THE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY 0. V. W. AUBON, Editor.' PLYMOUTH, N. 0. Friday, November 28, 1902. Loss of Flesh When you can't cat break fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattencr, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh Want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. Ba surft that this picture In the form of a label i on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS. 409 Pear! St., N.Y. 50c. and $1 1 all druggists. Olosing Out at COST ! As it is getting late in the season, to make room for my Holiday Goods,, I will sell at cost my entire stock of Milli nery. The prettiest Plumes you ever bought, for 7"c regular $1.25 quality. Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, Felt Cloth; Ornaments, etc., iu com parison. And now ' to the Dress Goods. I tun looking for u new line Broad cloths, Whipcords, Waistings, etc. The many "handsome suits we have sold this season speaks for both qual ity and price. Remember we have Dress Trim mings from 2e. per yd. to $1.; as sorted styles and colors. Cloaks from 3 to $7 ; Fur. $1 to $7. These ure pretty goods for the money. In conclusion let me tell you SANTA GLAUS has arrived and uupacked his trunk uf all kinds of Toys, etc , so when you all are ready for? any kind of jjoods wo handle, come, and you will be satisfied with your purchase, for we will convince you how cheaply we sell. Respectfully, Mrs. L. E. Padgett- Valuable Farm for Sale We hare a Valuable Farm for tale. Ihe tract of laud is convenient to the totvn of Hoper, N. C, autl contains About 80 acres, abort 40 acres ia in good state of cultiva tion, balance is well timbered with pine, oHk ami hickory, which Las never beeu cut. Will be sold at a baiftttiu. Apply to THE KOaNOKE UiSACON, VI iroulb, N. U. BEACON FLASHES. Teacher Wanted A teacher of gome ex perience (lady preferred) to teach a public school for about 4 months. Apply to H. M. Saell, Skinuersville, N. C. 4t Local Daws scarce this week. Bea J Johnaton fc Blount's Dew ad. this week, Mr. Walter Brown4 of Kelford, was in the city this week. Thanksgiving was pretty generally ob served here yesterday. Mr. aDd Mrs. W. C. Thompson, of Ro per, were in town on Tuesday. Get your fish from C. E. Flowers' fish cart, or send or 'phone to his lish market, second stall to left in market house. Fresh lish daily. Yea, we would like to hav that little you owe us; we are needing it mighty bad. Alberta Bateman and Jessie Stubb? spent a few days the past weak at Pine tewn. Mrs. F. E. Normau of Mackey'a Ferry, has been vibiting her brother, Mr. W. t. Marriner. Mr. E. D. McCabe requests us to say to the pubiio that he hits rented the Biiukiey stables and is fitted up for the livery busi ness. Horses stopped there will receive good, attention. n We acknewledge a pleasant call from Mr. E. D. Chesson, ot near lioper, on Wednesday. .Attention is called this week to Mrs. L E. Padgett's ad. Belling out at cost, and Santa Claua. Mr. Juo. F. Wilts, of the Wilts Veneer Uo , New York, wa iu town for several days this week. MULES' -I have just received a car load of nice, clean-limbed mules, which I am Belling cheap. If you need a good mule now is your chance. Call early, before they are picked over. ti. F. Uweiis. A copy of Turner's N. C. Almanac given to every new subscriber, uud to every old one Who pays up. Mr. H. P. Alexander dropped in to see us on Wednesday and renewed his sub scription. Thanks. A number of our people left Wednesday for Richmond, to witness the game of ball between this State and Virginia. On Tuesday next, Dec. 2nd, there will be a Especial Sale of Ladies' Week Furs at my dry goods store. (Jail ou that day and let a bargain, rve are also ottering Ladies Jackets at greatly reduced prices. W. U. AYKR8. Mr. E. II. Kicks has moved his family to our town. They are occupying the house recently vacated by Mr. Will liardison. Misses Besie Kidm'ck. of Hertford, and Alice Caboou, of Roper, spent several days with Miss lienuio iagau during tne past week. MARKED DOWN We have marked & of our $100 ttiiks down to 90C, and our Goo. bilks down to 50c. Call and ste them. We have also just received a nice line of the new Corduroy waut goods. Something nice. Call and see it. W, B. Wrdfc Co. If those who know how he tint began business, could now go through the car riage and undertaking establinhuiant of S. J. Barco, at lioper, they would be forcibly struck with the rapid strides he has made in buiness. Mr. Barco being a firot-claes workman himself, he knows when a piece of work is properly doue. Nothing goes from his shops uuless finished in a thorough manner,' heuce his popularity and success. "Say, husband, it has just popped in my mind this very minute what we cau send aunt Helen aud cousin Alice for a ChriHt tuas present" "What is it, darling r" "Why, it will be to have little Charley's picture taken. I never saw him look so cute. Now, let's take him to Edenton. Baker's fond of babies, aud he always tries to catch them smiling; and you get a pic ture worth looking at. