ft Hints to Business Men. Says an exchange : "No town will become a good business center as long as the majority of its business men rely upon a few merchants to make the efforts to bring trade to town. Too often the men in the clothing and dry goods trade are about the only ones to reach out after custom ers. Other merchants wait until these enterprising business men in duce the people to come to town and content themselves with the trade that drifts to their places. A public-spirited man should ask himself if he is doing his part to attract peo ple to town. Ho may bo holding his trade well, and even by fair deal ings and popular ways, getting his full share of the trade that naturally belongs to the place, but he is not doing his part as a member of the business community, if he is not helping to extend the business of his town. Any merchant wh induces people to trade is helping the entire business community, and is not a minnnoo nnUn oil linua lira WnrL'inor . J. ... . - - - v to extend the trade as far as possible -j and trying to bring a larger territory in the circle of which the town the business centre." WHY TIIEY MAKRIED. Postal cftrcb having been sent out to marrUd men with the inquiry, ''Wbydid you marry?" a large number of responses came to band, from which th following are selected : ."That's what I've been trying for eleven yeare to fiud out. X." Married to get even with her mother, but uerer have. "Because Sarah told me that five other young met had proposed to her. C." "The father thought eight years courtin' was long enough. B." "Pleae don't stir me up. J." "Because I thought she was one among a thousand ; sow I think she is a thousand among one E," 'Because I yearned for company ; now I have it all the time K." "Bacause it is just my luck P." 'Because I had more money than brains -B. D." is Better Than a Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on the affected parts, is better than u plaster for a lame back and for pains in the side or chest. Pain Balm lias no superior as a liniment for the relief of deep seated, muscular ana rheumatic pains. For sale by al druggists. - It takes a rich urea of poverty. man to enjoy the pleas Saved At Gravo's Brink. "I know I would long ago have been in rnv grave." writes Mm. 8. H. NewHom, of Decatur, Ala., "if it had not been for Eleo trio Bitters. For three years I buffered un told agony from the worst forms of Indi gestion, Waterbrahb, Htomach and Bowel Dyspepsia. But this excellent medicine did me a world of good, ince using it I cau eat heartily and have gained 35 pounds," FOr Indigestion, Loss of Appetite. Stomach, Liver and Kiduey troubles Electric Bitters are a Dositive. maranteed care. Only fiOo at Spruul & Bro's. store. A K locomotive engineer cau make his own headlight by tanking up. FREE TO OUR HEADERS. Botanic Blood Balm for the Blood. If you suffer from ulcers, eczema, scrof ula, blood poison, cancer, eating sores, itching skin, pimples, boils, bone pains KWelhags, rneumatism, catarrn, or aDy . blood or akiu disease, we advise you to take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.). Especially recommended for old. obatinate, deep-iteated caves, cures where all elite fails, heals every Kore, makes the blood pare and rich, gives the skin the rich glow of health. Dragging, $1 per large bottle. Sample sent free by wriiiug Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, via. i-e scribe trouble and free medical advice sent in ea!ed letter. Medicine seut at once, pre paid. .. 