r 4 'vMamm MISS ELLA OPP, Indianapolis, Ind. SUFFERED M I0NTHS. Pe-ru-na, the Remedy That Cured Miss Ella Off. 1127 Linden St., Indian apolis, InJ., writes: "I suffered with a run down con stitution for seveial month, and feared that I would have to give up my work. "On seeking the advice of a physi cian, he prescribed a tonic. I found, however, that it d id me no pood. On neeking the advice of our druggist, he asked me to try l"runa. ' in a. fe ir weeks I liega. n to feel and actl Ike a different person. My appetite in creased, 1 did not have that worn out feel in g, and 1 could sleep splen didly. In a couple of months 1 wan entirely rerarcred. I thank you for what your medicine has done for me."-' Ella Off', Write Dr. Hartman. President of The Hartnian Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, for free medieal advice. All correspondence is held stric tly confidential. So. 31. The Best of Life. Not till life's heat is coo'.cd. The headlong rush slowed to a quiet pace, And every purbtind passion that has ruled Our nci?ier years, at last Spurs us in vain, and, weary of the vo.ee. We care no more who loses or who ins Ah. not till all the best of life seems past The best of life begins. To tell for onlyriame, Handieanrijngs, and the fickle eJSts of praise, For, fiace or power or gold to gild a , name Above the grave whereto All paths will bring us, were to lose our days; "We, on whose ears youth's passing bell has tolled In blowing bubbles, even as children do, Forgetting we grow old. But the world widens when Such hope of trivial gain that ruled us lies Broken amon lur childhood's toys, for then We win to self-control! . And mail ourselves in manhood, and ttwre rise L'pon us from the vast and windless height Those cleaner thoughts that are unto the soul What stars are to 'the night. The Spectator. Thousands of Women ARE MADE WELL Ail 3 STRONG Success of LycMa E. Pinkham's Vegetable" Compound Ru$!s Upon the Fact that It Really Does Maks Sick Voaea Well Thousands upon thousands of Amerl. can women have been restored to health by Lydia E. rink hum's "Vegeta ble Compound. Their letters are on tile , in Mrs. Pinkham's office, and prove this statement to be a fact and not a mere boast. Overshadowing' indeed is tbe success of this great medicine, and compared with it all other medicines and treat- miTit fr-i-r wnmnn arc Avnnri merits. Why has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound accomplished its wide spread results for good ? Why has it lived and thrived and done its glorious work for a quarter of a centmry ? Simply and surely because cf its ster ling worth. The reason no other med icine has even approached its success is plainly and positively because there is no other medicine in the world so good lor women's ill.-. The wonderful power of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound over the diseases of womankind is not be cause it is a stimulant not because it is a palliative, but simply because it is the most wonderful tonic and recon structor ever discovered to act directly upon the uterine system, positively CTXBISO disease and displacements, and restoring health and vigor. Marvelous cures are reported from 11 parts of the country by women who have been cured, trained nurses who have witnessed cures, and physicians who have recognized the virtue in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and are fair enough to give credit where it is due. If physieians dared to be frank and open, hundreds of them would acknowledge that they -constantly prescribe Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound in severe case3 of female ills, as they know by experience that it will effect a cure. Women who are troubled with pain ful or irremlar menstruation, backache, bloating- (or flatulence), leucorrhcea, falling, inflammation or ulceration of tb uterus." ovarian- troubles, that '"bearinff-down" feeling, dizziness, ;t.p indigestion, nervous pros tration, or the bluer, should take m Sdiate action todot;,e ine pot am . 1 1 1. J 4 V. jTTnipn" wrm , - n- . ... i k.mt livusa tu. i inK- rv,-trjound. Anvway Lam v!,,i.-v,m. Lvnn, Mass.. Svieo:' IOi free ways hsiplui. fJOUSEHOLD AFr Aim DKVILLKD MUSHROOMS. J Chop om quart of peeled mushrooms. