J i 4 ii t, V J THE 110AN0KK BEACON. fUBLTSUSD EVERY FRIDAY C. V. W. AUrfBON, EDITOB. PLYMOUTH. N. 0. FttlDAY. FKLUUARY 27, 1903. Salt pork is a famous old fashioned remedy for con sumption. " Eat plenty of pork1 was the advice to the consumptive 50 and 100 jl years ago. -Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind, it is that fat is the . hf- 0 e consumptive heeds . V. most. Scott'sEmulsion is the mod ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion is the most refined of fats, especially prepared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way, which is often the only way, is ' hal f the battle, but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. There is some thing about the combinatioa of cod liver, oil and hypophos phitcs in Scott's Emulsion that puts new . life into the weak parts and has'a special x action on the diseased lungs. A sample will be sent free upon request. T.t sure that thin picture in the form -( a ViIkI i on the wraiier of every bottle of Eamihion you buy. , SCOTT & BOWNE. . CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and $v, all druggists. J. W. PEBRY COHP'Y. NOKFOLK, VA. Quotations Feb. 35, 1903. COTTON Firm Strict "middling......'... 10 Middling. ...... 97-8 Strict low middling. 9 3-4 Ixw middling... . JM-2 liurean, 10,740,000 bale. Blues .. PEANUTS Dull Fanoy. ......... ' 27-8 mrictly prime 2 3-4 rtime. 2 1-4 Low grades. 2 Machine picked 1 7-8 to 2 1-4 MpftoUh......:.. 7."i $ buHhel B. E.PKA8.. ...... ; , ..$2.25 bag lil.nck and ripeckle i?a $1.00 -Clay and Ued Peaa .80. Pwauut Bags, in bale 68 in. 7 4-10 Kaggiag aud Ties and Peanut Bags for cale. Yours truly, i J. W. FEUUY COMPANY. North Carolina, Washington County In Superior Court. Annie Ben sett ) vs V Order of Publication. Frank BennetU. ) . It appearing from the affidavit of Annie Ifennett iu thin action. That Frank Bennett (tie defendant therein, in not to b found iu YVhiugton county, and cannot, after due diligence, be found tn tbo State, and is a oit-reside nt of thin State ; and it appear ing further that said action ie for divorce. It is therefore ordered that notice of this action, be published once a wek fcr six weeks in The ltoanoke Betcon. a newspa per published in Washington county, net ting forth tlte title of the action, the pur pose of the same, aud requiring the defen dant to appear at the next term of the Hnperior Oonrt of Washington county, to be held on the 7th Monday after the first Monday in March, 1903, at tbe Court Hones in said eonuty, and ftimwer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or the relief therein demanded will be granted. . This th day oi Fehy. 19aR. W. M. Bateman, O. S. C. Washington County, N. O. a is BEACON FLASHES. MisM Grace Ott. buyer oi Dry Goods and Notions, for Mr. Louis P. iloiuihal, leaves Plymouth Saturday moruiug, the 28th, for the Northern ciliea to. purchase tbe Sprlug stock of Dry Goods. "Any one deeirlug to make special orders" will kindly glva tuetn to Mr. Hornthal at earliest con venience Mr. A. O. Gaylord has been in Raleigh this week. ' aliot Leo J a Ausboa is visiting her mother at Edentou. County Commissioners will ba ia session next Msuday. Lots of peanuU nare been coming into market this week. Mr. W. A. Blount, of Roper, was ia town on Wednesday. . Mr. Jobu Tarkentou, of Bertie county, was here ou Monday. Mrs. Ed. B. Norman is visiting relatives at Hamilton tnia week. Mrs. Arthur Swain is visiting Mr. Swain's mother, in the country. Mrs. Harry Stell, of Norfolk, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ida Midgetu Mr. L. L, Owens is building a large carriage houe ou Ids home lot. Mrs. Mary Gurgantis left on Wednesday to visit her daughter at Piuetown. Mm. H. W. Mizell, of Edenton, in the guest of her mother, Mrs. A. M. Johnston. A Mr. Gurkin wm badly but not serious ly hurt by a railing stage at the Veneering mills last week. Quite a number of our DeoDle attended the fcUm Jones lecture a; uahiugtou ou Tuesday night. i Mr. M. 8. Burden leaven tomorrow morning lor a ten days trip to Bakimoto and other poiuts. - Have you seen that frame of beautiful pictures in the pogtofiice ? They were ta ken by Bakr, the photographer, of Eden tou. If yvu want a nice picture it will pity you to visit bin ntudio.' Don't have halt'. handed Work done. Our fishermen who intended putting in their seines laut Mlinday Were prevented doiu bu by the ytroug Maler. We Acknowledge a pleawant call ou Wed ntrMilay fiom Msrs. J. B Phelpe, of tikiu ueritTille, and W.T. 