THE ROANOKE BEACON. .jtfcjwr.l.U-.. PubliBhed Every Friday. Entered tn the PostOfflce at riymoutu N. C, at) ?Cond diss tter. ' !lJ!'LiiJLJMaiJJ'J-JB '.'-'-'- We appealto erery reader of Thi Roanokk BsacON, to aid us in umkiuj; it an acceptable utid Profitable medium of nev to our citizeui. Lt Plymouth people and the public know wnat is goiue on in Plymouth, lit-port to u all itomi oj news the arrival aud departure of friend, social vcut. deaths, aorioua iiincp, aocmeuii. uc iJUlldiugB, new enterprises aud iiuproverueuti' of whatever character, change in business' indeed auytuiug and evry thini: that would be of interest to our people. ROBBERY AT TARBORO Subscription price, $ 1.00 per year. AdrertitMJUienU inserted at low rse. Obituary notices exceeding ten Iiik -, Rye ceiati aline. Count the word, allowing eight to the line, and acad money with MS. for all iu excels of ten line. ... , .1 The editor wili not be responsible for the view of correspondents. . . . . Alt articles for publication muot be accomuanied by the fall um of toe writer. CorresiMiltiit are requested not to wnto on but AH communications munt be ncnt in by 1 hursdaj morning or they will not appear. jLA&neeti til commii nicatiion to THE ROANOKE BEACON, Plymouth. N.O CONVENTION RULES. There will be 991 delegates sitting iu the deinocrutic national conven tiou. Under a long-prevailing rule it requires two-thirds to nominate candidates. Therefore, a Candida c who ean control 3'62 votes may do feat the Mill of the other Gii'i dele gates. Another rlo of democratic national conventions allows states to enforce the unit rule us, the majority of a 'stale delegation may cast the whole vote of the state for the candidate that in the choice of the majority. The enforcement of the unit rule is optional with each statu. Neither the two-thirds rule nor the unit rule is recognized by the republican national organization. Usually, it has happened that no se rious inconvenience or friction lias been caused by the democratic plan of conducting its conventions, audi, nothing of the kind is anticipated j La to Friday night John Clark of Wilson, who attended the carnival, was lobbed of liis watch, watch fob, and about six dollars in money. Mr. Clark was iu his room at Hotel Far- rar, and iu a few minutes a stranger came in, with a friend of Ah, Clark's. Air. Clark was under the impres sion that the strange man was a friend of his friend, and nothing was thought of his being in the room. After a while Mr. Clark fell asleep, and when he awoke next morning he found that the crook had stolen I .1 t : i i I T I uie articles mentioned ,voou. ujuu inquiry of the proprietor of Hotel Farrar the rep-jrier learned that the thief came in on the .Norfolk train Friday night, and requested Mr. Wooten to register his name as W. T. Gordon, though his place of resi dence was not given. This fact, however, did not arouse any suspi cion on the part of the proprietor and Gordon was assigned a room. From the facts and circumstances connected with this case, which tl.o reporter was able to gather, wo are saiistied that Gordon is a professional crook. He is about 21 years old, of d a r k complexion, clean-shaven, weight, about 160 pounds, athletic iu appearance, with dark hair; has round features, dark eyes and about. 5 feet and 10 inches tall. lie wore a black sack coat, anil was neatly dressed. He skipped his board bill at the hotel, and nothing has been heard of the scamp since. Tarboro .Southerner. Best Cough Medicine for children. When you buy a cough medicine r.. 1 1 . i .j this vear. Indeed, it is expected , niityi.-ii jmi uu one m - . . . winch you can place implicit conli mas wnen me ueiegaies asscmuie at denc(J Yol, W!l,u. ou0 lmt ot 01lk St. Louis on July 0, there will be practical unanimity among the rep resentatives of the different states on all essential matters, including can didates aud platform. The present trend i.- unquestionably that way, taking the country over, and there u Nothing iu the situation to cause any feeling of doubt as to the en tirely harmonious character of the gathering. Dm ham Sun. relieves but cures You want one that is unquestionably harmless. You one that i.s pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Keuiedv meet all of these conditions. There i nothing so good for the coughs and colds incident to childhood. It is also a certaia preventive and cure for croup, and there is no danger whatever Irom whooping cough when it is given. It has been used in many epidemics of that disease with j perfect success. For sale bv Spntill & Bro. Sciatic liheumatisin Cured. "I Lave beea subject to sciatic rheuma titiu for years," i,ays E. 11. WaUirou, uf Wiltuu .1 unction, low. "My innts were etitt aud gave me much pain aud discom fort. My joinlo would crack when 1 traigfateurd up. 1 used Chauiueiiaiu' Tt tikes a r-iu-1 tw to lay down the law to the lawyer. (Jood for Children. 