The Voice of Good Cheer. Ah, there I Good-morning. Got the bluea this morning ? Well, now, confeos Do you try to smile Meanwhile? Do you try to make The mulligrubs take To the tall timber, And climb a tree to where The sunnbine id fair ? Or, say, Do yon lay Krghtdownin the road Aa if your load Were too heavy to bear, And the care And the worry of life And its strife Were too many for you ? Bjace np ! Vvhat if the cup Is, bitter? Do yon meet Anybody who is everlastingly sweet ? Djon't yon know You've got a show t A.6 long as you're, alive ? When you're dea$ You'll have something else To think about. You're stuck lu hard luck, Peihap9, And the snaps Aren't coming your way ; But say, Whining won't bring them. It's easier to sing them Into line ; And nine Times iu ten You can sing if you try. Whui'n the good of a sigh For every-diy use ? 1 hat's actual abase Of what Should not Be ufed except when you Cau't do Anything else. vocate. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When you take Urove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula in plainly print ed on every bottle showiug that it is simply viiou ana uuumie in a tusttles rorni. sso Oure, no pay. Gdc. nov 1'2-ly Sometimes the hardest things to bear tre what the neighbors n iy. Luck In Thirteen, By sendiug 13 miles Wn. Spirey, of Waliou Furnace, Va., got a box of Buck leu's Arnica Salve, that wholly cured a horrible Fever tiore on his leg. Nothing else could. Positively cures Bruises, Felons, Ulcers, Eruptions, Boiln, Burns, Corns and Piles. Only 25a. Guaranteed by fcJpruill & Bro. Only a homely woman ever Bays that pretty things are UKelesa. Never judge a woman's cooking by the apologies she makes for it. Too much housework wrecks wo men's nerves. And the constant care of children, day and night, is often too trying for even a strong woman. A haggard face tells the story of the overworked housewife and mother. Deranged menses, 1 leucorrhoea and falling of the womb result from overwork. Every housewife needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to keep her sensitive female organs in perfect condition. WlKEMPfJ! is doing this for thousands of American women to-day. It cured jMrs. Jones and that is why she writes this frank letter : Glendeane, Ky., Fob. 10, 1901. I am so glad that your Wine of Cardui is helping- n. I am feoling better than I have ielt for ysara. I am cIoin;j my own woric without o.ay help, r.ud I washed last welt and was not oao bit tired. That shows that the Wine is doing ma good. L tm getiingf fleshier B than lover was Deiorcj, aau sisep Kooa ft nrsdeat hearty. Before I begran tntinjr U Wine of Cardui, I used to havo to ;iy f down five or six time oyer;,' day, but. 'w-'owldonotthinkof lvinsr'down through V ao day. Mas. Richard Jonks. M 1.00 AT KVISTS. M Tor dir itn'i literature, mlilrws, irii;g vrrv. f tome, "'iho LJi' Advisory bcimrtm-iit ". 1 he C hattanoog a Mediuliie Co., Chulisaooj;a, fenn. n m rrs & m II ! ii Aby man who takes things as they come lacks push. Somi men's littleness is by far the big gest part of them. Stops the Cough and works of! the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Qnimuo Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price cents. noy 12-ly It is easier to apologize to a big man than it is to a little one. Old People's Diseases. 