GET TO THEM. Wmr each successive return of autumn come a long string of inevi table needs and requirements ou the part Of the guneral public. There are the many things made necessary to properly clothe and equip child ren for school ; the heavier elothiug, and more of it, for each member of the family; the various articles that conduce to comfortable living in cooler days, and so on through the whole list of human desires that are manifest with the corning of the fall and winter season. As a retailer, you have provided for your trade the articles in your lines for which you expect a demand. The salesmen from the jobbing houses, as well as the printed matter they have sent you, hare not failed to impress upon yon the necessity of preparing for fall trade, and their efforts to assist you iu meeting this demand have re sulted in tilling your shelves and stock-room with goods designed for fall and winter trade. Now, how are you goiug to pass along to your customers the buying impulse you received from the salesmen and the printed matter ? That is a question that is worthy of as serious conside ration as any problem that ever con fronts you in your business life, i Upon your answer to it, ami your actiou upon it, will depend the vol ume of your trade. Whether you simply "hold your own'' or increase tho number of your customers will be determined by the means you em ploy to convey to possible customers an intelligent, convincing story of the goods you have to sell and the advantages to be gained by dealing with you. When the end of the sea son comes you wynt it to lind you with very little of the season's stock on hand. The way to insure this pleasant couditiou is to get to the people early and often with your business announbements. Before we express doubt concern ing the adequacy of the new assem bly the Russian Czar is about to es tablish, -wo had better consider our own Legislatures and Congress as bodies "representing" the people. The report of the discovery of a well in Kansas that spouts hot nit is not going to create any excitement. Hot air wells have been too common in Kansas since the days of Lease, Simpson and Peffer et al. Col. Bryan stys he expects to "unearth something" in the Philip pines. If he has the digging fever, he ought to take a shovel and report for duty to the Panama canal fore Some wealthy New Yorkers um about to launch another big Life In surance Company. They may have noticed of late that a life insurance company is h "good thing." . The Czar has bneu criticised be cause he would not call an assembly. Having called one at last, he is crit icised just the same. You never can please some people. , While you are waiting to "get around" to doing some advertising, the other fellow may "get ahead" with his. The Virginia primaries are now safely over. The earth "almost quaked" but not quite. COUNTY NEWS. CAUGHT OX TIIK FLY BY OUR .SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS. ROPER RIPPLES. KorEH, N. C. Sep. 20. Special. Miss Lizzie Doe of K. City, ia visiting Miss Matle Kpf.r. Miss Gltuly Mitchell hug beeu visiting in Washington, N. C, Miss S;unmt9 Harrison of Plymouth, is visiting the Misses Savuiro. Mr. L O. Uopcr has hern away several days looking after tbu company's iutciests. Dr. ibillstjy let"; ytstPniay for lUltiuiore to he tr"uti-d ct i hoM.itnl. Dr. Murriwer accompanied him. Mr. Geo. W. liopr-r of Norfolk, Gui). Mmiagt-r of tho JUpr Lutuhfr (.., was through lifrn en ro-.uo to inspect a uiili h t han boaght ut Scranton. Trof. Koiuita mine yesterday to superin tend the wfitde i school. He in iiconmpH nied by his wife an I two wmill children, ami is stepping at the hotel at present. Maflifr Willio ThnmpKon 1ms nndercne an op!ation Cor appendicitis at lr Leigh's hospital. We hope for hiru a speedy le coveiy, for little Willie is greatly missed anions his many frieuds. We're Rrry, "Olive," bat your letter ctne too late hut wetk. Kb MAUKEY'S KERRY SEWS. .Mickey's Ferry, N. C, Sep. i!0, Special. Liijlit rains visited this sectiou last Sun day. D. S.. W.J. Starr of draswe!!, was in our mLM Monday. Miss Belle Starr ol'Creswtrll, visitod Mrs. C. A . bnt-11 last week Mrs. A. VV nell of near Plymouth, vis ited relatives hern hist week, Mr. Joan ue!l of Holly Heck, visited Mr. 0. W. Sut:ll Saturday uud Suutiay. Mrs. G. vV. WatiTs mid daughter of Plymouth, visited relatives here last wetk. Mrs, J. F. Tarkeiitou returned ou Thurs day lust from a. visit U relatives at liurklej, Va. Miss Kuth B.irdtu of Edt-utou, has nc- eepted a positiou as overn-ss iu the fam ily of iirs M h. Tai'kviutou. Miss EUa Leiett who has be:n:i yisitiag relattveij iu Bertie and Mnrtiu couutieg, re turned home last VA dduesday. I am now agent for the Albemarle Steam Lauudry, tor .vlackey't. Ferry aud Skiuurs villj. All work gii'iruuteed und t-s cheap as any. Basket leaves iirst of each month. Your patronao will be appreci ued. A. W. Oahoox, At. Mack Spruill, laundry collector aud dmlributor. 