1J& I ft KU Il. an1 iUIIu I i j It tltrkfin) i ' 1 tb. old tioubie for many month, Jt ; in j Gri beCllJ8e ,)0l . certainly a mwi wouderfnl hniuient. r ; ttlejv iufo tba st()ma,-:l) but takt-s etx.ct ngbt at tlie Boat ol the tiouble. It dtawt Bale by JSpruill &, Bro. out tti'. infl iinmation, lieuls and Kootheis Men Capable Of Earning 81,000 to S10,000 a Year. Traveling Salesman, Clerk, Merchant No Mattet What Your 1 'resent Business ! A COMPLKTF reorganization of the producing department, of the Company in this section affords a chatico for a few good men. Fight vacancies on the agency force in this rich territory remain .. . . if t ......... i 1 . open lor men ui euaiaeier ana anility ; you can find out by wrii ino- ill. . i . . c- a cliange. JS'n lirevious will be worth your while to make for w het her it experience is nvcessary. A course of professional instruction given free. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of Hqw York IlICHAltl) A. McCURDY, lridtnt HAS PAID POLICY-HOLDERS OVER 630 MILLION DOLLARS. Address, GFOKCF T. DEXTHIJ, Superintendent of Domestic Agencies '-VI Nassau Street, New York, N, V. ; or, UAUUIS !;. WILL CUX, Manager for North Carolina, The Mutual Lif Insurance Co; of N. V., Charlotte, N. C. mar 7 DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT, Th3 5 1 CO bottle co-t.ii-.s 24 tines the trial -iz-. which sslls for 50 cents. PREPARED ONLV AT THE I.AB0RAT0S7 O? E. C DcWITT Sc COMPANY, CHICAGO, I IX. WILLIAMSTON'S HA IB h 1 o H I C . It removes. Dandruf. It stops the hair falling. It cleans and purifies the scalp. It gives new life and vigor to the hair. . ' AS A HAIR TONIC IT HAS KO EQUAL. It is sold only on a positive guarantee, if it fails bring back the empty bottle and get your money. M A N U 1 AC T U R E D ' A N D SOLD BY JBhOOKS ILL1AMSTON, The Water Street Barber, PLYMOUTH, JNT. C Price, . . 50 Ct. tHi $A hm H im hi 'Ml w ffl m ml M m $ fef a m hi wA ivi hv w 1 reat ffer Upon Receipts of Cotton at Alt n.'ted States Ports From September Jst, 1903, to Til ay Est, 1904, Both inclusive. ontest Opened Jan. 18th, 1004, 0 as Aprif 20th, 1904. DIVISION OF PRIZES. For the exact, or tho nearest to tho exact, cjjrlmato of the total number of Bales of Cotton received tit all United States ports from September 1st, I9D3, to IV.ay 1st, 1904, both Inclusive. For the next nearest estimato For the next noarost estimate For the 5 next nearoo estimate, 52S.OD each For tho I O next nearest estimates, I 2.5G oaoh For the 20 next nearest estimates, 10.00 each For tho 30 next nearest estimates, D.OO oac -. For the IOO next nearest estimatos, 3.0O each. s 2.50O.OO 1,000.00 600.00 126. OO IQ6.00 200.00 260 OO 30O.0O , i Hiid cures penuiiieut'y bv en -hli t li - Meu who rmb the growler are eeidom i,IUKK to coutnbuie imr life-giving ai d luaburry them8lve. j e fUstHininK cxyn to tbn bin.,,, Ld -i . 1 i ! tiriMie. One Min tvs (Joujrh Cnr i i leus- nl to take tnd u n yomi uliKe fbr youi'i Are Yon a L))'iiu)iic ? If you (ire a dyspeptic y.u owe it to your self Hud your frieudd tu ;ct well. J)wpfep faia rtiiuuyi tUe dyspp ic'a bem.' hiK disease huhm ins ihspo-ition as well as Lin Moruitcb. Kodul pripepsiii Cure will uol.oaly cure dyspe-pKU. indite -lion iiud eowr .tunjKCh, but ibis pilmtibie, rfon Btruclive touic ditnut slrelltlluy tb vliolo digestive apparotUM. tu,d hweetriM the life as we i an ilia Kturn cli WLt-n vou ui.d old. bold by tjpruill it I3ro. Kotliing worries a liar liKe being foned to tell the truth. A (jteit Sensation. Thtre was a bi sensation i Lepville, I nd. when V. II. lirown of ihat plaw, wbi was exoeuted to die. hud his ltf kvl A. I. . I- -I t . . . . . . " - 1 ' lane ioa j uysp iku uura tbe tood yo i i by Dr. Kin s Wew Discovery fur (Jon- eat l enlOVed. ft. I ilhrKt . rl avt I and its nutrient property a appropriated bv the blood aud tiNouea. Health in the result, bold by Spruill & Hro. Th true uaeuKure of bucceH id 8 quarts to the peck. A Chattanooga DruggUt'as Statement liobt. J. Miller, Proprietor of the Head House lrutf tstore of (Jhalauooga, Teuu. , write : ' I'here is uiore raeiit in