ORESVVKLL CHAT. Mr. Joe Sexton wus iu town Sunday, liius Mittia Chesson spent last Sunday With th Missed SeXtou. Mr. Henderson Norman of 'Chestnut 2rove, was iu'Uwn Suuday. Miss Bertha Holuiea was the guest of " Hiss Eva Spruill last Sunday. Mr. Jim Alexander speut last Saturday sight with his part-nts iu Columbia. Re?, and Mrs. Clinton spent last bun day with Air. aud Mrs. H. VV. Phelps. Mr. Firmer Armstrong of Alt. Pieasaut, Waa the gaeat or fdeudei in towu last Sun day. Misses Maggie Daveuport and Josephine Pitt 8peut last Weduesduy witn Mr. T. J. Basaight ut Soupperuoug. ' Alonzo. Foley's Kiduey Cure makes kidueys and bladder right. Dou't delaj taking, bold by J. O. Everett. SOUri'EttNONU ITEMS. Mr. Qua Holmes of Ores well was hero last Sunday. Mrs. J. J. Ward spent Sunday with Mrs, H. A. Litoiitield. Mr. Walter Peole of Crcswell, whs in our midst Sunday. Mr. Erastus Tarkentou o! Tyrrell, was ia our midst Sunday. Mr. Charlie llardison vas the guest of Mr. Dack Hatlield ouuday. Mr, and Mrs. A. B StiJluian spent Sun day with Miss Jcosio Litchtiekl. Mi8 Pearl Hardison was the guest of Miss Mlttie Daveuport Sunday. Mr. Ernest Davis and Miss Ethel Tarken tou,' of ieur Koper, visiieU friends here holiday. We are sorry to report Messrs. fcj. Arm Strong and Jim McCube as very ill, but bope they may soon recover, Mr. aud Mrs. J. W, Craddouk spent Saturday night and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Amy Holmes, at Columbia. , Kosii. Foley's Kidney Cure if takeu in time af fords security from ail kidney and bladder diseases. Sold by J. O. Everett. Beautiful Wedding in Roper. The Marriage, at the Methodist churcii in Roper, A)ril 2Q, 11)04,' -of Mr. T. Raymond litisseli itnd .HUd Maud A. Mitchell was a beautiful nnd liappy event. The contracting parties are excellent young people it ii ij held in high esteem. The decorations of evergreen and white llowurs, the three arches in one of which was suspended a iloral bell over the heads of bride aud groom, the rich back-ground of pot ted plants and llowers, the soft el ectric light falling upon the scene and the living beauty of handsome groomsmen and blushing brides maids in pure white produced a vis ion suggestive of the ideal in its' charms. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. W. F. Craven. The soft strains of the inarch were pro duced by Miss Lizzie Turner, of Mackey's Kerry. Subdued tones of "Tis Not True" accompanied the ceremony. The attendants were Mr. V. T. Marsh of JJelhayeu, best man,' with Miis Ruth Whitehurst, maid oC hon or. Mr, U'. B. Davenport of Mack ey's Ferry, with Miss Klla Jlerring ton, Mr. L. L. Lewis with Miss Kva Uhfissou, Mr. R. I. Walker of Ply mouth, with Miss iNeva Gaboon, Mr. Edgar L. Spruill with Mi.vs Alice Cahoon. Ushers, Mr. J. J.. Hassell of Plymouth, and Mr. J. B. Mitchell of Norfolk. The bride was beautifully gowned in while crepe du chine wnh veil caught by a pearl crescent and cur ried white carnations. After the ceremony a reception was tendered at. the. home of the bride's father, Mr. J. W. Mitchell. Delicious refreshments were served. Many useful and' handsome bridal presents were given. The many friends of the happy couple wish for them a long and prosperous life. From our certain knowledge, we are giving better prices (by oO per cent." in some instances) than any job printing house that has worked the town this year. Aud we deliver the goods free. '1 heir work can not be be t te r, f o r w e ha ve lira n d h e w type of hit est style, so where is the ad van tune 'in sending your work oil ? Es;b are high. iDereas the quantity by living Monarch Poultry Powders. J. ii. Johnston, Koper, N. O. THE RALEIGH -MORNING POST FORTH K CAMPAIGN. The present year promises; a series of in tensely interesting political