HINTS ABOUT ; fc-e a h Ilouie-Mado Shoe Polisher. If you hare any bits of velveteen, make up into bags about four inc'ies wide, and seven or eight hiehes long. Stuff -with rags or wadding, and the bags make a splendid polM'.er tor glace kid boots or shoes, etc. How to Keep If. To keep ice. put it in a deep di-'.i or jug, cover it with a ph.lo ami place the vessel on a pillow .siufted wirti feathers and cover the top will) atsolliet pillow, by this means excluding t lie external air. Feathers are avc-H Known 'bad conductors of heat, and hi conse quence the ice Is preserved front melt ing, lee may Ue so prefer vctWor six ot fight days. The plan is .simple ami within the reach of every household. To Remove Stains Front X.iiicti. , Tar may be removed from liueu by rubbing the stain with butter and liien washing it out with warm Aval or and turpentine. Paint and varnish come out with turpentine. Ink aurt almost any stain that will not come out by the methods given may be removed by weak oxalic acid and ieraou juice. Dis solve a tablespoonful of oxalic acid and one of lemon juice in a pint of rain "water and keep it on hand in a bottle, As soon as the spots are removed, "wash out the slain mixture iu cleat cold water. System in Housework, The good housewife makes plans over night for the work which must be done the following day. Probably a considerable share of it falls to a spe cial day in each week, but there will be a number of things to do -which are out of the regular routine, and for these the must plan so that she will not have jthem all crowding upon her at once sand either being neglected because they are so many or taken iu hand and carried through at the cost of health and spirits. A desire for economy sometimes "will incite a woman to a most foolish ex penditure of energy, which in really a very bad kind of extravagauce. For instance, she has been pa-riiculfirly-j busy all day and is feeling tired, wheii in comes a neighbor who teP her of the great flannel sale. Iu a uroment ehe thinks of little Popsy's -flamiel pet ticoatsthe child really must have new ones and off she rushes to setttro -Hie material and returns, delighted lo have got it at a few pennies under the visual price. As a matter of fad, that flannel Avas a dear purchase, ft was like the proverbial straw -which broke the camel's back, for the next day the housewife is cither moping about, feel ing incapable of Avork. or she is yros trated Avith a severe headache. Phi li ning Avould saA-c this kind of tiling, ar.d prevent the crowding iuio one day the Avork of two. In planning and estimating a day's work some allowance should always be made for interruptions ami for lite .work taking longer than was anlici pated. "With too many "irons in the tire" such hindrances as a visitor or having to console a crying child in Mime little trouble make it d if lieu It to keep that calm, sweet temper which is necessary to the woman who is not merely the mainspring of lite machin ery of the household, but its good an gel, avIio makes it home indeed to all who dwell there. Washington ?inr. recipes Ilice With Cheese Steam or boil one cupful of rice until tender; cover the Imttom of a buttered pudding dish with the cooked rice, sprinkle clots of butter over; sprinkle will grated cheese; add a dash or two of cayenne pepper; alternate these layers until the rice is used and about one-quarter pound of cheese; pour over one and a half cups of milk and spread over the top buttered bread crumbs; put in a juiek oven and bake until crumbs are brown, ' Spanish Pickles Slice tuialy one peck of tomatoes, also slice four onions; sprinkle one cupful of sail over these alternate layers and let ' Klanfl" over night; in the morning drain nnd put in a preserving kettle; add oue table spoon of cloves, oue ounce of allspice lorries, half an ounce of pepper corus, one-half cup of brown mustard iseed. one pound of brown tugar, four green peppers finely chopped: ,'m;i vinegar pEough to cover; bring s'.uwiy to t lie bri'Iing point and boil -thirty minutes; til jars. HINTS .FOR LITERARY PEOPLE. A German Publisher's Rather Ex pressive Views. The Author, ot London, publishes the following "literary hints for the wealthy and cultivated." which, it sajs, were taken from a German pub lisher's advertisements: A gentleman does not give his daughter a dowry of from five to fifty thousand pounds and forget to pro vide her with a bookcase. A gentleman does not have a full wine cellar and empty book shelves. A gentleman does not use eau-dc-cologne and read greasy volumes from a circulating library. A gentleman does rot borrow good works which he is in a position to buy. A gentleman does not talk about the latest literature when he ia acquainted only Avith what has been