TO THE PUBLIC. BURNED . IN HIS CELL I Rtn constantly receiving anonymous tetter from different neighborhoods, where smallpox it prevalent, in regard to quarua' tin regnlatione. That alt may know, I tako taii method f informing tho public that every doctor in the county vutsida of Plymouth, ha been commissioned n dep uty Supt. of Health, with all the powers the law gives tue. It is impossible for me to undertake to do it all, and I aiade these ppoiutinute for your convenience. Call on your family physician and he can do All the law allows. Nothing is ef bo much importance as vaccination, and since the vi rus has been prepared from healthy calves, by modern saiutific methoOB, under Gov erameat nupervigion, and the old scab3 from the arms of supposedly healthy people are B9 U9CU, ids Kiories iou ui ueuine, auijium- ties, sad thousasda of other thing caused by vaceinatiou, are all falsa. Auy healthy person, need have no fer of vucoiuatlon, thoagh it is my sbaervation, that the older the person the more inconvenience it eauMs, and we all use fill diligence to vac cinate iu aa humane a maimer as wo know hew, and pay alt attention to the patient's vUtemaate andtneu give tt conscientious opinion as to whether they should be v nu cleated, or wait uutil pruptr precautious have been taken to bring the risk, to prac tically nought. Wa are careful to tell how to live aud how to raauage tho bo re and the few uupleutmnt symptorss taut occa Sioaally arise. When thsy have been ex posed to smallpox, then of the two evils we choose the loss aud be vacci nated. After recent suasaful vaccination, smallpox is very rare ueJ always very tauob milder than the average case of the epidemics present. Vttcciuatiwu modifies smallpox even if it breaks out before the patieat has had tiruo for bis vucciuation to protect him, aud iu the present exceedingly mild epidemic there is scarcely any danger of having it, aud not a particle of danger of having oue of the dangerous cases that cenr every now and theu. Everybody should bi vaccinated every for or five years. After the first time the vaociaation sore, in almost every ost looks like a very small foster aud dries up in four or five days. The bast authorities etato that every ebild should be vaccinated dnriug the first year of its life, the a at eight and when grown Sua alter these three successful vac. eiugiurBB no one has ever been known to hate sursllpoz in auy form, whether they have been vaccinated afterwards or not It is a moral obligation wo owe to others ,t. vaccinated, for while I may prefer smallpox to vaccination, you may not, aud there are tUoae who ought not to be made to stand either vaccination or the disease And there is co way to protect them except by vaccination and qnarentine. , Where .there is no effort to check the disease by these metbeds, it is almost a death sentence in an average., epidemic to. a 'great-many 'suffering from, chronic disease-, also, to the very young, the matrou in a cbltcate fctate, and the confined mother and infant, and the laws made On the subject are from the humane standpoint, that the average healthy person ought to sal-j-ct him or herself to a short inconvenience" from vac oiuatioa rataer thau to coudemu to greut danger the lives of bo many who cauuot aflord and ought not to be made to mk either Vaccination or smallpox. By haying your household vtcoinated yeu make a good investment from an eco nemio itandpoiut, for if one member of a family has the disease, well and eick are quarantined and if the whole household has it, the quarantine is apt to last a long time,, aud tho loss from inability to worki r to attend to your usual business, coun terbalances a long, long way, the inoon. Vnlece from vaccination. While the present epidemic is the mild est ever kuewn, every now aud then a dangerous ease occurs. Who knows but what the dangerous case may occur in your own house, or to Sunie of your near kin ? , appose the bad case happens to your wife or your matronly sister or dear friend, Ahosa condition is as stated above, a fatal result would be almost sure to follow. . Be vaoeinated and have it repeated oiteu enough to never have as sore an arm as yon bad the first tim. If you wait eight, ten or fifteen years, you can expect nearly as bad a sore as at first, 'xim younger the child, the less trouble, and I .ulvise to bave all children three mouths eid aud over vaccinated, dad if exposed to smallpox, at any age. We hyfe been isolated in the past aud did not have epidemics oftener than uoe in a life time, if that often. lWlreads are getting mere numerous and it in more con venient to get auy and everything, good or bad, and we must expeet tha drawbacks as wed as the bentfits, of the progressive age in Which we live, aud vve should be willing te adapt our lives to our rapidly ehangiiig surroundings. Respectfully, W. H. W AUD, M. D., Conuty Supt, Health. Jan. VJ, 1906. William Russell Set Fire to New London -Jail and Will Die. Salisbury, Jan. 22. William ltussell, a young white man, twenty-five years