THE ROANOKE BEACON. Published Every Friday. Baterad la th Post Office at i'lyinouth N. C, aa ftacond cWes mutter. H.'.-L. J'.l Wa appeal to every reader of Thb Roanosb BkaoOh, to aid making it an acceptable and frofttabla medium of uws to our citizens. Let lyinouth people and the public know wnat is going oaiu Plymouth. Keporc to us all itemuof new the arrival and departure of friend, social vents, deaths, aorloue ihnees, accideuts, new buildings, new enterprises aud improvements of whatever character, change in business indeed anything and everything that would be of interest to our people. Subscription price, $1.00 per year. Advertisement inserted at low rav8. Obituary notices exceeding ton Hut five cents alma. Count the words, allowing eight to the line, and send money with A1S. for all in excess of ten 'Tn i editor will not be responsible for the views of owreepondenta. - , . All articles for publication must be accompanied by the full name of the writer. Correspondents are requested not to write on but oae side of the paper. ; . All communications must be sent in by Thursday morning or they will not appear. Address all communications to THE HOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth. N.O PinaMWe acts like a poultice. Best thing in th world for boils, burns, cracked bands, tetter, etc. Bld bj Plymouth store oo. my ao The Last Straw. Mw. Knickerbok-Van Avhoo Do you mean to 'say that all is lost? Mr. Kniokerboc-Van Avnoo Ev ery dollar. Nothing can be saved. We must give up this fine house. MNo matter. We will hav less care." "We. must -give, up our horses." "lean walk." "And our aervauts." "And our hyphen." Then she fainted. Illustrations Needed. , Hackwriter How would you like an article on Solomon? Magazine Editor First rate, if you can only furnish a complete set of portraits of his wives. A Cold, A Couli Consumption. A brief told history, but true, Rvdile's Cough Elixir will ineveut this liupyening to you. It will check We progress 1 a cold at ouce, pievent the cough Womiug deep seated; ahd thus ward off consumption. This modern scientific remedy kills the germs that cause throat and luug diseases, and by its stimulating and tonic effect up on the respiratory organs helps nature speedily restore these organs to robust health. Plymouth store Co. Some people never themselves un less they are getting out an injunction on another's hippmess Speedy Relief. A salve that heals without a scar is De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. h& remedy ef fects such speedy relief. It draws out in flammation, soothes, cosls aud heals all cuts, burns aud bruises. A sura cure for Piles aud Bkiu diseases. DeWitt's is the on ly geauiue Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of counterfeits, they are daufcerous. sold by Spruill & Bro. Chose the Lesser Evil. Tesa That horrid Mr. Hansom insisted upon kissing me last night. Jess Why didn't you scream ? Teas I didn't want to scare the poor fellow. Nearly Forfeits His Life. A. runaway almost ending fatally, started a horribU ulcer on the leg of J. li. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111 For four years it d f d all dootors and all remcdiea. Bat Buck leo's Arnica o&lfa had & trouble to enra biua. ; Equally good lor Burns, BruUea, Bkin Erugtious and Piles. 