developments. The season bus arrived for County, Dis trict aud State Convention. In County, State and Nation both sides are lining up ibfwa'lifi and fierce contests, nud all signs point to the most interesting campaign in the lifetime of the present generation. To aid the people of North Carolina iu keeping posted, the Raleigh Morning Post is making a most liberal campaign offer as follows : One Dollar will pay for the Daily Post until after tbe National Couveutiuu iu July. Two Dollars will pay for it until after the election iu November. Any person sending ns a club of six names for either of the above periods, to gether with the money paying for said subscriptions, may have one Copy for the same length of time free. All (subscriptions nnd remittances should be bent to The Morning I'o.sl, kaleih. N. 0. SKINNERS VILLL CHLP3. Wo are having hue weather now. Mr. Ncal Tarkentou visited Mr. W.J. Mercer Sunday. Mr. Tom Foley speut Sunday evening With his parehts. Mr. Bob Brewer was to see Mr. E. T. Brewer Sunday. Mr. Richard Elliott aud wife went to Creswell Sunday. Mr. Bob Knight and wife passed through our utidat Suuday. Miss JJattie Lucas of Poit Norfolk, is visitiw her parents. Ht, CJliutou Everett 6pent Saturday nlglK with his parents. Mr. Mack Spruill of Mackey's Ferry, was iu our mi dot Sunday. Mrs. C. V. White was the guest of Mrs. Htleu 11. Tarkentou Sunday. Miss Maggie Aumaok was the guest of Miss Eva Swain Suuday evening. Mr. uud Mra. S. 8. Auuiack were the guests of Mr. Kolaud Spruill Suuday. Quite a number of boys aud girls gath ered at Mr. JE. T. Brewer's Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. A. II. Hasell were the guebts of Mrs. W. T. VVhicliarU Suuday, Misses Callie Tafkenton and Alice Pow ell made a flying trip to lideutun Saturday, Mra. Asa Snell and Mrs. Laura Patrick were thu guests of Mrs. Muck cuell Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Harris were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. . T. Brewer Sun day afternoon. Misses Mary Elliott and Mara Aumack Were the guests of Miss Maggie Otierson Suuday eveuiDg. Ramleu. The sureot and safest remedy for kidney H id bladder diseases is Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by J. O. Everett. " A Card of Thanks. As the season is now about over, I take this method of returning thanks to die people of Plymouth and sur. rounding country, both in my own name, and iu the name of '(Jucie Hob"' McWy, the old reliable mule raiser of Kentucky, who was with us twice tiiis season, for the liberal pa: ronac, warm friendship and tnauy courtesies extended to us during this tune, all of whicit are moat heartily appreciated. Should nothing not now known occur to the contrary, we hope to be with you again next season, and trust that our future associations may prove as pleasant as those of the past have been. Should you need a horse or mule oefore our return, let us know our wants and we will gladly supply them at any time. Yours respectful! v. a. 11. .NEW BERRY. A Cure for Headache. Any man, woman or ch Id buffering from headache, hi iousuess or a dull, drowsy feeliug should fake one or two of De V itt s Little Early ltis-rs night and morning. Th8e famous little puis are famous be cause they are a touic us Well as a pill. While they Cleanse the y8tein they stren gthen and rebuild it by their tonic effect Upon the Jiveraud bowels, bold by Sprnill & Bro. Wonldu't a good Kpaufcing improve your neighbor's children, though i Kobbed.The Grave. A startling incident, is narrated bj John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows : "1 was iu an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually iu back aud sule, w appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three j.hy iicians had given me up. Then X was nd Viecu to use Electric Bitter ; to my reat Joy, the fir-t bottla in ide a decided im prOVenjCDt. I contiuued their tiN'j for three weeks, and am now a well m.iu. .1 know they robbed the grave of another victim." ho one should fail to try them. Only r,o tlnta, guaranteed, at Spru II & Bioa, ' Chronic Hronchitis Cured, "For ten years I had chronic bronchitis so bad that at times I could not speak :ibove a whimper.'' writes Mr. Joseph C'olf man, of MontLuorenoi, Ind. 