTIE M. CHESSON, Administratrix. iat.atta, nxs., rrefv. ie, isoa. :Hif.TCTi: wo wna la;.t yo year, COO bottloa ot LL TONIC una have uo i' tit li yf.-irs, la thu drini hulnosa, have no . e said i-.i rr(iel-j thitpavo mull v&iTernal oatl fCVa c;-t joui TostSa i'ouri truly, Ai'NEy.CAiiR 4C0j