te-5S 'VT3MJ..': B?. 'ffiawb) "'.'lwMtJj Vol xrv. PLYMOUTH W. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 11. 1904- No. 49. .TlIK KOAN-OKJi I5KACON", PUB.UrSH E Eft'SUY ' Fill DAY BEACO.N FLASHES. PLYMOUTH... - FiituAY. M.acH iiv urn. I f pf tmm When you'ca:y"i cat break fort, take Scott':; ErrHilsioR. When you cjr.ni cat. .bread .end Lyiter, -fchc Scott's Eiri'jJsicn. "When you hzvz been f.Jvin- on a it1 a did and wzni .something a Hit's more ... . .. To gctiat yen must cct fat, . Scott's Ernubiosi is a great' falter&r, .a great "strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want -to incrc&Q ail body tissues, not crfy :i. Scott's Emubiea. increases them all, bone, fo$hf blood and r.crve. For invalids, for con vales cents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all wh9 r.eed fissh, Scott's rcmyfclon b ei-Tich and com fortable food, ?J q nature! tod 1 . ' 'A 'lbose who have friends vlriitnur if? N. G. 1 Kf: tbtim. or who .intend leavitttr home tilt-ni.-.elves, will please let it Lb known 4 fit (Lis oliico, no tin; fact itiay bft mou- 8 1 -ied. It dot in it tuattev whether " you 11 r ti Mibecribi-r or nut', All we ' itisk is let know it. & '-54 .J (' ij w Ti ft y y O Q U J C C. O 0 J u -5 - Fewer ytdloijH ; wears longer j iJevoo. li-t us do yoar printing this up ring. li'i sure jdu Live a soiit ut ibe Oj.era IIoum: M(ji.:ility liibt. 1 C:pi. li. F. tpriil of Creswell, wasiu to hfti lis on iMonduY. IrC, 5of:i?3 Evfadsfon for bone, f j3h," fclood .and n:rve. me 4 J5 : V;c will send yoti ff.ee sc.Diple. Mr. W. -J, Starr, uf UrahfftU cillcd to set' us :&l.u'e here tn Aloinlay. Go to the drug Rlore and yrt jour onion BetN, , to 10c. ipmrt. It A F;avontc Kennedy for Babies. It.s plt'ii!-'iii.ir. ta-tG and prompt, cu -i'e.i have ia)ude i(J i in m I er Jiii-n's Oouyli liViMcii y fi i'livoi itu with the mothers of smiiil children, Ir jli vo, k I y cuvm ! their eoulis ;md cidds ami jjrevtits any danger of j)iH.Minioiii:i xjr other f-eriouN conerjuetices. It hut only cutres .(;!'(..!,!!, hut when given mumi :is the cronijy couh iippojir.s will prcveiir, the atucji, ''or ' salt Itv iSpniill it I Yo i rig mm, Iwwaro of lie prl who Is too l.izy to lv-timi your kiaes, wmmvyrnv.r . HI 1 1 1 1 i i u i ; j ! a t o r y 1 1 ! a 1 1 n i a t i in Cured. Willimii te'hutier, ft hrakemaa oi" Dfuni yow.-vOlvo, was) oi'int(l to liis bed for several weeks with inli:im:witory rleuii!n titui. '1 usi'ii ii'iitiy remi-dies," bn snj s "Fiiinllv I HHif to AleCrv.w's dm s:ot tor XT T I' ...! . t..nl V. t w "" ' ' ' ..U.. i.-.l.uwu LlHu .'..( which u. J. yvtu ut.ubb: to line hiUl . r lii-ule us ... plijaisar.t c.ul recently. l)()ti( Kntj in o,l0 weeU's time was tOe to co Ibe -SMrmii:c Mis.. Pinin Crawb-y, oi I 10 .rU an tn.ppy nK u elum Forsa:eby jdtb, is yUiiiiny Mrs. VV. ii. Ward. j prui.l , hi... Millinery Announce- Wood's tannine Lluht L'rool'aud While hpiiuy cO. Oats. W ooii's Uaiivtix unit hilvtr iSkiiJ i.);iiot! Snts. L'JVZi F. rioilMTIIAL Mr. A. W. i. i . e 1 1 of iVoodard, Burtie couulj , Wus in tl:e ;..'jiy on .Niiuidiiy. AmoiHT our m-w dv j lisements thi wet-It iin bii sten that of the tioyai L'akiug Ponders. For lie:! I'ri.ces on Wood's Genjiino Eiiriy liof., Ufi.l iljiss kih. Wlntu liissa Seed Irish t-Vniitut'H, cm I k on JuOUIg JL HoltUTHAJ. Mr, W. C. Ayers ai'd Mrs. Annie Jntbaw bftya Jiarnt-d tVof the ijerlb.