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Mix the yolks of two hard boiled esgs and two raw egs togetheK and stir in with one- pint of break--j crumbs and one large tablespouful jpj butter. Fill little shells with the miJf ture, cover with grattxl crackers au(L' bits of butter. Set in tho oveu to brown. FRIHD CELERY. Cut stalks of celery Into three or four inch lengths. Even if it is not well blanched it can be used for this pur pose. Beat together one egg and a tablespoonful of cold water; roll your celery first in this and then in line crumbs; sprinkle with a little salt and pepper; roll again in the egg. a Ml fry in olive oil. Strew grated cheese over the stalks after taking them from the oil and before sending to table. . HARICOT OF OX TAIL. Divide an ox tail into pieces about three inches long, dip them in seasoned flour and fry in hot fat until brown. Drain them and put them into a stew pan with a sliced and fried onion and a pint of hot stock. Bring to the boil and then add a turnip and a carrot cut into small dice. Simmer the whole very gently for two hours, then lay the pieces of ox tail round a hot dish, put the vegetables in the centre, and strain the thickened gravy over. EGG TIMBALES. Butter small tin moulds and dust them with powdered parsley; then an egg is dropped-in each, and they are put in a pan of hot water and cooked in the oven for about ten minutes, when they may be turned out on a round platter, and a sauce made of a cup of thickened cream with chopped mushrooms in it, or a tomato-sauce with the mushrooms may be poured around them. These timbales may be altered by lining the moulds with finely minced ham instead of the parsley, but it must be moistened with cream or ' egg to make it adhere to the tin'. The egg is put in and the sauce used as be fore. BANANA SALAD. ' -: A strip of the ' peel of a large and perfect banana may be turned back, and most of the pulp carefully scooped out. The short, thick variety pfj ban ana, in either red or yellow, is the best for this purpose. To all the sp'ace-left by the removal, of .the pulp, prepare a mixture of' thinly sliced banana," shred ded orange or gr.i$e-i!uit, seeded and peeled white gram's,, and a few kernels of English. "WalnUts 'or pecans in small pieces. .In-their season; stoned cher ries may be added,. All must lirst ba mixed 'in' a .'bowl -with a generous sup ply, ol dressing:; "tind after the yellow cases are filled with the salad each must be laidron lettuce leaves. These must be prepared a short time before using. Either a mayonnaise or a good boiled dressing may be used. Hi ' f- y - NTS FOR, THE HOOSEKEE For quick baking with a small fire, the sheetiron oven such as is used for gasoline stoves is very convenient set over the two hottest griddles of the range. In testing a .piece of cletjh tp see if it is a cotton mixture, if you cut a small piece off and put a match to it, if it is all wool it will only singe, but if cotton is there it will flare up. Prepared paste for paperhanging can now be bought dry. It is ready for use as soon as stirred into cold water, and does away with the trouble of boiling Hour paste, which so oten is lumpy. There is no nicer breakfast than a sliced green pepper cut very small and cooked for ten minutes with two peeled and diced tomatoes in a little butter; add four eg?3 lightly beaten and stir as for a scramble. A coat of prepared, black varnish or spar varnish given to the screens will keep them looking bright and fresh, and make them last longer. Apply with a good paint brush, rubbing well into the mesh on both sides. An oculist suggests that glasses should be washed every nkvht in warm soapsuds, well rinsed and dried on a bit of old, soft linen. Few people, though otherwise neat a'nd fastidious, cleanse their glasses frequently enough. It is not generally known that eggs covered with boiling water and allowed to stand for live minutes are more nourishing and move easily digested than egg placed in boiling water and allowed to boil furiously for three and a half minutes. Make a delicious v: let perfume by putting haif an o;i:;ce of small pieces of orris root into two ounces of alcohol. Add to this a bunch of newly-picked violets, cork and bottle tightly and shake well. After it has been standing four or five days a few drops on the handkerchiefs will leave the scent of t fresh violets. j.Wrhen the handles of steel knives and 'forks come off they can be easily mend-" ed with resin. .Four a little powdered resin into the cavity in the handle. Heat the part? offemfe that fits'lW the handle untrHt i'red hot,ljn.thr-afct into the handle. It will become firmly fixed by t lie resin when it becomes cool. Protect" the' blade from the heat.' 1 v--tIi Food of the Cod. : AbonJIS74 W7illiam Drysdale won a , trfedal ,aU poultry show in Dudley, , Staffordshire, England. Tho