'T trifd all remedies available, but with no success, fortunately my employer suggested that I try Foley's Money and Tar. Its effect was aimost miraculous, and I am now cured of the disease. On my recoiutneiidati'm many people have ned Foley's Honey and Tar, and always with satisfaction." Sold by J, O. Everett. If your doII tax is not not paid before the first of May you cant vote next fall. Dreadful Attack of Whooping Cough. Mrs. Ellen - HirlHon, of 3(0 Park Ave., Kansas City, Mo , writes hs follows : "Our two children had a severe attack of whoop 'uy cough, one of them in the paroxysm of coughing would .fit n faint and bleed at the nose. VV tried t verythin we heard of without getting relief. VV then cabe'd iu our family doctor w no prescribed t'oley's Honey aud Tar. VVju, iKP ver lirst. dose tliy bi-gan to improve and we feel that it has saved their lives." Kci'use subslitutts. Sold by J. O. Everett. If your poll tux is not paid before the iirstofMay you can't vote next fall. T SI K HEW YORK WOULD TllKIClA-WKKK EDITION. liead Wherever the English Lan Ktiatie is buokeh. The Thi ioc-a-Wt-ek Woikl lor.g nun es tablished ii s If in public lavor, ami ii is now reco..". iz-d as t he stroneM pubiical.iri of Its kind iu u-,'. United rtti Us. Adver tisers and publishers seeking clubbing romliinations aLui lin y know bt-rl uni" verbally testily to this. Ii is widely cii'ru' laled lu every t;U.-j unci Tetiiiisiy of tle Union, and ev-;n in nunolw Mitith Afriea and ell th gold tields in the deserts of Australia Thee ar lb -- thin;!-, that t m L Next year We iiav the Presidtrntial i'H'u pagn, in which ell A nigricans are d t ply interested. Already he issues are beit; di-cusstd wild the two great' parlies are pre paring for thv first moves. Vim will not want to tniss m ny details, and it yon sub" scrio! mow your year's suhscriptioM will cover the eauipaign from beginning to end. Tbe Thiio R-VVteK Wiuld is kbsolnlel v fair iu its political news Partisan bias i never allowed to ail. ict its new olutiUif, find Democrat and itepuhlican alike cum ob tain iu its pages truthful account of all the gvmi political cottestR In addition t all the news, the Thrice-H-Week World furnishes th bt-etserhi! fiction, elaborate market reports and other features of iuteresl. The Thrice-a-'f'ek WnrldVregnlar sub scription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 15(1 paper. We off. rtlii unequailrd newspap. r and The Roanokk Beacon together one year for $1.50. Toe rpffuhvr subscription price of the two papets i3 $2.00. DIt. J. A. WHITE, IVENTIS L Ollice: Hotel lfead Huihling. Water St., I'lyniouth, N. C, North Carolina, ) vuiior Court Washington County J before thf Ulerk. M. L. Davenport and wife," Harriett A., & J. B. iiarriutr j v Notice ! Fdva Marriner. Isaac Am biose & wife Mary Ambrose j By. virtue of a decre ;t the Superior Court mad in the ubove entitled cause on March 2(th. lt'0-4, I wid sell ou Mooday. May L'nd. l'.JOt. at 12 o'clock M at Hie Court House iu I'lymonth, N. C, to the highest bidder, for cash, the landa des cribed in the complaint tiled in tmid cause, to wit : Known as I be Itixon Marriner placrt iu Hkincersville township, adjoinii g the lands of M. L Davenport, J. 1). Mar-, riner and Mrs. T. L. Turkenton. t his lilst day of March