of age, set fire to the solitary call ot the calaboose at New Loudon, Stanly county, tweuty four miles from Salisbury, Saturday even ing and was so badly burned that be will dio. Kusstll was arrested Saturday for dis orderly Conduct and locked up iu the town .prison, a miniature affair. In his tell was a quantity of straw and he lighted the pilo. His cries of alarm could not bo beard un til the building was partially consumed vud those who rushed to the rescue were unable to locate the luck. With sledge hammer they succeeded in tearing the door down and rau for their lives as volumes of smcke rushed upon thera. The impiisoned man managed to mako his exit aud fell at the entrance to the ealoboose. He was given immediate medical attention but no hope for bis re covery is held out. The building was destroyed. Cost a Few' Cents More Worth Double the Difference. Stamped Envelopes with your full business curd printed on them, Tho government prints ' nothing but your address and you" pay $'11. "20 per M. This does your business no good. We print them for $21. 75 per M.; $11.00 for 500 and print ;inyt.Iiin you wanton them. Won't it justify you to pay the slight diiTorer.ce and got what you want, and Komething that will do your business good. Give us your next, order. Cash must aceommny nil orders. i The Tax Books I 1 f - .-X - T are now in tnv lianas lor iitno. i will thank the people to come for ward and settle their taxes for this year. lours truly, Y. J. Jackson, SheriSf. Blind, bleeding, itching aud protrtidlnp piles are iustantly relievtd iy MauZm. This remedy is put up in coilapsibie tubes w an nozzle uttHcnnicut, no that tno meat cine may app ied inside directly w here the trouble originates Mai-Zau relievos in stantly. Sold by hkiles & Sou and 1 I). Davenport & Co marl CHTJUCK DIRECTORY- M. E. Church Stivief S every Sunday at 11;00 o'clock a. m., and 7:;)0 o'clock i. in. Prayer meeting every Weduesda ni 'ht. Rev. L. B. Jours pastor Suuiiay school overv Sunday uiornit-" at 9:15 o'clock, W. Id. ltatotnau, dupt. Baptist Church Services every 1st. 2u.i and 4th Suudity at 11:00 o'clock u m., and i-.M o'clock p. m. rruvtir nit-enucr every Thursday night. Itov. J. W. Nobles, pastoi. Sunday school overy bnn'.'.iiy ir,oinim at 9.30 o'clock, W. It. White, Supt. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE P.KOMO QUININE Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E W. GROVE'S signature is ou each box. 23c jan 12 . ST WORLD ALMANAC and ENCYCLOPEDIA IS ON SALE ALL OVEli THE UNITED STATES. It is a volume of nearly t'oven hun dred pages and sells for 15c. Sent by mail. for 13o. A Iieirt'iiee Book of unusual val ue, ulmest indispensable to any man j of business, or iu the professions, i It. emitnins information on moro than 1.000 timely topics and presents I have a good, f;ingb. second-baud : over 10,000 facts such as arise daily spring wagon, in coed iimnim; order, i for answering. thr.t I will sell nt u birnin. Apply to Election statistics, agricultural. r.. 6. Cahoon, ,, I firaneial, educational, railroads, Kkinnor: viiie, N. C. 'shipping, etc.,. etc., through all the ! list of topics where new figures are i most valuable. H-t columns of index. Send for this "Standard American Ann. .ill. "Address Til K WOULD. sicrs, mtvernse .:.ct hh-iiu ui.- w-iinpuw. . p, nii,i;ir vnw V-h- Piiu hulr.ry $18 00 weekly, 00 p.v t.ty for i ' espeiists btat !if anu prfcKftit e in ploy. - meut. IDEAL feiiAK CO., ;i'J K-.r. liMpli 1 St., Chios ;jo. my 18 .Vaccination Laws. At a regular piwtinpr of the Board of Health of Washington county it vae ord ered tbat vaccination shall be compulsory all over Weshingtou county .within n radius of three miles of any present case of small pox," or uny case oi smallpox that may hereaiter break out, and that no child shall attend and mo teacher shah teach m any school iu Wanhiugtoii county within a ra dius of three milts of any present ciise of smallpox, or within the same radius of any such case of smallpox that may brenk out hereufUT without first being successfully vaccinated and bave a certificate of such successful vaccination from the County Supt. 'of Health or one of his aissistautd r deputies. .If any., person bb;;il violate any tf the rules and regulations of the-Sanitary An thorities of any .county in reytud to vuoci nation, he shall be guilty .f n njisdeiueanor aud fined not exctiediug fifty ilolliirs, or mp risoned nut exceeding thirty days, in accordance with eb-tp. 3455 of r-.vistd Code, Laws ot 189;J, chap. 21-1 ; Laws of 1901, chap. iU'. This Nov. 13, UK)-). Lkvi Llount, F. K. Johnston, Chm. Clerk. ..' -1 L1.. 1 .' .. . U i Sick Headache. This distressing ailment results from a disordered Condition ot the stomach. All that is needed to oC'ect a cure is a dose or two of Chamberlain's Sioumch und Livt-r Tablets. Jn fact, the attack may be warded off, or greatly lessened iu severity, by tak ing a uose or tntse leoiets as soon us the first symptom of an attack appeals. Sold by all druggists. Jletbuiela. was all right, you bet For a good old soul was he, they ay be would be living yot, Had he taken Kockv Mouutaiu Tea, P. E Davenport & Co. A man who profits by rcngdoiug al ways hue an excusu ready. -1 ..n -.'