Till 110AN0KE BEACON. PUBLISHED KVKRV FKIDA Y . V. W. AUSBON, Editor. PLYMOUTH. N.C. FltlUAY, Octohkr 23, 1UU3. Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh. There are many Shylocks now, the convales cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can get it take Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. For nearly thirty yeare Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver ot human flesh. We will send you a couple of ounces free. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. 400-415 Prl Street. New York, joc al f i.oi ; sit druggist. NEW FALL GOODS J. E JOHNSTON'S, . ', ICUl'KU, N, 0. Our buyer, Mr. J. V. Singleton, has jut returned from the Northern Itiurkcts where he has been selecting hv latest up-to-date goods and stvles. :W have i full line of Clothing, Geut's Furnishings, Drees Goods; i. . i i i: 1 ..i. : i .i ... jtoveineA ior me tauies aim cimiiuyii. Hitir, Caps, : Hoots, .Shoes 1 1 -ml ware. G Unaware, Crockery, tt:. the latest uiye. and prettiest Lamp ever brought to Hoper. Be sure to se; them. 'Our Grocery stock is complete, with" the freshest and. choicest line of something good to eat, and a full line of staple goods always. in stock. Grve us a al I and lot us convince you- that, for good' goods and low pricey, our store can't be beat. . . Jepectfully, J. Jb. joltiiistoiii Ifojier, N. O. Cheap GaodSt ' -BY- A. MARCUS'! I bg the people nt large the Udies es ! ecUHy to visit my tr tlw Benson. I bve jttat ret u rued from the northern market with a full Mtock of Clothing, L di raiJy-made dreHSW, drs koh1h, La diSnl Gent' t'urniMhirjKS TrimmiiiK of llktndrt. Notion. Hoot,' Show, Hutu. CtHi, Mtuical ItiNtrninentg of all kind, Wiuter uiuUrweitr, Truuka, Vliea, etc. Men's suits. $3.00 up; Overcoats, $2 up; Boys' suits, $1 up. Tite Kds wer eeleetfd by myself, and I dfy auy merchaut iu tho county to offer ibiu, quality connldered, at anything near as chHi an I eel! tlem. Don't take my word, but come nltd nee for yonrselve. A. MAUCUS. flrinklcy's block, Washiugton St., Plym outU. H. O. eey'M tf WASHINGTON & PLYMOUTH BAILUOAD. - Train for Pine Town nud Washington and Intermediate poiuts leave Plymouth daily eicept Hand? at ft a. M. and 3 p.m. Tratin arrive aL Plymouth daily eicept Sunday at i:lft A. M. and 7 P. M. BUUUV PAKKEH, B. H. HATTON, O. M. G. P. & P. Agt. WANTEH- FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAVEL ul miK-i-vi force of iIefple and make col it'tnit for wMMiliicUrliiB Iiouh. KtratL'lit taUty f aOW WH?lt n! fXJeBCtf Haltiry tmid wkly uud rxcvnfe money advanced. Prevlou exiTt-uc uinivMary. Lil territory. IJucini-ss micci--fit I. Ponltkm porBiitiwMt. Kucloie jlf-Rt!divi'eI tirelope. cjrlateudunt, 344 Deiu-Uni turret, Chicago, , uo7 BEACON FLASHES- , Those who have friends visiting them,, or who intends leaving home themselves, will pleaoe let it be known K at this office, ho the fact may be men tioned. It doea uot matter whether ' of; you aro a uubscriber or uot. All we ask ialet u kuow it. The ladies of the M. E. Church are pre paring for au elaborate iiaznttr to be held duriuK court week. They will also serva meals during the week. Their price will be a cheap a at hotel, and the menu will far Kurpasa anythiug to be found else w hero iu the town. If you would live good and help a good cause, board at the liazaur court week. Mr. D. II. Clark is in Norfolk this week. Mr. C. W. Suell of Mackey's Perry, waf iu town on Tuesday. Mrs. Emma .Norman made a short trip to Edeutou this week. Mr. W. L. Sherrod. of Hamilton, has beeu iu our miditt this week. Mr. J. D. Phelps, 'of Mackey'a Ferry, wun in town on VV eduutuiay.' Mian