I CATARRH THIRTY YEARS. The Remarkable ExDerience c a Prominent StatesmahConsress roan Meekison Gives Pe-ru-na a High Endorsement. (J?e i'-anny 1 f Life, No rhance. t The amateur photographer Your likeness oft displays With all your imperfectious plain To every passing gaze. Perhaps his victim would -jt run In terror from the spot If he would say, "Look pleasant, please, Before he takes a shot. Washington Star. A a Starter. Frtly "Have you won ber love yet?'' Clarence "Xo; but I've made a be ginning. I've got all ber relatives cicwii on me!" Puek. 3 ! 1 li !! I. 1' Congress Meefcison of Ohio. . "Hon. I);:vi l Moelcison it; well known not on.y iu his own State but throughout AmWi.-.t. lie was 'eiected to-, the -Fifty-fifth Congress lxy. '.avery large majority, ntl is the acknowledged leader of his party in hi section of the State. Only one flaw marrwl'the otherwise com plete success of this fising statesman. Ca tarrh - wit If its insidious approach and te iaeiH? grasp, was his only unooaquered fo:"-For thirty,' year be waged unsuccess ful war OtrrJ against , this phonal enemy. At "lasfi'truna catne to tht rescue. He writes: "I have nsel several bottles of Te rntii ant 1 feel greatly benefited, thereb'i from my cata)-rh of the head. 1 feel encourage I to believe that if I nte it a short, time longer I u ill fee fully able to eradicate the disease of Mhiriy years' standing. ,fJ)avid Aleehiso t, Ji ibr of ( ongre . . II yo x do not derive prompt and satisfac tory .-fruits from the use of Peruna write at onee to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your ease ar.d he will be pleased to give you Iris valuable advice gratis. ' Address Dr. Ilartmau, President of The .Hartouu Sanitarium. Columbus. Ohio. SOUTHERN MADE for SOUTHERN MAIDS Ie Best Ladies' Sboes In America for $1.53 TAKE HO SUBSTITUTE. IP YftPB DF.ALF.K BOF.S NOT I MKUY TIID.n, A roSTALCAUD IO tMWlLLYlCM'VOI! WIIIiBIJ VOU CAN liBiT TnEJI. o o o o CR'ADDOCK-TERRY CO., . riAKERS. LYNCHBURG, VA. A Golden Rule of Agriculture: i-CfjUUuLU,vu. - - a will be good. Flenty of g in the fertilizer spells quality 1 A, and quantity in the har-. ipl ffipsAdA I free, by next mail, Graj our rooney winning boots. QFAMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New ork. V"-.v..J Potash i 2 iVm.1'; Mies or Hemorrhoids richer iul.ir.?, bleeding or protruding, promptly nflkvvd a:id jx-rnianenty tured lv my method without s bid; or i-'jfr.uive nn-aur'. Write me fully regard fl TiT; : .isiT ;i"'J 1 "v.ul SdvlsfeA-otf honestly -it tho xitter Co.i'-iiiuiiiijii fin". I'rice of treatment cotn p'rfrtt, (ii;v ?a.ro. Satisfaction guaranteed or money ,.)' cundfd. Write today. ' Pa-- H TANNER. Ea.st Aurora. N. Y. EREE CATALOGUE R Il'irgftins- Lfariii'g Tarl'-tie. ihorounhbrfd frm t i.K 1 1 Doultry ami eitn. whlt? KUtna4. i fi is. turse., ket-iM, iluoks, lldnd domeettc E&r.Hisliir beep. t'lgs. calen. Mlt9 anl Ango ua eaiR FhIrIbu riare. cat.urjr bird; be.t href 1 of rnfi-: bbVpherd, rat, wateb. ptnterg, kPtier., hound., b "oon. olf ud fmt to; rd fox ooha H ki' MAMKV V. i". Nai-l'nat Stock Ar:cltlon lrnVr-Aflcrlcaii 5rhropshre Aais'n, KirkSTtiie.Mo. P I : m m l Wear Shces? Catalog Postal love. Clio "I'n so glad we're engaged." lie "Cut yon knew all the time that I leved you, didn't you?" She "Yes, dear, I knew it, but you iHdu'i. Brooklyn Life. A Diplomat. C lady 3 "If she doesn't love bin wby Ioes slio encourage him?" Edrth "Well, she's hoping hor father will suspect she loves Mm and send ber on a trip to Europe to overcoue ber infatuation!" ruck. What a Man Thinks. "YTTien a man of twenty considers a woman, be thinks cf her beauty, but at thirty he thinks of her loquacity." 