25c at SprailiVk Bro. It is the giving in His name that turns the cup of cold water iuto the wine of love. Tonic to the System. For liver troubles and eonBtipation there is nothing better than DeWitt's) Little Early Klitn. tka famous little Pills. Thev do not weaken the stomach. Tbeir actiou upon the ! Back che is known to thoat. persons, system ie mild, pleasaut and harmless. Bob ! wno take au Jbcoanumal dosu of PiueuL's. Moore, of La Fayette ltd. Bays, "No use j Tae value of the rsiu obtained from the talking, DeWitt's Little Early Hirers do Piue tree hag long betu reeoguizsd iu the their work. All other Dills I have used crips treatment of diseases of the bladder and ---- ..... . . , - . and make me aiak in the stomach aud uev er cured me. DeWitt's Little Early Itisers proved to be the long sought relief. Thev are aiisply perfect." Persona traveling find Little Erly liisers the most reliable reme dy to carry with them, sold by Spruill fc Bro. The Almighty evidently didn't have luaoh to do when He created some people. Kidneys, uue aose oi rmeult-s will mve relief, and one bottle will cure, sold by Ply mouth store Co my 30 The people wHin Trill go to the chnroh that giyes itself to them. A man may be solid on the time card aud still miss the train. Cured Hemorrhage of the Lungs. "Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had many heinorrbt gei," writes A. 11. Ake, of Wood, Ind. "I took treatment ith several physicians without any benefit. I then started to take Foley's Honey aud Tar, and my lung are new as sound as a bullet, i recommend it in advanced stages of lncg trouble." JL'o ley'e Honey aud Ttr stop the cough and keale the longs, aud prevents serious re sults from a cold. K '1'me substitutes, sold bj J. O. Everett aud lloper store Co Croup. is quickly relieved? and Whooping Uougu will not "run its course' jf you Use tbe original Bee's Laxative Houey and Tar. This Cough syrup is diifrut from ail oth ers because it scis on the bowls. Yon can not cure Croup aud Whoopiug Cough nhtil you rid the system of all congestion, by working off the cold through a copious action of the bowel. Bee's Lnxativa Ho ney and Tnr does this, atjd cur sail Cculs, Croup, VVhooping-Oiiuyh. etc. ho opia eb. sold by Plymouth store Co my 3'J eeC U mm a o sos rx r the noios or yhtol To Run-down. Peoplo: Many people think they have some organic trouble or chronic disease because they feel weak, all tired out, cannot sleep, have no ambition energy. or appe tite. This condition is probably caused by overwork, close confinement or worry. ; To these people we say,' try Vinol; if it does not create strength and build you up we will ourselves pay for all the medi cine you take. Respectfully, ' v 1 P. E. Davenport & Co., Fp-t-tlatc Trnggisisi . : : teasoif Tbej'Standard bred Jack, "Attention" can be hatl for service, at tbe farm of W. W- Satterthwaite Fees $15,00 insurance. This: is an extremely hand Rome large black Jack. dec 8 i HOLLISTEtVS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bust Melloiae for Bust Feople. . Brlaga Golden Ectilth and Bene wed Vigor. , Ji ncclflc for Constipation, Indifretlon, Live nd KMnay Troubles, Pimples. Kczemn, Impure iood, Bad Broafb, filursrish Bowels, IIeadach nd 3ackaoh. It'a V.ocky Mouatarn Tea in tab t form, S5 ents a box.. Genuine made bj Tou.wTca Dnva Cojjpamt, Madison, Wia. - atLBEM NUG1ST8 FOR SALLtW PEOPLE SjVLfcy fHor Co. Plymouth ' -Lt 1,11 '' ... . To All who are in Need of Buggies or Cart-wheels, I have on hand a nice line of latest style of new, and some few very good second hand buggies which I will sell at remarkable low prices. Come and see before tea king a , purchase, it will pay you, ee8 Plymouth, M.C, hi. .1.4 J.' It pu. Sim t.'u" b'i xl t;y f!in-a'nutinj-The .-uiite n.uiVT and other impurities ami by .', ;stroyii)g the genns o? microbes thai k.feiit thu blood. At KuiJUS tip 1 DC uou y restoring and rrutllipl;iRg tlxo red cor puscles, making' the blood ri?h and rt-i!. It restores and sthaulatea the ncrveL musing a full free flow' of crvc force 'hrniiirhmn- onfiffi TlprVf RVstm. It .UlUUIlVk. IV1" w ..