said of it by the reviewers. A gentleman does not cut books Avith his fingers, oven after having washed his hand:-.. A gentleman does not possess a box of carpenter's too!s, but no paper knife. A gentleman does not receive books for review and give, them away or coll tnern without opening them. A gentleman docs iy.t make pres ents only of things Avhich are entirely without intellectual value. A gentleman does not send to hi? bookseller for a parcel of books on approval, and after having' read them, return them, saying that none of them suit' him. A gentleman does not buy only sixpenny cheap editions. A gentleman does not depend for his reading upon the daily journal? ' and illustrated weeklies. G0N8RESSMAN Wf RPR (To The IV-ru-ua Medicine (Ji., of Cj!i.',,iS!" 0.) "Pe-ru-xia- is All You OlakO- Far It, 5? 7 lraSsigii Hftff 11 I T'o SVefernsa Stock cf tho 'a Co. Congressman 1). F. Wilbrr, of Oe.eor.ta, N". Y., writes: The t'ei'Uita Medicine Co., Col tun bun, Okio: ( e n 1 1 e in cn,ltefH ita ded bi a friend I have tried your remedy' tt nd 1 have almost fully recovered after thq use of a lew battles. I am fully convinced that Pemna is all '.you claim for it, and 1 cheerfully recom mend your medicine to all who are a filiated with catarrhal trouble. ,f David F. W liber. A Do r it i GS, 000,000 comir.on iiioctt. DO mil Sold at Par. W. L, D:tiglas rs'aini all Ccmm'.n Slock. 'J'ii.' I'n'fcTrd .'Itovkof the W. I . I)u:t!a.i Slioc Cdiii i -any iiavn lii'der I h:ri M;ivlni:.s Hanks or liovcrniiiHiit 15,,'icl. j:very diilliir ot hfork ollcrcil llio pr.llii- Ii.vh Jbs WfiW)n):'9fM!sl i'.VPl, V.'. I.. "i'iN colli iuuf.i to own oiw-lmlf of Hi liiibtwsj.iiml Vfc J j.i li IVI1IMIII I llC ill'tlTB lli-tt'.l V ? Of t:'' ci'iiH'!!:. Vfe 'I'lite tiusir.pc is not M cn- 4i7;(io,-yp!-l iiropi-i't. it is ; '.Ii':n. I.otl llrll llivill!irt h:iv. fyj ''. Tlif ju'' lnt)iil.liuiitH'i. rw5t!' s-' L l lit..' wpii.t v,'"'J,HtlK P"& f 1 iOiHtyBHI fit HUIHl M'fffT 'iWWWk? 7 rro-p rtw, iti"1 Jia at- 5:Tiili::il on the urpfiTred iitui-k if fl.(XK:,(Ki(i. 't'nf Kfitmiil liisiiu's now in W.MK it is irt'ivnsinn vi-rv r igidly, :i:nl will eiinal S7,ifli lev Hit" y:ir l(iU3. Tin- (.ic-iorv i now turnmi; out, WHi iaiti of lil'-w r iluv, tttni mi adlilion to th plnnti is .w-'.ni: lull it Which tVIIVS n!'u-. TIiith l;ot. Iicmi y.w in flu! paw twelve when tlx" liurii'iesa not e.'inifii fi aciual i-flNlr mncii inoi" . iii till' lunourttimvt'Miirjr a p'loil y to lu.msvnair ivr riny. will io'r.1'iiK I he Tilt; ri-.tiion I am nfleriiHt the I'l-HfjWert Stook ic'sale rS tO pf"fpi'tH!lt! tlu tUlSllVKil. If von wiMi to invest, in tho best sjo?v linsinow in world, which is piTinam-nt, ami roii'ive 7 tvr tiil. on your moiipy. 1011 c:in purrhnsi' one Rhuifnriiioro inti'ii' W il Imsini'!. Si'iid uioncv l-v cashier' check or fi'rilM lied check. tuiMta imyablu to Y. I.. Iin;;l:it'. if tfipfl is no 1 1 ii in your town, send money !y t'xiiiv" jjoi otlicc imwrcy order!!. l'nispi'i-ins jjivinir full information almiT lliis prcat, T!I pnit'-tahlo Imsinc-in sent npon npiilicarion. Addrett W. 1.. lii ockloii. Miih. THE Jumped Into Engine Stack. A dispatch from Joplin, Mo., Eays: Owen Greelish, of Leavenworth, Kas., was killed between . Lebanon and Springfield by jumping into tho fun nel of the locomotive smoke stack on the west bound St. Louis and San Francisco passenger train. The dis patch says the young man committed suicide. He climbed to the top of the water tank and when the train stopped jumped into the smoke stack whooping as he leaped. He was pulled out by the train crew horribly burned and died in a few moments. His body was taken to Lebanon. Gree lish 's brother, in this city, knows noth ing of the details, but denies that the death was suicidal. He says . that he received a postal the day before and that his brother did not seem dejected or liable to kill himself. . I P?-i u-jiii a Vrcvi'ntlve Htul Cure for CoUN. ! Mr. ('. F. Given. Sussex, X. !'-.. Vii-e- j President iC the Pastime Rxiting Club, j a. rite i: I 'Whenever the cold weather sets in I I hav? for years pa.st been very stive to eatch j a severe cold, which was hard to throw i oft. and which would leave after-effects j on my constitution the most ot the win I tor. j "Last winter T was advised to try Pe i ruit.i, and within five days the cold was ! broken up, and in live days more 1 was a j well man. 1 recommended it to several of my friends, and all speak tne highest praise for it. There Is nothing like Per una. jor catarrhal afflictions. It is well nigh, infallible as a cure, and 1 fjladly endorse it." C. F. Given. A I'romittent ainur Pavol From Los of Voice. Mr. Julian Weissslitz, 115 Fencea street, Buffalo, X Y.. is corresponding secretary of The Sang'" -'st, of New