THE KOANOKEf BEACON. BEACON FLASHES. The National Stock Company The National Stock Co., under the immurement of Messrs. Ho)t & West, closed a three-night's engage ment in this town Wednesday night. TJiid is a good, strong company, of as clever act-ors us ever came our way. PUBLISHED EVKUY FRIDAY C. V. W. AUctliON, Editor. . PLYMOUTH. N. 0. FnibAY. Al'RIL 29, 1904. HORITHIL ' Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing through the years. It pays to use the right stuff. . " Men of oak " are men in jugged health, men whose bodies arc made of the sound est materials. Childhood is the time to lr.y the foundation for a sturdy con stitution that will last for years. Scott's Emulsion is the right stuff. Scott's Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children, helps them build a firm foundation for a, sturdy consti tution. Send for f ree eamplo. SCOTT & BOWN2, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Straet, Now York. SOc. and SI.OO; all druggists. New Goods A T J. E. JOHNSTON'S. Our line of Clothing can't be beat in the county. It's all new and stylish. All thats best and stylish in Shoes, for ladies', men and children. Our ladies' dress goods and notions were never so complete and pretty. We only ask you to call and inspect them. Our groceries are as they have ever been the very best to be had, Don't make the mistake of being too hasty. See our goods before buying elsewhere. You will never regret it. A dollar saved is a dollar made, and the place to save it is at J. E. J olms toil's Koper, .NT. C. Selling Out at Wholesale Cost Having decided, on account of ill health, to discontinue the millinery business, vvc offer the latest Spring goods at Whole sale prices. 1 All silk chiffon hats, former price $ i .00, now 65c ; mull hats formerally sold at 60c now 40c. A .fine line of ready-to-wear hats,x newest shapes and braids, to be sold accordingly. Wc also offer Dress Goods, consisting of Organdies, India Linen, Batiste, Lawns, Ging hams, Madras and skirtings in (Jushmeres, Albatross, Pique and Linen, with laces, inser tion and trimmings to match. Silks, for waists, Infants' caps, Hosiery, Underwear, Corsets, etc. We heartily thank those who are ua liberally patronizing: us this ?eu son, Jiml we assure them that al though selling out, we filial I keep our 'trimmer, ami will continue to keep tJtylish nccessorio.s in order to turn oif no order not up-to-date in every particular. Our felliiij; out dona not mean thut von p;et anything tkat, is infe rior to what vott would jet elsewhere. l'espp-Hfu'lv, Hrs. L- E- Padgett- ' Those who have friends visiting & them, or who' intends leaving home !-. themselves, -will pUaso let it be known at this office, ho the fact may be uieu- tioned. It does not matter whether ' 4- you arc- h (subscriber or not. All we aisk is let ua know it. Nf- Fewer gallon ; wears longer ; Devoe. If your poll tax is not paid be fore the first of May you can't vote next fall. Mr. L. II. Horn thai of Norfolk, has beeu here this week. Mr. J, A. Keenan of Hertford, hns been here this week. Mr. E. II. Jefferson of Washington, was in our midst Tuesday. Mr. J. P. Cooper has been hero calling on his trad this week. Fresh Beef, Meats and Swoage received daily, M. E. McUaBE. 4-8 Mr. T. N. Tierce a Pinetown made u& a brief call on Taendny. Glad to see Mr. J. W, Singleton of Ro per, in lowu on Tuenday. Rev. J. A, Parker . of Manteo, spent some days here thin week. Mr. Jno. L. Phelps attended Federal Court at New Bern tnis week. A full supply of Wood'H Fresh Garden Seed, at the Drug Store". Mr. J. E. Lay to ii of Bridgeville, Del., has beeu hero tliis weeK viaitiug I'uialivuB. Mrs. J. E. Blount, of the Kopcr section, was umoug the visiters 10 oin- town this week. Dr. John T. Hampton, wife and child, of Ffiiusylvauia. veiling relatives lu our town. Mr. Mathias Owens of the Owpiib Shoe Co,, E. City, lias been visiting tins his old home, this Week. All kinds of Cold Drinks can now be had at the Drug Store. Call and h,.ve Vauoo lix you up one. tf We received a pleasant call and a-subscription