'hichard, of Mack, ey's JiVrry. . We received a pleusaut call yesterday from Mr, J. i, Tlllery, founder of the town of tuat tinuie iu this State, aud a most aifablu ceutlemuu. i " Again the railroads have faile to get our paper hvre on tiuae. It this occurs agaiu we xLail order by eipresi, although their rates are exceesive. Mrs. 8, H. Newberry of Williamstou, who was at the Hotel Koauuke with her bUdbaud, left Tuesday for Norfolk, w hero she goes to visit friends. I have a complete Hue of samples from tbe Chicago Tailoring Association, ' and will be glad to thaw them to parties want ing correct st) le, perfect fit aud big value iu spring and summer clothing. W.P.AUSBON. Mr. Louis P. Hornthal will take his de parture uext Week for the Northern mar kets to purchase goods for the various departments of his large store. ' . MrH. W. B, Ward aud sou. Master John nie, are visiting friends iu Bath. Jn Mrs Ward's absence her millinery bueiuess is in charge of Miss Meta Uarrisou. Religious services were conducted at the Couuty Home last tiuuday afternoon. It strikes us (hat with five charcbts iu towu services could be held at the Home every Bauday, Emanuel Leary, a colored man of this town, became suddenly demeuted on the subject of reiijhm ou Tuesday. He was fonnd in a MWaiup late iu the evening aud taken to his home. Mr. K. rJalleng6r of Saun Souci, was in town ou Tuebday. He iufortud 1 that the htorui did much damage on his farm, blowing do wu every building except the dwelling house aud barn. The tug Norman took a crowd over to the wrecked Olive on 8uuday. They also visited Coleraiu, aud ou their return broke down, arriving home at 2 o'clock Monday morning iu tow of a tug from Edentou. Th scratch of a pin may cause the losa of a limb or eveu death when blood poison, iux results from the injury All danger of this may be avoided, however, by prompt ly appoint: Chamberiaiu'a Paiu Balm.' It is au aniibrptio and quick healing liniment for cuts, biuibes ana burns. For sale by all druggists. Mr. H. 8 Ward, in the abHence of th solicitor, lepreseuted the iState at Wash ington court lat wen. He u in itaieigu this wek iu the interest of exieuded town limits und a graded nchool lor Plymouth. May his eiTorts be crowned with success. W'bat'H the reason Plymouth people can't build a tobacco warebonsa where the far mers oau sell their tobacco, instead of ta king it elxewbtre? It would be a big fi nancial help to the town ; a great conve nience to the farmers, aud a paying invest ment to the parties owning tbe house. A drunken man, whiu or colored, visited the home of Capt. It ice Mouday utht and frighteutd the iu mates by monkeying with the blinds. We have heard of two ir three such occurrences rece title, and it ought to be stooped. A Run properly nsed might have the dseired tffect It seems these offenders select homes where the man f the hotiBe is absent. r Nearly Forfeits 11 is Life. A ranaway almost eudiag fatally, tiarted a horrible ulcer on the leg ol J. B. Orner, Fraaklin Grove, 111. Por four years it de fied all doctors 'and all remedies. But Buoklen's Arnica 8alve had no trouble to enre him. Equally good for Burns. Bruise, tikiu Eruptions and File. 2uo at Spruill & Bro's store. , Hampton Academy prepares bovi and girls for college, teaching and business. Certificates from the Principal will be accepted by colleges, aud students will bo ad mitted without culmination. Tu ition is reasonable and is payable per month. Carlul moral training will be given, aud each pupil's interest will be closely watched and cared for. Write to or call ou the Prin cipal for information. C. J. EVERETT, M.A., M.E., Principal. Tendency of the Times. The tendency of medical scieuce is toward preventive measures. The best thought Qf