JUST WHISTLE. When times are bad aD folks are end An' gloomy dny by clay, Just Uy your best at looking glad Au' wLititlo 'em uvvay. Don't mind how troubles bristle; Jest take a rose or thistle, Hold your own An' change your tone Au' whintle. whistle, whistle. A song ia worth a world of sighs. Wheu red the lightning paw, Look for the rainbow in the skies Ail' uhistle 'em away. Don't mind how troubles briwtle, The roKe comes with the thistle. Hold your own An' change your tone Au' whistle, whistle, whistle I Each day comes with a life that's new, A mrttujje, continued story, Bat still beueatb a bleud o' blue . The world rolls ou to glory. Dou't luind how troubles bristle ; Jtst take a rose or thistle. Hold your own An' change your tone An' whittle, whistle, whiutlc. Frauk L fcituutou. A Healing Gosjel. The Kev. J. C Warren, iator of Sharon Baptist Church. Belair, Gu , says of JKk-c-tric Bitteifl: "It's a G. dsend to loankitid. It cured me of lauio'bacU, stiff joiutH. und complete physical co'ljHe. L svns t-o wak it teok tue naif au hour to walk a mile. Two bottles of Electric Bikers have made Uitrso strong I hnve just walked three milts in 50 wiuutm and fe. like' walkinir three more. It's made a uew man of me," Great est remedy for weakness .ihd ail Stotuach, Liver aud Kidney complaiuls. Sold under guarantee at Spruiil & Uto's Stove. Price fiOo. There aro mistakes it would bo a njistnks uot t make. Anyone suffering from Kidney pains, back ache, bladder trouble or rheniuatiBra who will lake a dos f Piue-ules npou retiring Ht n'ilit Hliall be relieved before morning. Id by Skiles & Son, aud B E Davenport A Co marl King 'Phone No. 2 We Hie at the other end with a full line of every t tiny in way of Fine Murcitntilo Stationery, np-to-dat typ and pretty inks. We tire running no "Cheap John" print shop, but a ''trial' order will mn vinco you tlnit when -style and j utility is considered, we can't be bent. Send us your next order. Now is the time to guard the health aud strength of the lungs Tlit best remedy to Use for coHiibet and colds is life's Laxative Hiuey and Tit'. The only eough syrup that does not couetipute the bowels, but which on the other hand, -xpels all cold from the 9; stem by acting as a pleasant laxative. Jtost for coug.g, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Swld by Skiles & Sou, F. E. Davenport &, Co ,,marl Many a man who smiles and says noth. ing is a liar. Chamberlain'd Cough Remedy the Mother's Favorite. Tin soothing and healing properties of this remedy, it's pleasant taste and prompt and peruuanc.' - ra have uiado ft a favor ite with people verj Jt is epeciHl!y yriz'-d by mothers oi t.mni. children, fur Colds, croup and whooping cugh, as it al ways affords quick relief, and as it con" tains Do opium or other harmful drtiR, it may be givn hs e-niSdently to h baby as to au adult. For sale by all druggists. COTTON IS SMOKE. A Fire at Jackson Entailing a Loss of $750,000. Jackson, Mbs , Jan .23. The Mississippi Compress, with 9,500 bales ot eollon was destroyed by ihv this afternoon, entailing a loss o! $750,000 with insurance about two thirds that sum. The origin of the fire is not known, but wheu it was discovered by the compress employes it had gained great headway, and when the fire department arrived, i! was beyond control. The lire men directed their efforts to saving the SMiTounding property, which they succeeded in doing. The compress plant was worth $150,000. The lar gest loser was the Knoop Freidrich Company of Liverpool, England, who had 1,100 bales in the compress at the time of the fire. The Yellow Fever Germ ha- recently bsen discovered. It bears a clfjso resemblance to the malaria germ. to free the. system faow disease .Kevins, the iiicst effective remedy is Dr. King's New Life Piis. Guanu.teed to cure all disea-es due to ma'sria poison &ud coustipatiou. rc. at Spruil! & Bro's." " APPOINTMENTS AT (JliACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services on the 4th Sunday of the month mnruiug aud evening. Bible class at 4 p. m. Services Saturday preceediug ut 4 p. in., aud Monday following 4th Sunday at 0 a. in. Mr.F. A. Biyla, lay reu'er, wiil eouduc service eyer Sunday morning. All are cordially invited. B. LA.SSITER. ilflif arc made with 7.' I" ' BAKIN 6 POWDER tlHtUdyopeptic may be eaten without Inconvenience even by persona vrith delicate .digestion ROYAL CAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. I CURES CATAULi II. If you have Cntarrh, Hay fever, Asthma, BroncldnV, Cold.., etc., l i E M. Catarrh t'ure will cure it Send stump for book of wonderful cures. This remedy is the old reliable standard and ha tanda more cuies than all other remedies combined. Addrs.: K. E M. Catarrh Cure Co., P. O. Box 3U, Atlanta, Ga. See ad. eke vt here. 117 ? vi l$ mm 4 I it X ' - ". ':. Pl-.nl .,h;n &,A& : Sold by P. E DAVEKPORT & CO f'jt' cSiiZiiiMtts aafea sura ffo oaiattea p fc'".: p i 1 fe' b ti 3 El 1 a M down pains are a iyrr.ptoin of the most serious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally, come irregular, painful, scanty or profuse periods, wasteful, weakening drains, dreadful bacl:ache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, irritability, tired feeling, inability to walk, loss of appetite, color and beauty.' The cure is mm ThE- PECULATOR, that marvelous,, curative extract, or natural wine, of herbs, which exerts such, a wonderful, strengthening influence on all female organs. Cardui relieves pain, regulates the menses, stops drains and stimulates the womb muscles to pull the womb up into place. It is a sure and permanent cure for all female complaints. m 1 WRITE US A LETTEu Tut RRkie all timidity and vrita us freely aud frankly, in strictest comi dstice, tcll'ug us aU your symptoms a nd troubles. We will send free tdvica (tu plain, sealed ev.velojc), hw to curether.i. Address: Ladies' Advisory !