1 Nearly all old people are troubled with Bladder or Kidney diseases, and often with Asthma and Kheumatism. These are called "old people's infkmaties." UKICSOL, the great California Rheumatic remedy, re. moves the excess of urio acid from the sys tem and effects a cure. It also increases the appetite and builds np the system. Send stamp for boolj of particulars to the Lamar & Raukin Drug Co., Atlanta, Ga , or UBICSOL Chemical Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Druggists sell it at $1.00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.00. If you can't marry dollars the next best thing is to marry sense. Cures Blood Poison, Cancer, Ulcers. If you have offensive pimpUs or erup tions, ulcers on any part of the body, ach in? bones or joints, falling hair, mucous patches, swolluu glands, bkiu itches and burns, K-ore lips or gums, eating, festering Korea, sharp, gnawing pains, then you Buf fer from serious blood poison or the begin nings of deadly cancer. You may be per manently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm (li. B.B) made especially to cure the worst blood and skin diseases. Heals every sore or ulcer, even deadly cancer, stops all aches and pains and reduces all swellings. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood troubles, such as eczema, scab and scaleB, pimples, running sores, carbuncles, scrofula. Druggists, $1. To prove it cure, sample of Blood Balm sent free and pre paid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical ad" vice sent in sealed letter. 15-3 Cats and some voters spend a good deal of lime on the fence. The Best Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Ghove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply iron uud quiuioe in a tasteless form, no cure no pay. Price f0c. uov 12-lv Money ceases to talk after a niiser gets a Strangle hold ou it. We have ou itxhibitiou at our office one of the Cultivators made and patented by Caboon & Ohoon, in this county, it is u good thing, and with it one man and horse can do more work iu a crop than with any other, one implement, je'arniers will do well to call and examine it. I'M STILL IN IT, The restaurant business. I have pleased you, I can please you again. Rooms furnished, and table sup plied with the best. Prices reasonable. Give nie a call. Opposite printing ollice. . E. McCabe- ft" First make up your mind that it3 you have something worth ad- s vertising, something that the j public really needs or wants, f? something that will appeal to those who havo intelligence to appreciate and means to buy advertise it in The Roanoke Beacon- and results are assured. Wood's Seeds. Crimson Clover will yield under favorable condi tions 8 to 10 tons of green food per acre, or 1 J to 2 tons of hay and is worth us a fertilizing crop, $20. to f 2. per acre. Full information is contained in our Fall Catalogue just issued, which we wi 1 until free upon .request. Wood's Fall Cali.logue also tells all about Vegetable and Farm Seeds for Fall i'iar.ting, -eed . Wheat, Oats, Rye, liarley, Vetches, Grass and Clover Seeds, etc. . Write for-' Fall Catalogue and prices of any Seeds dew red. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. VperfecfidTeerless ftheumatisiri I and all Liver, Kidney and Elad .der troubles caused by uric acid iu the system. It cures by cleansing and vitr.lizhig the blood, thus removing the cause of disease. It gives vigor and tone and builds up the health and strength of the patient while usinjj the remedy. URICSOL. is a luminary in the medical world. It has cured and will continue to cure more of the above diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. This caeat and thoroughly tested . and endorsed California Remedy i never disappoints. It cures in- fallibly if taken as directed. Try it and be convinced that it is a wonder and a blessing to suffering humanity. irice $i.uuper bottle, or 6 bot tles for $5. For sale by druggists. Send stamp for book of partic ulars and wonderful cures. If your druggist cannot supply you it will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt of price. Address : URICSOL CHEMICAL CO., Los Angles, Csl. or (ha LAMAR & RANKIN DRUd CO., Atlanta, Ga. Distributing Azeata. FAT Till) KIT p 1 i V 1 .1 t I PEOPLE j Reduce Ycur Weighi With I 'REDUCT0 H "Iteducto" ia a per fectly harmless vegetable couipouud endorsed .by thousands of physicians and people who have tried it. We eml ynu tbo Formula, 3U IDHKe REDUCTO" at at home if you desire. s you know full well the ingredients and I therefore need have no fear of evil ef fects. Send O n e Dollar for lleceipt and instructions, or (ie. for sample treat in e ii t. evervthin? 