'I ore" The Japanese army is equipped, or ganized and drilled like a European -army and many of its offlcers have received their education in European countries. Conscription was intro duced Into Japan in 1S74 and the regu lations now in force rrere adopted in 1883. "Every male citizen between the ages of 17 nd 40 years owes military service, -which is given three years in fthe active army, lour rears in the first reserve, five years in the territorial varmy and eleven years in the national ,army of the second reserve. For the year 1801-02 the budget provides for 13 divisions or 21 brig-dss of infantry, each brigade composed of two regi ments cf three battalions each. The cavalry comprises 17 regiments or 51 squadrons. The artillery has 19 regl- . tnents or.144 field and mountain bat teries. The engineers have at, present 23 companies and will soon have 39. The Army Service Corps has 13 bat talions of two companies, with one battalion (three companies) of tele graph troops. Besides the 13 divisions of the Infantry there are three regi ments of coast guards and two( bat talions of foot artillery and a special brigade of four battalions of infantry, cavalry, artillery and engineers (the Yeeso Brigade). The aggregate is S,116 officers and 135,533 men on a peace footing. The war strength is , 392,220 men and 1,098 guns, the re serves excluded. When it is remem- bered that recent campaigns have shown the Japanese army to be of first rate quality it is obvious that the military power of the new nation of the Pacific is formidable. Tennessee now has 1,445 names on its State pension roll of old soldiers, and the total amount paid to them in the last year was $149,220. No more names can be added unless the Legis lature increases the appropriation. The pensioners are divided into three class es: the first receive $300 a year each, the second $200 and the third $100. It is unlucky to steal an opal ring and get caught. In some of the cantons of Switzerland all the dead, rich as well as poor, are bur ied at the public expense. AT SHAKESPEAKE'S HOME. ' iiratford-on- Ivon." ,T am finishing a tour of Europe; the best thing I've had over here is a box of Tetterine I brought from home." C. H. MeConnell, Mgr. Economical Drug Co., of Chicago. 111. Tetterine cures itching pkin troubles. 50c. a Ikjx by mail from J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga.,if your druggist don't keep it. Jamaica hopes to export over 12,000,000 bunches of bananas this year. II- II. Ghees 's Sons, of Atlanta, Ga., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in the world. See their lib'eral offer in advertisement in another column of this paper. "My hair was falling out very fast and I v,as greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once." Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O. TM It. f . i ne trouoie is yournair i does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore color every time. $1.03 a boitic. AH drsgjlats. If your clrurrE'ist cr.nnot supply you, I send us one dollar and we will expreos t you a bottle. i;e sure and give the name . oi your nenret express office. Address, j o . t. a. i fc.it uu., juowen, jtiass. - For six years I have been a very sick man, suffering from nervousness, headache and pain in bacly and stomach, all caused by a stomach that refused to do its work. A friend advised me to try Ri pans Tabules. The results have simply been wonderful. At druggists. Th Five-Cont packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle, to cents, contains a supply for a year. Tfce candidates The office choose, Tbey win who ran la Red Seal Shoes. So. 25. (tit FrTTvJl iivo n air c MM PHOE COd -1 i7i rufLi list fu$ " r t I Beet Cjuii Syrp. TwM Good. Use i J I lotirn. Poia br o'rtigP'Uts. I'; j MY Am? tir s -nsiM. "Why Marriage Fails. A girlish young' wife he would take, liut lie found he had made a mistake, When he asked her for bread And she gave him instead The biscuits she then tried to bake. Xew York Press. Slanderous. "Have you a letter from 30111 last employer?" "Yes'm. But don't believe a word she says In it; she never was a truth ful woman." New York Journal. Hard Luck. Hewitt "It's sad about Grnet losing his leg in that railroad accident." Jewett "Yes; it must be a great disappointment to him; he was always talking about 'getting there with both feet.'" Brooklyn Life. An Opening For Revenge. Harry "Harriet, don't you be so haughty with those people next door!" Harriet "Why not?" Harry "First thing you know they'll offer cook a dollar more and get her away from us." Puck. Poor Human Mature. Jaggles "How can a doctor, for busi ness reasons, afford to tell his patients what things to do in