center -part of the, medal csnsisted of a gold . disc, onhich the winner's name was , engrave'd. Mr. Drysdale's son se'ema to have worn the disc and lost it whilst on a visit to Ashingtou, in Northumberland, in 1S94. Naturally he concluded he had seen the last ol It, but nearly ten years afterward a cod fish was caught off the mouth ol the ansbeck, in the stomach- ol which, was found the long raisiaing disc. ' A Birth gentleman who had How become the owner of it published an account of his find In a newspaper. This caught the eye of Mr. Drysdale's son, who then applied for it as hia property. His notion was that the disc must have been carried to sea witt refuse and swallowed by the cod. Chinese in New York. There were 6,080 Chinese inhabi tants of New York, according to the last census, but the popular estimate is that the actual number 'of China men is twice as large. Though there is a rigid federal exclusion law and few births occur in the Chinese quar ters, the Chinese population seems to Increase. Thibet Poor in Minerals. The geologist who accompanied the British mission to Thibet reports that the country is strikingly poor in valu able minerals. The largest yield of gold was .28 grain a ton of gravel, and there was no trace of coal or in digenous gems. FITSpermanontly cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Groat KerveRe9torer,$2trlat bottleand treatise fre9 Dr. II. H. KusE,Ltd.,931 Arch St., Fhila., Pa. C.ibbages were introduced into England in the sixteenth century. Cures BIockI Poison, Cancer, Ulcera. If you have offensive pimples or erup tions, uli.'ers on any part of thii I)oJy, ail ing hemes or joint", falling hair, mucous patches, swollen glands, skin itche.4 and burns, sore lips or gums, eating, festering pores, sharp, gnawing pains, thea you .suf fer from serious blood poison or the begin nings of deadly ean-.'er. You may bo per manently eured by talcing Botanies Blood Balm (B. B. B.) maila especially to cure the worst blood and skin diseases. Heals every sore or ulcer, oven deadly cancer, stops all H'?hes and pains and reduces all swellings. Botanic Blood Balm cures ali malignant blood troubles, su.h as eczema, seabs and scales, pimples, running sores, carbuncles, scrofula. Druggists, $1 per large bottle, 3 bottles $2.50, (5 bottles $5, express prepaid. To prove it cures, sample of Blood Balm sent free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, (id. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. Would Live in a Cemetery. Israel M. Barnes, of North Scituate, Mass., is to give up his well-furnished eight room house in Scituate road 'to build and occupy a three-room shanty in the old family graveyard of his an cestors, if the law will permit him to do so. Already relatives have taken action to prevent him carrying out the plan. Barnes plans to build the shanty beside the tomb where his great grand parents and his parents are burled. He ' has an opportunity to rent his house at a good price. With his son, 13 years old, and his daughter, 14, hein sists that he will live in the graveyard. The graveyard is a private burial ground, a part of the old Vinal estate. There are many descendants who pro tested against Barnes' plan, and when 1 it became known one or them consujt ed an attorney to prevent any shanty, being built. Barnes declares that hel has been unable to buy a lot of land anywhere in the vicinity upon which he cares to build, and for this reason ho will huild in the cemetery. , -jfcave His Life for Bride. A young man named Vansevern was married5 a short time ago on his death bed at Couxtral, Belgium. He had asked his father's consent to marry, and wllen it was withheld there was a violent quarrel, during which the father seized a gun and fired it at his son, mortally wounding him. When Vansevern was informed that his con dition was hopeless, he again asked his father's consent to his marriage, and the ceremony took place in his bedroom. When It concluded the bride fainted, and a few minutes later the bridegroom died. EVER TREAT YOU SO? Coffee Act the Jonah and Will Come Vp A clergyman who pursues his noble calling in a country parish in Iowa tells of his coffee experience: "My wife and I used coffee regularly for breakfast, frequently for dinner and occasionally for supper always the very best quality package coffee never couli. find a place on our table. "In the spring of 1S90 my wife was taken with violent vomiting, which we had great difficulty in stopping. . "It seemed to come from coffee drink ing, but we could not