Eva IIaKell, of Waimington, is the gueht of Mrs. Ed. 11. Nonuau. Mr. A. O. Gaylord ban beeu nttouding court at Wurihiugtou thiti week. MIhs Eva Chenson of Koper, in the gueKt of Mrs. J. it. llortou this week. Miss Mary Newbold of Ureswell, is the Kuett of Miss lieunie Fa.au this week. Mrs. Ida Midgett his returned from au extruded visit to relatives iu liicbmoud and Norfolk. Miss Carrie Coke of Edenton, Kpeut ov era( Jay& with Mind Oharluttu Wooddur'iutj the past week, 1 have on hand aud will sell cheap, a good, second'huud 5()-saw cottuii gin, with condenser. This gin is iu good condition and will go at a barguiu. Lout P. Horn thai. Mm. J. L. Phelps aud little son. Master William, hrve beeu visiting relatives iu E. City the past week. If you wish your ad. changed befoi court Week be sure an J 1hv, copy m our hands by the first of next week. Messrs. Uitymoud Hassell of Itoper. and W. M. UaviiiiHrt oCMcaey's Feiry, .wr her thi week to ulieud Iho UatSell-Kmg wedding. After a resideuce of several months iu Edttntuu, Mr. b E. lirutteu Las moved wilh his ft.nily bajK to Plymouth. We extud to tnciu cotdtal Woictue. We return thauks to Mr. aud Mrs. J. II. liaiuiltou for a nico ba.tket of vegetables uud fjiaro ribs Bent us this week., oucn preaents are grcutlv up.recmied by us. Matilda Nicholson, whose reputatiou as a nuise is well known here, wUhes us to sny to the eoplu thai she can no bo found at the ltuoda Jiasuight house, just beyond Mr. liiinkley'a bricK yard. It Mrs. E. 8. Patrick and daughter, Miss Collnster, of Mackej'n Ferry, were lu tuwu ou Vduesday, aud while Lere llinde us a brief Call. Come agaiu, and tarry touger. Mr. D. T. SiHgietpu," oue of our cotiuty'a uiOkI populttr teuchers, pased hurrtdlv through town Tuesday uiuruing, vnruute Louisburg. Rtleigh, Eurham and othei poiuts. Col. W. F Bcasley wa in town the psst Wcck, and While here ni ide it visit to tho County Home. He reports the cottages there in HXcelleut condilhui aud the iuuiaies Well Cared for. The report of tho Hassell -King marriage not being i;i veil us bt lure the huur ofo iug to press it is impossible tor us to pub lish it this week. However, it wid appear iu our next issue, if we can get it. Mr. and Mrs. J. II Williams and MUses King and Hells Carstarpbrti, of Hamilton and Gtraldiue Wilkin, of Enfield, wre the guests of Mrs. Ed. li. Norimwi this week. They were here to attend the Hab-Bell-King marriage. Dr. H. O. Hyatt will be in Williamston, at Hotel ltouuoke, November 'Jth, tUth and 1 1 tli. Monduy, Tuesday and VVrdufs day, for the purpose of treating disea.es of the Eye, Ear, Ne and Thront, aul fitting glasses Dr. Hyatt will hereafter visit vYilliamstou three times a year. ' ot YOU KNOW WnAT YOU AUE TAKING NNhfii you take (J kovk's Tasteless Cuill Tonic because lU- tormula is plainly priut cd on i-vt-ry l ttlr showing that it is simpiy Iron nud Quinine in a Uistbh ks form. No Cur, So Py. ooc. II L5 ly A Word of Appreciation. We wish to express our appreci ation to our friends and the public for the many nice things said of our new millinery, und invite them to continue- to visit us at our store, where they will '"be cordially wel comed. We tire always pleaded to show our goods, hoping that you may find something to please you. If you have not called, come now, and we feel sure we cuu please in Hat or Bonnet. Don't forget our line of Dress Goods and Notions. Very truly, Mrs. A. M, Aye.vs. The Bazaar. At the Bazaar to be held by the ladies of the M. K. Church during court week, the following list of good things to eat will be served, and you are cordially invited to board with them whilu the Bazaar is open, aud to