I il. v. IK,- w On. Kissci'3. Kissing is not an unhealthy pas time if proper sanitary' measures are used before and after taking. But it is a rank crime to bring girls up without proper instruction as regards kissing. . The Pastor in the Prtah has Been a good many things in his time. A;-gay young imbecile of the he flirt type ivas ctanding'on the piazza of a human hostry not many months ago he was about to. depart from his lady acquaintances of a week. Jt was a cloudless evening in June and the scarlet West gleamed dimly- nut go (dimly aa to hide the gcene aa six young ladies passed along iu line and pressed their lioie of Sharon lips to the great sht in the face of the brainless, soulless and character istic tnfler. By the eternal gods, what a scene ! A girl who willfully permits her self to be pawed over by Tom, Dick and the Devil, who joins in such public kissing bee3, has so debauch ed her body and so debased herself in mind that she is forever unfitted for noble wifehood, and no man of refinement would marry her, . the is damaged goods the moment she submits to the kisses of u man who does not make her mistress of his heart. Kissing' ain't a josh. Kissing means business. When a man finds a girl that has submitted to such job-lot osculation, iio should paste a crosiboiie Jaoel over, her slobber trap and go on. The Knocker, A Jotim-al for Cranks. The Pride of Heroes. ilauy soldiers iu the last war wrote to ay that for tiemtohea. Bruises, Outs, W'ounda, Coins, JSore f'tet and Stilt' Joints, Buckleii'n Aruiuw tialva in the beat iu the world Same for Burrm, Scalds, Boila, Ul cers, Skiu Eruptions and I'ilew. It cures or im pay. Only 2.rc at SSpruill & Bro'3. store. Don't tell yonr trouble. It doeau't do auj good, aud besidei it takua up the other fellow' tiuie who wiiuta to toll you hid. FliEE TO OUR UEADKU3. Botanic Blood Balm for the, Blood . If yn suffer from ulcers, eczema, crof ula, blood poison, cancer, o'atiug 6ore, itchiuir. Mtsiu, pioipls, boiis, boue pains,' bwvlliags, rheummiuuj, taurrli, or &uy blood or ukiu di3as, we advise you to tale Houuio Blood Iialm (B. B. B.). Epecial!y recoaiinenifed for old. obutiunte, deep-Heated case. cura whore all lsie faiis, beals every dare, luaktis tbo blood pura and rich, ives the fciu he rich glow of health. Druggists, $t per large bottle. HaiupU Kent free by vrritiug; Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. He' icrib trouble nud free medical advice tent in sealed letter. Medioiue sent at oace, pre paid. 15-1 i A really healthy wouun baa lit is tio pain or discomfort at tne K - . . . - I" B menstrual period. No woman J needs to have any. W'iio of jCardui will quickly relieve those 1 smarting menstrual pains and I the dragging head back andi 8id9 aches caused by falling of i a the womb and irregular menses. U has brought permanent relief to ' 11,000,000. women who suffered i every month. It makes the men-1 struai organs strong and healthy. jit U the provision .made by Na-J Stare to give women relief from1 j the terrible aches and pains which 1 blight so many homes. . 