'What does be think at forty?" "Oh, he thinks only of bimself by that time." Indianapolis News. The Keal Fret. "Do ycr.r debts worry you?" asked the Sympathetic Guy. "What I owe other people?" said the Willing Spender. "Well, I should say not. It's what" other people ewe me that bothers!" Cincinnati Commercial Ti-ibune. The Mother's Ruse. "Here," said Mr. Snaggs, as be laid r. volume on the table, "here is a book that I am very desirous Lucy shall read." "Very well," replied Mrs. naggs; "I'll forbid ber to touch it."-Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. She "And this place they call Lovers' Leap?" He "Yep; uh huh let's go bene." New Y'ork Journal. Self-Approval. "When I was a j-oung man I was tco proud to ask my father for money," remarked Mr. Cumrox. "Well," answered the youth with the fancy vest, "I bate to talk about my soli; but if ther? is anything on which I pride myself, it's not being proud." Washington Star. The Important Branch of Literature. "You say you have a new idea or a story?". "Yes." "Something original in plot?" "Well. I hadn't thought much nboui tho plot. But I have an advertisos scheme that will make a fortune foi any book." Washington Star. History. Hannibal bad r.oen trying in vain to draw out 1'abius to battle. "Is there no way," be exclaimed an grily, "of making the man fight?" "You might try asking him to arbi trate," suggested one of his generals. Soon after Cannae was fought and the Iloman forces destroyed. Judge. A Sensationalist. "What were your sensations?" asked the reporter of the chauffeur whose automobile bad struck a tree. "Well." answered the chauffeur, "I thought for a minute that Mars and tho earth bad come together while going at the rate of GO.000,000 miles a second, and that some one on Jupitei had foolishly tried to avert the collision by thrusting 85,000,000,000 pounds ol nitroglycerine between them." Ia dianafoUs Sun,. Faint Heart. t t ..... map jur , For The day of the lightning rod is pass ing. The Government's latest census returns show that Franklin's inven tion for: protecting the hoxsse is little used today.- Nd ielectricab manufactur ing establishment1- reports"Mt among the products and so far as the census expert has been able to learn only one American electrical engineering firm makes a business of setting up the rods of designing them. So far as large cities are concerned disastrous lightning strokes are reported to be more rare and the decrease is ac counted for by the network of elec trically charged wires and other ap paratus with vhich the city is now in terwoven and surrounded. ass IS NOT A CURE-ALL, but it cures RHEUMATISM JLnd all diseases arising from impurities in, the Hood. It positively trill not injure tho digestive orfanx. Catarrh, Kidney, liver and SHnnaeh troubles disappear under the powerful blood purifying qualities of this medicine, TWO BOTTLES CURED. Raleigh, N. C. Gentlemen: I take pleasure In bearing testimony to the curative properties of your "Rheumaoide. Two bottles cured my son of a bad case. If this will be of any benefit to you in advertising your meritorious remedy, you can use it. Yours truly, W. H. RAND, Steward, N. C. Institution for Blind. All Druggists, $i.oo, or expressage prepaid. Bobbitt Chemical Co., . AH ATTRACTIVE WIFE. It is woman's duty to her husband to look attractive. ROYAL WORCES CORSETS STFRno'NCTHT will help so much that the rest conies easy. These Corsets are the result of forty years' study, and arc not equaled in the world for style and ele gance. Ask your dealer to show them. Royal Worcester Corset Co. WORCESTER, MASS. it w if FOB PBinillTCC We DyudenU railroad far. tiO graduates in nuslness. Write ror Special UnAUUA I tdt Tern. MAH.tEY Bll. tbCOLLlitittS, BicbaiOua.Va.-BlrutQKhaiu.Aia. FRUIT TREES, r ORNAMENTAL TREES. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, SHRUBS, ROSES, GRAPE VINES, ASPARAGUS, ETC. Catalogue sent on application. J. B, WATKINS & BRO,, IIALUOORO, VA. jrRricted with Tlaimin'ft Pif Wf F (Jervtly; rup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the informed and to the healthy, because its com ponent parts are simple and wholesom'e and be cause it acts without disturbing the natural fuhcJ tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable Lovnsvill. Ky. . fifclo by all. Price' CAPVDIN.R Cures COLDS, LA GR.I PP E, ixnd all If E'A D A O H E S, Etc. Sold cvt a.11 Drugstores i( Genuine stamped C C C, Never sold in balk, J' "Beware of the dealer who tries to sell I "somethfag just as good." . Baltimore, fid., U. S. A. N Aft WswrrS K LTY COM I A K V. II C N TIN TOK. 1ft Dl A Si A. run. Ta In tixnv. Poid otveginK - i: fir. si Imi" CUHtiiWHt t J Kcis pie2vsa,rtly? cts Berveficially; s tr.ily as-a, Laxatives. quality or substance. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine manufactured by the fttw(! rtcwYork.N.Y. fifty ccrta per bottle. apslcum Vaseline Put up in Collapsible lubes. A Substitute for and Superior to 'Mustard or any other plaster, and will not blister the niosl delicate skin. The pain allaying anil curafiv qualities of tfiisi article aYe-wonderful. it will stop the toothache at once and relieve head ache and seiatlca. ' wo rppnmmend it as the best and safest ex ternal counter -irritant known, also as an er ternai remedy for pains in the chest and stom ach and all rheunmtic.neuralRieand Koutycom- ! plaints. A trial will prove what we claim for it, 1 line' it.wiil U-.fnKiul tn ho i;iv;tluaUi' i-i I h.insp'nohi. .Mtsn'v people t-ay "It is the lost of nil vMiir hiTMii.aliniw. . Price 15 cents, at all dniKirisrs. or other rical crs.or bv fendinjc this amount to us in postage stamps we will send you a tv.be by mail. No article should be accepted by the publlo unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine. CHESECSITGH MANUFACTURING C0 17 Stute Street, New York City. The simplest remedy for indiges tion, constipation, biliousness and the many ailments arising from a disordered stomach, liver or bowels is Ripans Tabules. They have ac complished wonders, and their time ly aid removes the necessity of call ing a physician for the many little ills that beset mankind. They go straight to the seat of the trouble, relieve the distress, cleanse and cure the affected parts, and give the sys tem a general toning up. At druggists. The Five-Cent packet i enousrh for an ordinary occasion. The tamuy bottle. 00 cents, contains a -npulv tor h DROPSY N ID DAYS' trrJtTMEST FH. 1 Eayo tnz'la Drorry ar.d its com tX 2. 2. CZSZu'Z cc:T3, 15 Atlanta, ft a. FOR MALARIA, CUIUS ABD FEVER Tf " TAKE y u n u L 6 A 1 il JJ fi. 4tA Known oil otpt America a the ur- mtrni t-f off cure (or nil itif tarlul dideKneg and s f preventive aesinar, 1 ynho'l V - I't'vpftroil br UICZEViadc CO., VVhintoi. li. C. tw k rite for ttttimonxalt. ALTER'S w Ask v our drufrffist rvtho Ix'tit euro for auacho. He will e you Walter. " POWDERS stimouialf " from pvpr m!i!t.lon. Snld at all drug nores-3 powtlrrs. 10 cents. B sure to net W a LTEIl'S. Hfuse kII others. Jtour druKgln will Ret them for you. Tbey ar sure to srive relief if thv don't cure. ' Send 10 cents lor package to 'rilli WAll'Kl tllHltl I : A I. CO. ,VAH1II (iTU!V,P. V. So. 47. Free Tesl Treatment If yoo harsn faith in my mthod of tratniut, nd m a eaJmpla of jonr laorniaa Dtma tor nnli. 1 will then tend you br mail nr opinion ot If I OF Alt CfllT. Will thn bm inrlnmil that in trehtn'ont Oura. .iiaUln, CM6 abortUfernrAH 522 Pcub Ave MtUburf , f pucaiions a sputiai'-y Jor iwemy years with, tua most wondencj (snr.ccna. llavd ccreil ainv thorn.. IV. Jf v-&k ejea, ue