- book for ii;jt.ounof ujet. Mr. J. U. )uhtij of I)'?'liitf, Va.', vbo is berti viiifiny: hia paredts, dropjd ill to sou ijs on Tuvsday. . Mr. W. J. Hai'fjson, Jr., cfillt'd on St Urd ty nod hvltl liis tiiMa pced oh oi;r tiiib scriptiou biioki. TtMiikg, Kev. L. li Jones is at Columbia tin's weekiUTtendh a the Missionary Ins iiu n for the K. City distii't. lie v i li return borne tomorrow. Fnb'y's Kinf'y Cur makf!f tbe iidntys and l)lui'der rilit. Contauis nolbing inju nous. Sold by J. O Kvvrett. AtVnlicu is culled to lue MiHitivvy An" nouneeuient of j!n L lj Podett in this issii.i. iifr oiiKnint; iijia uiil 0! nniit li'j strrc t'nr.t this picture known next in the form ci a hbd on j . . , the wrapper cf every bottU . U! i " ' who ' lPdV wish to'rent W iU of Emulsion-von bay. j V f'HT.ds here i wi.l pose. vc!y n J l,.d 1M1 KM UK. , rOTT ROWNE. Idviuj.i tu-st Mov.bldih. Thos. Wisl,i,i:r! Li! x-'1 ' Ft ,' . ... tWiTA, j N i-i t.v.i r. ! :i IV I'H 11 S l , , , 1 . . . m : M ft;. Mlif 4 I i 1 iif: t3 i mm .'-1 K-vi . fcm - I 'iT' I'! f! 'A m YAi Pa -f I i i raent. We wi.-.li o inform the piddic that no Iihvc M'cnretl Miy.s Annie iiurch inal, of Jial 1 1 in ore, to take ohtirgt: of our iMtlliuery department. Kyn hermore, lhat this young la dy's testimonials are oi t.iie highe-it ordei, and we ;ojumend her tu our patrons. Mio is at piesent making our pattern hats and getting the newest ideas in the Fashions of To day. -We will announce the tinu of our opeuinjr next weel;. Jes)ectful!v, MKfci. Ij. K 'ADGETT, Xow goods arriving daily. Farms For Bent 409 Pearl Si. ,N.Y. iSMM , 50c, and $1 ; cH druggist Valuable lands situated 3 miles from Plymouth, on the Mackey's Ferry road, known as the 41 A. J. Newberry lands". Fences and houses -will be put in good con,dition for those ill m m m tea '"'1 N PI -, . . MM v VI i '. 'I i v A - '3 il II m fa - M M m W 14 mm For Announcement Of Our photograph" wid do we,tl to call on b in beioro that date. SpH-id attcinion is calitd tbim wfo to tbft ndvf rtiseuisit of 'i'h .vuUiihI Lit" In- I swrance Co of New York 'Phis eooipany is anxious to coropoiid witli capable yoiinji loii wbo wib to eiitrttr, in a nod letiUJu ralivo buniiieys. Write to tiiv.jiu. It PayS to Please You ,MMn ra"- ,"""'t!3' v-: . - Dr. V II. Wdi -field, spocnlNt in W7 i) J. H. JOHNSTON, tory to applicants. Terms j reasonable. For information apply to A, U. NEW BERRY, Plymouth, N. Q siT wawfi. ffswTsn rs-pv. T. xri'vSK - SS! iii Ikk fa pa prsh of the fte, Jr, N.-s-ftd Lhroat, T XT pBflTT rffelVTP'V intormp us Hmt owinn to tbo s ri- ii" iimcss J.Xt a Uvai'AI Ji of his tnothtr li wns nind:l" fo bn hri fin "it Mnreli llib. but ti.at. iio wih be hi Hotel TIK-TK WW;.P lifWJ (Joilon Fdclors ;iiw! Com- Po you want to save, if so give Cold ('anni.f l'iit:iHiio;iii.i. mc a call io-day; . Don't waif. : 0i,": r('tl-;;!'k,1 '.fil ' w r i ci d . drti-!t-sented on tnn ut !.?