bring your friends with you : MENU. Oysters. Stewed, Kaw, Fried. Ham, Turkey, Goose. Cranberry Sauce, Celery. Chicken s?alad. Pickles. Cream Almond Cake, Ambrosia, Gel-tine uud Cream, Jce Cream Chocolate Cake, Jelly Holl, Fig Cake, CocoauUt Cake, Caramel Cuke, Mlnnelmhu Cuke. Candy. Salted Peanuts. Cheese Straws. Coffee. Chocolate. A hove Letter. Would not interest yon if you're looking for a guarituteed Salve tor holes, Uums or Piles. Otto Hood, of bonder, Mo. w rites : I suffered with-an ugly sore tor u year, but a box f Uuckleu'rt Arnica Sulve .cured me, It's the best Salve on earth. 2o at Spruill & Uros. SK1NNEKSV1LLE CHIPS. Mr. li. Elliott spent Tuesday niuht at home. Miss Callie Tarkeuton attended the M. P. protracted meeting ut Plymouth lust week. Mr 1'. S. Foley if a the guest of Mr. W. J. Harris NUnday night. Some of our people attended services at Pleasant Grove Sunday. Mr. uud Mrs. Herbert Owens of near Cresweil, speut Sunday with Mf. ud Mrs. W. J. Harris. , Mrs. Moliie Wiley is building a new house oh her farm, iu place of the oue re cently burtied. Miss Laura Foley, who bus beeu spend ing the past two weeks at Crrswell, re turned home Tuesday. s Mr. uud Mrs. T. S. Swia uiide a trip to Plymouth Monday to see their sou, v ill. who is very sick. We hope - he wilt soon be able to enter school ugitiu. Foley's Honey and Tar cure coughs and colds and prevents pneumonia. Take no ubstitutef. Sold by 4. O. Everett. SUU1TEUNONU ITEMS. Mr. Gus Cuhoou,x of Columbia, wa9 iu our midst Suuday. Mr. Albert Litchfield was to sea his best girl Sunday afternoon. Miss Evis Hathaway is visiting Mr. 1 1. A. Litchfield's family this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Ward, of Tyrrell, spent Sunday with relatives heie. Mr. George Terry of Cresweil. was the guest of Mr. J, J. Ward last Situdsy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank lirickhouse were tb4 guests of Mrs. li's. pareuts buuday. Miss Lillie Hatluwuy was the guest of her friend, Miss liclle StiUuiau, Sunday. Misses Myra Uardisou ami Mary Alex" ander, of Cresweil, wntf in our midst Sun day. iliK08 Verma and Jessie Ih ickhnose were the guests of Miss Jessie Litchfield Sunday last. Mrs. Snliie Brick house spnt a fw days witu her irieud, Mrs. Irene Litchfield lut week. We are sorry to report Miss Addie Ward as very ill, but hope she may suou recover. Host ( ixkeks. J. W. PERRY COMPT, Cotton Factors and Com mission Merchants, Mo i: polk, Va. Quotations Oct. 21, 1903. COTTON Steady. Strict Middling 10 Middling U 7-8 Strict low Middling ! :l-4 Low Middling, 9 T-8 Tinccs Mains Blues PEANUTS New Crop. Fancy 3 Strictly Prime 2 3-4 Prime 2 1-2 Low Gnides. 2 1-4 Machine Picked 2 3 8 to 3-4 Spanish ?. bushel B. E. PEAS 3.() $ bag Black and Speckle Peas HO Clay and Red Peas 70 Peaunt Bugs, in bales 03 iu. 7 3-10 Bagging Ties and Peanut Has for Sale. tip 10 STOP I Are you on the Aro you buying the ''Right Kind of Goods" Goods that are "right" as to stylk, workmanship and priced The hand of Fashion points unswervingly to Furs ! Jj'nrce of circumstances in the Cloak lield lends its additional power and will make Furs stronger than ever before. Come and select yours before the stock is broken. For correctness of style, finish, material and prices of La dies', Misses and Children's Coats, we are sure to please you - as you cannot be pleased elsewhere. -'We are ready with our collection of Fall Dress Goods, beleiving you will find it to be the best line shown this season; Sve mention a few of the weaves represented : Silk warp crepes, crepoline, twines, mistrals, canvas, cream mohairs, albatross, granite, Scotch suitings, storm