THE ROANOKE BEACON. Published Every Friday. EaUred in the foatOfflce At Plymouth N. C, M eeceini class aaatter. We appeal to every reader of Thi Roahokj Bbacom, to aid ui in making it an acceptable aud profitable medium of new to our citizen. Let Plymouth people and the public know wnatis going on iu Plymouth. Report to us all items of news the arrival and departure of friends, social events, deatbf, sorious illness, accidents, new buildings, new enterprises and improvements of whatever character, changes in business indeed anything and everything that would be of interest to our people. Subscription price, $1.00 per year. - Advertisements inserted at low rst. Obituary notices exceeding ten lin , five ceuts aline. Count the words, allowing eight to the line, and send money with MS. for elfin excess of ten lines. The editor will uot be responsible for the views of correspondents. All articles for publication mnst be accompanied by the full nam of the writer. Correspondents are requested not to write on but one side of the paper. 11 communications must be sent In by Thursday morning or they wilj not appear. Address all communications to THE KOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N. C. BILL ARP'S LETTER. From the Atlanta Constitution. As old Uncle Bob Rodgers said, "The southern people are the most forgiveness people in the world." They will suffer more and suffer lon ger, and then if their enemy smiles on 'em and feeds 'em with a littje sugar, they will lick his hand and forgive him. I was ruminating about this when I read of the president's visit to Charleston, and the grand ovation they gave him. It hasn't been two months since he said in public at a banquet that our secession was an archy. It hasn't been very long he wrote in his life of Tom Benton this sentence, "Before Jefferson Da vis took his place among' the arch traitors, he had already been known as one of the chief repudiators of his state, and it was not unnatural that to dishonesty ; he should add treachery to tho public." Mississip pi did repudiate her public debt, and so did Michigan aiid some other northern states, but Mr. Roosevelt singles out a southern state to give a slam at Mr. Davis aud the south. Now the-truth is that Mr. Davis had nothing In the world to do with it It was done before he came into public life or had anything to do with public affairs. I reckon Roose velt got it from John Stuart Mill's slanderous history when he says "Mr. Davis was governor of Mississippi, and when the legislature passed a bill to pay the repudiated bonds he vetoed it." What a monstrous'Ee ! Mr. Davis never was governor of Mississippi, and no such bill was ever The greatest ambition of Amer ican men and women is to have homes blessed with children. The woman afflicted with female dis ease is constantly menaced with becoming a childless wife. No medicine can restore dead or gans, but Wine of Cardui does regulate derangements that pre vent conception; does prevent miscarriage; does restore weak functions and shattered nerves and does brine babies to homps barren and desolate ior years. Wine of Cardui gives women the health and strength to bear heal thy children. You can get a dollar bottle of Wine of Cardui from your dealer. IjIPEo'-CAODUI 143 Msrlcet fctreet, Memphis. Tenn., April M, tool. n eorary, lwu, i loo One bottle of Win of Cardui snd one package of Thedford's i Black-Draught. 1 had been married fifteen rears and had never given birth to a child until I took Wine ofCardal. Now I am mother of a fine baby girl which was born March 81, 1901. The baby weighs fourteen pounds and I feel as well as any person could feel. Kow ray home is happy and I never will again. wituvuB nu( oi taraui in nor house Mrs. J. W. C. SMITH. Vor advtoe and UOorature, address, giving mp'l9l IUes' JUvtsory lpru passed. "The moral difference be tween Benedict Arnold on the one hand and Aaron Burr or Jefferson Davis on the other is the difference between a politician who sells hit vote for money and one supports a bad measure to get a high political position." What malignant venom there must be in a man who would class Jefferson Davis with Arnold and Burr: what amazing ignorance of historical facts to call him an arch traitor and a chief repudiator when at the very time of the repudiation he was organizing a regiment to fight the battles of hi3 country on the soil of Mexico. There he was desperately wounded, and for five' years went on crutches. Our south ern people regard Jefferson Davis with emotions of the highest admi ration, and I have supreme contempt for the ignorant or malignant his torians and politicians who assail him. It gratifies me immensely that the president and General Miles have, fallen out, and that Miles got the worst of it, though I don't know who deserves the most scorn, the president for slandering Mr. Davis or Miles for putting shackles on him. Now if Roosevelt was man enough to retract what he wrote and ascribe it to ignorance or misinformation, he could restore himself to some ex tent to the favor of our pjople, for it is a fact that we are the most for giveness people on the earth, but I have never yet known a Yankee pol itician to apologize for anything he did. They are the saints. The G. A. R.'s invito our boys to banquet with them, but they don't apologize, and they woulden'tvote