JA.NOKE BEACON. tbHhd Every Friday. fi ttt the fait Office at fly mouth N. C, at .doWae Matter. X BsacOk. to aid ua in mkmir it an accaDtabia aud rltlt medium of utwi to our titixem.. Lai rlyaaciita peepl aud ilia public know wnatii (aiarouiu riymoutb Kapori to ua alV itamaof aawa tha arrival and eUpartur of f rlaodf , aoalal aata, deatai, aorioua ilmata, aeeideuu, nw fcull4laga, naw antarpriiei aud impravamauta ot waatTar character, change in baiaM indeed irtuiagaadavarj thing that would baof intaraat , laaar paaula. ttabaenptton pnea, $1.00 par yaar. Adrartiavmauti inaarted at low rt'.M. Obituary notlcea exceeding tao liuc , flva cantt aliaa. C'ouut tha worda, allowing eight to tha lina, aad aaod money with, MS. for all in ezcaia of tan llnea. Tha editor will not ba raapougibla for tha viawa f oorreapondtjuta. All article for publication must ba accompanied by tha full nama of tae writer. Gerreayeudtnts ara reqoeered not to writa an but aa aida ef tha papar. 411 communication muit ba tent in bjThanday naming or they will not appaar. Addrana all cominunicitioni to THE KOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N. C. SCHOOL MONEY ', ' . COMES FORTH. Special Appropriation Will be Made. Again for the Pub- lie S c h o o 1 Four Months' Term. The public schools of the State will once more get a special appro priation of $100,000 a year, to be distributed per capita, as.wnll as a second $100,000 to bo used iti bring ing the weaker counties up to the constitutional requirement of a four monshs school term. But the amount of the second . $100,000 that niav be asked for bv each county shall not exceed the average salary for each teacher, and absolutely nolie of it is to be given for buildiug or repairing school houses. The Joint Committee on Educa tion yesterday afternoon finally set tled tho matter, gfter considering the three bills that were before them. First there was the bill drawn by 5upt. Joyner and Mr. White, of Halifax, to appropriate $200,000 or so much thoreof as may be necessary to brins np all the schools of North Carolina to the four months term, as required in the Constitution. A substitute to this proposes to distribute $100,000 per capita among the schools, and auother $100,000, or as much thereof as may be heeded to the weak counties to enable them tofulUll the Constitutional reqtiire ' went. (The amount any one county is limited to for each teacher is the average salary and no more.) The third bill before the committee was one drawn by Mr. Smith, call liug for an appropriation that would be sufficient to bring up the schools in the weak districts to the constitu tional requirement of four months, and limiting tho amount for each county to $100 for each teacher. Mr. Smith spoke in opposition to WOOD'S Garden Seeds Best for tha1 'Sunny South," because they are specially grown and selected with a full knowledge of the conditions and require ments of tho tScuth. Twenty-five years experience and practical growing ot all the different vege tables enables us to know the very best, and to offer seeds that will give pleasure, satisfaction and profit to all who plant them. Wood's Ksw Seed Book for 1903 (Mailed on request) is full of good tmngs, and gives the most reliable information about all seeds, both for the Farm and Garden, T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. WOOD'S SEED BOOK also tells all about Grasa and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, and all Farm Seeds. Write for Seed Eook and prices ot any Farm Seeds required. making any special appropriation directly from the treasury for any per capita distribution additional to the regular school fund. , Mr. Blount favored the per capita appropriation, fearing that it might be in the nature of a backward step. Mr. White, of Halifax, also spoke for the $100,000 appropriation per capita. Judge Graham likewise spoke for the substitute bill. Finally the substitute bill was supported unanimously. News and Observer, lt. HEAD IT THROUGH. Twould Spoil Tbis Story to Tell It in the Headlines. To use an eighteenth century phrase, this is an ''o'er true tale. Having happened in a small Virginia town in the winter f 190, it is a story very much of the present. Up to a short time ago Mrs. John E. Harmon, of Melfa Station, Va., had no personal knowledgo of the rare curative properties of Chamberlain's Couyh liemedy. "Last January," she says, "my baby took a dreadful cold and at one time 1 feared she would have pneumonia, but one of my neighbors told me how this rem edy had cured her little boy and 1 began giving it to my baby at once and it soon cured her. I heartily thank the manufacturers of Chain berlaiirs Cough liemedy for placing so great a cure within my reach. 