-. i.Mniinr i i 1 piieuMioiiin, is l Suit of Mrs. Gvitnaie li. h"t ntu-r, M:ii i')ii. tinl who vvms enitly eui'iid iv i!ifj ii;1,' ;t' O.'io M hoi!" Conw'n j Ciiie Sl,f : j flu; c'liiiihir. iji'd itr;ii'.- ( in;; ho Wf'n!;t'ii-i! imp llm.t I viio (town iu j weight Irirn 11 to p.iii.nls. 1 tritd ;i ; iinn hcr of li.'iiii'dii-s to no uv&il nut;! 1 j. y line of Silks, fine dress . gopdts, trimrnings, ' shoots;, hosiery, gloves, etc., denca competition in price and quality, ' T "nlc-n 1-ppn nn mi-in-rlntc- lino ' n,5r'',.V f tbR ve tln-iui,! on- of Men's and Boy's shoes, ! ".d uvnh." s,m i,- )- a hr4ft, underwear and furn-j ! No better- Groceries kepi in .()!;ni.K; Va. Quotations Mar. 8, 1 f-04- CUVTOX Me.idy. Miiot Middlirwr 1' 1 Middim,';. Hi i 5i:-iei low Middling 1" 7 A lio'.v M iviuiUii;, : 1'i "'-1 K 1--2 "t,ti m; , , !!!(! , . , P ISA NUTS Finn Fi:n;jy, 4 to 3 irhriclly Pnme. ....... 4 1 "J to 4. "i 8 Pi-h...' 4 1-S to ! :j-s I.(v.' (ji-iidea ;j i to o-; Mhebin Pieked 1 !i to -i r.-S , SjUI'i!l , t?l..lr ff' bn 11 Iv, PKAS f has; lUaolc ;ied Spi-rM Peas. . . . . . !'0 CI i.v nod Red LVns () Our buyers leave Saturday for the Northern cities to pur- r-liQCiA R P ha. s M f - ( v f i hrK P8I1C1 Oil liililA-i CjU w-'U ing pur goods. We are cletariniocl to sl? ow you' tlio har.ds cmest, most select 'sr.odi oi-soas we town? tty them as you v.' ill. ! iTopor Treaiment t.f Piitnmonia. Ci sy nod Red P.ms j ' T T,7 F, r, - , , ;-. T .., ,,1-n cplli..;. Motlor Vo'd-'s : i'-"l"da is t.io dnfreroa ,i dists,-- ; 1ki:;;1 I::s. in ba'i'is lis in. H j t V 2"a iJS A i$ .Lii'lM "v1 ". f.. tiiA HaI;. Bwum t la ...ut iM.w cmo ..lit.Miuh ,t, :. tin- hMi.-r ivm im ! l. U.H HJ; 1 H .S ,lti(l I I.IIUU " ,. c, ' , ,. at Jnitid A pbvi?ici.n should tns be I l: Slklo E f " OT TOVO'P, y,n T,,r i'. fi O on. earth for all Stmnttch, Liver, , . , , li)ir in w. X.MI JLU .'aUb iUo u. w fwJ- 'iri.i. .1 fi..,.l.l,.D t Ij- .... ... i; i x v ...,! (.,-,,, iv 1 positive y tho best re met y for Uio . ; .,-,, . . .; , t , 1 J J i that by tziv.O':-' Cliw.nnei iui m Coit' heiu- i 1 1 A fioove Lioiiuies. Evcrv cent counts here, date of .111, Johnwtoi . '. Koper, N. C. c;,l lei- lt'ruearij, sdtat ( ! ptu-;i aioy. M WANTn.WSH" VEI? L IN PUSTKIOT'S ! ,;:iy b v..i"ii(!d o,. In: remi-iy i.i-o j yi.rtrtlM j t-.IU;!. stuio to i,irtel trr l-.mo t i,;-;;,?, ua.-d bv p!lv.(ri..r .,i ('., trlrH.r o! I H'llbli,ll(.iJ t.,,.Vl.u ,hl? ,.,, w,:.,, ,BlilJ ,a l5!.tfi SJ 4 S :. :! t J ,! ,.'1 ;V J S.nal., of Sir, vn I i is a-;.-.t .hfo, ,,..5,,, lire P.nua- j iMM - - i. , IjL'MiMwfria'.'i s uoU'.oi Mt'nieay hiui rrt-s ... 1 .... 1 , , is..,. -1 1 - , . - . r .-t lll'U nil i I I, V I I 1 1 ! . . 1 Jf"I .'1 lll'U 11 "'- "" vl t billH dvrtiic-d in eflsh nicb weK. Exit- L:ikilO1iAiii'i have ,dv,njHt:eii the best rc.Ult?." bold tutnk.e rc,; t.n,;01.. T TI E for children f ATp T "v '"r'""1 i-V lyfo. I NATIONAL, S:)-', H;rirwru rSt;, Cijica;r. 1 1 a is - IS'- I

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