5 mailed in plaiuieu velope. PV I t . 1 Ii I uiDsn?uicuioi iu.,i f8701 S. Jefferson Ave ST. LOUIS, MO. IS. J. 1BAI&C, Undertaker and Carriage Maker, Coffinf, CHHbetsBDd 15uviul-caseR of all Blyles, grades, size aud prices. STCloth Lined (Janes a Specialty. Special attention given to orders from a distance. If it should be your misfortnue to need anything in this line, call on me. I have as nice a line of open and top ve hicles as has evor been fchown in this sec tion. In work and prices I defy cnmpv tilioi:. Examine iny stock before plaeiug your order. I have secured the services of a first-class trimmer, and all work is executed in a thorough, workman-like manner. S. J. BAKCO, ap 1-tf ltdi'EU, N. C. Selling Out. As 1 am expecting to leave Plym outh about, the iirst of the year, 1 am now offering my entire stock of Clothing, Notions, Moots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Musical instruments, etc., etc.. an prices never heard of before. These Goods. Must be Sold regardless of cotit, as it io too expen sive to move, them. This is no fake, but bona-flde business. Give nie a call aud let me convince you that you never bought goods so cLoap in Plymouth before. NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. IN EFFECT MAY 26th, 1902. train service. Northbound : Leave Belhaven daily (except Sunday) C:00 a, m. Leave Edenton daily (except Sunday) , 145 p. m. Arrive Elizabeth City daily (ex cept Sunday) . 2 40 p.m. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Sun day) 4 20 p.m. Leave Edenton daily ex. Sunday 8:30 a. m. Leave Elizabeth City daily except Sunday 9 25 a. m. Arrive Norfolk daily ex. Sunday 11 00 a. m. Southbound : - , Leave Norfolk daily (except Sunday) 10 00 a. m. Arrive Eliz. City daily (except Sunday) 1136 a.m. Arrive EdentoU daily (except Sunday) 12 30 p. m Leave Edenton daily (except Sunday) 12 45 p. m. Arrive Belhaven daily (except Sunday) 5 20 p. m. Leave Norfolk daily ex. Sunday 410 p. m. Arrive E. City daily ex. Sunday 5 4 p. m. Arrive Edenton daily ex. Sunday 6 40 p. m. Trains stop at all intermediate stations. Connect at Norfolk with trains to and from Virginia Beach and Currituck Branch Virginia Beach Division. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. Stealers leave Edenton daily (ex. Sun day) 7:00 a. ru. and 1:30 p. m., for Plym outh, connects with Wanhirigton & Plym outh B. It., for Washington, N. 0., and with steamer for Windsor. Steamer leaves Edenton 12:45 p. m., for Jamesville and Williamstou. j Leave Edenton Tuesaay, Thursday and Saturday 12 45 p. m. tor Uhowan Kiver landings : and Monday and Friday for Scupperuoug' River. Steamers leave JSIizaDeth Ujty ror xtoa -n-ke Island. Oriental and Newberne, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 6:00 p. m.,and Monday, Wednesday aud Friday at 3:00 p. m.; connect with A. & N. C. It. It., and Atlantic Coast Line lor Goldsboro aud Wilmington, Jto. Steamers leava Belhaven daily (ex. Sun day) ler Washington, k. C, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Aurora, South Creek, Makleyville, fcc, and 5 a. m Mon day, Wednesday and Friday for Swan Quarter, and Ocracoke. For further information apply to J. J, Hassell, Agent, Plymouth, or to the Gen eral Office of the N. & S. It. R. Co., Nor folk ' Va M. k. KING, H. C. HDDGINS, Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Ft.