1 cannot recommend it too highly or say too much in its favor. 1 hope ail who read this will try it and be convinced as 1 was." For sale by all druggists. Speak not of doleful things iu time of mirth, nor at the table. Truedy Averted. "Jnst iu the uick of time our little boy Wan tuiveil" writes Mis. VV. W&tfcina of Pleasant (Jity, Ohio, "i'ueutuorjia had play ed Had havoc with him and a terrible coiu set in boideh. Doctors treated him, but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Diccovery for Consump tion, aud our darling was saved, He's now sound, and well." Everybody ought to kuow, it's the etily sure euro for Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed by Spruill & Jiro. Price 50c aud $1.00. Trial bottles free. Strive not with your superiors in argu ment, but always submit your jiHgweut io others with modesty. Times are ,lmrd and it behooves as to economize. If your lust year's suit is soiled don't cast it aside, but take it to dam!. Wigyius. He can, for little Cost, dye tneui or cleau and press tbem so they will look good as new, and )uu will save the Cost ot a new suit. Ladies' dresses dyed or reno vated. He -is also au expert in cleaning and upholateriug furniture. 'Iry him once aud be convinced. Be not tedious in discourse. Lost Reason After LaGrippe. Daughter Had Fre quent Spasms. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cured Them Both. Dr. Miles' Nervine is a specific for nervous disorders. It removes the cause and effects a speedy and permanent cure. "I feel it is my duty to let you know that your medicines have cured my little girl of nine, of spasms. She commenced having them at the aze of three. Our family doctor said she would outgrow them but she did not We took her to another physician who said her trouble was epileptic fits in a mild form. He did her no jjood either. She "was so nervous she could hardly walk. As I had already used Dr. Miles' Nervine and found it a good remedy for myself I commenced civing it to my child. I gave her in all ten bottles of the Nervine and one of the Blood Purifier. That was over two years ago and she has not had an attack since we com menced the treatment. She is no longer troubled with nervousness and we consider her permanently cured. I enclose her pic ture. My mother-in-law lost her reason and was insane for three months from the effects of LaGrippe. Six bottles of Dr. Miles' Ner vine cured her. My sister has also taken it for sick headache with good results. Wc alt thank you very much for your good medi cines and kind advice. I don't uiink there is any other medicine half so good. I send my daughter's photograph so that you may see what a sweet little girl lives out in Arkansas." Mas. Hannah Barkett, Sprindalc, Ark. All druggists sell and guarantee first bottle Dr. Miles' Remedies, bend for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Speak not eyil of the absent, for it is unjust, . i Let your recreations be manful, not sin ful.: Bead no letters, books or papers In com It Saved His Leg. P.' A. Dnnforth of LnQrange, 0., suf fered for bix month with a frightful run ning ROie on liia 1?; but writes thflt Buck len's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For Ulotrn, Wound, Piles, U'h the best salve iu the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cts. f.M by Spruiil A tfro. Let your countenance be plea Rant, but in serious matters somewhat grave.. We have on exhibition at our office one of the Cultivators mad aud patented by Gaboon fc Cnheon, in tbia county. It is a good thing, end with it one man and horse van do more wotk in a crop than with any ethei- one implement, farmers will do well to call and examine it. Undertake not what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless CniLL Tonic because th formula is plainly print- ; ed mi every bottle showing that it is simply Trou and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. COc. . 11 25 ly Be not curious to know the nfiirs ef other, neither approach to those who speak iu private. , More Hiots. Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave a an individual disorder of the sys tern. Overwork, loss of fdeep, nervous ten sion will be followed by utter eollups. on- 1 jene n ii-iiiiuic jciuriijr is jm mruillirijr cm ployed. There's nothing ho efficient to cur disorders of the Liver or Kidneys as Elec tric Bitters. It's a wonderful tonic, an effective nervine and the greidestall nvonnd medicine for run down yeterns. It dispel Nervousness; Rheumatism mid Neuralgi and expels Malaria germs. Only ftOe, end satisfaction guaranteed by Sprnill & Bro. Our Clubbing Offer Until this notice disappears we will give tiie following (Jheup Club Kates : , The'Konnoke Beacen and the Atlanta Constitution one year for ..$1.50 Th Konuoko Bfacon, the Atlanta . Constitution and the Sunny South one year for 1.75 The ltoanoKe Beacon and the Thrice-A-Wtek NbW York World one year for... 1 50 And if you wnnt the B-st Combination to be bad for love or money, send na only $2.50 and we will tend you for one year, Your Home Paper, the Thrice-A-Wek New York World, the Athnta Constitution and the Sunny South Six of the besf pa pers published eery wek, and nt less than half the cost of one daily. Address T11E KOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N. 0. IS YELLOW: POISON:. in yo::r blood ? Pfiysic!an3 ca!! k it flalarial Germ. ItcaabeEcen W, changing red blood yellow under , microscope. It works day and i n?cv?t IPJfuf )Mii.-i:')it!"i,fm. f' 4 nlftxlnn ve'lnw. Chll'v. f.rh?nr J j 7 " ' " J. k, sensations creep jow;i year ? backbone. Ycu izel weak e;id i worthless. If ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC I vH! stop the troubia now. ft enters the blood at once rr,u drives oirt the yellov poisun. If negiect;d a id vhcn CSrllls, Fevers, Night -Sweats i:nd agen cra! break-down coma later on, Roberts' Tc.vic wi!! cvrv yev thTl bit vhy y.v";? ? 'Prfvvvi future sicki3jP. 't ht; nu turet know-hit about it'. U- iov poison ijiravf . Roberts' TojsIc to rrivi i nourish your 'sysco-.i-j, rt ... appetite, purity tha bioot!, pre vent and cure Chiiss, FtMern and Malaria. It kvtx cored tho? andslt yvUi'cuie o.- " money back. Thl .r it. Pri". 2 cr;;1 ' va? b W.C AYER3. mm Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. ir. King's 7:iiiscovery For ONSXTSIPTlOy Price oiiaw: S0c4$I.ca A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. fissat Money back If it fails. Trial Bottlet free. . s First make up your mind that ; you have something worth ad- fe Vertisinjr, somtthing that the 2 public really needs or- wants, 4t something that will appeal to & those who have intelligence to J 4f appreciate and means to buy & advertise it in I'll k Roanoke j B.eacon and results aro assured. J To All who are in Need. of Buggies or Cart-wheels, 1 liavo on band a nice line of latest style of new, and some few very Kood second hand buggies which I will sell at remarkable low prices. Come and ste before m a king a purchase, it will pav vou, cc 6 Plymouth, N. C, . . . ) modal. JteScn or 1 1 oto ef Invrtion lor oroe report on rRtwitalnlity. lor fne book i Opposite U. S. Patent Otuce J , WASHIINGTOO THE GENERAL INSUEAKCE, Meal Et ate and IRemital AGENCY, F ly mouth, Before insuring your life or property, or before buying, sell ing, renting or leesing town or country property consult this agency, where you will get just what you want. V fcY nothing rcprestcttd in thU'Agtscy hot Standard up-to-ate, rliahf Companies vrriting all iniuralle ritla agnintt Fir, V ibd aud Lightiinx, at tdeqflat rtts. All lotsen adjusted promptly, cartful atttution btiug givm at all tiiaai to the ia(rotf the it.suredi well as the Ccmpauy., vc have the Hjucisl Ak;i.cj for l he Union Crutral Life Insurance Co., of Cinciiiuttti, O., wLich CDtBpy cfiere the lrctt clnirallt contract of toy Cent paoy, bacaoie it givra the ioenrtd Letter lekultt. It haa the LOWEST death ialt It obtains tblilUHEBT rate of iiittrt. For fuvller icforfhatinn; apj)y toj W. Fletcher Atiston. LATENT W1UT1NG RING Tim most iniportantiniproyemontof the ge in tha art of penmanship makes the poorest writer a splendid penman iu a few weeki by th uie uf this ring. Endorsed by prominent College Presidents aud Boards of Julucation in Europe and America. Sample dozen assorted sizes tent jKist paid for $1.004 single i am pie sioc. When ordering, a single ling", state whether for man, woman, or child. PKM MFU. SUPPLY CO. No. 119 8. Fourth Stret,PMLADELPHIA 9 17-tf "TUB BIGGEST SENSATION KVERTWBXR1 vl:i liputs: Colapsable Pocket Stereoscope Apparatus 'I'll. nm.lU.I ...fit. .1.. l . A optical effct. HiuhlY finished iu different. Mtwrm wnu tiwu fcoia sua UTr aecorauc; (iuountiii(fs). lucludiug Y. F. Ptsfc?,. gmpbs. Views of art (genre). PKIUK ON LIT $1.00. 3 eat everywhere prepaid in letter lerm. AGiCNTS WANTED. . LILU'UT STEREOSCOPE CO. FORREST BUILDING FHIliADELFHIA.. I. : . i ... t l i ' . . t .. . SUBSC1UBE FOK THE Roanoke-' Beacon