I'.KM. II. S. WAUL, Coium'r. Signals, Stox Them Vv ith For O'JQHS sj.J -rnfrnSf tiff s gy wlaa.ij Kir We extend many thanks to our .friends for the patronage shown us on our opening days, and yvo Yvill try to give them many good values whenever they jive us a call, and remeniber we are carrying a more complete stock than ever, and more of the late style goods, .Mrs. Latham has made another big order f.)r .Millinery goods that she has had such great success with ; she has also added more fash ionable goods t:) her line. Wu will mention a few, but for lack of space will have to omit much. 38 in oil Veils, at HOe Fancy liinh iius, worth 1'2 at 10c Fancy and Aliped Dimity, worth 1-!$, 10c Can iiele waisting, Fancy white waistiug," Fantasia Silk Tissue, Best Windsor Percales Calico Morriuiack Calico, Urneadette Waisting, Lamia Waisting India Linens 32 inch, India Linens. 42 iu. l()e 3oe D-'ie ' oc Gu 7c . 7c 12jc l.", 20 aud 25o Drap Q'lilame for ladies' suits, '2."c Ladies' Fancy Hose, 10, l.j and U)c Lace Curtaies, ij yds. long, 7.", l.'J., l."0 and $2.00 Creac bargains in llibbons at iadies' line Umbrellas, 7."C Mbli's lint! dress duirts, o()o " " Madra.i " oilc Doys' tinirts. $15.01) Uen's duns, if 7.00 " Men's Fine Shoes, bniyrua Uug-, Carpets at Men's Fnucy Halt Home Men's Plain I Mack a;t i Brown J-hoso lO.j P.ctuns, a.iitable for pr.ieent $2 00 100 roc ooC ;;5e $10.00 $1.7o a W) aud $3 2: $1.'.'0 "., 35, oO and G."ie 1" and ii"c W mmiRE OUVEB CHILLED STEEL BEAM i miiiniiiiMinir '" " 1 ''Mt t wn RPPAIBS. s.. MI This far-Tarn ad and world- renowned Plow w nuaron- tee you is worthy of all that is said in praise or It. Wood Beam also furnished. Write for large Illustrated Cata logue. We ?re general distribu ters cf the GENUINE! ONLY. Farm Tools and Supplies Large Illustrated Catalogue for 19U4 Just issued, embracing Hand, Horsa and Power Labor Savlng Implements. You must save as well as make money. Write for this FREE catalogue at once. HC&'IATCRS AND enoosEHS. Implements Poultry Supplies Fertilizers Wheel Material 41 to 51 Union Street, NORFOLK, VA. teipc' Season Is at hand. HEN PRODUCTS higher than ever. Our prices low. Write tor Free catalogue. SPRINGf MILLINERY ! h TKF. CUfiE THAT'S SUKE for all i:cea- I ';roat and Lunga or Money ? pes of 'r; Uack. HIE We would call the attention of our many friends to th fact that the Mil linery season id benu. You have already shown us many favors, buth by your nreRcnee nud by your vmrohuses. We wish to tliHok yon heartily for these manif. ttatioiuj of goo 1 will, wild to solicit the contin uance of the Sadie. 'I hose of you who hnve been to see lis know that we hnve quite a uier. line of iits aud other Millinery. We are always delighted to show our ood.s to prospective buyers and invite you all to visit our store before intituuK your selection. , Agaiu thanking you for favors tdiovi u, we remain ;, Yours tru'y, .Miw.'A. M. A VERS. OYpeeial attention to mail orders. :': Kij h :i-VH LN'4'i nUA iiiJneys and Dladisr W.Qhl I vish to nnnoudee that the people of Piyinovuh and vicinity aro now having the opportunity lo inspect the most select i line of Trimmed aud Untrimmed Uats that has ever been ou exhibition iu Plymouth. The display cousisis of the very latest Pam nnd New York patterns fur the season ll ti-.j. ts-iit l s as ti trimming and nia kijif; can he hud from Miss lloberta Thar noiid, whose tervieeH I have nain been able to siture ; who is one of Ualthuore'tJ best authorities u m rtistic designs. 1 have. a. mi u sea'ut line ot Late.t Novel ties in Summer Dresa Gtioda and Tnm lninF. 1 invite yoo to cull and inspect our stock. Very respectfully, Jilts. W. H. WARD & CO. SSodoU Dyspepsia Curo Dsgosts what yow eat. it I" 1 'F! 14

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