-w- 1 J Jpccdily curc3 unstntng nerves, nervous- nil liionRoa the nervous systom. . RVDALES TONIC is a specific for all brms o Malaria. It acts on. a : new prln Sple. It kills the microbes that produce Aalaria. The cause being removed the liscase quickly disappears. RYDALEJJ, TONIC is guaranteed, to cure the mst. tbstinate cases of Malarial Fever, Chills Fever Ague, etc. We authorize alt lealers handling our remedies to refund he purchase prico for . every bottle o tYDALES TONIC that doe? not gtve tttisfaction. i no laateai tm$t imm. Hicsconr, rfc c. Plymouth Store ComptMj. 'INSIDE ftSSSS 'I kfSft THAI CWg.W mmmWCl issi OTHERS PAIS f 'I is the most powerful and efficient blood puriCrr ia the world. '4 It iweept fw out all, the impurities and poisonous germs that cause PJi"L75A7ISI3, LA- m I GRITP2. LIVER and KIvMEY TSCWBLTS, BILIOUSKEf-S, CCIiSTIPA- Hi i 1 4 T10N, KiDlGESTION and CONTAGIOUS BL0P3 POiSCN. Improves the Stomach, builds up the entire system. Al Field, the famous' Hon. J. P. Gibson, the South Carolina legislator, and hundreds of others testify that it ABSOLUTELY CUP.S3. Sample bottle Frao If you vrita EOSUSTT CKSKICAL CO., Bckkooro. r.6i! a " Foaccr Me Not" Eock from your Druccist. .S'a.'- u i'.i n - it t .i'I,.., ' Sulci by IV E. DAVENPORT & CO., Up-to-date Druggists. Why Wear Dirty Clothes? When fur a gmalj outlay I will olwin, pret r dye thtm. naakiDg thm look al most as bright as new. I make a 8peialtj of cleaniDg, dyluf aud prnaiug Ladies' Fine Dress. ' Bend joar soiled Suit r Dre8 to me and save the cost of a new one. Orders from a dis tance solicited. All work guaranteed to give satinfaciion. , Saml. Wiggins, PLYMOUTH, N. O. i far children t safe, ears, 0 pifl46s tv O La k -CJ Ch'S -.a Zi rjl fin TT " o2kceP as a iijjCs t ? 88.1131 y.,fi i.r tJ e x THIS LINIMENT KILLS PAIN AND SHOULD BE CURB AND SCRATCHES. J. Arthur Brubeck of Simeon, Va., writes : I have tried It, and find Yager's Liniment the best he ever used. Oao c his hor-cs hr.d a curb end it removed it entirely, and it Is also a sure cure for scratc'.icr,, r.r.d nr.y ol!:cr titruentM he has used it for, he Says it is the best of all liniments z.nd recommends it. ' A PAINFUL BRUISC. Mr. W. E. Bruner of Richmond, Va., writes: I had been troubled with a severa bruise, which he got from riding a horse bareback and could not cure it, a friend recommended Yager's Liviment, one application relieved h!fci, and less than a bottle cured it entirely, he say3 it i3 the best linimeut ho ever used. FOUND IN EVERY HOME . AND STABLE CUKES SVLlNY AND RHEUMATISM. Mr. Thos. C. Prico, stockman for the Monongrah Coal and Coke Co.-, Monongah, V. Va., v.-ritc3 : TI;oy kzs 125 to 1Z0 horses and mules, and have used Yager's LrN-: ji-.vt in their stables for years paiit, arid it ha3 never failed to cure. For several months a veterinary worked on a hcrsa with a severe case of sweeny with, no results, when three bottles of Yager's Liniment cured it. Mr. Price wa luid up for eleven .months with rheumatism, seven months in bed; two bottles of Yager's Liniment put him on his feet. ' Vhen you need a liniment buy Yager's and you get the best keep a bottle in your horao and will be the best investment you ever made. Have it ready for emergencies. f a; 2 Sa0- ?5,rs S fc S i ''' TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE-ALL MERCHANTS AND DRUGGISTS SELL IT-LARGE BOTTLES, 25 CTS. -;; - - ' l-JmJ".J-U.,.miii iniii..-iu-.iMi niiiii " . i .. I -..l ljj . lluilJ ir SU BSC HI UK F0II THE Roanoke Beacon, To-Bay. 3 j!io test 25 yezrs. Avtra-o Anntl ever Cno cr.-J a H mxme wrka vry ta Is a TvCcxt cfctp r m llcfc JUfc Uw JT!fc,

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