! r??rw A GUAKANTEED CURE FjJIt PI7JES. ltebbg, Blind, Bloeding, Protruding Piles, Dnifgtata Ate autbomi to refund money if TklO OINTMEN'r. fails to cure iu 6 to Jt jT4. ' - ' ' 12 NOTION : I drilled the Artesian Vvrell for Mr. U. J. Norman, and for the town of Plymouth, N. C. Why not lei me drill one. for you? al orders to P. (r. Ellis, P.O. Box E. Uranchville, 2-1 Southampton Co., Va. g and CURE tmz LySICSi; WSTH '2 Q 65 V Kii rraf -i( l.'i Hci A 7 1 kirn THE For Sale. Keep Up With the Tims. Parents if you would bavo the children well qualified and fitted for life, put thorn. in line and give them the right education while under your care. Jothing is more accomplishing than good musio, and just here I beg to state to our patrons and the public in general that I have accepted the agency for Chas. . Netzow Mffg Oo of Milwaukee Wis S who make fine grade Pianos and Organs. Any one desiring a nice instrument will do themselves justic to call at our storo and examine one of these Pi anost at which time you can get in line with prices and terms, llemomber we give easy terms on these instruments and reasonable prices. Unless I could do this I would not handle the goods, so just call and see something in way of instruments worth buying, and fully guaranteed. ' WANTED: District Mur.a;:ers to post VANTE,X : Two "ue!) in each county to represent m.d ccivcriise liRi-ilwntc De n:irtuient, put fut p.impli-s f our cot-ds. ets. Tiavelina; rjsuion or OtUO. Salary ,90.00 per inr-nth ch w-ekly, wi;b c'.l expenses paid in advance. vV e tunush everjihiu. THE COLU M131A HUUK, Dept. 01 0, Monon Bidg. CbiciiRO, 111. f e !) and TRADE-MARKS piwuptly obutined to W all coniitnt-s, or no He ie cuuiiu PATENTS THAT PAY, advertise tliein thoruuglily, at our xnunso, and Ldp you to success. Head model, photo or sketch for FREE report on patentability. SO years' procUce. g(jR. PASSING REFERENCES. ForfreeOuido Book on Profitable Patents write to 803-3CS Seventh Street, .Why Wear Dirty Clothes? When for a smal I outlay I will clean press or dye them, making them look al most as bright as new. I make n Specialty of cleaning, dying and preflsiug Ladies' Fine Di-easeH. Send your soiled Suit or Drei3 to me ' and save the cost of a new one, Orderu from a dis tance solicited. AH work pnarantetd to (;ivi ratihfaCiion.' Baml. Wiggins, PLYMOU1H, N. O. I m T fell ! 77 ki to. v sa vt&a a kz, mar v i .t mumMSmMSsyY.i nn Mi I 9 n I 111 IL 1 O.3l'IWPTI0N omm and Prise fc 6Cc &$f .GO Frea Trial. $ tiucst and Quickest Cu.vo lor eli THBOAT aurt LUNG TSOUB- IJI3, or IIONEY BACK. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Rnanoke fieacDii '5 Cfv,- f - ' - - - ' Y - A- "Vr mMmmmmm 'immm$ r is fast superseding old-fashioned cod liver, oil and emulsions bccatisc, vithout a drop of. oil or disagrsesble feature, it contains all the medicinal elements cf cod Jiver oil, actually taken from fresh cods' livers. By cur process the oil, having no value either a3 a medicine or food, is separated from the medicinal elements and thrown away. Unlike old-fasliioned cod liver oil and emulsions, Vinol is deliciously palatable, agreeable to the weakest stom ach, and therefore unqualed as a body builder' and strength creator for old people, puny children, weak, run-down men and women, after sickness, and for all pulmonary diseases. Everything Vinol contains ia named on the label. OUR GUARANTEE We have such faith in VINOI. that if you will take it we promise if it does not benefit or cure you we will return you your money without question. We take all the risk UP-TO-DATE" DRUGGISTS-- We are also receiving largo lois of Dress fabrics, snch a$ Broadcloths, VencGian Serges and otber goods too numorp'?; to meniion. Yjt Our line of Ladies' long and snort Jackets for the fall and winter are in, and prices to suit bard times- Don't forget when you buy a fall Hat to just glance over our Millinery stock and I am sure you will find tbe goods and price to suit Thanking niy friends and patrons for past favors, and soliciting a continuance of tbeir future patron age, I beg to remain Yours truly. RIDING W. C. iyers. VEHICLES v MANUFACTURE!. I wish to inform tho good people of Washington and surrounding counties, that I am 'still waking All Kinds of Riding Vehicles. With years of experience in the business, and the services of experienced work men, Im prepared to build ALL VEHICLES ia UP-TO-DATE STYLES, and at Prices as LOW m GOOD work CAN BE SOLD. ; Phaetons, Buggies, Surrjs, Wagons, Carts, Cart. Wheels, Etc. ANYTIIING YOU WANT in Cuta way or Piano Bodies, with Brewister, King or 8ingle or Double Plate Springs. All Vehielea made from Personally Selected Stock, and GUARANTEED TO SATISFY. "When in need of anything in this line, gite ae a call before placing your order. S-TERMS AND PRICE3 SATISFACTORY. JgJ ' 3 se 20-tf Xb Old Heliable." PLYMOUTH, H. O.