us a pension to save our lives, I don't understand the president, and my opinion is he don't understand himself. I don't believe he has mind enough to know his own mind. If he is really for civil war reform and an honest gov ernment, what did he turn out Evans for and put in a figurehead, unless it was to tickle the G. A. R.'s (grab all rascals) and get their influ ence in the next nominating conven tion. Perhaps he is himself the man ''who supports a bad measuru to gut high political position." Well, of coarse any son-of-a-gun can get a pension now and some who uever had a gun. I believe a confederate soldier can get one by greasing the pension agent. Only last week one of our esteemed fellow-citizens had business that called him to a city in New York state and on being intro duced to the pension agent as Cap tain he was asked what service he was in. He replied, "In the Vir ginia army." "So was I," said tho agent. "Have you gotten a pension? "No," said the captain. "Well, let me make out your application ; it is time you had one." The captain humored him for some time while he was filling up the blank. "Were you at the surrender ?" said he. "1 vas," said the captain. "Whose command were you in then?" said the agent. "General Wade Hamp ton's." said the captain. "The devil you say; you were a rebel, then. Gentlemen, here is the first rebel I have ever made out a pension claim for and he looks line such a gentle man. I've a good notion to send it up and get him one." The captain says he could have gotten one as eaxy as falling off a log, if he had just lied a little. Newt Tumlin told me a long time ago that the only way to get even with the republicans was to grease 'em or jiue 'em, but it was safer to do both. But our people will forgive Teddy if he will apologize for the past and behave in the future. lie has some srood traits which he inherited from hid mother, but his impulses and emotions are uot well balanced. His gun goes off. half cocked and he shoots with the double waubles. J think he has about lethe nigger alone and 30 has the north, generally. We lynched one in Rome the other day and I have never seen any men tion of it in their papers. Our gov. ernor didn't even offer a reward nor has the circuit judge made any fuss about it. I reckon the towns and cities will now sympathize with the country people, for the crime in this case was committed in the very cen ter of the city and so was the lynch ing, and nobody was disguised. I have been in favor of lynching ever since they burned that negro iu Dal las, Tex., and I am still. When they lynch one they ought to pick out about a dozen bad ones and whip them and make them leave the coun try. That's the way they do in Texas. Every community is in dan ger from mean, idle negroes. Whose wife or daughter will be the next victim ? If Teddy had been in Rome, I wonder what he would have done. I believe he would have joined the lynchers. Why not? He is killing them by the thousands in the Phil ippines for no crime except loving their country. Our so-called sold iers are putting them to torture of the most horrible kind, and burning Ccncludod on 7th page. The Best Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove' Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simpij iron and quinine in a tasteless form, no cure no pay. Price 60c. nov 12-ly It doesn't nav to crowl about warm weather until the dog days cotne. Don't Start Wrong. Don't start the summer with a lingering cough or cold. We all know what a "sum mer cold ir. It a the hardest kind to cure. Often it "bang on" through the eutire sen- sou. Take it in Land riht now. A few dosea of One Minute Cough Cure will set you right. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, all throat aud luug troubles. Absolutely safe. Acts at ouce. Children Iise it, "One Minute Cough Cure is the best vouch medicine I over need " says .1. 11. Bowles, Grovetou, 4. H. "1 never found auylhing else that acted so sifly and quickly." A $5000 Cash Priz Offer. The Atlanta Constitution oilers 1.1,000 in a new cash prize contest upon tto num ber of bales in the total United States cot ton crop, 1901-02, provided the estimates are received daring April, 1902. There are fotr prizes, $1,000, $1,250 and $750 for the best three estimates, and $1,000 for general distribution among all estimates coining within 500 bales either way from the exact figure. Every estimate must be accompa nied by a yearly subscription to The Weekly Constitution, $1.00 per year, and double estimates are allowed on all Con stitution aud Sunny South combination subscriptions, both for only $1.25 per year. The Constitution stands exactly up to the letter upon all its offers. Send in today and put the whole thing, letter, money and estimate, in the same envelope, addressed to THI ATLANTA CONSTITUTION. Atlauta, Ga. WANTED! Man to take charge of Branch of fice of our wholesale business iu this vicinity. Address, at once, with references, A. T. MORRIS, Goldsboro, N. C. Wood's Seeds. Mb. Second Crop Seed Potatoes. These are the result of growing two crops in the same yar, the first beirjg planted from select Maine Seed Potatoes, and the seed selected from this crop planted again In July or August. They not only make their crop earlier, but tbey also make a larger yield and much surer crop than Maine or Northern-grown Seed. Our stock is very superior and we always shin in full-Hzed double head barrels. Wood's 1902 De scriptive Catalogue gives very in teresting information about Pota toes. Mailed upon request. We have also large stocks of the best MAINE and NORTHERN GROWN SEED. Write for special' Potato price-list T. W.WeDj&Sons, Sssdfmin, RICKMOIP, VIR8IIIA. