QUR BUSINESS OUT, LOOK FOR J9Q6, Notwithstanding all predictions totkt contrary, indications from our viewpoint poiut to a most prosperous year for pJpQUth, especially in the uercHUtile line, and we draw our .conclusions from the following facts: Wi.h the mills, timber intcrtsts, brick business, farms, etc , there js about 500.00 paid out in cash in PI y.wju ih each week. There are i';ver stores hero th.u in many Wwns :'je;tr us with Jess than half this Miouey in circulation. It is true that the salcons having been closed will cause considerable trade to be lost to us for a short v,tiino, at least. But that will not jicill the twwn. At a conservative es tiaiate, something like $1,000.00 a week was spent in saloons. Some ot thisoiou' will be sent oil to buy Ji'juor until the class who think they jnttst have it to live, learn they are better oil without it. iakingall this into consideration, there will be .at least $500 or $600 more spent f;r jjror.tfrieji, clothing, etc., week flimi has heretofore been spent for aueh things. We figure this out as follows: The man making from $1.00 to fsl 50 per day really needs )t all iu his ftyaily, If ho drinks lie must spend from one to three dollars a week liquor, and with ibe xiriuk cut out he will buy better food and clothing, and more of it. Oar merchants are living on "Easy Street," there are so fyw of them, and so much money that mutt be spoilt ameiig them. Our advertising columns tell the tale of prosperity truer than any pen pould describe it. They are not having to hustle; their business is tiit and dried fur them, and the most 4t then? are satisfied jvjih what they jjre doing. PIyiawutli-4o-day a better point fvr a hitstli ug uierchaut to locate in than can bo found in & week's travel, Jt is far superior to those little towns at mushroom growth so many are rushing to. Vaccination Lnws. At b regular Fisetiag of the Board of Health of WaHliiugton county it was ord ered that vacyiflaiiou (-Lull b cooipuUury all over Washington county within n radius of three milts of any present case of small pox, or any Canu ttmnllpox thut way bc-reaftei break oat, and thai no cbhd nLail atteud ainj no teacher bLhIi teach i any BcUoul iu VVfihiusfton conuty within a ra dios of three units of any pienent cu.so cf smallpox, withia thu hawn radius of ..y such ca..e of smallpox that may break out hereafter without first beiug successfully vaccinated aud have a certificate of such fuocossful vaccination froui the County Supt, of Health or one of his asjjsi&tabt.-i r Us pu lies. If auy person nhall violate any i f tie rules an regulations of the Sanitary Au thorities of any county iu regard to vacci nation, ho shall be guilty .f it misdemeanor and lined not exceeding fifty dollars, or mprisi iud not exceed; m thirty days, iu accordance wi;h chip. i515." of revised Code, Laws ot 189.1, chap. ; Lwij uf chap. M. This Nov. 12, l'M?. Levi Blount, F. K. Johnston, Cfcm Olelk. OPERA HOUSE. Three Nights, O commencing MONDAY, JANUARY 8TII. The Sterling Attraction, THE WINTER STOCK 00., A Uim Tragedy is daily onacle.i, j) tjou3 of hows, as Death claiins, m eaqn one, tujotUf r viotm: ot Cnusu)ijtiii ur r'neutn -'jjtii but when Uongiis ana UuicM are prop- riy ircutu, iue tragedy is averted. Huntley, yr Oak. lui.clon, Ind , writu : "My Wifo had i lie consuiuptlun, and three uiCiur.s guve lit-r Up. finally she took Dr. lung'.. ew Dis covery for Uonsuinption, Uouans auu Ouldn, which cured lif r. uud to-duy elm is well and Ktroug." It kills tint gemis ut all di Seats t. One d .He releive-;. GaaiaMteed ai SUo and $1 Q'J by tipruhl & Bro. Trial but- tio ir. New Plays. SoRie women preteud tbe buid of sen timent, but they dOu't ejpect men 10 be lieve it. An attraction that has become foremost of all popular-priced organ izations by having Honest Methods and Fair Dealings. Honorably cou- lucted, truthfully advenwed. Presenting more Spt-cwl ientpres, Ner Novelties and Great Pl iys tnau any oilier popular-prCi)d organ zatiou in eMsUtiioe. Don't Forget tli4 Oxenitrv IVilit. Sickening Shivering Fits t Al4ta aud Malaria, ga-j be relievtd and cufed with Electric Bitieia. 