THE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED EVERY FltliTAY C. V. W. aUjJBON, Editor. PLYMOUTH. Friday, December 12, 1902. tltl 7 FT Consumption is a human weed' flourishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes im possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork i.i good too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to treat consump tion is U'hrn- vnn hfcrin trvinar .. ------ j J'"t to hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won't. ' Don't wait. until you can't deceive yourself - any; longer. Uegin with the first tltfooajght to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. - If it is consump tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment. em We will send you a little of the Emul sion free. . V futt thai tliu picture in (he form of a label is on the wrapper ot every bottle of Umulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE8 Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. e;ce. and ft: all druggists. Notice, Please If it is a Holiday present for your mother, father, wife, husband, child, sweetheart or friend, we are prepared to fill your order of the daintiest and newest style goods. We do not advertise to give goods away, but we give you good goods for your money, and guarantee to (i lease you. Our Toys are displayed, and al ready we have had epleudid ealcs on ume. Remember we have our regular stock '".of Millinery, Dress Goods, Notions, etc., also for your inspec tion, and when you know the quali ty of an article you will confess we give you your money's worth. Come to see us. Our Btore will be open nights until 0 o'clock and after. We do not okt mad if you don't buy, as we are not compkl- tKI) TO SELL. lfcspeGLfullj, rs. L. . Padgett lit n!tfaatur ii co wrf bote ( thm gonia laxative Bfomo-Qulriaa wa 'iit rcMndy cure A ws JT BEACON FLASHES. Mr. W. W. Leary, ot lloper, w&a in town on Monday, Mr. E. W. RnelL of 8cnpprnong, vaa ia town en Wednesday. Teacher Wanted A teacher of some ex psrieuca (lady preferred) to teach a public scbaot for about 4 months. Apply to II. U. 8nell, Skinnerstille, N. 0. 4t Read Louis P. Hornthal's new ad. this week. It't a hummer. Miss Eva Chesson, of Roper, visited Mrs. L. L, Owens this week. Miss Anna Savag of Jamesville, visited Mm. Clarence Latham tnis week. Mens, G. D. Swain acd S. L. Sexton, of Ore well, were in town on Monday. D. S W. J. Starr and son, Walter, of Creswall, were her on Wednesday. Get your fish from & E. Flowers' fish cart, or send or 'phone to hie tish market, second stall to left in market house. Fresh fiah daily. . Dr. W. H. Hardison, of Creswell, made us a pleasant call wnile in town this week. Mess. J, P. Clagon and JeaBe Herring- ton, of iioper, were m to see ou lrllea day. Mias Bessie Ridkick, pf Hertford, was the guest of Mies Heuuit Fttjjau on lues day. Mrs. K. 3. Cohn and Mr. Herman Cohn, of Norfolk, are tho guests of Mrs. Clarence Latham. Mr. Arthur Chesson has returned from school iu Baltimore, to spend the holidays at home. We acknowledge a short but pleasant call thia week from Mrs. N. T. Utrringtou, of Boper. MULES I have just rectited a car load of nice, clean-limbed moles, which I am selling cheap. If jou need a good male now is your chance. Call early, before they are picked over.. B. F. Owens. We sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Oliver, whose little girl died on Tuesday night Inst. Mrs. Adel Smith and children, of Ports mouth, Va... are visiting her mother, Mrs. Aleo Manning, Mrs. Jas, I. Brner and children, of E City, spent the week with her sister, Mrj. C. V. W. Ausbou. A copy of Turner's K. C. Almanac given to every new subscriber, and tu every old one Who pays up. By the looks of our show windows Santa Clans will give uur vouugsters a high old time this Christmus. , , Mrs. M. Owens aud little daughter, Miss Fsiiuiu, of . City, visited relatives her for several days this week. Dr. S. Hasuel!, of Scotland Neck, was in town Wednesday night ahakiug hands with his many trieudb v. ho are always gkd to see aim. Mrs. Paul W. Brinkley was called to Greensboro Y edneaday by a telegram elating that her buabtnd, bo is a traveling salesman, was there quite sick. WANTED f)00 acrea of Pine timbered laud, by The W Fletcher Aunbou. Insurance aud iteal