the world is being given to the subject. It is easier and better to prevent than to cure, it has been fully demonstrated that pneumonia, one of the most danger ous diseases that medical men have to contend with, can be prevented by the use of Chamberlain s Cough Hemedy. Pneumonia always results from a cold or from an attack of influenza (grip), and it hah beeu ob served that this remedy counteracts any tendency of these diseases toward pneumonia. This ' has been fully proven iu many thousands of cases iu which this remedy has been used during the great prevalence of colds and grip iu recent years, aud can be, relied upon with implicit confidence. Pneumonia often results from a slight cold when no danger is apprehended until it is suddenly discovered that there is fever and difficulty in breath ing and pains in the chest, then it is audouiiced that the patient has pneumonia. Be on the mfe side and take Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy as soon as the cold is contracted. It always cures. For sale byall druggists. ' ii.ji mi mi in i ill i " Matriuionial history often begins where a romantic eonruhlp ends. SBBaBBmnassensaaa 10 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY 'l ake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is ou each box. 25c 1123-ly Although men believe a grsat many thiugs they know but few. - A Most Fatal Gift, Would be the power of foreseeing events. Thia would destroy hope. A knowledge of the future would nnnake happiness. There are, of course, some things about the fu ture we do know. If, for instance, a lack ( energy, ambitiou and loss of appetite shows itself we know it will be followed by serious couiplaiats if not ebeoked. Of ten Liver and Kidney trouble fellow quick ly. Iu any event Electric Bitters will restore yon to health. It strengthens, builds up and invigorates ruudowu systems. OnlySOo. Batihfaotion guaranteed by Spruill A Bro. The "ECLIPSE Mi Water St., Plymouth, N. 0. Opposite N. & S., & W. & P. Depot. ' Old Hunter I?ye a specialty. This saloon is fully abreast of the times in every respect. We cater to the traveling public, and solicit orders from out of town and for medicinal purposes. The very best brands of Wines, Liquors aud Cigars always in stock. Favor us with a trial, and be con vinced. Respectfully, CI1ESS0N.& TURNER. 2 5 NOTICE. Tbos. A. Boggard a Judee Moore. Fred Moore Notice. and Paul Williams. Ptirsuaut to nn order in the above entitled cauM-. I shall sll at the Court Bonse door in Plymouth, N. C, on tbe 2nd day of March, 1903, the traot or par1 f land formerly owued by William Williams. 4ecl. situated near the town of Plymouth, K. O , and ou the MoKae trnmroad etrvet, Harriet Rhodes and others, and fnliy d.wcribek in the petition filed in this catse, Said lana tola tor paniuon. Terms Of sale cash. This 8rd duy of Feb ruary, 1903. 8. P. BPBUxtL, Comtahwlonar. Going Wh! Our buyer for Dry Goods, Notions and Ladies' Furnishings . leaves Saturday, the 28th, for a ten days visit to the Northern cities in quest of the newest styles, and latest conceits in Ladies' and Children's ddess goods, novelties and furnishings of . "every description," and will devote spectal care to the selection of the stock in order to purchase goods to suit the "taste and purse" of of every citizen of the town and country. 1 Watch this Column for the .' . j - , t . - Announcement of our IP M. I KHv P I M I M H 2 Our business is growing, and to prove it, we are go ing to show you the largest, and most select line of Dry Goods ever shown in Plymouth. Don't fail to be pres ent on our Opening Days. ' WALKOYBE! WALKOVER! ' ' ' Walk over to Hornthal's and see the fine line of Walk-Over Shoes for men Spring styles now in. HATTING! HATTIHG HATflHG! Choice lot of Spring Mattings now ready for the purchasers. : Beautiful light Percales, Ginghams, Embroideries and Laces Come early and make your selections before the assortment is broken. Full line of Bleached Muslins. Our Grocery,! Hardware and other Departments will always interest you. HORNTHAL. Goinglorth! ate HORNTHAL. v

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