'fhis w a pure, tonic lyeoicina : of espial benefit in ma laria, tor it exerts a true punitive ii.fliit-nce on the disease, driviny it entirety out of the system It is much to be preferred to Quiuiup, having ucue ot this drui'a b-id after-effects. J2 b Mundat, uf H nrietU, Tex., nritei' "My brother was yiry low with malarial fever uud jaundice, till he took Electric Bitters, which saved am lite At Spruitl k Bros ; price 50c, guaranteed AD VICE OF A FRIEND And Its Happy Results. Mrs. Florence ate wart of Evausville, Jod,, writes, "Any woman Who can appre ciate what t means to be reotorcd to health and vigor after beiu no ruu dawn and an aemic m to make iii'e a misery will under 'raud why I cannot express my gratitudo or Viaol. "I hid been in this condition for years, and had tried tnauy returdi9 prescribed by physicians, but without benefit. When a frieud suggested a cod liver oil prepara tion, called Viuol, I must confess I had pot much faith iu it, but I deiued to give it a trial, and after taking it a short time 1 begaa to feel bitter- I continued its use, jmd today am as strong and hearty as can J, and I feel that Viuol saved my life. "I advise any woman who is iu ucttd o .A blood maker and strength cicator to try Viaol. and I kno she will thank me, us I .thank Ibe friend who suggested it tw mtt." Oar well known druggist, Mr. Davenport .Of P, E. JJaveuport & Co., says, ' Vinol is not a patent medicine, but it is the most Valuable and delicious preparation of cod Jiver oil, the greatest iiealth restorer and ptrength-creator we have ever Suld, and we ask every ruu-dowu, nervous, debilita ted, agad or Weak person iu Plymouth, and every person suffering from stqbboru colds, hansing-on coughs, bronchitis or iu- piptent consumption to try VinoJooour guarantee to return raotey if it fails to give aatisfactiea." P. E. Davenpoit & Co Prnggista. When a young mau i. terms a girl that she is the light of Lis .itb he probably pjeans a fiA8higut; Wood's Sissl Boofc !a one of the handsomest and moat valuable publications of the lynd. issued. Ths usefal f nd practical hints contained a the annual igsues of WoorT Seed BoqU make it a most valuable hlp to all Farmers and Gardpiiers and it has long beeo. cinij:ed as an up-tcn date p.ttarity on ail Garden and Farm Seeds, particularly for Bonthgrn plantingr. VVoq's Seed Book mailed free to Farmers and Gardeners ppoo request. Write for It. T.W. VVeoEl Sqns, Sesdsmen, BICHMONQ, VIRGINIA. XrnctfM reqnfriBf Iarrre cnan titles of Seed fotr,toe, r.erl Peas. Snap Beans or iUiM ege,abi Sed, are rejoeatel Somehow n. womau's temper is always yerv much in eviJeuet! jasi atler :-Le has 131 it. ..' .kV-JLJJ-'. H .'-II1V Spoiled ller JJcuuty. Harriet Howard, of W. 34th 8t New York, at one time had her beauty spoilea with .6Kia trouble, hhe writy ; "1 bad $U Kheuw or Lcjwma for years, but nothing would cure it, nutii I used 13uck- len s Arnica Halye. ' A quick and suie henler for cHts, burns and sures, 2c at Spiuiii & liros. Although a modem woman may make her own clothes she boiiittm boasts of it. Greatly in Demand. Nothing is mon in demand than a med iceue which tattts modem rtquiri mn-t tor a blood and aysit iu cleaiiher, such hm Ur. plug's rtw Jjile rills Thy are j'in what yu need to euro stomach uad liver troubles, fry them. At ispi uill Jt ros,, , guaranteed Man his troublts the ame a.s vomau but he has lete to say ubtut them. Ihe season of Iudigostioii is upw at liud lvings Dyspepsia fablcis relnve indiges tion, and correct all ssomach disorders sold by Skijes tt sou and P E Qaveupoi va marl KOIICE! at I will sell at public auction, for cash me 11. II tsowen home placrf Long Acre Washington Co, N. C , on Monday, Jan i jin , me following.: A horses, and cuttl com foddttr, nd ntetisns . such as carts plows , bugles t mowing inachiue and rabe and fither tarmmg implements, also w.ll le.i the farm on bams day. JOHN T. WINDLEY, Manager of farm and sale. Supporting the Favorite Actress ortlay Wallace, wiU'open a thrce nights engagement at the Of era House presenting the Fpur Act Sensational 3th, Monday, Jan. Melo-Drama,. Splendidly Presented. Ian of Honor, Superbly Costumed. 