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Beson, when getting bis usual Saturday night bath, step ped back against a hot stove which burned him severely. The child wan in great agony and his mother could do nothing to pacify him. Remembering that she hnd a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the house, she thought she would try it. Ia less than halt an hour after applying it the child was qui et and asleep, and in lens than two week9 was well. Mrs Benson is a well known res ident of Kellar, Va. Paiu Balm is an anti septic liniment and especially valuable for burns, cues, bruises aud sprains. For Kale by all druggists. ROPER RIPPLES. Hello ! We have decided to come again, and hope we can stay longer this time. Miss Edna Sallenger, of Bertie, has been Vibiting Mrs. H. 1. Jackson. Mr. Clarksoh, with bis bride, has movtd in the bouse just vacated by Mr. Henry Allen, We are sorry to know that our former groceryman, Mr. E. B. Bpivey, in the Co. store, will not be behiud the counters any more after this week. At the Missionary Rally last 8unday Master Dolphin Peacock received the book of Psalms for making the most money for missionary causes. While at Mrs. J. L. Singleton's last Fri day night. Miss Hester Lewis fell down stairs, breaking her left arm, knocking her right shoulder out of place and cutting her head so the doctor had to make several stitches. Rose & Violet. BLAZING HOME GRAVES. THEIR Three Colored Children Lose Their Lives in the Fire. Greenville, N. C, Nov. 20 Late Wed nesday evening on the farm of Mr. B. W. Tucker near Wiuterville, this county, a tenant bouse occupied by John Evans, colored, was destroyed by lire. Evans aud bis wife were away at work leaving their three small children at home alone. All the children loit their lives in the building. It is not known bow the fire started. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ABE TAKING Wheu you take Gkove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because ib lormula ia plainly print ed on every bottle showing that it is simpiy Irou aud Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 5)c 11 L5-ljr TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggiitts refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. 1125-ly Times are hard aud it behooves ns to ecenomize. If your last yar's suit is soiled don't cast it aside, but take it to rianil. Wiggins. He can, for little cost, dye them or clean and press them so they will look good as new, and you will save the cost of a new suit. Ladies' dressed dyed or reuo vated. He is also an expert in cleaning ana upuoistenug furniture. Try mm once aud be couvinced. DUE, at A. Swain k Bro.'s. store door. What? High Prices. Proof! We will sell an all-wool Ash land Repellent, for walking, rainy day, or dress skirt, in colors of dark and light gray and navy blue, at only 47 1-2C per yd. was 62 1-2C. Will sell a genuine parched Java coffee at 20c. per lb. was 25 c. per lb. We will sell Grape Nuts at 12 1-2C pkg. was 15 c. Our neck furs will be sold at prices that will please any one Have sold a large quan tity, and only a few left. Lancaster ginghams will be sold, for a few days only, at 5 1 -2 c per yd regular price 7c. We are offering a genuine black taffeta silk, 44 in. wide, at only 72 i-2cperyd. was$i. I hese are only a tew 01 the many knocked down prices you' will find in our store; we invite you to see our stock when in need of anything; we are always glad and willing to show you anything you wish to see, whether you buy or not. Our line of Shoes, for Men, Ladies' and Children, are just as good as your money can buy, and every pair warranted. Yours to please, A, SWAIN & BRD, r OYSTERS I have opened up 11 first-class oyster saloon and RESTAURANT between W. C. Avers' and L. S. Landing's, ou WATER STREET. Those wishing a nice quiet place to en joy a plate of oysters or a meal served in a clenn, up-to-date manner, Cab beaccom mod a ted. Meals served at any hoar, by clean and polite attendants, I thank you iu advance for your patron age. T. J. LEWIS. Subscribe to-day. In the mercantile circles of Eastern North Carolina, is our method ot looking af ter the interests of our Customers. In order to do this in a more satisfactory manner than heretofore, we have inaugurated a plan we trust will be of mutual benefit to the trade, and to us. The trade to be benefitted by the low prices we ask for fresh, clean goods and our guarantee of satisfaction to all. We to be bene fitted by your appreciation, and patronage, for the true values we are giving you for your money, and the many advantages we are presenting to you over our competitors. There is not a firm in the country that devotes more time and attention to the wants of the people than we en deavor to do. For many years we have maintained the leading position, and you will find us now better prepared to do so than in the past., The "Coal Strike" had its terrors for all of us; Here however is another story a story that if heeded, by you will call out "Troops of People" to our store. This is the Great Opportunity for ALL: Each. Thursday of Every Week, commencing Thurs day, November 6th, we will give special prices on all good$ mentioned in the following list. Remember the Day for Greatest Bargains Special reduction on all Dress Pat terns. Dress Goods of every description. Silks. Velvet?. Bleached and Unbleiched Muslin. Men's Suitings. Blankets, Ladies', Children's and Gent's Shoes Shirtings. Appliques and All-over Laces. Trimming Braids. Table Linens. Towels. Embroideries. Laces. Umbrellas. Ladies', Misses and Children's Coats. Ladies' Capes. Gent's Ties. 100 pairs Men's 50c. Suspenders, going at 35c. per pair. Men's nnd Boys' Clothing. Will always find first-class line of Groceries in stock. LouisP.Hornthal.