0jtE15:oop. La-' ct-14 190- - , 'J owuo I UliU. JB I waa taon with a sevoro pain in ny P ! sidoiind csuld not (jot any relief tutu m I tried a botUo of Wine of Cardni. Bo- a fore I ll.nl Utnn n1! nf if. T ,u o mi:,. j Ci M I loci jt my duty to say that you have a ;1 M wonderful medicine. p MSB. 31. A. You XT, U j roTlTtrnrt HfraMir,iiMieK, giving ivtnp. M hf Cbatranooga Mediciue Co., Chattanooga, Ttun. M WOMAN A STUDY. Wornan, woraait, wiusome woman ! Telll us are you Baiut or huinau, Or a toy Beelzebub has sent ua from afar'? We've thought about you, eigked abeut yo, Fought about you, cried about you, Stayed, up nighta and lied about you, Puzzle that you are, Juat when we wonld dream wt've got you Figured Outj as lika aa not you Leave lopsp turvev, guessing what to Bay or do ; Now w hate you. then caress you, Now berate you, tbeii we bleBB you, But our lives are stale uuleas you keep ua in a stow. Some there are who really dread you Some who long to woo and wed you. Soma would banish, you forever to a dis tant land ; Artitta paiDt you, poets versa you, . Bishops Haiut you, cynics curat you, But "for batter or for worms" you are btillin demaud. There are times you sadly Tex r.e, Puzzle, plague ua and perplex ua. Till we wish you were in Tessa, rery far away. But, although we Badly doubt you, You've such winuome ways about you, We can never do without you, no we Let you Btay, Saved At Grave's Brink. "I know I would long ago have been in my grave," writes Mra. S. H. Newsom, of Decatur, Ala., "if it hnd uot been for Eleo trio Bitter. For three years I .suffered un told iigoay froai the worst forms of Indi gestion, VVaterbrnsh, Ktouiacii and Bowel Dyspepsia. But this cxcellect medicine did uie a world of good. 'Since using it I caa eat heartily aud have gained 35 pounds,' FOr Indigestion, Lobs of Appetit, btouiach, Liver and Kidtiuy troubles Electric Bitters aro a positive, guaranteed cure. Only 60c at Spiuiil & Bio's, store. I'M STILL IN IT, Tbe restaurant business. I have pleased you, I can please you again. Rooms furnished, and table sup plied with the best. Prices reasonable. Give me a call. Oppoisito printing ol?ice. - H E. McCabe. mOUE LIVES ARE SAVBO .BT USING., 9 c a era a FOIee , C3Rsumptionf Coughs snd Mis Th&u. By All Other Thro-it And IjU3 Ivomediea C.-rabiaod. This worfde-rf jI rnedicfno positlviy cures Consumption, Coughs, Cc!d, aronchitii, Asthma, Pneumonia, Hay Fovaw, PleurUy, L.Qrf ppe, Hoerefl, Cora Throat, Group and . Whooping cough. nooimE. uo pay. Selling Out. As I arn expecting. to leave Plym outh nbont the iir&t of the year, I am now offering my entire stock of Clothing, Notions, Boot?, Shoe?, Hats, Caps, Musical- instruments, etc., etc.. an prices never heard of before. These Goods ISust be Sold regardless of cost, s it i: too expen sive to move them. Thia is no fake, but bone-Sde busiuera. Give me a call and If t me convince you that you never bought goods so cheap in Plymouth befori. A Marcus. Briviklcy'e block, Washiugton St. w.. T,f,untt!v ribtain U. S. and Foreica k eua model, etetoii or t ALf oi iavf xtion ior r fmeroixirs on aidinat-iUiy. j-or ntu io pftUmMl 1 51 f - tyj m o S 'Opposite 0. S. Patent Uftice; WASHINGTON D. u, 5i S 6 1 I V. Perfect and Peerless u and all Liver, Eidsey and Blad der troubke causc4 by uric acid in tie systera. It cures by cleaiising aud vitalizing . the blood, til vis remorinw the causa of disease. . Jt gives vigor and ; tone ana Dvaiaa up tna.fiesuta. and strength of the patient v.bile u&tsg the remedy. URICSOL is a luminary in the medical world. It has cured and rM continue to cure more of the above diseases than all other knovm remedies, many of which do more harra than good. This great and thoroughly tested . and endorsed California Hemedv I fallibly ifftalen as directed. Try it and be convinced that it is a wonder and a blessing to Buffering hittuRitty. Price $1.00 per bottle, or 6 bot tles for $5. For sale by druggists. . Send stamp for book of partic ulars and wonderful cures. If your druggist cannot supply you it will be sent, prepaid, Tipoa