15-1 mmife mm A really healthy woman has lit tle pain or discomfort at the menstrua period. No woman needs to have any. Wine of Cardui will quickly relievo those smarting menstrual pains and the dragging head, back and side aches caused by falling of tho womb and irregular menses. has brought permanent relies to 1,000,000 women who suffered every month. It makes the men strual organs strong and healthy. It is the provision made by Na ture to givo women relief from the terrible aches and pains which blight so many homes. uio uou Tery oiok ior so me time. I was taken with a severe naiii in mv get any relief until side and could not i iriea a oottio or Wine of Cardui. Be fore 1 fcad taken all of it; I was relieved. I feci it my duty to say that you have a wonderful medicine. Mas. M. A. Yocnt. For advice and literature, address, (firing rmn. torn. "Tli Latins' A.l vlnory Dftptinment,' Tfia C-iiuanX)ga iedioiue Co., CbaUanooga, Tenn. Foils A Deadly Attack. "My wife was so ill that good physicians were unable to help her," writes M. Al Austin, of Winchester. Ind., "but was com cletelv cared bv Dr. King's New Life Pills." They work wonders in stomnch and liver troubles. Cure constipation, sick head ache. 23c at Bpruill & Bro s. store. Perfect and Peerless OSri :-4 cures Girls who are as silent as posts are good ones to hitch to. The Pride of Heroes. Many soldiers in the last war wrote to say that for Scratches. Bruises, Cuts Wounds. Corns, Sore Feet aud Stiff Joints, Buckleu'n Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for Burns, Hcalds, Boils, Ul cers, 8k in Eruptions and Piles. It cures or no pay. Only 25c at Spruill & Bro's. store Letters give information only after they are posted. It is different with some men. We have on exhibition at onr office one of the (Cultivators made and patented by Cahoon Jt Gaboon, in this county. It is good thing, and with it one man and horse can do more work in a crop than with any other one implement. Farmers will do well to call and examine it. I'M STILL IN IT, The restaurant business. T t 1 - -r jl nave uieaseu vou. can A. please you again. Kooms furnished, and table sup plied with .the best. Prices reasonable. Give me a call. Opposite printing ollice. LI. E. McCabe- rtlORB LIVES ARE SAVED BY USING.- Dr. King's New Discovery, mmFORm, Consumption, Coughs and Colds xumjx tsy jslu. ut&er Tnroat And Lung Remedies Combined. This wonderful modicino positively cures Consumption. Couehs. Colds. Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fever, leurisy, LaGripps, Hoarseness, iro Throat, Crouo and WhooDinsr Cough. fdOCUKE. WO PAY. Prioe 60c. & SI. Trial Bottle Tree. Selling Out. As I am expecting to leave' Plym outh about the first'of the year, 1 am now offering my entire stock of Clothing, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Musical instruments, etc., etc.. an prices never heard of before. These Goods Must be Sold regardless of cost, as it is too expen sive to move them. This is no fake, but bona-fide busiuers. Give me a call aud let me convince you hat you never bought goods so cheap in Plymouth before. A. Marcus. Briukley's block, Washington St. AGENTS WANTED jIfe of T. DeWitt Talmagk, by his Son, Hev. Frank DeWitt Talmaoe und associate editors of Christian H-rald. Ouly book endorsed by Taluiage family tuormous profit for agents wnoact quickly. Outfit ten cents. Write immediately CLAHK & CO.. 222 S. 4th St. lieumaiism and all Liver, Kidney and Blad der troubles caused by uric acid In the system. It cures by cleansing and vitalizing the blood, thus removing the cause of disease. It gives vigor end tone and builds up the health and strength of the patient while using the remedy. URICSOL is a luminary in the medical world. It has cured and will continue to cure more of the above diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. This great and thoroughly tested and endorsed California Remedv i never disappoints. It cures in 1 f allibly if taken as directed. Try it and be convinced that it is a wonder and a blessing to suffering humanity. Price $1.00 per bottle, or 6 bot tles for $5. For sale by druggists. Send stamp for book of partic ulars and wonderful cures. If your druggist cannot supply you it will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt of price. Address : URICSOL CHEMICAL CO., Los Aaxtbt, Cel. erlht LAMAK ft RANKIN DRUQ CO., Atlanta, (U. bUtrlbatlag Agtou. FAT Till FAT I PEOPLE Reduce Your Weight With 'REDUCT0": "Rcducto" is a per fectly harmless vegetable compouud endorsed by thousands of physicians nd people who have tried it. Wa end yon the Formula. I at home if you deaire, jou kuow mil wen the ingrcdieuU aud therefore need have no fear of evil ef fects. Send One Dollar for Iteceipt aud instructiaug, or 6. for sample treat men t, evemuiug mailed in plalnen vitlope. addrxhi: li ids u them bl Co J 8701 S. Jefferson Ave ST. LOUIS, MO '32Z Undertaker and Carriage Maker, Coffin, Gaskets and Burial-cases of all styles, grades, sizes and prices. CBCloth Lined Canes a Specialty. Special attention given to orders from a distance. If it sbouid be your misfortune to need anything in this line, call on ui. I have as nice a line of open and top ve hicles as has evor been shown in this sec tion. Iu work and prices I defy compe tition. Examine my stock belore placing your order." 1 nave secured tue services of a first-class trimmer, and all work is executed in a thorough, workman-like manner. o. J. I5A11CO, 8p l-tl ltOPER, IN. U. Advertise what yon have to sell, and get yonr share of the money in circulation. NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL . ROAD COMPANY. IN EFFECT MAY 26tb, 1902. train 8crvicc. Northbound : Leave Belhaven daily (except Sunday) 6:00 a, m. Leave Edenton daily (except Sunday) 145 p. m. Arrive Elizabeth City daily (ex cept Sunday) 2 40 p. m. Arrive Norfolk daily (except Sun day) 4 20 p.m. Leave Edenton daily ex. Sunday 8:30 a. m. Leave Elizabeth City daily except Hauday 9 25 a. ni. Arrive Norfolk daily ex. Hun day 11 00 a. m. Southbound : Leave Norfolk daily (except Sunday) 10 00 a. m. Arrive Eliz. City daily (exoept Sunday) 1138 a. m. Arrive Edenton daily (except Sunday) 12 80 p. m Leave Edenton daily (except Sunday) 12 45 p. m. Arrive Belhaven daily (except Sunday) 520 p. m. Leave Norfolk daily ex. bnnday 4 10 p. m. Arrive E. City daily ex. Sunday 5 45 p. iu. Arrive Edeutou daily ex, Sunday 6.40 p. m. Trains stop at all intermediate stations. Connect at Norfolk with trains to and from Virginia Beach and Currituck Branch Virginia Beach Division. A. C. 1L. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH DATED May 25th, 190. c-8 .'f .-f fcn aso fcq jciS r5 AM I'M I'M AM I'M Lv Wei don 11 SO 9 31 ArltockyMt 100 10 PM Lt Tarboro 18 S3 7 Lv R.cky Mt 1 05 10 OS 7 SS 45 It 5 LvWiliou 169 11 1W 111 IN StO LvSelma 8 U IS 10 Lv Kayettevill 4 41 IU Ar .Florence 7 CO IS) P M AM ir noldiboro 9 so Lv Uoldiboro T II I IS Lv Magnolia 1 17 4M Ar Wilmington 1010 100 TRAINS GOING NORTH. "3 k 25 nj 4 a Lv Florence Lv Fayctteville Lv MO)t Ar Wilson , Lv Wilmington l l UHUtW.il. Lv Gvidsboro 10 03 19 40 X 10 2 67 AM o-a AG PM ISO loss 1140 10 JCfl 'TEAM BOAT SERVICE. . Steamers leave Edenton daily (ex. San day) 7:00 a. m. and 1:30 p. m., for Plym outh, connects with Washington & Plym outh K. KM for Washington, N. 0., and with steamer for Windsor. Hteamer leaves Edenton 12:46 p. m., for Jamesville and Williarnston. Leave Edenton Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 