THE ROANOKE BEACON. Published Every Friday. KatweJ lu the fott Office ut f lyuioiuli In, c, Mcoad el ua a -.iter . L We appeal to eTery reader of Tub Roanok Bxacom, to aid n;ln maktug it au acceptable and ?-ofl table medium of aews to our citizen.. Let lyraoath peopl and the public know what U going on lu Jflymoutit. Report to uo all itemnof new the arrival aud departuro of friend, voclal veuttf, death, aorlous illne-, acoideuts, new buildings, new euterprUes and improvement of whatever character, chaugeoin nuaiuunH indeed aaythlog and everything that would be of interest to our people. Subscription price, $1.0 per year. Advertisements inserted at low ra .!-.. Obituary notice exceediug ten lint , five cents Aline. Count the words, allowing eight to the line, and ead money with MS. for all in excels of tea line. The editor will not be reeponalble for the views Of correspondents. Ail article for publication mnrt be ncnomiwnift-i by the f all aune of :ae wrif-.'r. CorrcsondcuU are ruutjJiuu .- 'iit. on o obs aide of .oe paper. All communications must be sent lu by Thursday naorning or they wil) not appear. Address all communications to THE ROANOKE BEACON, Plvmonth. N. 0 A Wild-Goose Chase. Chappie (faintly) Doctah, nay---aw head feela awful ! Does grip ev ah go to the braiu ? Doctor Sometimes, Chappie I have pains ruihin' a rouud all ovah, in me arms, aad hands, and feet, mud everywhere. Doctor That's grip. .. Chappie What' it trying to do, d oo UU ? Doctor Trying to find your brain, I guess. Tonic to'tho System. For liver treble and Cijilpatpn there is aothtug better then DeWItt'a Little Early KUers, the famoia littla Fill. They do not weaken tbe stomach. Their. action upon the system is mild, pUaeaut sod harmlea. Bob Msere, of LtFayette. ltd. Say a, "Mabh Ulkiog, DeVTitt'i Littla rly Siaen do t&eir work. AH other pills I kavt tied gripe aad asks rue slak in the itojaaoh and nev sr sursd as. Us Witt's Littls Early iaere proved to be the long sought relief. They are aimplj perfect." Ferseus traveling find Little Earjy ttiieri the most reliable reros dy to earry with them, sold by Sprain fc Bro. THIS LINIMENT KILLS PAIN AND SHOULD BE FOUND IN EVERY HOWE AND STABLE CURB AND SCRATCHES. J. Arthur Brttbeck of Simeon, Va., writes : I have tried it, and find Yaoer's Likimbnt the best ho ever used. One of hia horses hid a curb and It removed it entirely, and it Is also a sure cure for scratches, and many ether ailments ha has used it for, he says it is the best of all liniments end recommends It. A PAINFUL BRUISE. Mr. W. E. Bruner of Richmond, Va., writes: I had been troubled with a severe bruise, which he grot from riding: a horse bareback and couid not cure it, a friend recommended Yaoer's Liniment, one application relieved him, and less than a bottle cured it entirely, he says it is the best liniment he ever used. CURES SWEENY AND RHEUMATISM. ' Mr. Thos. G. Trice, stockman for the Monongah Coal and Coke Co., Monongah, W. Va., writes r They use 125 to 150 horses and mules, and have used Yager's Liniment in their stables for years past, and it has never failed to cure. For several months a veterinary worked on a horse with a severe case of sweeny with no results, when three bottles of Yager's Liwiment cured it. Mr. Price was laid up for eleven months with rheumatism, seven months ia bed; two bottles of Yager's Liniment put him on his feet. When you need a liniment buy Yager's and you get the best keep a bottle in your home and stable, it will be the best investment you ever made. Have it ready for emergencies. 1 TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE ALL MERCHANTS AND DRUGGISTS SELL IT-LARGE, BOTTLES, 25 CTS.V K '"" . ". ' ' a .' ; ..jli.- . ,1... ' a;:4Wt--- - ' -y-y .s..r i 1 l - -'ii.J ' ' ...J'f-'CT -ju I ij MIL... m n IL..-J.IH . I l.i. , mm wmmmm mm wmuwm m wm&m 1. ii- j Drowned It. flodriclc Did you ever hear Graf ton eat soup ? Van Albert Never ! Doeihemake a nos ? Kodrick I should say so. The man in lunchrroom has to start the phonograph every ti me Grafton begins MauZaa is (he Pile Hetnedy that reaehel the spot and stops all pile pain lnutaatly. If you safer with Blind, Bleeding, Itehing or Protruding Piles end went to be cored it is only accessary te Uae ManZan, the Great Pile Care, sold by Plymontb 8 tore (Jo. fe 29 Notice. This is to notify all creditors of the Plymouth Store Company or my withdrawal from said ccuipanj, and they are not to hold me responsible for any debts contracted irom ana after this date. This Jan. 9, 1905. W. M. IUTiifAjr. Tbere's a pretty little ffirt ia aa alpine hat, A sweater f-trl with a sailor brim, Bui the handsomest girl you'll ever see, Is tbe scssible girl who asss Uocky Mountain Tea. Spraill & Bro. If joa would live long end prosper let the other fellow do the worrying. cial stringency. Nearly Forfeits IJis Life. A. ranawey almost ending fatally, started a horrible oleer on tbe leg of J, B. Oroer, Franklin Grove, 111. For foar years it de fied all doctors and alt remedies. Bat Buck lea's Arnica baits had no trouble (o cure hi -a. Equally good lorjBurns, Bruises, 8kin Erugtious and Piles. ;25c at;Spruili k Bro. The gift of gab will net do the work of the graee of Ood. It Diaktts no difference how many medi cines have failed to core yon, if you are treobled with