order to keep in good health?" Waggles "Easy enough. He knows they won't do them." New York Sun. Sufficiently Equipped. "My wife speaks several languages," said the young married man proudly. "That would be a waste of time for Henrietta," answered Mr. Meekton. "She has a faculty of making herself thoroughly understood in English." Washington Star. Two Types. "I suppose you rejoice with the rest of us in seeing the grass come up to welcome the smile of the vernal sun shine." "Of course I do," answered the man with the thin lips; "mowing the lawn at G a. m. is the principal fun I get in life." Washington Star. Temptation. "What we want," said the earnest man, "is a ballot that is absolutely in corruptible." "That's right," answered Senator Sorghum, "and the only way to secure it is to bring up a generation of voters who won't be forever tempting us poli ticians to buy 'em." Washington Star. The Tet Dog's Alrinjr. First Nurse Girl "Seems to me y'r putting on a heap o' style drivin' in the park with a moneygrammed kerriage, and coachman and footman, too. Does y'r missus lend ye her private rig?" Second Nurse Girl "She sends me to take her pet dog out fer an airin'." "But Where's the dog?" "Under th' seat." New York Weekly. His Hard Lot. "Hear about poor Astorbilt?" -No." "His father's cut him off with only five billions." Life. A Fair Business Woman. Mrs. Twitter "Oh, I've no patience with my.husband sometimes. He says that women have no heads for busi ness." Mrs. Flutter "And after the splendid work you have done at our church fair! Where is the man, I'd like to know, who could sell goods at 300 per cent, profit? Women have no heads for business, indeed!" Boston Transcript, ii i UL . 1 1 "' XTse Allen's Foot-Kase. It Is the only cure for Swollen, Sraartfajj, Tired, Aohiusj, Hot. Sweatfn.;?Feet.Corii3aud Auctions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. Cures while you walk. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25. Don't accept any substitute. Sample sent Tree. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Laltoy, N.Y. Destruction of cerm-bearing mosquitoes is said to have largely relieved Havana from yellow fever visitations. OTS permanently cured. No fits or nervous ress afterflrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Groat KerveF.estorer.i 2t rlal bottle and treatisefree Dr. 1?. H. Klixe, Ltd., 931 Arch St.. I'hila., Pa. The washerwoman may often be seen wringing her hands. We will give $ 100 reward for any ease of catarrh that cannot he cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. IT. J. Chexky & Co., Props., Toledo, O. A rich man's autograph always looks best on a check. Mrs.'Winslow's Soothing Syrup forehildrea leelhinp.soften the KUK'S.reduceslnflammao i:tn,aliays pain.cures wind colic. 25c. abotti- A donation party the fellow who i3 out for the dough. Tiso's Cure cannot he too highly spoken of as a cough cure. J. W. O'Bbikx, 822 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis. Minn., Jan. 6, 1003 A man's bad luck is often due to his bad habits. , The Kflfect of Warm Days and Cool Nights. A leading ph.rsleUn writes thit he has no tlced warm diys and cool nights always aff ect the boweis, and suggests some preventa tlve remedy. Dr. Diggers' Huckleberry Cord lal Is the only one that can be absJlutely relied upon. It never fails to cure. bold by all P uegt sts, 85 aud 5)c. bottle. The Seaboard Air Line Has issued a folder under tie title, "Sum mer Elsewhere Via Seaboard Air Line," which will be mailed to any address upon application to A. V. Harrill, I &. T. A., 23 South Try on St., Charlotte, N. C, or any other passenger representative of the above company. "MRS. IDAJ., ROSER Grand-Niece of Ex-President James K. Polk, Writes to Mrs. Pinkham Saying: " Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam : I have been married for nearly two years, and so far have not been blessed with a child. . I have, however, suffered with a com plication of female troubles and pain ful menstruation, until very recently. MRS. IDA L. ROSER. "The value of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound was called to my attention by an intimate friend, whose lifo had simply been a torture with inflammation and ulcer ation, and a few bottles of your Com pound cured her ; she can hardly believe it herself to-day, she enjoys such blessed health. I took four bottles of your Compound and consider myself cured. I am once more in fine health and spirits ; my domestic and official duties all seem easy now, for I feel so strong1 I can do three times what I used to do. You have a host of friends in Denver, and amonpf the best count, Yours very gratefully, Mrs. Ida L. Roger, 320 