receipt of price. Address: t'RICSOL CHEMICAL CO., Lo. Acgf Ssa, CtL LA.HAR k RANXIND&Ca CO., AUaata, Ca. hisirlbating Agaie. "ft 1 0 FAT j I PEOPLE jlUduce Ycur Weight Sr. "Beducto" 18 per-1 featly hermlesR vesetuble 5 compound endorsed by theuaaudt of phyelcitus eed pootile who have I i. tried it. We tend u the Forninla, ! yomisBte RF.DUCTO" ac at home if ypuacBire, "jytm know lull well I the ingrertienis anil I therefore nerd have 'i S no fear or evil tf- a feels. Send On e H p Dollar fur Keceitt S end itl)!riH;tio!!s, or A a 6e. I'or eittuii lini- n I m e n t, evervthing I mlle4 in pi Hi u . en-1 velopt. 3 (linsiillicfflicsl Ce..1 8701 S. Jefferson AvtJ ST. tOUIS MO j 7!zm Undertuker ttnd Carriago 3faker, Coffins, Canketsand Burial-cases of all styles, grades, sizes and prices. t&TCloth Lined CaKea tt Hpecialty. Special ftitntion given to orders from a distance. If it ahouid be your rniafortuue to need; anything injthis line, chIIou ijui?. I hav as nice a line of open and top ve hicle a has evor been bowii in this tec tion. In work and prices I defy compe tition. Examine my atock before placing your order. I hava secured ths services of a fit st-clfiER trimmer, and all work is executed iu a thorough, workman-like manner. t. J. BAHCO, ap 1-tf Kopek, N. 0. NOTICE. Notice pursuant to law i. hereby clven that ap plication will be r.iado to the Hoard of County Cnmniis'simicrii to cr.inr. to the ur.dtr1gnfi) licer.ne to retail fpiriltiou" and malt liqnor for 6 moiitiin. lic.'iiniing Jun"y. l.-t next, on Ihe road io Nvwl.amt, in Scupnt rnoiiif towns-lnp, aboat 1 miio from Crti well. Nov. 28, l'X5. WAIN. 1 Bsc 1 U ' it X a :5tanaarci rial p 1 has stooi the hmt $5 years.' Average annual sales ? Cis -ri t'Half MtliHn himpft. 1 of merit appeal Lo vu ? No Core, No I M Enclosed with every bcttlc Is a Ten Ont Pacfcsyjc of CROVT3 BLA.CSt ROOT NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RATL KOAf) COMPANY. IK EFFECT MAY 20th, 1802. . TRAIN SCRVICC. Kobthbotjhi.: i Leave Belhavea daily (except Sunday; 6:00 a. iu. Leave Kdeuton daily (except Sunday) 1 p. m. Arrive Klunbeth City daily (ex oept Sunday). Arms Narfolk daily (exoeptHuu day).... 2 40 p. m. .4 30p,w. Leav Edentou daily ex. Suuday . 8:30 u. in. Leave EliZfcbeth Uity daily except Suuday.. 9 25 a.m. Arrive Norfolk daily ex. Sunday 11 00 a. m. Southbound : , Leave Norfolk daily (except J Sunday). 10 00 a. m. Arrivo E!iz. (Jity daily (except Buuday) 1133 a. in. Arrive Kdeuton daily (except Suuday) 12 80 p. m Leave Kdeuton daily (except Suuday) ..12 45 p.m. Arrive Belhaveu daily (exctpt Suuday) 5 20 p. m. Leave Norfolk daily ex. Sunday 4 10 p. m. Arrive E. City daily ex. Sunday f 45 p. m. Arrive Edeuton daily ex. Hundey 6.40 p. m. . TrauiB stop at all intermedinta etatioiin. Oounect at Norfolk with trains to aud from Virginia Bench and Currituck Bruuch Virginia Benok Division. STEAMBOAT CnViCC. Steamers leave Edeutou daily (ex. Sun day) 7:00 iu. aud 1:30 p. m., for Plym outh, coucects with Wahhiugtou t Plyui outh it. K., fcr Washington, N. C, and with stearaer for YindBor. Bteamer leaves Edentoii 12:45 p. m., for Jamesville aud Willlametou. Letve Edenton Tuesaay, Thursday and Saturday 12 45 p. m. fur Chowan Kiver landiagN ; and Monday and Friday for Souppernoug River. ateamera lev Elizabeth City for 'floa -npke Island. Orienfa! aud Newberue, .Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, C:00 p. m., and Mouday, Wednesday and Friday at 3:00 p. iu.; couuect with A. fc N. C. K. Li., and AtUnlio Coast Line lor Golddboro and Wilraicgton, 5bc. Stmera leave Belhavea daily (ex. Sun day) lor Washington, s. C, and Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday for Auroia, South Creek, Oakley villa, &c.t and ! &. m Mon day, Wedneday and Friduy for fclwau Quarter, aud Ocracoke. For further information apply to J. J. Hascell. Agent, Plymouth, or to the Gen eral OSk-e of ths is. & B. It. R. Co., Nor folk, Ya. M. K. KING, H. C. RUDGINS, ' GeD'i Manager. Gen'l Ft.A Pase.Agt. ML Epwwywsa ws- w!wiij pplSJ t.yaJ LitoaA remi Aiiierlean Furiiier, IXDIANAPOLIS, IND. The Leading Agricultural "Journal of the Nation. Is Edited by the HON. JOS. H. BRIGHAM, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, Assisted by an Able Corps of Editors. This valuable journal, in addition to the logical treatment of all agricultural subjects, will also discuss the great issues of the day, thereby adding zest to its columns and giving the farmer something to think about aside from the every day humdrum of routine duties. Two F;r the Pries of.One. THE, BE AC ON Your Only County Paper and The AMERICAN FAKMEK, Both One Year For ONE DOLLAR. This unparalleled offer is made to all new subacriben, and'all eld ones who pay up all arrears and renew - within thirtyjdays. sample copies free. Address: , The Roanoke Beacon. No Cure. L. US. B. CONDENSKD aCHZDULK. TRAINS GOIKG SOUTU C. DATED . , sv ist ? K.y S5th, IMS, o e S e- - 5co ias p jc.fi fcS AM PM I'M Ait yiu Lv Weldon 11 00 0 38 ArKockyAJt J oo lo 32 r m Lv Tarboro It 22 7 23 Lv K.cky iit lOOt 7 it h il, H 12 LfWibun li lift) 81 AM t W LvSeiUia i5 UM Lv i'ayeitevjlle 4 41 Ar rluieuce 7 50 ii I'M AM at Ooltiiboro 9 SO Lt Uoidboro 7 81 8 15 Lv Magoulu 8 4 25 Ar Wiiuiiiigton lo w 5 00 TWAINS GOING NOJITH. 'AO, Lv Florence Lv yayetteville Lv Acimtt Ar Whun I.v Wiliniiiir'nn lo as 1441 a io 8 SO 10 8 11 40 a 57 AH PM A U nvi 1 3M A M HU 1 W 700 8 3V l87 PM 10 85 11 a Lv iUttgiiuJia 735 PM A M 2 35 S 20 li m f.fO V w in VI L Wilson Ar Kotltj Mt Ar t arboro . Lt Tarboro Lv Hocky Mt Ar WelUou V 00 9 34 8 31 3 00 12 43 4 M I 87 Pi! AM P M TRAIN on the Scotland Neck Branch road leave Weldon 3 15 p ui; Halifax 3 i'V pni; erlvee bcotlfcud Netk 4 10 p tu; Greenville t 47 p tu Kintot 8 45 p bi. Kelurmug leevee Kiuttou 7 yj ui; Uieeaviilo 8 au ni; arriving Biifx 11 06 a in; Weldon li Z0 u iu, dniljr eicep Sunday. TrkiMt on Watbisgton Branch leaves WaiblugtOB 8 00 a maud 145 pir., arririug Pnimele 8:55 a n, uud 8:10 p ui, leturrilnif lea veil fatuic-ic 0v;16 u and 5:v p m. iirnve . mLingioii 10:35 a a aiiC 6;15 p Ui, txcpt buudajr. Train leavee Tarboro, N. C, daily except Sunday 4:35 p in auuilay 4:S5 p ru arrives iJl month b:3S p m, 0.30 p ui, Itfcturuing lesven I'ijmouth daily ex cept bimday 7:80 a m auU auiidy H,oo iu, aim m Tarboro 'j.5 a m 11 :uo a m. Trtlu ou MidUad, N. C, Brauch leoeee Golde boroduily ricupt bunday 5:D0 a m, arm in j Suiiik lield 0:10 a m. Keiumiiig ltavei MuillifleiU 7UA) a. la, arrive at Goldstoro 8:S5 a m . Truiua ou Nashville Branch leave Hocky Meum Ot 9:S0 &m, 4:U0 p iu arrive Naihviile lo:0 a ui 4:23 pm, bpriug hope 11X0 a m 4:45 P ui. Keturb irjg k-ave bpriu Hope 11 i a m, 6 5 pin, Naab viiie 1145 am. fi 45 p iu, arrie ai hocky Meuhl li 40 a iu, 6 SO p la, daJy except Sucday. Train No. 78 iuakea dole cosBectiob at Weldaa for all poliitB liortli dully, all rail via .Richmond. li. W; KMJOiiiON. Itelt'l J'ana. Agent , J. li. 2LHKLY, Ceu'l iua9r. T. M. Jt!JiK3C, Tr. Mgr. 1 To all our ubscribers Uil il trm ii a m m7 4fig iifi tm.a reroi, J Mo Pav. 50c LIVER. PILLS.

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