headache, oonstipatioD, kid ney or: liver troubles, IHolliater's Koeky MoantainTea will makeiyou well. Spruill & Bro. ffONK Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar is an im provement over all Cough. Lang aud Bron chial remedies. It acts on the bowels drives the cold out of the system, cures Croup, Whooping Congh, wards off Pneu. monia and strengthens the lungs Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar ia the beat Cough Syrup for children. Tastes good, sold by Plymouth store Co fa 28 Borne aen consume Jnsore corn than a hogbut it is in liquid form. Killed. There is not an aehe or pain that can be reached externally that cannot be "Killed" ia a few minutes by the use of Elliott's Kmulsifiad Oil Liniment. Rnb it on the affected part and the pain will soon disap pear. Fuil 1-3 pint bottle, 25 cente. Ply mouth store Co. 2dvr .1 l-L-X.l J Falling ia loye is largely the result of a vivid imaginatiea. Better Than Gold. "I was treobled for several yeari with ehronio iodigestioa and nervous debility," writes F. J. Green, of Laacaster, N. H. No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which, did me more good than all the medioines I ever used. They have also kept ray wife in excellent health for years. Hhe says Electrio Bitters are jest splendid for female troubles ; that they are a grand toaio and iovigorator for weak, ma dewn womea. no other medicine can take its place in our family," try them. Only 50e. Satisfaction guaranteed by 8pruiii Bro. ,!'aVtfVt' ildlN4 mm. It -mi- . ie-, th; blood by eliminating the . astt- n.attur aud other impurities and by iestrojin.g the gofins or microbes that l.fest the blood. It builds up the blood jy restrinj ahd multiplying the red cor puscles, making the blood rich and red. ft restores and stimulates the nerves, :ausing a fuil free flow of nerve force hroughout 4he entire nerve system. It Ipeedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous less, nervous prostration and all diseases l the nervous system. Mmii. R YD ALES TONIC is a specific for a orms of Malaria. It acts on a new prin Sple. It kills the microbes that produce dalaria. The cause being removed the liseasc quickly disappears. RYDALES TONIC i9 guaranteed io cure the most bstinate cases of Malarial Fewer, Chill xid r'ever, Ague, etc. We authorize all lealers handling our remedies ia refund he purchase price for every bottle of tYDALES TONIC that does not give atisfaction. fe MUM lli!fl Mmi HICICORY, U O, Plymouth Store Company. COUGHS AREDAfGER Signals, Stop Them With 1 Ufa Ofl S lew Oiscouen CONSUMPTION 0UGHS and OLDS Prico 50c & $1.00 THE CURE THAT'S SURE for all Disea ses of Throat and Lungs or Money Hack. FREE TRIAL. HOLLISTSR'8 Rocky fountain Tea luggofs A Buy Ksdlobs tn Busy Peesle. Eriaj-t Qftldtn Sealtk aad BenewM Vigor. A ?ol9o for Coastlnattoa, ladtfreUon, Lfve -ia KIda TrouMa. Ptmp)s. EczamM, Irnpure !ood. Bad Braaih. SlaKlfiBh Bowela, QMlach tal backache. IVt B-ky MounUfn Tea tn ab ot foriH, 8ft efiM a box. OADUlne mads try Hotuerrsa Dar Oohvaxt, Madlaon, Wto. TJtBI RUgaiTS Ftn ttlLtW PEOPLE fiUUby ptcrsCo. Plymouth To All who are in Need of Buggies or Cart-wheels. I have on hand a nice line of latest style of new, and some few very good second hand buggies which I will sell at remarkable low prices. Ooine and ste before ma king a purchase, it will pay you, H ,PE AL, oc 6 Plymouth, K. O, Do you wantEE ECZEMA, Old Sores, Itehing Piles, Skin Diseases, ABSOLUTELY CURED. HERMIT SAILWID, 23 AND SO CENTS A BOX. Tako n other. SoM by al Druirsriflt. Ts j Oli FamiJy Remedy 25 ye Letter Heads, locket Heads, Bill Heads, Type-writing Paper, Statements, ' Envelopes, Remittance Blanks, Order Books, Receipt Books, Blank Reports, Shipping Tags, . Programmes, Business Oaids, Dodgers, Blank Reports, Invitations, Due Bills, Etc., Etc., Or any kind of printing usually done in a well equip- I ped country omce. sena us your oraer. We have new and stylish type, and our work is as good as the best. Our prices are as low as the, lowest, and all work delivered Free. Send us a trial order and be convinced. ' Address THE ROANOKE BEACON, PLYMOUTH, N.C NOTICE. Having qualified at administrator of the estate of the late JfSBe V. HerriDtfUm, riO' tiofl h herby giren to all perKntiH iDiiebted to the said estate to make immediate pay- ueot to me ; ana to all persona holding debts or elaims against it, to present thena within one yenr from this date or this no tice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. This Dec. 38, 1904. S. B. Joih-ston, Adm'r. MOTICE OF LA.N1) SALE. By virtue of a mortgage deed sxecnted to me by J. V. HerriugtoD, dee'd. on the 7tb day of January, 1904, and dniy record ed in book No. 40, page 300 A. O. office o! Register of Deeds of Washington county I will 11 for cash to the highest Wd.r' at the Coort House door in Ply moelljN'. O.. on Monday, the 20th day of February 190. at 12 o'clock M. the property des cribed in Raid nior'.gage. Roper, N. 0., Jan. 11, 1905. N. B. MlZELL, Mortgagee. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE RoanQke Beacon Grove's Tasteless CM! Toiie II hm ctcod tho test 25 yesrs. Average Aimna Sales ever Quo end a Hdl LEHoa (i v tA- LI n TiYTT i Tn . if i T . m IT ivwhiwimk vi urove macs, tvoou L4vcr va&m

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