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Ireatment by which Drunkards are Being Cured Daily in Spite ot Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant aud Pos itive Cure for the Liquor . Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by period ical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicutitig this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxicants, offerers may now cure themselves at home without pub licity or loss of time from business by this wonderful HOME GOLD CURE" which has been perfected after many years of close study ' and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guar anteed lo cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a urinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thou sands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men WIVE& CURE YOUR HUSBANDS 1 1 CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS 11 This remedy is iu no seuso a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only, and is so skillfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person takiug it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this pricelebs remedy, and as many more have been cured aDd made teniperate men by haviug the 'CURE" administered by loving friends aud relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that the? discontinued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improvement.' Drive out the disease at ouce nd for all time. The "HOME GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollur, thus placing within reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others cost ing $25 to $50. Full directions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept U471 EDWIN B. GILES & COM PANY, 2330 and 2332 Market Street. Phil adelphia. All correspondence strictly confidential. aplG-lj THE W. FE.ETCM1EIB, ATUSUBORJ GENERAL INSURANCE, Heal Estate ami Ufcesntal Plymouth, Before insuring your life or property, or before buying, sell ing, renting or leesing town or country property consult this agency, where you will get just what you want. . We have notLiug represented in this Agency bnt Standard up-to-date, reliable Companies writing all insurable risks against Fire, Wind and Lightning, at adequate rates. All losses adjusted promptly, careful attention being given at all time! to the interests of the insured as well as the Company. We have the Special Agency for The Union Central JLite Insurance Co of Cincinnati!, O., which Company oilers the most desirable contracts of any Com pany, because it gives the insured better results. It has the LOWEST death late. It obtains the HIGHEST rate of Interest. For further information apply to W. Fletcher Ambon. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something New Under The Sun." All Doctors have tried to care CATARRH by the use of powders, acid gases, inhalers aud drugs in paste form. Their powders dry up the tuueuous membranes causing them to crack open and bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eat en away the earn membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and oiutments cannot reaoh the disease. An eld and experienced practitioner who has for many years made a close study and specialty tf the treatment ef CATARRH, has at last perfected a Treatment which when faith fully used, not only relieves at ouce, but permanently cures CATARRH, by remov ing the cause, stopping the discharges, and curing all iufianimatiun. It is the only rem edy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts. This wonderful remedy is kuown as "SNUFFLES the GUARAN TEED CATARRH CURE" and is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, each package containing internal and ex ternal medicine sufficient tor a full month's treatment and everything necessary to its uerlect use. - "SNUFFLES" is the only perfect CA TARRH CURfe ever made and is now rec ognized as the only safe and positive cure for that aunoying and disgusting disease. It cures all inflammation quickly and per. maueutly and is also wonderfully quick to relieve 11 AY FEVER of COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often Itada to CONSUMPTION -"SNUFFLiSS" will save you if you use it at once. It is no or dinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to ours CA TARRH iu any form er stage if used ac cording to the directions which accompany each package. Don't delay but send fer it at ouce, aud write full particulars as to your condition, and you will receive special advice from the discoverer of this wonder ful remedy regarding your case without cost to you beyond the regular price of "SNUFFLES" the GUARANTEED CA TARRH CURE." Sent prepaid to any address in the United dtAtis or Canada on receipt ol One Dollar. Address Dept. C471 EDWIN B. GILr.S A COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Market (Street, Philadelphia. ap 19-ly The man who believes that one good turn deserves another is not necessarily a crank.