A's'ji islature News. l to Taa Bbacon. Raleigh, N..C., Feb. 2r., iJ03. Hon. The kilting of Stlaner by Haj- rwood ia the moat talked of subj-jct now. Tb friends of rch it HtaadiuR by him llb& corpus proceedings will be iimtitu ted to get Hay wo d out of j ul. ; Au array of miutrnt ctuusel will rcprtHent each side. There U big money oq each aida. The VYatU bill has appeared ia the Sen ate bat is sidetracked for the London bill at present. The Loudou bill is what the people are asking for. Tuas The Locdon bill will be heard and talked ia the Semite today. It is thought that it will pass with some atniud uieots. Ererything is goiog with a rush now. Few bills now iutroduced will ever get through aa tbe calendar is pretty fall and tuere are aeyeral big bills must go through. Three hours were speut oq the liquor biU today; There were several good speech--The discussion was continued last night. But the ead Is not yet. Wed 'lue King'nud Stubbs constitu tional amendment bills have b)tn made the special order for Friday at 11 a. ui., and 300 copies ordered priuted. They are more popular than their authors thought. Several members will speak ou thein. Tbnrs. The Loudoa pill has been un dergoing repairs in the Seriate and it wilt be quite a different bill by the time the tieuute gets through with it. . Tho school teachers are coming. The educational bill is being prepared. -Mouey, more mouey. they ail want. Where is it coming from is the question before tiio leg islature. Fri The Loudon bill is before the Sen ate and is bringiug out oratory. The ma jority report carried slight amendments, while the minority report was a oubstitute. Aa amended the bill is much improved and Las a good chauue of passing. The Watts bill finally passed the House, after a hard. light against lots of amend ments. It passed its third reading by a vote of 48 to 40. Of all the amendments, that by Kins of Pitt, was the ouly oue that brought ou the hard fight. There is a light ou the Plymouth bill to emeud the town limits. Mr. Caritarpheu wns here last week oppc&iug it. 11. S. Ward is here iiow. i 1 1 Representative Biouut U figuring con. apicuousl) tn the legislative proceedings. By tbe Way, ask Mr. JBlouut what the damages were at Marion. Aich Tk Kak. Simmons Acquitted. " The trial of Seth Simmons for bnrghiry in the second degree ended Saturday night in a verdict o( ac quttal. Tin c.nae took over three days to try it and was fought hard oil both sides from start to finish. Nessrs. Chus. F. Warren and .Steph en Bragaw represented tho 'defend ant and Mr. li. B, Nicholson aui Mr. H. S. Ward the State; The leading speeches were made by Mr. Chas. F. Warren and Mr. II. S. Ward. Both ere masterful efforts.; Mr. Ward'o speech has elicited more comment and compliments than any heard here -'for a longtime. The verdict was a surprise to a majority of our pcoplo while there are many who beleive the vordict a righteous one. There was a large crowd in the court house at 8:30 o'clock, p. in., when the verdict was rendered and many applauded ir, which whs stopped at once by the Judge. The defendant went to the yr.y box and shook : hands with each juror and showed signs of much gratefulness. The evidence' was of '-so eh a 'nature that'the jury could have rendered a verdict either way and not have laid themsolves open to sober criticism. They thought the State had failed to connect Simmons with the crime without a reasonable doubt. Wash ington Progress . Our townsman, Mr. II. S. Ward, was tilling the place of tho Solicitor, who was sick. Ed. I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for u number of 'years and have no hesitancy in saying that it, is the best remedy for coughs, colds and croup 1 have ever used pi my family. I have not words to express mv confidence in this- remedy, Mns. J. A. -Moo UK, North Star, Mich. For sale by all druggists. Tragody, Averted. Jait in tbe uick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Watkius of Pleasaut City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had played sad havoo with him and a terrible cough set in besides. Doctors treatvd hiu, but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Ueukuniptiou, and 'our darling was saved, lie's uow sound, ami well. Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure for Cough. Colds and 11 Lung diseases. Guar anteed by Spruill&Bro. Price 50c and 1.00. Trial Bottles free. The more glasses h man looks through, the more queer things he sees. New Century Comfort. Millions Are daily finding a world of comfort iu Uuoklen's Arnica tialve. It kills paiu from Burns, Scalds. Cuts, Bruises; conquers Ulcers, and Fever Bores ; cores Eruptions, bait Kbeum, Boils and Felons ; removes Corns and Warts. Beat Pile cure ou earth. Only 25c at Spruill & Bro's. store. CilESWELL ITEMS. Local news scarce this week. Mr. O. D. Swain left for Norfolk Mon day. Mr. L. S. Spruill ' left for Norfolk on Tuesday. Rev. C E. Farlines left for Raleigh on Monday. Mr. S. h. Sestou has opened goods in hi new fctnre. Mr. Spauce Wynn, of near Columbia, was in towu ou Monday. Mr. D II Holmes is speuding some time with his family in town. Mrs. B. P, Bpruill spent Monday night with her mother, iu the country. . Washington's Birthday was celebrated at the Creswell Academy on Ftiday night latt, and was very much eujoyed by ah who attended. HEALER IJf- Foreign ami Domestic Wines, Liquors, Oigars. and Tobacco, Water St., Plymouth, X. O. I hIso Lave a tine line of Fanoy Groceries, Canned Good, Confectioneries, etc., etc. For Mdieiual and Family use you will find the purest and finest liquors made iu my stock. Honest goods at honest prices is my motto. ' . my U L. S. LANDING. .. New LivQry Stables; ; Having purchased the Liv ery business of E. D. McCabe and also that of W: C. Marri ner, I am now prepared to ac commodate the traveling pub lic, and others, with rigs at shqrt notice, and solicit their patronage. Horses bbarded at reasonable rates. Horses Ktoppid with me will re ceive the bent of attention.- (Jive me a trial. Yours truly, J. M. IlOItTONT. BLACKSMITH and EEPAIR SHOP, I take this methvd of informing the jieople of his section that 1 have leased-the' B. F. Nurney khotuj on Water street where I am now pre pared to do all kinds of Black smith and repair work at reasonable pi ice and on short notice. Having had years of experience in shoeing Track, Farm and Roan horse, I make a specialty of this branch of the business. Price for !iouiiall-'rouml $1.1)0 half-'round 50 cents. Thanking you in advance fer a liberal share of your patronnge, which I hope to merit, lam, Yours for httvineM, J. W. l'Ol'K felOtf Water St., Plymouth, N. Mysterious Circumstauce. One was pale aud wallow and the other fresh and rosy. Wheuce the difference ? She who u blushing w ith health uses Dr. King's New Lite Pills to maiotaiu it. Ky gently arousing the lazy organs they com pel good digestion uud head oft constipa tion. Try them. Ouly 25c, at bpruill fe Bro's. A brass band and fireworks are necessary iu order to attract eonie meu churchward. If a woman is short on beanty she al ways tmugiues that she is long ou tact. WOOD'S Garden Seeds Jest for the 14 Sunny South," because they are .specially grown and selected with a full knowledge of the conditions and require ments of the South. Twenty-five years experience- and practical growing or all the ditferent vege tables enables ns to know the very beat, and to offer seeds that will give pleasure, satisfaction and profit to all who plant them. Wood's New Seed Boakfor 1903 (Mailed on request) ia full of good tniugs, and gives the most reliable information about all seeds, both for the Farm and Garden. IT. W.WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va WOOD'S B15ED BOOK also tells Ul cbout Qra and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, and all Farm Secdu. Write for Seed B ook and prices of any Farm Seeds required. " Head Should Never Ache. Never endure this