serges, broadcloths, cheviots, zibelenes, &c. Large as sortment of black goods in variety of weaves and widths. Waist Fabrics The very new two-tone velvets, mirror velvets for waists and trimming in many beautiful autumn shades, mercer ized waistings and vestings; white, cream, white and " colors. Never before has there been such a rage for white as for the coming winter. Ladies' ready-made walking skirts from $1.50 to $5.00. re Trimmings Buttons in the leading shades, including the now popular gun metal, fibre braids, silk and chiffon appliques, orna ments and pendants of various styles and shades. Ladies' Kid Glove's in black and all the Fall shades. Domestics Double-faced Canton and Roman stripe Draperies, Gretons, Hamburgs Luuea, Woolen und Cotton Pants jiooda, Liltt and dark Percales, Shirtings, Apron Ginghams, colored Homespuns, Sheetings, Lmeu and mercerized table linen and napkins, Skirting flannels, Towels, mercerized tin I teen, Neva silks, perculinw, jeans ai.d cambric linings lit all shades; Outings, Flannelettes, Daisy Cloth, Canton Flannels, Dark dress ginghams, Slumber Uobes, Blaukeis, Counterpanes, Com forts and iSilkaline Drnpuries, JiuUies , uniiuren ami unit o uuuei wear. Footwear, of all kinds to suit tin young and old. 3Xen'ai liiiniitsiliiiig'ft Working and dress Shirts, Overalls, Clothiug, a full and complete line foi Men and lioys. Hats, Caps, Ties, Hosiery, Collars and Suspend ers. Jewelry Hat pins, Scarf pins. Stock pins, Watch chains, Waist ets, lielt pins, Hrooehes, Cuff and Collar Buttons, &e. Ui'-TO-DATK STATION KUY Tablets, Kgyptiun Fibre, Cobweb Liu en, Satin linish China Linen and Valencia Bond. BOX PAPERS Hurlburt's Olde Parchment, lloyale. Imperial China ftilk, Katon ilurlburt's Two-tone Linen, London Whipcord, llurl burt's Coaching and Itoyal Victoria Quire paper, Foolscap, Legal cap, Commercial, Note, &c. TO 1 LET A UTIC L KS Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet waters, Talcum pow ders, Bay Bum, Vaseline, Cold Cream, Glycerine. NOTIONS Combs, Brushes, Tooth brushes, Ladies', Geut's and Child ren's Hose SttDuorters, Turn-over Collars, Silk and Patent leather Belts, feilk Girdles, Military Girdles, Ltdies Ties, Embroidery hoops, Lithograph sofa pillow tops and cords. In our Grocery Department we carry a very large stock, always fresh aud pure. Here you will tiud all kinds of hulk and smoked Meats, Flour, patent and straight : various kinds os fancy canned meats, us Casco Bay Lobsters, Salmon steak aud plain,- Veal Lwt. A full lino of Austin, Nichols famous brands Sunbeam Peaches, I'ears, Apricots, Prunes, Cherries, Corn, May l'eas, !tc. Also their Republic brand Asparagus, Lobsters, smoked Beef, Tomatoes, prepared Mustard, Pepper, &c. Partial list of Hemz's 47 Good '1 lungs : India Uelish, Queen Olives, Sweet and Sour Pickles, bottled and bulk; Chow chow, bottled pickled Onions, Worcester sauce, Coffee, green and toasted, from the cheapest to the best; Spices of all kinds, fancy Cakes aud Cracker-, and many other things we have not time to mention Farmers are cordially invited to bring their baskets of Eggs our way. ' We would suggest to our friends to cut this "ad" out and bring with you. it will serve as a memorandum. Jf there is anything we have failed to mention, ask for it, and we will be pleased to show you, We aim to please our customers always, and if any dissatisfaction arises, from any cause, we ask you to be as fair as we try to be to you therefore kindly let its know, so that we can promptly adjust aaj differ. ence to your satisfaction. Trusting to merit your confidence and patronage U3 in the past. Louis P. Hornthal. "Right Track?"