Estate agency, Plymouth, N. C. See announcement of Atlanta Constitu tion ou 2nd page, and remember we club this paper with the Constitution for ouly $1.50 it year, and you euter the contest jiut the same. Subscribe to-day. Quite a number of our towu people, also a number from JLtoper, accompanied The Plymouth Dramatic. Co., to Washington Tueoday evening to see ' Tony, the Con. vict,' presented before a very appreciative audience. Don't forget that Mrs. W. B. Ward & Co. are headquarters for Hauta Ciaus. They have one of the bekt selected assort meats rf toys, dolls, and all kinds of holi day goods ever brought to this town, and their prices can't be beat. Don't fail to see their line before buying, On awaking Wednesday morning last Mrs. J. E. Tyler was horrified to and her three-weeks-old . infant dead beside her. Such an experience is indeed sad, and otir entire people extend eympatby to the be reaved parents.' Mise Grace Ott has decorated the fehow windows at Hotutbal's store with novelties, evergreeue, etc. Mia Ott is an artist of no mean ability, and her handiwork gives the department nba presides over a truly holi day appearance. We have secured a regular correspondent at Washington, D. C., whose lcttrs will keep our readers iu touch with the doings of Congress aud other matters of public interest at the .Nation's Capital. 'We hops this new' feature will be appreciated. II. Peal is still in the ring, and says be is better prepared than ever to please yon if you want a U9w buggy, or auy thing else iu his line, lie has an immense stock of Dew material now and can tit you eut to suit year own taste. Give him a trial. Dr. Hyat left the evening of the secoud of December for au extensive trip. The chief object of his going is to have manu factured a mUcU lmpravei and important appliance to be used iu the examination wf ye. .While away he will tint the hos pitals, colleges and sanatorium of Balti more, Philadelphia aud NW York. Iu New York he will investigate especially the inethodw used in the cancer hospital amoug which is the Finieu ray, Elusion Free Prefs. ft will be good newt to tha mothers of Small children to learn that croup can bo prevented. The first signof croup U hoarse ness. A day or two before the attack the chili becomes hoarse. This is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough. Give Cham berlaiu's Cough Remedy freely as Soon as the child becomes hearse, or even after the rough eortgh appears, and it will disptl all symptoms of croup. In this wav all danger and anxiety may bo avoided. This remedy is nsed by many thousands of mothers and has never been known to fail. It is, in fact, the only remedy that on always he depen ded upon and that is pleasant and safe ts take. For sale by all druggists. w Times are hard end it behooves os to economize. If your lasi year's suit ir soiled don't cast it aside, but take it to 8am!. Wiggins. He can, for little cost, dye thea or clean and press them so they will look good as new, and yea will sate tha cost of a new suit. Ladies' dresses dyed or reno vated. He is also an expert in cleaning and upholstering furniture. Try him once and be convinced. . . - l-lX'...lLLia.ilJ!tBJqgj! ROPER RIPPLES. Mrs. Mar? . Spruill aud family have moved to Pinetowu. Miss Bessie lfiddiek made a firing trip to Kdenton Saturday last. Dr. Bogert will preach for ns again another year at the liapttat church. Wa regret very much to know that our old friend, Mr. Ben Bailey, is very til. Hope he Will coon recover, Xmas is drawing sear aud our town will be all life when the college bova and girls return ; they bring new life aud joy. Quite a number of our young people an ticipate a pleasant trip to Washington with the Plymouth and Roper Dramatic Co. Miss Etelle Sitterson is vieiting her sis ter, Mrs. Duval, aud taking muio lessons under that competent teacher, Miss ilaitie Taylor. Mrs. Lee Clark and children are visiting Mrs. L. G. Koper aud Mrs. Ernest Clark. We are always glad to see old friends in onr town. Mrs. Joe Brinkley aud family are the guests of her father, Mr. Hichard Peacock for u short time before making Plymouth her home. There will be another one of those de lightful 'Meat Suppers given for the benefit of the Episcopal church Tuesday , night, Deo. 16th. suss jennie tsrinxiey nas