-cit.., ThJ Cl;n.tUnoosa Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. "!' SUFFERED AWFUL PA! 5n ;nr womb and oviries," writer Mv I.o)!ii Bale, of Veoster Crov-.-s. my right a nd loll sitits, my wetises ie.o very rr.iuful aui irrofeMlar. Ciistcs ta!:injf C';n4i, Jt ir-'d !1ao a r-..r vonum, a!td lo rob gixZot aa I d d. J is the !:: t modi ciuj I nvcr had in my house." 1. J. IS ARC Undertaker and Carriage Maker, CofDnP, Caskets and Burial-cases of all styles, grades, sizoM aad priceB. CCloth Lined Cities a Specially. Special r.ttentiou given to order? from a distance. If it slionid be your misfortune to need anything iu this liEe, call ou me. I have as nice a line of open and top ve hicles as has evor heen shown in this sec tiou In work mid prices I defy compe tition. Examine my stock before placing your order. I have seenred the services of a first-clns trimmer, and all work is executed in a thorough, workman-like manner. S. J. BAIiCO, ap 1-tf Koi'Kit, N. C. mm Ui LIGHT, xrSAVti AID HEAVY S3 .. ;.. FOR EVLKY K.'ND OF WORK ENG!X23'AND TOILERS d AND rlZES AND FOR EVERY m CLASS CP SERVICE, y ASK FOR 05JR ESTIMATE BEFORE l PLACING YOUR CEDER. lluiBBES MACHINERY COMPANY COLUMBIA, 5 C. ANNOUNCEMENT. KOPEC, North Cakolina. Fall Term Begins Monday, Sept- 25th, 1905. Special Advantages Offered To Parents Desiring to Secure for their Boys and Girls a Practical Education, thereby preparing them for the liepponsibil- ities of Life. Tuitiou $1.00, $1.35, $1.50. ' I'or I'ltrih-T Isfl'nnadon Apply (e Alex. H. KooxNce, A. B., Prin. Gurus Qo!dss Prevents PnaesncnSa ICR, MWCR, BRICli:! Having installed the latest improved machinery for the manufacture of brick, H I am now prepared to furnish building' brick in large or small iota, at moderate prices. The material used' is the finest and the wont the best to be had. Those intending to build should write for samples and prices before placing theii orders elsewhere. Transportation is good, my Kilns being directly at the junction of the C. L. and N. & S. Kailroads. . . BHWEtEY, 'Plymouth, W. C, HOWS -THIS I FHA I'--' '?.-. v.: -.,' Ji--;'.?A -..'; - -. ". : ' o'W?-.-f: J V :-;-.'--v ' -'(' ;-;' v V.-'A '.. i ,, . , . ." V . .J'.-1 .. v." . " '.s' V ,i ,,; y-; ' ' jVv" ' mm .THIKY ARE IB ERE. S'. A nether car-lostd of horses and mles have arrived since Christmas, And as tine a lot of horses and mules as you ever clapped your optics on. But don't wait, for 'em to be picked over come at once andVget first choice. The price is right. Other lots will be reeeiued from time to time. We are here for business, and will continue to' remain leaders of the stock market, H. NEWBERRY & CO.: laflh m FX lailfl . HUH Sffll Pleasant to tallc and does not gripe or nauseate t 1 Cures Glironic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble Stimulation Without Irritation. Oriko Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new laxative syrup combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Dowels. Constipation. Orkto "Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure chronic constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomash.is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be t aken. This is why Tills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO is different. Orino Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only aud do not touch the Liver. It can very read ily be seen that a preparation tiuit due. not act upon all of the digestive organs Mil Talio OHJNO Lazal are not sacisfiotl yci can not cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc For Biliousness and SicK Headache. Take Ortno Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion.' Oreso Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is m ild aud pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. Ivefuse substitutes. 7? Fruit Syrup and if you r money will be refunded Special Offer ! Never before have we made this low ra'e, but are anxious to swell our subscription list tin's fall, and sue willing to my for it. Until Oct. "1st, we'will accept new subscriptions to The Koanokk He. cox at the Speial Low Kates of $1.00 for 18 mantis, payable in advance. Tha regular price i $i.(J0 per ear in advance; 50c. for 6 month., or a trial subscription of 3 months for 5J5q. Your neighbor roads and likes the pn per, so'will .YOU, Fill out this blank and mail ToDay. 1'. O, Addles Date C. V. W. AUSBON', Plymouth. N. (J.' Okau Snt: Enclose find $ for subscriptiou tu "The iuunoke Beacon" for; months as per your otter aUove. Yours respectfully, Name N. B. If you are a subscriber kindly hand tlii to a neighbor, calling attention to this offer. Wo thank you iu advance for any and all interest shown in be half of your home. paper. K'HTou, Prepared enfy by FOLEY . CO., Chioo, !, SOLD AMD.RECOMMKNDED BY

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