on Tuesdap from Mr. J. U. Swaiu of near Washington. Mix. W. O. Davis and children of Kitty Hawk, are visitiu;,' our lowvu tins week, die guests of Airs. C. V. W. Aunbou. Miss Pearl Waters jmiwmhI through Ply uiouih this week eiiiouin for hei home in I'aetuiu.s, from a to K. Ouy. The steamer May Mower is away for re pairs and the SLmy Jiwoorts is lilting her place between Ibis place- and Windsor. Horse Shoeing reduced O.vitig to a drop in t lie price of material, 1 am now Kbueing horses all around for only 9' Cents. tf. Li. BAIEMAN. Mr. W. A. Forbes spent a few days at home Willi hla family the past Week, re turning to his wrk at Howard's on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Oden of VViishiug. ton, have beoii here this week, having come to attend tne Blunui-Leggett mar riage. Mr. lt.B. Lathini and wife, former i est dents uf - this town but now of Newport fsews, Ya., are here visiting old friends and rtlati?e8. The public school taught 'by Mr. Ains ley at the Dismal school house closed last Friday. Little. Miss ftoldie Arps was awarded the prize for per.ect recitations; WANTED 200 men to work ou Norfolk t Southern Kaitload between Alaekev's Ferry and Plymouth. VVMges $1.25 per da. Fav d.iy every Saturday at ti:3o r. M. f-l " JONES LUCK fc CO. The beautiful gold watch that was raf fled off by Mr. O. It. Leggett thu past week was drawn ou Monday by ticket JSo. VA, which wn held by Mr. D. P. Clark, our efficient electrician. Ihe watch is u hand some one and l'D" is to be congratulated. If all the men of the county were to feel the pride in their county paper that Mr. 11. W. Tarkentou of Croswell does, you would soon have one of the best papers iu the State. It is seldom he conies to Ply mouth without bringing one or more new bubsciibers. I- have jus received a nice line of new biggies; also lmve some rebuilt ones, cart wheels et;., which 1 am selling cheap. Give me a trial order and be convinced. 11. PEELE. The Rlount-Leg tt marriage at the Christian Chnrcu n:i Wednesday morning was onft of the most beautiful event id reCi-nt date, but it beiui.;conii week, which hampers ok in our woik very much, it has been impotable for us to give it the notice it deserves. However, it will receive such notice in our next issue. Anion those who have subscribed paid np or renewed this week are, A.. J. Daven port, (two) Jas. I. Bateinan. H. W, Tar keuton, CivoWfll ; Steplieu Clifton, Selip pernong ; T. N. Fierce, Pint-town; J. 1. Swain, J. W. Oden, Washington ; .1. E. Sin;)etou, T. H Trufbloi-d. Roper; J. E Askew. Plymouth ; W. tt. Bowen, Beech grove; L. D. Ambrose, Cherry. Dr. II. O. Hyatt of Kin stem will b in WSliamston at the HasseM Mouse May 9th, lOfh and 11th, Moiutiy, Tuesday and'Wed desd.iy.for the purpose of treating discRSes of th'i Eye Eur, Nose and Throut, and fitting g'asnos. . -It The Landing-Woodard Mar riage. ' Koper, N. C, April 27, 100. Special. The CJhuruli of Advent, of tliis place was the scene of" a pretty marriage at eight o'clock this even ing, wneu Mr. Louis feparknian Lan ding, one of Plymouth's substantial business men, tooic to wife Miss Ger trude, the clmrnr.iig and populai dattghU-r of Mrs. Harriet E, Wood aid of Kopor. The church was tastefully decor ated tvitit white and green, and was tilled to overflowing with the many friends uf the happy couple. As the lovely bride approached the altar leaning upon the arm of brother, Mr.'Jiany Downing Woodard, of Morfolk, "a., who gave her away, the church was filled with the rich melody ot Mendelssohn's wedding march; and the groom with his best man, coming from the vestry room and joining her there, whenstand ing under an exquisite floral marri age bell, lighted from within by a large electric bulb, thu ik'everend Luther Kboru, with gentle imprcs meness, isaid the sweetly solemn marriage .service which made the twain one. During the service "Oh promise me," was softly rendered, and as thu procession turned to leae the Jillur, the stalely music of Lohen-. grin's wedding inarch pealed from the organ. The bride was elegantly gowned iu white silk, with