Foley's Jloney ahd 'Jar than iu any other cougn syrup. The calls lor it multiply wonderful ly and We ne.II more uf it than all other eouh syrups combined." fckdd by J. ). Everett. puitjplmn. He writes; ! endured liisnf feiablw atoniej lrotu Asihiua, but yonr New Discovery gave me immediate relb-f and soon thereafter effected a complete cure." Similar cureH of Consumption Pneumonia, lironchitis and Grip are nu merous. lt'H the peerless remedy for all throat and lunn troubles. Price 5()e, and 11.00. Guaranteed by Hpruill & Bro. Trial botile9 free. ' Additional CfTors for Dest Estimatos flade During DSfforenr Periods of tho Contest. For convenience the timo of the con test is divided into estimates received by The Constitution during four pe riods the first period covering from the beginning of contest to February 10, 1904; second period, from Febru ary 10 to March 1, 1904; third period, March 1 to 20; fourth period, March 20 to April 20, 1904. We will give the best estimate received during each period (in addition to whatever other prize it may take, or if it take no prize at all), the sum of $125.C0. The foKr prlzos thus offered at $125. QO each amounito Q 500,00 Conditions of Sending $ 5,000.00 TWO GRAND CONSOLATION OFFERS. First For distribution anions those estimates (not taking any of the above 1SS prizes) coming within 500 bales either way of the exact figures q 1,000.00 Second For distribution among those estimates (not taking any of the above 188 prizes and not shar ing the first consolation offer) com ing within 1,000 bales cither way of the exact figures .. f,O0O OO Crsnd Total 87,500 00 In caso of a tto on any prize estimate the money wili be equally divided. n I ins vm Receipts Uomest. Subject to the" usual conditions', as stated regularly in The Constitution each week, the contest Js now on. Attention is called to the following summary of conditions: 1. Send $1.00 for The Weekly Constitution one year ar.d with it ONE ESTIMATE in the contest. 2. Send 5G cents for The Sunny sJoiith one year and with it ONil ESTIMATE In the contest. 3. Send $1.25 for The Weekly Constitution aud Sunny South both one year, and send TWO ES TIMATES in the contest that is, one estirrats for The Constitution and another ior The Sunny South. 4. Send 50 cents for ONE ESTIMATE alone in the contest IF YOU DO NOT WANT A SUB SCRIPTION. Such a remittance merely pays for the privilege of sending tho cellmate. If you Wish to make a number of estimates on this basis, you may send -THREE ESTIMATES FOR EVERY $1.00 for warded at the same time estimates are sent. If as many as ten estimates an received at the same time without subscriptions, the sender may forward them with only $3.00 thi:-. trplen.did discount being of fered for only ten estimates in one order. A postal card receipt will' ho te.:t for ALL ESTIMATES RE CEIVED WITHOUT SUBSCRIPTIONS. Where subscriptions ?r: ordered. THE AltltfVA 1 OF THE PA PER ITSELF IS AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT THAT YOUR ESTIMATE HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND IS CAREFULLY RECORDED. 5. The money and the subscription and the estimate must romt in th c--.o ntTe?o;je overy timo. Tho estimate, the money and the subscription go together.' THIS RULE 13 POSITIVE. ' Secretary Hector's Figures Covering the Period of tho Contest. for children safe, sure 2So opiate Love any intoxicate a man, but marriag sobers him. Makes A Clean Sweep. There' nothing '.ike doing a thine thor oughly. Of all the Salves you ever heur l of. Buckleu's Arnica Hulve in the best. It sweep away nrd cures Unrasi. h')'i.; BruiKes. Cuts, Boils, Ulcere. Skiu Erup tions and Piles It'n only 2"o, md miai-in-teed to give nutihfactiou by ypruill A Pro COTTON SEASON. TOTAL PORT HECESPTS. from lt SopVinher to lf faw (in'imivp) of following i'car. Tho pcrma covered liy tins content. 0,333,062. o 1897-98 1893-09 ..-.7.993.431 1899- 00 6,843.134. 1900- OI 6,340,312. 1901- 02 - 7 213,170 . 1902- C3 7.37C G17 HAL Co M CQ7TOM C:70". Tli is ;u n.i r oy f.r yrmr information ami ta imi t Ik. si-.')! '! t oi i .' i.- jiri'Si ;: t. e'H 'Ht. II m c . . . niii j;ui ;nl(iiiUnul aid to nn intclli- IU i lirtUlll.rt. - .--I 1,199,994 : ! ,274.840 - 10,383 422 9,438.4 6 lOCao.CBO JO, 727,39 The figures above are certified by Secretary Henry G. Hester, of tho New Orlo m 'oitori Exoh.itie, who will furnish the official figurea to decide this contest. , f Address All Ordersto THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. ua.iia.-f ; I