York; is the leading aecq, ss of the Sangcrlust, the B. B. B. SENT FREE. Cures Blond anil Sklti Dineasea, Cancers, Itching; Hmnori, I'osie Pain. IJotnnie Elood Lahn (B. B. B.t cures Pimples, seabby, scaly, itching Eezetu, Uloers, T-atiug Sore:-, Scrofula. Blood l'oisojt, Jkiae Faias, Swelli.'jgs. Kheuiiia lism, Caaeer. Especially advised for chronic easo.s that doctors, patent medicines and Hot BvH'ing.4 fil to cure or help. Htrcngt li ens weak kidneys. Druggists, $1 per larga bottle. To prove it cures B. B. B. Hont free by writiug Br.oon Balm Co.. 12 Mitoiioil Street, Atlanta, Ga. Descrih-t trouble ,"iad free medical advicw sant i;i sealeil letter. Medicine sent at once, pre paid. All we ask is that you will speak a good word for B. B. B. largest German singing society i-f New York, and also the oldest. In 18!! The Sangcrlust celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with x large celebra tion in New York City. The following ia his testimony: "About two years ago I caught a severe cold whi'.e traveling, and which settled into catarrah of the bronchial tube, and so affected my voice that 1 was obliged to cancel my engagements, in distress I was advised lo try J'erir.ta, and although I had never used a patent medicine before I sent for a bottle. "Word but illy describe my surprise to find that within a lew days 1 was greatly relieved, and within three weeks J was en linHy recovered. I ant never without it now, and take an oceasional dose when I feel run down." Julian Weisslitz. If you do not derive jtrompt and satisfac tory results from the use ot Peiutia write at once to Dr. Hartniatt, giving a fill ! state ment of your ease and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.. rt.T.is cnxjtrxox GHAItf and rKANUT niltES i . KliS M fj 1 all others liv ti'iv ouun- a ilt.y ami nuailry ot its work, and durttMHty of lis eoijm ruction. 1 Iwej sizes for sfpam and: treait , pciwr-r. For t ree i-h(uIkiu;, prleos.ti'rms, At, adilress, tlt'AI. IMIllKiO, oeiioral At iit. Hurness, V Money Savin' Catalog J . snot coj tor a rostai So. 43. II .mi cfd with fU T. il a Thompson's Eye Water The jaw of the shark furnishes the best. Watchmaker's oil. In each shark is found about half a pint. All He Was Paid For. The leader of the band frowned as he brought the music to a standstill in the middle of a bar. "Say, Pumpernickel," he demanded, in a loud whisper, "what do you mean by playing a lot of half notes -where there should bo whole?' Pumpernickel took the horn off his neck. "Veil," said he, "I make explan tioniugs by you. You rememper clot you cud down my vages to halluf, don'd you?" The leader stared in amazement. He had done so, but "Und so I gontinuings to make der nodes out mid dis horn, halluf nodes, until der vages vos restorded unto whole vages. Aind it. yes?w Sometimes a comedian can produce a grave crisis Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune. FACTS AND FIGURES. The Caspian sea has only eleven pounds of salt to tue ton of water; ths . English channel has seventy-two pounds and the Dead sea 1ST pounds. Prempch's mother, now a prisoner with the deposed king of Ashantee at Elmira, has had fifty husbands, all of whom, with one exception, were put to death by her orders;. . w Tlie churches that have coal in tls East are hesitating between distribut-r ing it to the poor or using it to heat up--their rich parishioners. Birmingham Age-Herald. Laugh and the world laughs with, you unless you laugh at your own., jokes. . IS NOT A CURE-ALL, but it cures RHEUMATISM And. nil discixe. arinlnff from itHpuritir in the htooit. It jumitlvcJff will ttnt fiu'ttw the (liupsti re. organ. 1'ntnrrlt, Jiitftiei, l.ivr tttni Stmttnrlt troubles diaapprae itntlrr tlte powerful blttl jntrifyitiy ftttlities-tf' tilts' titfrlicitK-. TWO BOTTLES CURED. Uai,kigii, N. C. Gentlemen:! take pleasura in Itcarinjf testimony to the curative properties of your " Rheumacide. Two Itottles cmwl my son of n bail case. If thia will be uf any benelit to you in advertising your meritorious remedy, yon can use it. Yours truly, W. H. It AN 1, Nfrtrtn, X. C. Tnrtilvt inn for Blind. All Druggists, $i.oo, or cxpressagc prepaid. Bobbitt Chemical Co., - - Baltimore, fid., U. S. A. Y- m i Why Svrup,of Hid family I Fids It is pure. It is gentle. " It is pleasant. It is efficacions. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. It ii perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If ycu use it you have the best laxative the world produces. Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the orginality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by LifonjfiA m VriJp Sari Francisco, Cat. LoufcviUe, Ky, Now York. N. Y. JWJ? &dL BY ALL LEAL1XU ERUQGiSTS. .'.''i i fil i j(! I i m i Mir J? 11 . J