18th Ave., Denver, Col." $5000 forfeit if above testimonial is not ftnulne. If you are ill, don't hesitate to pet abottleof LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once, and write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for special advice it is free. bUMMER HOMES ON LONG ISLAND. By Tlia Ocean, Sound and Bay. Cooled By Sea Breezes. "LONG ISLAND." a handsomely Illustra ted descriptive book, containing a list of the hotels and boarding housns on Long Inland, free upon application At ticket effleea, Aator House, 120 (962 Eagle Bureau), (litM World Bureau) and 13S3 Broad way, 06 6th av.. Win St., E. It., and foot New Chambers at., and 43 West 126th at.,' New York; SS3 Fulton St., Eagle Summer Keaort Bureau; 11 Broadway. Brooklyn, and at L. I. R. R. station ia Brooklyn, or send no. In stamps to H. M. SMITH, Gen'l l'aaa'r Act., L. I. City. N. Y. fOLUMBIA BUSINESS COLUMBIA, s. c. Sfudents prepared as Office f tennirrapheri and Court Reporter in shortest time at least expense. Bul dm Ooune leading to decree of II. A., eto. Hun. dredsof ez-studenta la bun'nea. Bend for large new Catalogue. Y. It. ft KWUEKHY, M. A Pres't. 0U WANT ONE of thee Fluffy Little While Preneh Hoodie ax &n Aristocratic Pet l)og. JTor particulars send to Tl . L t t.A TT 1 1 W6 Marahfleld A e.. r CHICAGO. lLLI.Ulg. So. 25. l,;,;.d.rThsrr.?ssn,s Eya XMzt Long teio R.R. connect i SYSTEM. -WWl, J-X- . ' Pj O (J ATLANTIC OCCAM COLLEGE. Sri 15! . CURES g Sfl C'oltl t, etc. jrt? old at all Drug Stores, 5 43i Ft'f -TV -J Gennlnc stamped C C C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of tha dealer who tries to sell "something; just as good." Mothers and DatJglit Both look wear the strai A oacestet or Bon 7 Try them now. You will alwavs wear them. Ask your dealer to order what you select, if he does not keep them. II WW W Tir W WJf S5o. Mr. OfM tv of frYeryflesrlpttoru B Wii'TiYa f 1 wWlS-fiTt. infection GuninteoV U1iftktti J t .1s-:-J Hi M 'V'5- M Wrlto for priors. JliSSE MAHdI CMa 1 l W Royal Worcester Corset Co.,wcett.r,Mas). BDTT ."Fl Work, Shafting, Pulleys, Gearing, Boxes, Hanpera, Etc. Building Castings Ciist every day; ca pacity, 300 haiiijB. Juombard Foundry, Machine and ltoili-r Works, Augusta, Ga. Preserve Purify and Beautify the Skin Hands, and Hair ng o m 1 i'l t m nil 1 Hrii MILLIONS of WOMEN Use CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by Coticura Ointment, the great skin cure, for preserving purifyingf, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore nands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, in the form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations, or too free or offen sive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No other medicated soap is to he compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with ft for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines la ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and compfcxioa soap, and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. COMPLETE TREATMENT FOR EYERY HUMOUR, $L V 4m tnW&Wm Co?8,st!n of Ctocuba Soap (25c.), to cleanse the ikio of enutt I 1 1 1 1 Of and and soften tho thickened cuticle ; cuticcka Onnriuurr UyUiy (&0c ), to Instantly allay Itching, lnfiMmniaMon. and irritation, ill soothe and heal; and Cuticjjba Kesolvkut ri'Lta (25c.). to eool THE SET ffil nl cleanse the blood. A Sinolb Bet 1 often suflicleBt to curth . 7 ' , " ",not torturing, dlgflKurlng, and humiliating skin, scalp, and blood humours, with Jobs of hair, when all else fails. Sold throughout the world. Brittsh Depot: 27-26, Charterhouse 8q., London. French Hpot: 5 liue de la Pali. Parla. 1'OTitK DU.VQ amd CiiMM. Coup., Sole Props., Boston, Ii. 8. A, CtmcuBA Rrgoi-XENT Pnxs (Chocolate Coated) are a new, taatelesa, odourless, eeonom. lcsl iubBtltute for the celebrated liquid Cuticura Besoltmnt, as well as for all other blooS yuriflers and humour cures. Kach pill Is equivalent to oas teMpoooful of liquid lUsoLTiirxk Put up in eerew-esp pocket Tlfcl, eentaialug M dose, pries 25o. I M EDICIL CO1 LEGE. OP VI?.fltoM. .. . w w H. tl..R I O ' I I iedii-iii". I'cntisirv am riarnmuy Wtll cq ipped l.'ib -r '.t'li-ifs. xple1 ditl lu-pi-t-il laoilitli'S :tr-l iiluin -hiucb ir t 'l nii al ,la lerini . aironl uno.'ui'llcd e pp rtnnlt es for prri 'ticcl Wi i k. F ur A u r.oti uvemont and fiir thcr iii'iiiniviou, it'Ulress, ir wfoohor jroenijfc;!!., r..I. SJoas;. KlCHMOXB. Va. PROP5Y ) Iiavo sado Dropry and Its com y plicatio'. a a opeciaky ior twenty, r veariviih tb raoat wonderful I t T ......Jmn.thtnB.. Wi.i;-,'-'- ' ' -- 5 Atlanta, On. AND ENGINES Tanks, Stacks. Stand- pines and bhest-lroa Equals A r 1 well if they PffegS 1