2l Southehn HcY. Bead Every Word Carefully as You May Find Something that will Interest You. We arc now carrying in our repository a line of riding1 vehicles that will attract your attention whether wishing to buy or not. They are finished on the very best material, in the very best manner. We have them in any style ouy want. If you are thinking of buying a nice Surry, in canopy or ex-, tension top, don't fail to visit our place we have not the . lawest price, but we have the highest quality that your money can buy. You will always bear in mind that you can't buy quality with a low price, no matter where you buy. ilso have to offer you a line of the Famous "Hack- m auv size vou want. i hey are bum on the H We Wairon' nev same high plane as the 1 lackney buggy, and are built for people seeking a good wagox at a ukasonaui-k ruici:, and who want value for their money. We want you to have one of these wagons on your farm; we have them in any size, in one and two horse. See our stock and you will be pleaded with the appearance and finish of these goods- Wc are prepared to sell you cart wheels also; made by the same people and with the same care. All tires put on cold, which, means no shrinking for along time. Our prices are the same as you pay for wheels not so good. We buy this stuff in solid car-loads, thereby saving freight, which means very much to us, and we give you the benefit. Our line of Harvesting machinery is complete in every way. No matter what ou want we can furnish it at a price that will, save you money. We handle the Famous McOormick line, which always insures the saving of your grasses and grain in the best possible manner. Don't fail to call on us it" in need of Mow- , i - . II ,...4-...,... I i -,-.- ers, m one and two nurse; vorn ndiiMu.( Shredders. J lav presses, Flay tedders and Rakes, Peanut Pickers and Gasoline Enginesany horse p:wer you need. We have a nice line cf buggy and wagon harness and piece harness of all kinds, collar and cart pads, horse whips and riding saddles. We offer for trial one of the best washing machines that you have ever heard of. Simple, easy and good. Come and take one home with you, if you don't like it bring it back. It will cost vou nothing to try it. Come to see us for anything you need ; we will always be glad to see you, whether you buy or not. Your friends, A. SWA IX" & BRO. Plymouth, N. C. skinners vi LLE CHIPS. Skiunersville, K. C, Sep. 20. Special. We had heavy raius last Sunday. Mr Geo. fcwaiu weut to Plymouth last Sunday. We aro pained to report Mr. A. II. Has- seW very aicK, Mr. P. II. Bell mado a brief trip to EJmi ton last Thur-da;. Air. v. j. atarr or tresveu was iu our place lust M&nday. We regret to report Mr. J. B. Phelps as no better, lie is yery low. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Harris were guests of Mr. had Mrs. A. 11. Uassell Sunday. Mr. (J. S. Tarkeiiton ban bp en very sick the past week. We trust he may spoedny recover. Mrs. Geo. Wilev and dn tighter, Miss Mary, lelt ou Saturday for a (.hurt visit to Beihaveu aud .New Horn. Air. Joe Swain, a native of this place, but now a prominent yooug busiijess man of Belhaveu, was here from Saturday until Monday, vi-sitiiig bis parents, Mr. aud MrB. T. S. Swain. I am now aent for the Albemarle Steam Lauudry, for SKinnerville tuid Mackey't Ftrry. All work guarantee -1 and as cheap aa any. Basket leaves first of each month. Your putronao will be appreciated. A. V. Cahoo.v, AV. 2t Suksy Jim. Croup in quickly reltived, aud Whooping Cough will not "run its ccurBe" if yuu unt the original Bee's Laxative Honey and iar Thia Cough Syrup is dilTereui, from oth ers because it, acts on the bowels, lou can- Backache is never known to those persons who take an occasional dose of Piaeules. The value of the osin obtained from the 1'iue tree ban long been raooguized in th tredtment of diseases of ihe bladder and kidneys. One dose of Fineules will giva re lief, aud one bottle will enre. sold by Skiles &. Son and P. E. Davenport & Co. no3!) Kortii Carolina, Washington County Iu the Superior Court. F:itiuie I.iuvear et ah .iiivear et ah ) i VX.'tict ! William J. Linyi-ar. ) 'l't:t' ilcfcndaiit a hove naim-d will tUe notice n iu'lion nfifK a- abnvii Ihip li" n coiinneiicd in til yoa rid the svrttttin of all cnii.