Heficctiozjs of a Bachelor. cast upon the waters by a 2iyrxrit is usually very stale. It a roan has enough drinks he can ir.Srl h liimself believe that everjTbSdy t?.fc lie basn U had any. Yw emild never make a woman who wjw a fvarl necklace believe she .con?J eatch a sore throat. Wiai a woman doesn't like about "siras is 'that there is no feather ttStefciosr lo it. DON'T DESPAIR. .dRMdt Jtli Kxprrlence of a Minnesota Woman and Take Heart. ."It your back aches, and you feel fnsuid, weak and mlivrablp day after day don't wor ry. Doau's Kidney v 1 1 t. - 1 8 uis ua e . cureu f thousands of women in the same condi tion." Mrs. A. Heirnan of Stillwn1r Minn. L jfWff fys: "But for Doan's Kidney Tilis I would not be living now. They cured me n 1S99 aul Vv& been nr?l since. I used to have such pain f fry back that once I fainted. The ZliAo&s secretions were much uisor Sww.I, and I wag so far gone that I msus thought to be at death's door. :85jse Doan's Kidney Pills cured me 3, fee! as If I had been pulled back fmn the tomb." Sail by all dealers. 50 cents a box. T Gsicr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. It 3 easier to write some books than it is to read them. So. l-'06. ;St.tss Ohio, Citt of Toutno, ) Lucas Cotjntt. j FiTK 0". Chenet makes oath that he is jiar partner ot the firm of F. J. Cheney A , Soing business in the City of Toledo, CS9wrf.T and State aforesaid, and that said rra will pay the sum of one hundeed dol Taa flar aoh and every case of oataebh r;teS ot be cured by the use of Haix's :tlTAKJui Ccbe. Frank J. Chen. i Jiwwrn to before me and subscribed in my " , . presence, tbis 6th day of Decem--j J.betr, A.D., 1886. A.W.Gleasos, t , I , Notary Fublie. ITaJTS Catarrh Cure is taken lntern.ally.and .twenGi the system. Send for testimonials, fo- F. J. Cheney fc Co., Toledo, O. " KoM ty all Druggists, 75c. Taa Hall s Family Pills for constipation,- TSte Italian Cabinet has resigned. Tatar's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum .:J'J :taiflen i Ktiir' crAnt i-Amastir Pnrai Cwfesv Colds, Croup and Consumption, . Atd. nlS throat and lung troubles. At drug- l - . r . In Dead Earnest. A travelling man received the fol- SLust- jxx-- iaks. ana i uii mr nnrti telegram irom ins wife : " Twins arrived tonight. More by Fin went at once to the nearest of im ami sent the following reply: J leave for home tonight. If more ,?i?n,j by mail, send to Dead Letter xnnw." January Lappmcott s. Wo Occasion for Mincing Matters. '" "Theodosia, 1 do not wish to say ussyi&iag harsh or uncharitable of your. weto Geoffrey. I will rot go so far as to charge him with penuriousness, .feast he certainly carries the idea of rjniomj to-'an extreme. He hesitates tn make the most trifling expenditure uniffis assured that it will redound ul-. iTr.alcly ftoit'jiis own' financial advan Vt,0ie not wishing to be un-J-v.it to Tiim I cannot refrain from jpfrKsslng the opinion that he is al-rrn'-sl. too frugal, as it were, too too C33iiOUSJ " "Slaicma, what's the use of all that fian talk? You know as well as I do r-?t hes a stingy, niggardly, mean, 3;fcby, miserly, avaricious old tight- Tank you, dear." Chicago Trio- A enan's daughter may not be beau-i-irI, but he does not have to lie s.j&e nights worrving" over whether ";:"v Is going to be hazed to death or h-STK somebody else to the verge of .gtr'Kfz to State's prison. MALARIA??? nrally That is Not the Trouble. Persons writh a susceptibility to mala tIk2 inlluences .should beware of coffee, wfc-ieh has a tendency to load up th j.wr witb bile. Jh, laiiy writes from Denver that she sojffered for years from chills and fever. wMrh at last she learned were mainly praijueed by the coffee she drank. , '1 was also grievously afflicted with "jLdaches and indigestion," she says, "vnhlrh I became satisfied were like--.tc largely due to the coffee I drank. S5x months ago I quit its use alto .jsll.er and began to drink