decide. "in the following July, however, she was attacked n"econd time by the vomiting. I was away from home till ing an appointment at the time, and on my return I .found her very low; i(he had literally vomited, herself almost to death, and. it took some days to qutet the trouble and restore her stomach. "I bad also experienced the" same I trouble,, but-'not so violently, and had relieved it each time by a resort to medicine. , . Mint mv wife's second aftacl"atrS fled me that the use of cOffefe 4fet the bottom of our troubles, a'(t'Sd.w stormed it forthwith and took oji-JPos turn Food Coffee. The old sftnpttrtaifci of disease disappeared, and during the 9 years that we have been using Pos tum instead of coffee we have never had a recurrence of the vomiting. We never weary dof Foslnm, to winch we l!XD5E 3U-e.fiVfcv.aUa,i trood health. Itusis :i simnle.stalcment or tacts. aiue r.,SV-l,vW!iom coinnanr. Battle I trl Creek. Mich. Bend, "the little.-hook, "The Road to Wellville," in each pkg. YHS frLAYWRIGHT-STAFfc Odett Tyler Famous Actrenni Vaines Ion9" "Kidney IMIUt 'JJlss Odette Tyler is'cot only one of the best known dramatic stars in America, but has written pnd produced a successful play of her own. Miss Tyler has written the following grateful note, ex pressing her ap preciation .of Doan's Kidney rills: Fpster'Mllburn i ' Co., Buffalo, K. Y.: Tylr Gentlemen Mt experience with yonr valuable remedy has been equally gratifying to both myself and friends. (Signed) ODETTE TYLER. Foster-MIIburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all dealers. Trice, 50 cents per box. Koine has seminaries representing eighty eevea orders. 15 YEARS OF TORTURE Itching; ami ratnfnl Pores Covered Head ami Jiody Cured In Week by Cntlcnrn. "For fifteen years ray scalp and fore head was one mass of scabs, and my body was covered with 6ores. Words cannot express how I suffered from the itching and pain. I had given up hope when a friend told me to get Cuticura. After bathing with Cuticura Soap and applying Cuticura Ointment for three days my head was as clear as ever, and to .my surprise and joy, one eakc of soap and one box of ointment made a complete cure in one week. (Signed) II. B. Franklin, 717 Wash ington St., Allegheny, Fa." Wisdom has no bargain-days. Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething.softenthe gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain.oures wind colic, 25c.abottle. Cromwell is said to have originated the board of trade idea. riso's Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible medicine for coughs and colds. N. w Samuel, Ocean Grove, N. J., Fob. 17, 1900 A babv was born the other day on a Gotham trolley car. ecrei 01 f W0 Even' the' Best housekeepers cannot mate a good cup of coffee without good material. Dirty, adulterated and queerly blended coffee, such as unscrupulous dealers shovel over their counters -won't do. But take the pure, clean, natural flavored U0ffs COFFEE, tlie; leader of all package coHees- tEe r eqffee"Jhat for over a .quarter of a century has been daily e$6nr! fflnMions' of home's--and you will makb a drink fit 'foa'in-'thisay: ' ' HOW TO MAK&fi'GOOD XOFFEE. "Cfse ElON COFFEE, beeanse to get beet GHa your UON COFFBB rather fine. U Oiricv your , xtra for the pot" First mix it with a little add white Jof-angg j(if egg ia to be used as a 1st. WITH BOILING WATER. Ada boiling water, Una let It Boll THREE MINUTES ONLY. Add a little cold water and set aside live tnloutes to settle. -.Serve prAuipily. aiU VITJl COLD WATER. Add your cold water to tbe paste and WfiiIt to boil. Then set aside, add a little cold water, and. in live minutes ifs ready to serve. 3 (Don't boU It too long. .-"'' j Don't le It-stand more than ten minutes before serving. DOVTS (.Don't use water that has been boiled before. TWO WAYS TO SETTLE COFFEE. ' lit. With Effff. Use part of the white. 'tit an egg, mixing it with the ground LION COFFKU beforeboiling. . , . , , ... , . . , . id. with Ceid Water instead ef eggs. After boiling add a dash of cold water, and set aside for eight or ten minutea, then serve through a trainer. . m Insist on getting a package ol genuine LION COFFEE, prepare It according to this recipe and you will only use LION COFFEE in future. (Sold only in 1 lb-sealud. packages.) (Lion-head ott erery package.) (Save these Lion-heads for valuable premiums.