-Kin.n i. i ""tM-nor Onttt .f WliiinrtUn v"i'.v to en--, n wririm off iki. M ft,-,.,, ,t ' ' 1 r I lie I it li: to H fe rlalli Jnil tcl ol iunU sitiln I e ormu oil the Cold through , copious a- !;, i0 ..-, t. tmvn.i. in Kai.i om.ty. ami to can- rm I I mm m m m m i m m I p23 IS Y 0 M I beg the public at large, the ladies especially, to came and inspect my entire stock, which con- sists of I oi iiip.vini a ci-rt.iiti l'i;d to .ma nroncrty mi p:n;,i riy iiinue to Miid !ffcmliuil lmiivlduii-lly in- tioo of the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honev And Tar doe t'nii: unl unrco ..I 'r.,- .(VMn Whnnninir fVnirh "v. - 71 ' ' i " l'!..iu!ift, Fannie Lh.yenr. and l-.ff.nlMnt rCroop, snooping Oougb, etc. hv Opiate,-. I-Mjuailv. ati.l the .Ulendnt will further tak oi'iu vy Dniica ft sun ana I'. uavnjiort '&0O. iiotii.t.' t!::i' l,c is ti'iiiiim! to ui.iit'ar t ibe ni-.x ti-. i.i iif tin.- Siipi-i I'.if Coiut of Huid couuty tn bi; l:i'i;l nil the .,..,...jir in Oct.. l!K)f, ut the Court i!ot:-e o: s;t.,i , f, jn Plymouth. N. C!., anil uinwvr or d nnir to t;,V complauit iu t'nid iiction or liif 'il.iiii'iil wi, iv to ; he four! lor the rtlief Power is more iutoxicaiins thau rum. and more ruinous than riot and rebellion i (!T.'a,"l''l ui " "n-i uiit. l hi-ISt (lav (it All.'i;.: Hi.),-, M. DATUM AX, C. S. C Pinesalve acts like a poultice. l'.3t thins . 1b the world lor boils, burin cracked baudi totter, etc. sold by Kilea tivn ;w,d I'. E.' Laveupol t & Co. uo;.o Is a free country each mau makeis Lis own choices and bis own mistakes. TO CURE k COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BUOMO QUININE la bleu. All drun?ists refund the uiouey if it fils to eure. E. W. Grove's sisruaturn ia ou vaclx box. North Carolina. WnsLiuytou County Iu Ihe iuptrjor Court. 1 vi No:icc: l.'onry C'onib. ) The d(:fi:miiiiit uhove iiuined will taku notice tlitt an action t nlltled nn iitiove hux bwn cominuuoeil in thy Spti ir I'oui t of WtiMliiiij-ton Comity for di vor, and I lie suid dcftiiil.ini will fni ther take no tice that he i rcqiiirtd to appear at i tie nrxt term of tliii Superior Conn of said county to be held on the 4tli Monday in Oct. 1 ';", at the Court House of aid couutv. iu riyuiouili, N. ('.. and anewor r ilvmur to the couiphtmc in aaid artiun, or the plain t'.ff will nppl. to the Court lor the relief demanded in .tid cumplitiiit. ThU 3;t day of Auguf-t, l'.Ki.l. H . M . ATI MAN, C. S. C. CflotS&'iBBg9 SS&oe9 Mats sisit Caps, Mia&ieal lessses,' F m r m i h Ii 3 bb s n-ooflH9 Iartiew' aicady Enade Sktsts and KEiirt waists, aftioas f all kflEads9 UBMBreiBa, ISfc I will sell you from 20 to 30 per cent cheap er than other dealers. I do this to close out my summer stock to make room for the fall stock. Xow is jour time, so come at once. I sell cheaper because I buy for cash and sell for cash. II. A. MARCUS. Brinkley's block, WaKhington St. flflll U m pi m 4 " I'm p. ft-,; 13 " ; -i t W da IU ; J ! Ef'a 11 11 to TT and Display of a mammoth, stock of Millinery goods and O E &T E R A 1. M Wl UCM A K fl 5SE I bog to announce to friends and patrons in general that on WedBBC&tlsiy JEvttBiiug, Sept. . stis, at rztm the curtain will be dropped for the inspection of the Largest Stock of Millinery ever exhibited in our place. Mi-s IviU'ilo Dnncan, wlio will hsive charge of that department, is well versed in the Latest Sules and Fashions, us she is just from New York, where she has been working in the establishment of Messrs Sullivaw & Drew's, one of the Finest and Most Up-To-Date Millinery establishments in New York Ciiy. We cordially invite all who wish to w.itness this opening. Young men as well as the Ladies; old men, also, if they choose to come. Good music will be provided. . C, Ayers. RID IK G VEHICLES! l.j '! r -Jj I wish to inform the good people of Washington and surrounding counties, that I am still making All Kinds of Riding Vehicles. With years of experience in the business, and tile services of experienced work men, I am prepared to build Abb VEHICLES in UP-.TO-DA'l E b't'YLKS, and at I'riccs as LOW as GOOD work CAN UK SOLD. Phaetons, Buggies, Surrys, Wagons, Carts, Cart wheels, Etc. ANYTHING YOU WANT in Cuta way or Piano bodies, with Brewister, King or Single or Double Plate Springs. All Vehicles made from Personally Selected Stock, and GUARANTEED TO SATISFY. When in need of anything in this line, give me a call before placing your order. TTEiniS AND PRICES SATISFACTORY. till PHI! j. 9 He 20-tf "Ihe Old HcliablG." PLYMOUTH, N. C.