12 45 p. m. for Chowan River landings; and Monday and Friday for Soupperuong River. Steamers leave Elizabeth City for Boa neke Island, Oriental and Newberne, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 6:00 p. m., and Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3:00 p. m.; connect with A. A N. C. K. It., and Atlontio Coast Line lor Goldsboro and Wilmington, tc. Steamers leave Belhaven daily (ex. Sun day) tor Washington, h. C, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Aurora, South Creek, Makleyville, fcc, and 5 a. m Mon day, Wednesday and Friday for Swan Quarter, and Ocracoke. For further information apply to J. J. Hassell, Agent, Plymouth, or to the Gen eral Office of the N. St S. F.. R. Co., Nor folk, Va. M. K. KING, . H. C. HUDGINS, Geu'l Manager. ,Geu'l Ft.A Pass Agt. PM 700 to 17 PM 10 SS 1123 e AM ISO 1106 lit 90 AM 118 163 75 PM AM LvWilsen 815 8 SO IS SO Ar Rocky Mt 30 V 00 1910 At laxoorc 9 34 Lv Tarboro 9 31 Lv Kocky Mt S CO J9 43 Ar Weldou 4 M 1 37 I'M AM PM TRAIN on the Scotland Neck Branch road leaves , Weldou 3 IS pro; Halifax Z'Uit pm; arrives Scotland Nek 4 10 pm; Greenville 0 47 pm Klnitoc S 45 p mi. Returning leavee Kinetea 7 SU a m; Oieeuville 3 30 a u; arriving Halifax 1105 a ni; Weldon li to a m, daily except Sunday. Tralaa on Waabiogtoa Branch leaves Washington 8 00 a m and 1 45 p in, arriving Parnate l:U , aa, and 3:10 p m, returning ieevea Parmele 00;15 a ni and Xt-.Ti p m. arrive Washington 10:34 a antf 0:15 p m, except Snuday, Train leavea Tarboro, N. C, dally except Sanday 4:35 p m Sunday 4:35 p m arrlvea Vly month S:S5 p in, 6:30 p m. K turning leavea Plymoath dally ex ctpt Sunday 7:30 a m aud Sunday 9:00 a m. arrives Tarbore 11.65 a m 11:00 a m. Train on Midland, N. C, Branch leaves Ool da bo ro dally except Sunday 5:00 a m, arrivine Smiih' field 6:10 a m. Keturning leave Smithfleld 7:00 a. m, arrivea at Geldibero 8:95 a ax Tralua en Naihviiie Branch leave Rocky Meant at 9:30 am, 4:C0 p m arrire Neahviile 10:90 a n. 4:28 p m, Spring Hope 11:00 a m 4:45 p m. Ketnra leg leave Spring llepe 11 SO am, S3 pm, Nash ville 1145 a in. 45 pm, arrife at Rocky Meant 12 10 a m, S to p m, daily except Sunday. Train No. 78 makee dote connection at Welden for all poinu north daily, all rail via Richmond. 11. M. IMtHSON. Oen'l Pa. Agent. J. R. KBKLT, Cea'I Menagar. T. M. ERBRSOK, Tr. Mgr. i ) CT J LJ t r it 1 - To all our Subscribers T II IE Great American Famiep, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation. Is Edited by the HON. JOS. H. BRIGHAM, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture "of the United States, Assisted by an Able Corps of Editors. This valuable journal, in addition to the logical treatn.er.t oi all agricultural subjects, will also discuss the great issues oi the day, thereby adding zest to its columns and giving the farmer something to think about aside from the every day humdrum of routine duties. Two F:r the Pries of One. THS BSA30H Your Only County Paper and The AMERICAN FARMER, Both One Tear For ONE D0LLAB. This unparalleled offer is made to all new lubscribert, and all old ones who pay up all arrears and renew within thirtyjdays. sample copies free. Address: The Roanoke Beacon. a- 3 Grove Chill f The Formula tells the story : 9s Chrome Not 0 patent medicine : a thin spirituous liquid, of a pleasant bitter Uste, made cf Fluid Extract PERUVIAN BARK Fluid Extract POFLAR BARK Fluid Extract BLACK ROOT Fluid Extract PRIOCLY ASH B l Fluid Extract DOG WOOD BARK Fluid Extract SARSAPARILLA It Cures the Chills that other Chill Tonics Don't Cu He Best General Tonic. No Cure, Wo Pay. Prfea, 50c. hi I., Pa. Mention this Paper. je