,eia xia iefci. fhB powager Empress oC OMna fcas fiiven a sum of uioney for the estab lishment of an Institution for teaching medicine, the . management to bo con fided to the missionaries. Haw'a Tfciaf We offr On Hundred Dollars Reward for say case of Ctftarrh that cannot to cured by fiali'a Catairh Cure. - i J. (Jhxkkt A Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersized, hare known P. J. Cheney for the last IS years.twdkeHovehim Eerfectly honorable In all business transao ons and financially able to carrv out any obiigations made by their firm, 'xs;- Tat-AX, Wholesale Urutrgists, To ledo, o. WAimara, .Kiknak & ?Taktis, Wholesale DruRgists, Toledo, O. Hall'a Catarrh Cure is tnkon internally, act tag directly upou the blood and mucoussur faces of tae system. Testimonial! sent free, Prlee, 75c. per bottle. Sold bv uU 'Druggists. Take Hall's Family rills for constipation. Hit Jiut Ti'seii. 'A Chicago railway ticket scalper toost serve eighteen months in the Hpuse of Correction for fraudulently representing himself to be' a clergy man to obtain half-rate tickets. 11 a OE "HaTlnjr taken yonr wonderful "Cuscnret" for threa moutUs an-4 benie entirely cured of stomach aatarrh and dysipia. I think a word of praise (a Jue to "Oacartr''for their wonderful composition, have taken numerous oilier ao-eaUod remedies at without avail and Unit that Crtscnrcta rel(ea aaore in a daj than all ths others i fcava taken would in a year." , Jainea McGuoe, 10S Mercer St., Jrey City, N.. Pleatant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good, G(6d, Jlever bicken, W oaken or Gripe, Wo. tie, bOc. Never -(old f n bulk. The ctMiuine tablet alaued 0 0 0 8ttiuiittu to cure or your nioney back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 59a WUALS&LE. TEH MlLUDli BOKES THE, BEST WATEEPSOOF CLSTHi IfJ THE WORLD MABlti BLACK CR VTuOf ONfAlQffflfWKf aiawsuSrea jnowiN'fuM,Mfl GARMENTS AMD KAIJ A. l. TOWER CO., COS TON. MAS.,!;.,,, TOWCW CAHAOIAN CO., tTD., TORONTO, canity I , mm 1 ' nrrtev. mm ILIXIR BABEK J The Quick avnd Swe Cure for MALARIA. CHILLS, FEVE LA GRIPPE. AttO It is a powerful tonic and Appetiser Wttl car tba tired feeling Palntt In fcack. Llmba d Head, is a 01m ly vegetable cc'inpooinj, and on.toln No Qntfitne or Araealc. Prepared by KXOCZZW8KI ,fc (O,, Waahingtoa.D.C!. So. 41. jp.j faf Best vow a In tim - CURIS WKtHa All USE fAU. byrup. Taatea jood. use The rnSuence of . raido-eman&ttona on th constitution of matter if very curiously illustrated in some recent experiments madV by Sir William Crookeu. According to the results, if radium comes to bs a common corn modity , among us some dismay.-, may be caused to those who wear dia monds on finding that the carbon crystal under the influence ot radium threatens to return to its less attrac tive form of graphite or crystalline black carbon. On the other hand, ra dium may turn cut to ha a "diamond improver." , It is well known that radium ema nations possess the propsrty of dark ening transparent bodies upon which they impingo; and now Sir William Crookes has shown that- t'hi3 aTso holds good in the case of diamonds. The emanations not only convert'the surface Into graphite but alter the color of the body of the stone. It is therefore suggested that this observa tion may prove to be of commercial Importance. For 'eiample, "if off color stones can be lightened their value will increase, while if the pro longed action of radium Is to commu nicate to thcm a decided color they would be worth much more as fancy stones." This may add considerably to tho business of the jewelarwho, for a consideration, might undertake to submit "off jewels" to burial in ra dium for a season. The Lancet. We Are the Richest. The United States constitutes thB richest nation on the globe. Mulhall furnishes these figures: United States $81,750,000,000, Great Britain $59, 030,000,000, France $47,950,000,000, Germany $40,260,000,000, Russia $32, 125,000.000, 'Austria $22,560,000,000, Italy $15,800,000,000, Spain $11,300, 000,000. These computations are based upon values as shown by real estate records, buildings, merchandise and railways, as well as the circulating medium in each nation. Caroline L. O. Ronsome, of Wash ington, is the first woman from whom the United States government pur chased a painting for the wall3 of the capitol. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's uso of Dr. Kline's Great NerveRe4storer,:i2trial bottleand treatise free Dr. IS. H. KiqyE.Ltd., 931 Arch St., Phila., Ta. The man who first made steel pens got $1 apiece for them Tiso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a cough cure. J. W. O'Bbiex, 322 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6, 1900, One-tenth of the world . in ttili unexplored. Dyeing is as easy as washing whea rm KAM'S FADELESS Dyes are use ed. WE CDRE DISEASES OF HEN We guarantee a quick and lasting care in ail nases ofSriiCIFIO BLOOD rOlSON, STKICTUKE, VARICO CELE. WBAK BACK, PROSTATIC TROU BLE AN"I AldV DIS EASED PBOtIilAF. TO MEN, ALSO ALL NERVOUS. KIDNEY, BLADDER AND fSKC lAL DItfEAfi&S AND HHiiUIHATlttM. Imnnrtant rs. Leatherman & Ikmiley lUIUUridlll are the only peeialist9 in Atlanta who treat their cases themselves. Wf J f a it you cannot call and describe '10 your troubles and receive by re turn mail, free of charge, our diagnosis lank. Z3T HOKE TREATMENT. Consutta tJon Fr. Everything confidential. Drs. Leatherman & Bentley, Gor. Marietta and Fortyth SU. ATLANTA, GA Hours: 1a.m. to 10 p. r. Buadayt 10 to 1. . . Tobacco exports are decreasing. THOUCHT SHE WOULD DIE. VZrn, S. W, Marina, of Colorado Sjirlas Bs-an to 7er the Worst JJoan'i Kidney Fill Hmratl lUt. Mrs. Sarah Marine, of 42S 8t. Urall itreet, Colorado Springs. Col., trit dent of the Gieu Eyrie Club, writes: "I uEere4 for throe yean with iever back ache. The doc tore told me my kidneys were affected and prescribed medlclues for me, but I found that it was ouiy a waste of time and money to take them, and began to fear that I would never get well. A friend advised me to try Doan'a Kid ney mis. Within a week after I began using them I was so much better that I decided to keep up the treatment, and when I had used a little over two boxes I was entirely well. I have uow enjoyed the best of health' for ! more,? than four months, and words can but poorly express my gratitude." For saie by all dealers. Price 50 cats. Foster-Milbut n Co., Buffalo, N. X. There is an ancedote concerning the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is now America's distinguished guest, told by Curtis Brown in Frank Leslie's Month ly: "No one ever called him good-looking. On one occasion, when he was Bishop of Rochester, a zealous, but somewhat maladroit cleric, intending to compliment him, remarked in the course of his speech: 'No one can say that our Bishop is ornamental, for But a roar of laughter,' in which Dr. Davidson joined, prevented him, from finishing the sentence." MaMMHMNa1MsMa4BMHPBMMi 1 L Vm r Take - Down Repeating Shotguns Don't spend from $50 to $200 for a gun, when for so much less money you can buy a Winchester Take Down Repeating Shotgun, which will outshoot and outlast the highest-priced double-barreled gun, besides beins es safe, reliable and handy. Your dealer can show you one. They are sold everywhere. rmEt Oaf 160-Pzq ElastnttcJ C&talogm. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. N EW HAVEN, CONN. AFFAIRS "CIIINESB CIIINA." That the little Chinese cups of defl eate shape and beautiful colors make lovely receptacles for pins, trinkets, etc., on one's dressing table has been proved by a young woman who has two of these pretty little trifles in her vu room. NOVEL LTJXCn CLOTHS. Decidedly novel lunch cloths are be ing introduced. They are of heavy iinen, half bleached In some cases, and have borders of gay color crimson, preen and blue. Strips of solid color, like ribbon, an inch wuV, make a very sinking and unusual effect. VEAL