Postum TJfmift Coffee, with the gratifying re alt that my headaches have disap , yjmared, my digestion has been restored vH I have not had a recurrence of YrliiHs and fever for more than three TOrmtha. I have no doubt that it was Fttsttmn that brought me this relief, for J" Iave used no medicine while this fWTrovcment has been going on." (It really relief from congestion of the 3ivr caused by coffee.) -Mj daughter has been as great a wffns drinker as I. and for years was aiBietecl with terrible sick headaches, which often lasted for a week at a tJm. fbe is a brain worker and ex nrpaiv application together with the swlaehes began to affect her memory twost seriously. She found no help In mrdtcines and the doctor frankly ad berto iuit coffee and use Posrtum. "For more than four months she has ;-rl!i3a a headache her mental facu! Iiave grown more active and vigor mm snfl her memory has been restored. "No more tea, coffee or drugs for us. loos as we can get Postum." Name rrr by Postum Co., Battle Creek, "7 i"rts a reason. Rend the little U . . i:oad t VUville' in pks. THE LAUGH THAT WINS. That he laughs best who laughctli last, I do not quite believe. The chap lias never been surpassed Who laugheth in his sleeve. Philadelphia Record. -. MARITAL MAXEUVRES. Ehen "A husband's place is to com mand." Flo "And a wife's to countermand." FORCE OP HABIT. "Well, doctor, your treatise is ready to go to press. What are you going to do about an appendix?" "Cut it out." Houston Tost. . INFORMATION DESIRED. "Will you remember me when I am far away?" he asked the summer girl. "I don't know," she answered. "How far are you going?" RECONSTRUCTED. First Spirit "Why are j-ou taking your harp to pieces?" Second Spirit "I want to pull some wires on earth, to get in the Hall of Fame." THE RENDEZVOUS. Knicker "Do you think that family life is dying out?" Millionaire "Not at all; with appen dicitis, automobiles and football we meet at the hospital." " HIS DILEMMA. Dyer "Higbee is in a iix." . Ryer "What's the trouble?" Dyer "He doesn't know whether to go through the bankruptcy court or sell his auto." Brooklyn Life. WILL HE SURVIVE? "Well, my son at college has finally agreed not to try for the football team." "I suppose you feel greatly relieved?" "Only partially. He joins a frater nity organization next week." THERE ARE OTHERS. "I don't believe in impressing on boys the idea that they may be Presi dent some day." "Why not?" "It's liable to spoil 'em in later life." REASONABLE REQUEST. "Sure, I am wearing the trousers you were kind enough to give me, sir, an' it's another favor I'd be after ask ing you." "What is that?" "A good, square meal to fill 'em out!" London Telegraph. ON HIM. Ethyl (to Gladys, who has witnessed a game of football for the first time) "Was Reggie on the eleven?" Gladys "Well, dear, from where I sat it looked as though the eleven were on him." Lippincott's Magazine. NATURE AT FAULT. Farmer Giddap "It don't seem tew me as bow nature works right." Farmer Golang "Wbat's wrong now, Peleg?" Farmer Giddap "Up in the mount ains wrhere the air is tew rarefied fer bug life it's tew rocky ter farm." THE BRIGHT FUTURE. Mr. T. "I think I shall give up my business, my dear. I might as well have some enjoyment out of my money." Mrs. T "Oh! not yet, Samuel. But when one of us dies I intend to give up housekeeping and see a little of the world." Illustrated Bits. THE SUSPENSE THAT KILLS. "There doesn't appear to be much lawlessness about your town," said the tenderfoot. "No," replied Cactus Cal; "we won't stand fur it 'round here." "Ah! I suppose wheaany bad char acter drifts into your town you imme diately expel him." "Well er most frequent we sus pend 'em." Catholic Standard and Times. FEARED TO SHOW IGNORANCE. "Yes," said the beginner at golf, tell ing his troubles, "the caddy was so sarcastic and impertinent I felt like cracking him over the bead." "Well, why didn't