T7 i j W J Y7 VI I 1 I I I I II II bM Kill II II Ms lUJiiliWVHliUU JPJUYIXOUrrJEJ, IV. P., FKIDY, JANUARY 1G, 19o3. TIIK iWANOKB BEACON. PUBLISH El KVKUY FltluAV C. V, W, AUBON, EDITOK. PLYMOUTH. N. C. FtttUAY, Januaky 1G, 1903. When you can't cat break fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can t cat bread and butter, take Scott's it emulsion, wnen you nave been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, ' take Scott's Emulsion. . To get fat you must eat fat Scott's Emulsion is a great fattencr, a great strength giver. . Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bene, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for8 con valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who, need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label if on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. . SCOTT &BOWNE, CHEMISTS, 409 PearlSt.N.Y. 50c and $1 1 all druggUU. J. W. PERRY COMPT. ftOKl'OLK,' Va. Quotations ' Jan. 14, 1903. COTTON Quiet Strict tuiddlicg 8 3-4 Middling.. 8o-8 Htrict low middling 8 12 ' Ixiw middling 8 3-8 Bureau, 10,740,000 bales, Blues. PEANUTS Steady Foicy............ 23 4 Strictly j.riuie. 2 1-2 t 2 5-8 I'd me.... 2 to 2 1-4 Low grade 1 3-4 Machine picked. 1 3-4 to 2 Hpntiuh.. . 70 bu.bei U.K. PEAK.. ....... ..$2.7.r $J bag HUok atod Speckle P; as $1.00 C1aj and Ked Peas UOo. PrBiiut Bugs, iu bales 68 in. 7 4-10 Hugging and Ties aud Peanut iiags for mile. Yours trnly, J. W.PEHUY COMPANY. Mm s LAND SALE. l?y virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Washington county made in the special proceedings of Ed. li. Norman, Mrs. Emily U. Swain and other, to the court, I will t-tli for cash to the highest bidder, at the Court HoUKe door i Plymouth, on Monday, Feb. 2nd, 1903, "at 12 o'clock, tba li(iue aud lot in Plymouth, N. C, in which fluid El. li. Noriuau bow lives, adjoining ihe lands of Mr. O. II Harrison, v W. horman mud ethers. This Jan. 1, 1903. A. O GA.TLOBD, Comoi'r ten BEACON FLASHES- We have had some nipping weather this week sure. Head V. C. Ayer' llig Reduction Saie ad. thin week. Mr. E. I. Carstarphen was at home a thort time this week. Oysters, FruiU and Family Groceries, always fresh, at Hnea it au&uou's grocery tore. Give thein a trial. . Mrs. W. A. Forbet. and children, of New Beru, are vlaitiug relatives here. County Treasurer M. M. Alexander, of Cieswell, was m town on Monday. Dr. W. H. Hardisou, of Crcswell, called and handed ua ado.lur on Mouday. Tbuuks. We still have a lengthy delinquent list. If you are ou it will you not pleate make it one lens ? lteinember, a crosH mark on the margin of your paper means that jour subscription hasmpiied. We hope to be in Roper one day next week. It you owe us try to give us a lilt Wbeu we come. Uave you seen that frame of beautiful pictures iu tin postoftioeS' Tliey were ta km by Bukijr, the photogiapher, of Edeu tun if yuu waut a nice picture it will pay you to yisit his htuJio. Don't nave hali' hunded work done. Glad to welcome our Roper correspon dent back again. Thought we hud lost him. Now will not some uuo at tho other poetofiicca write? Sheriff Jackson, anHigtiee , of Mr. W. 11. Whi.e, aold the entire afck at public saie ou Tuesday, il being purcbitaed by Mrs. White, who will coutiuue tue buniness. Why so many of our boys and girls are sent a way to attend tschovl while there is equally us good, if not a beUt-r Mstiool here thau tun ones kouio are eut to, is a ques tion we would like to Lenr answertd. Miss Herta Thurmond the efficient and artistic trimmer for Mrs. W. 11 Ward & Co., left Plymouth labl Monday uontiug for her borne iu Harrsonburg Va Mia Tburjuoud is an atiruclive and uocompli&lud youug lady, aud by lit r kind manner has wou many friends here, who will b d. -lighted to know that Mie wi.l return iu the spriijg as trimmer for Alr. Ward J We rectivf-d calls on Monday from Mesa. Haywood Craddick, of Creaell, aud It W. Biggs, of MaCkey's Ferry. They called to have their names eutertd ou cur sub scription list. Let oiheis do likewise. Mr. G. W. lied and family, frmrly of this piace but now of lia boro. accompa nied by bis neic, Miss Abbi Miller, are viiiting relatives aud frauds here. We acknowledge a call from Mr. Keel on Tues day. We have recently sent out quite a lot of bills, but the returns urw coining iu totly Friends, please let us have it. together with another dollar for another year. . We trusted to your honesty, can't you return the compliment ? Many reader of The Beacon will be iuterehted to learn that Mr Louis P. Horn thai has concluded to add a Millinery De partment to his already large Department stor. This addition will make Mr. lloru thal'a store one of the foremost it) this ec tiou of country. Mr. lioruthal is a prog ressive, up-to-date merchaut, aud delights iu keepiug abreast of the times, and hi, patrons can be assured, they will always Bud the best, and most fashionable Milli nery found iu the northern markets The Plymouth Dramatic Co., will pre sent at Koper, next Thursday night, Jan. 22, Mr. Ernest Christian in " tony, the Convict," benefit of Junior Order of Atneii can Mechanics. Attend and help a good eause. '1 ickets at Co. store. Mr. O. R Leggett. the jeweler, requests lis to aunouuee that i8 the VV. U. White store is agaiu open he has movd back iuto hi Old quarters, whent he will be glad to have you call ou him when in need of repair work, a new watch, or jewelry of any description. It seems the tranxportation lines are agaiust ua. For the second time this year our paper had failed to reach us iu time. This is no fault of ours, for we have a stauding order aud tha paper isalwayB ehipped iu time to reacn us on Monday of the we k of issue. In fact we have hill lading showing it was shipped last week. The peculiar cough which indicates croup, is