CECILS. Chop fine sufficient cold veal to measure one pint; put in a frying pan; add one teaspoonful of bread crumbs, one teaspoonful of salt, one pinch of white pepper, one teaspoonful of onion juice, a small piece of mace and the yolks. of two raw eggs; stir until the mixture is beared through, then stand aside to cool, form into balls, dip into beaten egg and roll in bread crumbs; fry in hot fat; serve with tomato or auy brown sauce; cecils may be made from mutton, tie!' cr any cold roasted or boiled meat. x-iv'.'l ikb-m-'-:--u$&j$&v$ si vn. NEW IRONING BOARD. A tvoaian has invented and bad pat ented an ironing table that possesses some new features. The thing is made in two sections, one of them being a portable standard and the other the table proper, with a sleeve to fit down over the standard and hold it in place when the process of ironing is to be undertaken. It Is easy to handle for the reason that the two parts cau be moved separately, and a special feature is the fact that the height of the table may be ad justed to suit the requirements of the ironer. HELPFUL HINTS. It is not too late yet, if the house wife has not changed conditions of living to suit the weather, to make some changes in the furnishings. Mat tings at this time of the summer are reduced in price, so bedroom floors should have fresh mattings laid down to make them cooler, says thir Ladies' World. A length of fine weave matting laid under the sheets will make the bed cooler and less enervating for the sleeper thereon, whether child or adult. Baby sleeps well on matting of the finest weave, the matting to be carried up over 'a little flat bolster of curled hair. BRAISED CALF'S LIVER. Scald and remove the skin from a calf's liver with wooden tooth picks and fasten thin slices of salt pork over the rounded sides. Fry one slice of onion in salt pork fat.and put it with the liver, in a deep granite pan cov ered with bollhig water. Add one tea spoonful of salt, a little pepper, five whole cloves and one teaspoonful of marjoram. Put the pan in a moderate oven, cover closely and cook slowly about three hours. When tender lift the liver to a hot platter and put the liquor over the fire. Skim off the fat and add to the iiquor a little flour mixed with cold water. Stir until boiling, season with pepper, and salt and the juice of half a lemon, boll up again aud strain over the liver. Mrs. Hurfison, of Chicaeo, whose lj m . - a . letter follows, is another woman in high position who owes her health to the use of Lydia EL Pmkham's Vegetable Compound "Dear Mus. Pixkham: I Buffered for several years with general Troakness and bearing -down pains, caused by womb trouble. Mr appe tite was fitful, and I would lie awake for hours, and could not alecjx until I seemed more weary in tho morning than when I retired. Alte reading one of your advertisements I decided to try the merits of Iiydla E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound, and I am so glad I did. fioom can describe the good ifc did me. I took three bottles faithfully, ana besides building up my general health, it drove all disease and poisoa out of my body, and made me feel as spry and active as a young jjrirL Mrs. Pinkham's medicines are certainly all they are claimed to be. Mas. M. E. Htohson, 347 East Ohio St, Chicago, IlL Mrs. Pinkliam Tells How Ordinary Tasks Produce Displacements. Apparently trifling incidents in woman's daily life frequently produo displacementa of the womb. A slip on the stairs, lifting during menstruation, itanding at a counter, running a swing machine, or attending to the mos ordinary tasks may result in displacement, and a train of serious evils is started. The first indication of such trouble should be the signal for quick action. Don't let the condition become chronic through neglect or a mistaken ides that you can overcome it by exercise or leaving it alone. ' More than a million women have regained health by the use of ttia J5. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. If the slightest trouble appears which you do not undersi tana write to Mrs?Plnkham, at Lynn. Mass, for her advice, and a few timely words from her will show you the jjght thingr to do. TM advice costs you nothing, but it may mean life or happiness or both. Mrs. Lelah Stowell, 177 Wellington St., Kingston, Ont.. writes : mDeab Mns. Phtkham : You are indeed o godsend to women, and if they all knew whaj you could do for tnem. there would be no neea of their dragging out miserable lives in agony. "I suffered for years with bearing-down pains, womb trouble, nervousness, and excruciating head ache, but a few bottles of Lydia E. Plnlthamft new and promising to me. I am light ana happy, and I do not know what sickness ia, and I now enjoy the berj of health. t. 17.. TMnlrhfim'm esretablo Comrjound can always be relied upon to restore ... . i 41.... ...A. Tf ta n mnvTMtrn CUT 1QT the worst forms of female complaints, - that i'fUS back, fallinz and atapiaoemeni 01 vue womu, junamuiiHVM " V aTSoubles of the uterus or womb. It dissolves and expels tumors from thj uterus In the early stage of development, and checks any tendency to.eaaeu ous humors. It subdue excitability, nervous prostration, and tones up th ntire female system. Its record of cures ia the greatest in the world, an should be relied upon with confidence. Sr Unfi PORPEIT f ws eartnot farthwita produce ihm orirlil lattata and algnatores 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 aboT lilianUU, which Till prova tfialr absolut elnM. . - CANNED PINEAPPLE. Select for this purpose the sugar loaf pineapple, which is longer thrn the strawberry and remains green oven when nearly ripe. It is a pure white f rait' with a shallow eye that can be-l easily peeled off. To test its ripeness pull one of the little spines sharply. If it comes out easily the fruit is in good condition for preserving. It is best to put up pineapples in moder ately heavy syrup. A good proportion is three-quarters of a pound of sugar to a pound of the fruit, measured after it has been peeled and cut into little cubes or torn into shreds with a fork. The choice Singapore pines that come canned in heavy syrup are cut in slices about. a quarter of an inch thick, with the core cut out in circle shape, but this is not easily done in the ordinary canning. As fast as the fruit is pre pared put into a large stone jar, layer by layer, with three-quarters of its weight in sugar between each layer. When all the pineapples are prepared put a cover on the jar and let it stand in the cellar or any cool place until the nest morning. By that time the juice will have completely dissolved the sugar and a clear syrup will cover the fruit Put the fruit and syrup in the preserving kettle, bring slowly to the boiling point, skim and cook 6lowly until tender, but rot "rausay," then can at once. The time required in the cooking cay vary from five to thirty minutes, according to tho ripeness cf the froii. ,11 Mll'W ' ''P'" I JtL'JUU X X Sttirrm I ft mm mm V) mm; ye nM.y.ym w.i' uvti i-is 0 oflliMililfl bw nunc L A (IMCORPORATEO) VAP1TAL STOCK. S80.O00.0O. Itaala.aavi hn you thins Of coin a: off toachonl, Ho for Colieg Joomal and Special ffrr t)1 lbs -Hdlntr But-l'ieo and ihonhnnd -chools, AMru (I NO'S COLI.EOE, RmlelcK. .'. O., mr th.rlwttp, N. C f Wa aJo (eacb Boo e.lnx. ShorchaBd. Elo.. tj luaJL So. 41. It aOSIcted with TfMr'e Vvn A JJncesHs" Training BchooL Goldey Colleg-e is a Business and Shortlta4 School that ma-kas a specialtv of training it tudpnts for "BUSINESS SUCCESS." 180 gr& uates 'with two firms. Stuaents from Uhi ria to New York. Writeor catalogue. AMrmm Goldey Collece, Box 'Mm, WilmiagtMi. taL cur.Eo Quick Relief. Eemoves o'A swellict? in a to 39 lava; effects a p;rraaneut euro in loto eodavs. Trialtreattnent i. iv-u free. NothinRran imcf ', 4 v.j Nrii Or. H. M. Crecn'a Sons. Socialists. BttX U i;uan, roosy

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