Deen aennt ing her many friends with her sweet pres ence for the past few days, the guest of Mrs. W. T. Sprnill. Joyous Christmas Greet ing to HI! Miss GuBsie Carstorpheu spent several days iu the country as the guest of Mrs. J. E. Blount, and our cha'rming friend, Miss Besbie Kiddie fe. Mrs. Asa Jonnston and , Misses Lola Murray aud Eetelle Forbes, of Plymouth, spent last Sunday with Mrs. Jim Johnston. Come agaiu. f rieuds, aud stay longer; Father' Cliristitia has arrived and is stopping for the remainder of the season in our show-windows, where he will be glad to wait on all the j children, who are grown up, and promises also that he will visit all the good boys and girls of the town if they will be nice to him. Sometimes it's hard for any of us to decide what to give in order to please our friends. Father Christmas has a few suggestions to offer A nice dress or pair of shoes for your wife and daughters ; you might add a pair of kid gloves, a nice suit of clothes, hat and shoes for your boys, dolls, mechanical toys, spinning tops, houses, story books, steamboats, &c. &c Father Christmas also has a very nice line of Neck Furs and Gent's Neckwear for the young ladies and gentlemen. He has one of the nicest as sortments of Chihaware ever shown in this town. Father Christmas now ex tends to one and all a hearty welcome to see him, and wish es all, the little folks especially, a glad and joyful Christmas. Yours, at A. SWAIN & BRQ, Christmas is coming, and with its near approach, you you will want to know what you can present to your friends that will afford them most pleasure and pleasure and comfort. With this object in view we wish to make some suggestions to you. At Hornthal's you will find gifts of many kinds not old stock or job lot goods, but everything clean and fresh. We now have on display at onr store a pretty assort ment of seasonable goods suitable for gifts for one and all. Below you will find a partial list of reminders : it Ladies' Fur Bona and MuSa Ladies Chiffon Neck Ruches Kid Gloves Scotch Gloves " TJfnbrellGS ; Handkerchiefs Stick Pins Brooches Silk. Velvet and Flannel Waiit pattern Ladies' Dress patterns Ladiea and Children's Coats Perfumes Toilet Waters Sachet Powders Fine Toilet Soaps Pocket-Books Sofa Pillows and Cords Parlor Lamps Table Cor ers Napkins Table Linens Stationery Children's Mitts Many Staple goods of various kind. Wool Blankets. Carpets. Gent's Neck-Tiec " Silk Suspenders Kid Gloves " Gauntlets " Golf Gloves Buckskin Gloves " Silk, liueu and cambric hdk'fs. Sterling silver cuff-buttocs Studf. " Scarf.Pins. Gent's and youths' latest style Hats. ' Over-Coat Clothing " Shoes " Plain and Fancy Hose Lap-Robes Pocket-Knives Shirts Collars and Cuffs A Word to the Housekeepers. In our grocery department you will find many things to delight the appetite. We are just opening a fresh sup ply of Fancy Confections and Groceries from northern headquarters, for all that is good, viz.: Austin, Nichols & Co., of New York it is" useless, to say rnore so will give a list of these "famous" goods. Fancy Sauces and Jellies of vaiiousj" Pudding kinds Preserved Chinese Ginger Apncets. Citron. Currants and Baisins Table and Pie Peaches, canned and dried. Fancy Candies of all description. Cocoanuts Seedless Kaieiui Loudon Layer Kaisius Nuts of all kinds Layer Figs Maple Syrup, in cans and bottles. Fancy Pickles Jenny Liuds Pickle, Qt.; bottles 50c. All kinds Flavoring .Extracts Imported and Domestic Sardines. Prunes, Olives, Salmon Steak, Lobster, canned Chicken, Twin light boneless herring. Street & Cerkrous Meats are the beet, always in stock. Prep. German Mustard at 30c p$r qt. jug Sunbeam canned Corn Tomatoes 3tring!ess Beans May Peas Asparagus Tips Chalmers Jellatiue All kinds bread preparations, from 5 to 25c. pkg. Now for "Our Coffees." Blue Ribbon, by pound nd can Morning Glory, 5 lb cana.cheapat $1 Auco, premium coff&e at 25c. per lb. G recti aud roasted coffees ft out lUc. to 20c, per pound. Sunbeam Buckwheat, prepared and unprepared. For holiday baking, if you wish to be successful, use Hough and Herberts best patent flour. Wishing all our friends and patron a Merry Christ mas, and a Glad and Prosperous New Year, I am Very truly yours, Louis P. Hornthal.

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