& Pass Agt. The Opening Day AT THE RoanokQ Wareb.ous8, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Yas a Grand Success. Tbey Lad the crowd, tbey liad the tobacco, and tbey got the prices. Send your tobacco to the Roanoke Warehouse and you will make no mis take. Leggett & Staton. THE cat American Fanner,' INDIANAPOLIS, IND. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation. Is Edited by the HON. JOS. H. BRIGHAM, Assistant Secretary of , Agriculture of the United States, Assisted by an Able Corps of Editors. Th'is valuable journal, in addition to the logical treatment of all agricultural subjects, will alsp discuss the great issues of the day, thereby adding zest to its columns and giving the farmer something to think about aside from the ever' day humdrum of routine duties. ' ' ' I t 111 I ! II Two F:r the Price olOng.... .:THE BEACON Vour Only County Paper and The AMERICAN FARMER, Both One Year For ONE DOLLAR. This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscriber!, and all old ones who pay up all arrears and renew within thirty days, sample copies free. ; Address: The Roanoke Beacon, A, C. IL. TEL. El. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTU DATED ,fj : gfjj k ?u May 25th, 1902. ,!3 oS e5 4? S5fl SSO !50 fcfi fea A II PM PM AM PM Lv Wei don 11 SO 0 88 Ar Rocky Mt 100 1083 PM Lv Tarboro 1228 7 22 LvItCkyMt 105 10 02 7 62 6 45 1 J 52 Lv Wilson 169 1120 8 81 6 26 2 80 LvSelm 2 55 1210 Lv Fayetteville 4 41 1 25 Ar Florence 7 50 3 85 PM AM at Goldiboro 9 20 Lv (joldiboro 7 81 3 IS Lv Magnolia 8 37 4 25 Ar Wilmington 10 10 6 00 TRAINS GOIKG NORTH. e p n c . e C ad PM 8 20 10 28 11 40 Lv Florence Lv Fayetteville Lv iSelma Ar Wilson Lv Wilmington Lv Magnolia Lv Goldsboro 10 05 12 40 2 10 2 67 12 ao A M P M A M SI BO 1105 12 20 A M 118 lbs 700 8 SO 37 P M 10 35 11 23 735 , PM AM 2S5 8 20 U 20 8 30 bUO 1810 Lt Wilson Ar Rocky Mt Ar Tarboro Lv Tarboro Lv Rocky Mt Ar Weldon 934 S31 3 50 12 43 4 53 1 37 Pit AM PM TRAIN on the Scotland Neck Branch, road leaves Wxldou 3 15 pin; Halifax 3 2V pm; arrives Scotland Neck 4 10 p m; Grtenville 6 47 pm Kinxtoc 6 45 p i. Kturniug leaves Kinton 7 30 a m; Gifcenvill 8 30 a m; arriving Halifax 11 05 a m; Wtsldon 11 20 a m, daily except Sunday. Trains on Wu bington Branch leaves Washiiigtoi! 8 00 a m and 1 45 p in, arriving Parmele 8:55 a m, and 3-10 p m, returning leave Parmele 04); 15 a m and 6:22 p in, arrive Waiuington 10:35 a m aud 6:16 p m, except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, daily except Sunday 4:35 p m Sunday 4:35 p m arrive Plymouth 6:35 p m, 6:30 p ta. Keturning leave Plymouth daily ex cept Sunday 7:30 a m and 8uuday ,00 a m, arrive Tarboro 9.65 a m 11:00 am. .Train on Midland, N. C, Branch leavea Golds- k boro daily except Sunday 5:00 a m, arriving south I field 6:10 a m. Returning leavea Bmithfleld 7AM) a. in, arrives at Goldsboro 8:5 a ra Trains on Nashville Braneh leave Rocky Meant at:30 am, 4:00 pm arrive Nashville 10:80 an. 4:88 p m, Spring liope 11:00 a m 4:45 p m. lUiura iug leave Spring Hope 11 20 a m, 5 15 pm, Nash ville 1145 am. 5 45 pm, arrive at Rocky Meunt 12 10 a m, 6 20 p m, daily except Sunday. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weldon for all points north daily, all rail via Richmond. U. M. IMfiRSON, Gen'l Pas. Agent. J. R. KENLT, Gen'l Manager. T. M. KMKRSON, Tr. Mgr. If You Want New Buggies, re-built buggies, or buggies re paired, H. Feal is the man to go to. I now have a largo stock of new material and can tit you out in a new rig that will please you, no matter what your idea may be. Also a lot of re-built vehicles, good as new, for very little money. Vehicles of all kinds built or re paired at short notice. If you want anything. in my line give me acalh oc 6 PI j mouth, H. C. - To all our Subscribers

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