lace ornaments, and wore a vail, caught with a spray of jewels, a family heir-loom. Shi carried a boquet of bride roses. The bride's maids were all loveli ness in white bilk and lace. They carried pink carnations. The attendants were; the pretty little Misses Lillieand Kthel liaieo, twins, and cousins of the bride, Flower Uirls; Miss May Smith, a sweet cherub, bore the marriage iiu"' oi a silver tray; Miss ICva (Jhescou was charming as Maid of Honor, and Mr. liobert Walker was best man. The others were Miss Leslie Har rison with .Mr. Warren Singleton ; Miss Neva CJahoou with Mr. -Milton Claon ; .Miss Alice Cahoon with Mr. Ldgur Spin ill ; Miss Kmnia Ashbee. with Mr. Henry Jackson. Mrs. Thus. W. liloiint presided at the organ, and Messrs. 1 bos. W.. and W. A. Blount were ushers. Thu presents were numerous and very beautiful. From the church (he bridal party with intimate friends drove over to Fly mouth, where at -the home of the groom a reception .was held and an elegant supper served. The bride is the grand-daughter of the la to Colonel H. A. Downing, of Leva Mills, and a lineal decendant of Captain William Downing, who was one of the lirst representatives of Tyrrell county in the colonial legislature in I 7 .'Jo, and was tihi'iii mously elected Speaker of the House. Her euarming personality made her a host of friends iu this place who wish her till the happiness possible in her new home. ELM WOOD DAIRY. v.- Having purchased a herd of good milk cows and opened a k strictly first-class daiuy, 1 solicit the patronage of all those j j cy w no uesire iresn, ncn iuiik, 'I with ail danger of uncleanlincss 2 eliminated.'- 'J'ho bottles are sealed til. dairy. fj" i My wagon will call on you at. G::0 a. m. , and .") w m , every H' 4i day except Sunday, when the S c i:iwi u vu mi v i ) f 1 1 i iv i it wo f tnade. l?i Milk may be had sit. any hour "g of the day iv Pending to my res idence on iYlain street. Kresh Cream may be had by iiivmp; order to driver, or bv s calling 'Klmwood Dairy, :S 'Phone No. 'l. CLAIiKN'CH LATHAM, Frop'r. "Elm woo i) Dairy. i" ?; -t"xii ? ? i::f'f i i; "-'s"'jk IBB 4k saner: By the most complete assort ment of seasonable, hig1!? class dry goods and mer chandise of every kind ever brought to your town y Prices t-hsit lreBaf m a iwHVBHBg SfiBBS 2 SB the COUXTY I Our stock of Spring and Summer Goods is without question the largest, the best, the most varied to be found in Plymouth. An early visit to our store will give you an idea of the many, things 'Damc Fashion" has decreed for street and dressy costumes. Beautiful' goods of noted foreign and domestic makers. Our up-to-date materials are Grecian Voiles, Plain Voiles, Crepe De Pace Eollieens, Crepes, English crepes, silk-finished Sicillians, soft finished crepes, &c, Szc. Mercerized madras, jacquard knicker voiles, lawns, Scotch lawns, linen cambrics, Persian lawns', Linens In dia linens, Victoria lawns, mercerized waistings in many new and beautiful designs, Batisies, white and colored ginghams, percales, calico prints, shirting cheviots, &c. Dress Trimmings Persian bands, heavy lace insert ions, laces, ornaments, butterflies, wheel effects, tenne riffc and numerous other popular designs. Newest But tons gold, steel, Dresden, pearl, etc. his is positively a lace and ribbon season, and we are prepared to meet the demand alonfi these lines. ' . . Ladies' ready-to-wear waists, in white and colors. Jewelry Many attractive noveltief in Dresden, conJ cave and antique waist sets tie holders, stock pins, hat pins, cuff pins and belt pins. fi.-iiTi.. -"-rr?-c:: Ill f A splendid showing in Mens and Boys Spring Clothing Special attention invited to Kirschbaum's "Guaranteed" Clothing for men ; and also to the boys' clothing known as "Tailors Triumph." Now is the time to purchase your Easter suits. Our Spring styles in Shoes for men, women and children are now coming in. As you know, we are always prepared to supply your wants in Fine Groceries and Provisions of all kinds. Wire Fencing and i I aid ware of every kind. HO R I TH A L Tcr P!2as, Dicrns, Gores.