5 ViiisdevSIic Fcatwrcs S Inchiding America's Greatest Child Artist, BABY JHLOPE2. New People, MOSBAY, IAIT. 8TB, IMoes 3 SO Cents. Sesit now on &sIe. !1 Ym El Q) For Sale. I have a good, ningle. second-hand spring waen, in good runuiu order, that I will sell at a bargain. Apply to E 8. Cahoon, Skinnersville, N. C, Why Wear Dirty Clothes? When for a smalj outlay I will clean press or dye them, making them took al moEt us bright ag new. I make a Specialty Ctf cleaning, dying and pressing Ladies1 Fine Dre-usfrS. Bend your soiled Suit or Dress to me and gave the cost of a new one. Orders from a dis tance solicited. AH work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Saml. Wiggins, PLYMOUTH, N. p. ill 1 be ; the public at large to come and visit my store, because I am elliiis sat WfeoIesaBeCost and if you want to et so'iuo rare bargains, now is the time, so coiuo at once. This stock must be closed out in 30 days. As I am going out of business in Plymouth I will sell suob as this: Olothuig, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Ladies anil Uent's turmsliiug goous, nm- sioal instruments, notions and jewelry ot all Kinds. . Keep Up With the Times. ... . -- , , .... V rv T'arents if you would have the children well qualified and lltted for life, put them in line and give them the right education while under your care. Nothing is more accomplishing than good musio, and just hero I beg to state to our patrons' and the public in general that I have aecep ted the 'agency for Chas. h Netxnv Mfg Go,, of JMilwauket Wis.,55 who make Hue grade Pianos and Organs. Any ono lnirincr ;i iiistrnnient will ibi thiiinsftl vrs infiA J to call at our store and examine one of these Pi, anos, at which time you can get. in line with prices und tt rins. Remember we give easy terms on these instrumeuta and reasonable prices. Unless I could do this I would not handle the goods, so jnst call and see something in way of instruments worth buying, and fully guaranteed. We are also receiving : , large lots of Dress fabrics, such as Broadcloths, Venooian Serges and other goods too numerous to mention. Or ' ... . . , tr Our line of Ladies' long and short Jackets for .the, fall and winter are in, ;nd prices to suit liar.d times. Don't forgot when you buy a fall Mat to. just glanco , over ouv Millinery stock and I am sure yon will find the goods and prieo to suit, Thanking mv friends and patrons ftr past favors and soliciting a continuance of their future patron age, I beg to remain, ' V. ' Yours truly, .. Men's $14.00 Suits, going tit $0 00 o 11.00 .. - . 8 00 8.00 4 ' " . - 6.75 7.00 ' " ' - 4.75 Youth's 6 00 ' f ' - - 4,25 " 5.00 " , . Bo-'s 3.00 ' ' - ' 1.75 2.50 Overcoats ' ,( - - 1,75 I have a few at rare bargains. Men's Overcoats that I Men's" Ked Flannel Underwear, per suit, " Fleece lined M " " - " Sunday Shirts, each " Sweaters, " ' All-wool Sweaters, each, ' $3 50 Pants, at - Overall, per pair, - Men and Boy's Caps, at Mcu'd Vici Kid 3.50 Shoes, at. Ladies' Finf, 2.50 Slioaa, ut - Men's $i.00 Jlnis, going at will let go $1.75 .90 - .40 .40 1 00 2.25 .40 .18 3.35 1.75 1.40 ONE PEICE TO EVERYBODY ! Oomo one,, come JW J Ueoause yon havo but a short time. Yours trulj, 33. A.". 3IARCUS. Briuk.'ey'a Block, Washington St., PJr.-.ontli, X. O. XSfl buy all kinds Furs, Hides, Beeswax, vic, ixi full market prices. . C. iygf s, RIDING VEHICLES ,.iA.M.;-v.Tvr.np. OF I wish to inform the goorf people of Washington and surrouhdiug counties, that I um still hiakihg All Kind. of Riding Vehioles. With yars of exporiwwe in the luiiBe6S, und the wrvivw of experienoed. work men, I am prepared t build ALL VEHICLES in UP-TO-DA'lE STYLES, and at rrioes u LOW aa GOOD work CAN BK SOLD. ... Phaetous, Buggies, Surrys, Wagonis, Curts, Cart wheels, Etc. ANYTHING YOU WANT in Cuta way or Piano Bodies, wiih Brewister, King or Single or Double Plate Sjmags. All Vehicles made from Personally Selected Stock, and GUARANTEED TO SATISFY. " When in need of anything iu thia line, give' rae a. call before placing your order. ! ESTTERMS AND PRICES SATISFACTORY. te 29-tf uIho Keliable." PLYMOUTU, N. C.