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo OIr!. When you are at a los? to- know what to serve foir Iuncheofiv dinner or sapper when you crave something both appetizing and satisfying; try Libby's Food Products One tried., you wilt always havoi a supply asm hoasad Ox Tongues Veal Loaf ' Ham Loaf yotr Croctr Llbby. McNeill & BEST FOR ffs jSk! CANDY f 5".F"RB oJ " trouble.. pfeSS'te 1l0ttneM. bad br,.b6d vv.au on xno Btomocn, mooted bowel(fbu mous5iichc, indigestion wimples, paina after eating, K?er trouble, saliow slunjjid diA?n3tMeTv4r how.l, 5t&vi ivcuiaiiy you are SICK. t.onstisa.uon kills reo TS il"leDt nd on5 years of sufirin?. No matter what ails you, start taking t. f , 3 '?, 'ou . w I" wen and Btay weH until you get your bovls right Tske nnr advice, start with Cabarets today unrtr absolute iruarantee to cire or money refunded. 1 he rer.nme tblet stamped C C C. Never wild in bulk. Eamp-w aod booklet free. Adresa Strlin Remedy Company. Chieno tr Kfi tfiVfcV '.oa'- T-.ri-Tinr -11 11 r--i ---nnr-rnr rm To hetter adTrti8 the South' l.edline Buslne College, four neholnrships tie ot tered yomift persons of thU county at!M thn cost. WRITE TODAY. GA-ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, HacoQa "hi - T- in irrvrtnai mm i w r. WOMEN will find in MoztKY'3 Lemon Klixir, the ideal laxative, a pleasant and thoroughly re liable remedy, without the least danger or possible harm to them in any condition peculiar to themselves. Pleasant in taste, mild in action and thorough in results. Tested for 35 years. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at all Drug Stores. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR "i m I it. rtiM-it OUR SPECIALTY 3 4 5 Three two dollar shirts for five dollars. MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. Writ for simples and lueosu.'e'j'.eut blanks, MODEL SHIRT CO.. Pept. S, Intllaiiai'olis. Ind. ANTED- Address of (1) person of purt Indian blood who are ,r,r livinir with nv trile. (2) of n.en who wre drmted in Kentm ky, (3) of mothers of soldiers who have bren denied pension 011 xocoiint of their re nmriiiipe, (4) of men who served in the tea erulnriuy. or (ft) t lie nenrest kin of sacix soldiers or suilors, now decensed. NATHAN niC'KFOKl), Attorney, V nnhiUKtoii, I). I THEREIS MONEY CORN STALK, Write for free catalog. I. A. Maddeu.AtUnta.Ua. JCKI r.KBFS wHFCF All Fl.tF FAUX. bj Best Cough Byrup. Tasteii o-ood. t?oo . HcJ In time. Hold ty dnipel'ts, tso - -:- results' you must use tho best coffee. Use "a tablespoonful to each cup, and 01 cold water, enoutrn to maice a tnicK paste, ana settler), then follow one of the following rules : unt i.K5se ionvince. y. nan Chili Con Came Brisket Beef i, ha ihtm Libby, Chicago Soups THE DOWELS mrvr nrnnl V.r. 11 .t.. j: . n, 1. JntmTrri,, V VHIHUU II Jjj JBfliJJ U 1 1 1 ! JLJll WW m I I iii MUTr "r-TriM I IIIIM Instantly Relieved and Speedily Cured by Baths with Soap to cleanse the skin, gentle applications of Cuti cura Ointment to soothe and heal, and mild doses of Cuti cura Pills to cool the blood. A single Set, costing but One Dollar often cures. Sold throughout th world. Potter Drag and Chenfc Corp., Boaton, Sole Propi. i . . Mr Bond lot " Tha tireat Bumar Cure" Mailed Free, Orchard YSZsLt&i Is a Certain, .'Cji&re lor DYSPEPSIA, SICK. HEADACHE, .CONSTIPATION'. 3 3 Stimulates-the- Liver, cures 'Biliousness, Sour Stomachp-Irregularities-of the Bowels. A natural product , prepar ed by concentration;'; a gen uine -natural water j GRAB ORGHARI; WATER CO., ..... :: ' Iauisv.lllei.Ky.. FOR VJQhlEM troubled with ills npmiUar a iuch soi, uauu as -ai auuc.ne isimaivciousiy suc cessful. Thoroughly cleanseskillsdiBease germs, stops discharges, heals, inflammation ana local soreness, cure3 lcucurrhcea antLnasal catarrh. Paxtir.e id In. powdec farm, to be: tliuaolvedr m pore water, and is far mot cleansing-,, heaJing, germicide and economical than liquid antiseptics for ail TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES ' ' ' F6r'saleat druggiits, Oftoentsa box. Trial Box and Book of Instructions Fit. Vhc R. Paxton Company - Boston. Mass. CURED Quick Belief. Removes ntl swelling in 8 ton daya ; effect a permanent cureA in joto 6o days. Trial treatment given free. Nothingcan be faires Write Dr. H. H. Green's Sons, Specialists. Box U AUanta, gft' So. 31. You want only the be6t Co tto n G in M c h i n et y Ask any experienced Qinner about" ." t Pratt, Eagle,Smitii Winship, Munger We would like to show you -what thousands ol 'v life loriff customers say. r Write for 'Catalog' and ' testimonial booklet. Continental Gin Cbyj Charlotte, N. C, Atlanta, tin. . . . JlirmlnghaDii All. - , Oropsy

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