usually well known to the moth eta of croupy children. No time should be lost iu the treatment of it, aud for this pur pose" no mediciue has received more uni versal approval than Chaiuberlain'e Cugh Remedy. Do not watte valuable time in experimenting with untried remedies, no matter bow highly they may be recom mended, but give this medicine as directed and all symptoms of croup will quickly disappear. For sale by all druggists. WANTED HOO aorea of Pine Umbered land, by The W Fletcher Ausbou, Insurance and Real Estate Agency, Plrrnou b, N. C. Newspaper Advertising Is No Expense. It id a fact, admitted by all who liavo used it intelligently and erisis tcntl), and denied by none wiio have watched its reetiitt, that newspaper advertising is no expense to tho mer chant, lie may pay out $100 a year or more for it, but if he watches its workings lie never regrets it. It p-tv'd its own expenses, and helps to pay outers, even if never changed, and when attended to properly there is no estimating the amotinc of business it either holds or makes for the one using it. Then newspaper advertising builds up a town. Let a dozen live mer chants advertise iu a business-like mnuner, and many people who now purchase where most convenient, will nave their curiosity aroused by reading and hearing about what the merchants of INymouth were offer ing, and would come here to trade, which means that the hotel, school, banking, mercantile, aud all other branches of business would be great ly benefitted ; the benelit even reaching those who are too grasping to make trade for themselves. JS'o; newspaper advertising cosfp you nothing. Without it you will sell hundreds of dollurs worth less. With it you will sell hundreds of doll its worth more, it pays its own expenses, and helps you to pay yours. Don't Worry. This is easier said than done, yet it may be of some help to consider the .matter. if the cause is some thing over rfhich 3 pu have no con trol it is obvious that worrying will not help the matter in the least. On the other hand, if within your con trol you have only to act. When ou have a cold ami fear an attack of pneumonia, buy a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and use it judiciously aud all cause for worry as to tho outcome will quickly disap pear. There is no danger of pneu monia when it is usee. For sale by all druggists. A Cross Hotel. Communicated. A new and prosperous hotel is now open near Uool spring, at tne loot of liateman Avenue, it has already nceived two boarders, the two It. F. D's., or No. I and No 2. We are ouite sure they will receive good fare, for it is a swell house, though the proprietor is Cross, Mrs. Johanna Soderhohn, of Fer gus Falls, Jlinn., fell and dislocated her shoulder. fcrhe hail a Mtrgeon get it back iu place as soon as possi ble, but it was quite sore and pained her very tntieli. Her son mentioned that be had seen Chamberlain's Pain U;il m advertised for sprains and sore ness, and she a.-.ked him to buy her a bottle of it, which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep .which she had not done for several days. The son was no much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he has since recommend ed it to many others. For sale by all druggists. For what upecial purpose was Eve ere. ated 'i For Adam's Express Company. Nearly Forfeits His Life. A runaway almost euding fatally, started a horrible Ulcer on the Ug of J. It. Omer, FrauKlin Grove. III. For four years U !- fled all doctors and all remedies. But Bucklen's Arnica Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for Buras. Bruises, Skin Eruptions aud Filec. 2.o at Spruill & Bro's store. When is a hen like a certain breed of dogs? When she's a setter. Mysterious Circumstat.ee. Oue was pale aud Mdlow and the other fresh aud ro9y. Whence t be difference ? Sba who is blushing with health ne Dr. King's hew Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the lazy organs they com pel good digestion and head off constipa tion. Try them. Only 25c, at Spruill dfc Bro's. IN PlLYMOUTIfl. We will begin preparations in the near future, to add a First-class Millinery Department to our store, in order to be ready for the Spring Season of 1903, and will employ a First-class Northern trimmer. We as sure you, you will always find our goods clean, fresh and 1 thoroughly up-to-date in every respect, and trust the la dies of this, and adjoining counties will bear these facts in mind, and favor us with a liberal patronage. Greetings of the season to all who have contributed to our prosperity in the year gone by. May the new one to you. and to us be even brighter. We wish to invite your attention to our "Grand Clearance Sale" of ALL goods in stock. In order that we may have room for the large stock of Spring goods we shall purchase we have decided to have a "Clearance Sale" of goods in season. Remember we are sure to tempt you with the wonderful values we are presenting to you. low Prices are to Prevail in the Following lines . Ladies', Gent's and Children's Shoes Ladies' Capes and Coats. Children's Jackets and Coats. Men's woolen underwear. Boys' and men's Clothing and Hats. Dress goods of every description. Silk waist patterns at great recuction. Silks, Velvets, Flannel waist patterns, Valen. cines and Torchon laces, Hamburgs and Embroideries, Appliques, Braids, Silk laces, Umbrellas and many other articles too numerous to mention. Entire lot of Dark Calicos at 5c. per yard. As usual you will find our Grocery Department stock ed with the choicest family supplies the market affords. Purchase and try them. . Wishing our friends and patrons a happy and pros perous New Year. Thanking you for your confidence in the past, we shall do our utmost to be deserving of it in the future. Yours with best wishes, LouisP.Hornthal.