tronble. UVe at once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Wiurtie, Va., she writts "Dr. King's, New Life Pills wholly cured mo of sick headache 1 had suffered from tor two yearn " Cure Headache, Constipation, lid iousue.s. 25o at .Spruili & Bro's store. It ia easy to turn over a new leaf, but it is often difficult to make it stay turned. YOU KNOW. WHAT YOU ARE TAKING Wheu you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because th formula is plainly print d on every bottle showing that it is simpiy Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. GOc. 11 2b ly Kail way compauie frequently hypuotize pDliticiuuh by making parsos. We have ou exhibit ion et our office one of the Cultivators made and patented by Cahoou & Culi eon, in this connty. It is a good thing, and with it one man and horxe can do more work in a crop than with any other cue implement f armers will do well to call and examine it. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Beginning next Wednesday, the 18th inst., the vVanbington & Plymouth will change its schedule on account of the fish season. .. The first train tu Washington will leave Plymouth nt i:8( A. M.' and nach 'A ash icton at 11;30 A. M.. and will leave Waiilj ingion 12:30 noon, arriving Plymouth e bon I 2:30 The rejrnlar rassrRer train will Jhj over at nigral at Wahiutcn, leaving there at 7:30 A. M. S ee? Cfreatest argaiii re.95 Fall and winter Sale of Clothing,.. Hats, Shoes, Press Goods, Furniture, Stoves. Groceries, etc., is is now on. Every train brings, us something new-awl some thing new is what all are after. Don't go or send to a larger town for what you want. It's right here, ami we're the ones to please you in every particular, See onr goods first we will do tho rest. JOHNSTON &;BLOUNT, ROPER, N. C. 1,000 yardt White India Linen,, worth from 16c. to 18c going ut lOd per yd. 000 yurds: Canton FJunnel, worth Sc. for 5c. CU0 yard Madras Ginghams, lOo goods, at 8c. 200 yurtls White, JStrijHHj, and Fancy Dimities and Lawns, Worth 20c. we aro ollerini; at 15 and lid jiai- aiiennon to our .Ladies7 dress et to carry'; we will also gWo JS tttention to the big f oek of very flit, which will he in in a few days- Wo call special attention to our Ladies7 dress goods that we expect -"more and better attention tine goods just bougl Now, remember when in need of. Carpet, Kugs. Mats or Matting it is our aim to save you money. We have carpet from 15, 20, 30, 35.and 50c.v and after seeing our line I am sure you will beiconvintYx ced .on piicOs. - We are Ktill offering ILynburgs at reduced prices, so at to make room for more goyih. " ?" , . :'' lieMicmbcr vve .aro.V.Vdqnarters .on Boys and . Mcn'n Clothing. Boys auits from $ 1.00 to $4 00, Men.from :$50 to 11.00 per suit. Now lor'all our customers who vant inade-to-order suits, we will be pleased to show them our new line of Spring samples, just roce.ivcdj and it is a treat to look at them, they ale so nice, and very cheap this season, too. Come and see before buying elsewhere guar-:, antee a tit. New styles for the season. Just a few more Indies' neck furs left out of the big lot, and we are selling thenr very cheap. We are glad to say we ran over our stakes for last year, and extend many thanks to our patrons, and will try t( give them still better bargains for their money- this year. 1 remain Yours truly, - . ' . 0. Ayers, "'VV - THE. TTOBAIIL TOBACCO TllIJCELS laves lie TlilrI Exp.eondeo. If you are a Tobacco Grower you can't do without a Tyndall Tobacco lruck, it saves time and money. It saves ut least one-third the expense of handling the crop. luanuiactui-eu auu sold dy A Owners of County Right for Washington and Martin Counties. We arc also Agents for Tobacco Flues. : J3FFor further information call on or address, IUCAS & MAEE0I7, Phone No. 344 bells, -Plymouth, II. I Tmka f irAfSv Irnm dimim a TaMcts. j$ ns & II Sevsai rSnioa bozes told la pest 1 2 momuT Tth dgQattir, To :Cnre a C2d In One Pay y oa every i