you?" asked his friend. "I would have done it, but, you see, I didn't know which would be the pro per club to use. for that purpose." Philadelphia Press. Ciirea Cancer, Blood rIf on and Scrofula. It you have blood poison producing eruptions, pimples, ulcers, swollen glands, bumps and risines. burning ithinp- a tin copper-colored spots or rash on tho skin, mucous patches in mouth or throat, fall ing hair, bone pains, old rheumatism or ioui cHwirru, iane uotanio Ulood Halm (B 15. B.) It kills the poison in the blood 60011 all SOreS. emotions hpal hard aorll. IngS Subside, aches and ruiina stnr nn.l n perfect euro is made of tho worst cases of Blood Poison. For cancers, tumors, swel'Iugs, eating urt-s, uKiy uieers. persistent pimples or all kinds, take B. B B. It destroys the can cer poison in the blood, heals cancer of all kinds, cures the worst humors or sup- lnmuiig bwt'miigs. inousanns cured bv x- ii. is. Hiier an ei3H rails. J, is. B composed of nur botanic. iTitmi1inta Tm. proves the digestion, makes the blood pure uuu ncu. 6ioj8 ia awim itcmng ana all auarp, snooting pains. xnorogmy tested for thirty years. Druggists. 41 per bottle, with complete directions for home cur. tsampio iree ana prepaid Dy writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa. Describe trouble ana irue meaicai aayice also sent in sealed letter. A man has to be married to know the love of being smqle. STOPS BELCHING BY ABSORPTION NO DRUCS-A'NEW METHOD. A Box of Wafer Free Have Ton Accte Indigestion, Stoinaoh Trouble, Ir refrnlar Heart, Dlziy Spells, . Sbort Breath, Gnt uu t 2 Sic';li? Bitter Taste Cad Breath Impaired Ap petite A feeling of fullness, weight and pain over the stomach and heart, some times nausea and vomiting, also fever and sick headache? What causes it! Any one or all of these: Excessive eating and drinking abuse of spirits anxiety and depression mental ef fort mental worry and physical fatigue bad airinsufficient food sedentary habits absence of teeth bolting of food. If you sutler from this slow death and miserable existence, let us send you sam ple box of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers abso lutely free. No drugs. Drugs injure the stomach. It stops belching and cures a diseased stomach by absorbing the foul odors from undigested food and by imparting activity to the lining of the stomach, enabling it to thoroughly mix the food with the gastric juices, which promotes digestion and cures the disease. Special Offer. The recular Drice of Hull's Anti-Belch Wafers is 50c. a box, but to introduce it to thousands of suttertrrs we will send two (2) boxes upon receipt of 75c. and this advertisement, or we will send you a sample free for this coupon. This Offer May Not Appear Aaaiir. 1606 FREE COUPON. 128 Send this coupon with your name and address ana name of a druggist who does not sell it for a free sample box of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers to Mull's Grate Tomc Co., 328 Third Ave., Rock Island, 111. ?ire FuU Address and Write Plainly. Sold by all druggists, 50c. per box, or sent by mail. Barn-storminsr actors are likelv to ce more headlights than footlights. FITS pennLveotly Mired. v flt ? rer'-oiw-jiess after drst dav's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. 92: rial hoftle andtreatisefree Dr.n.H.Ki.iN". Ltd.. 031 Arch St., Thila., Pa. A modern widow's rcite is reported at ft church at Blackpool, England. 1 'oll-l In Clmrcli. Just tb'-nlr what an outrasre it is to be robbed of all the bp"efits of the services by conti"uou? couching throughout the congregation, when Anti-Gripine is guaran teed to cure. f'oM everywhere. 25 cts. F. W. Diemer, M. D., manufacturer, Springfield. Mo. Tt cost London $20 a year to educate a child in school. A f;iirntel Cure For PIIm, Ttchlnc. Blind, Bleedin". Frotrudinsr rilQt. DrugcSsts are authorized to refund monevi." Tazo Ointment fails to cure, in G to 14 days. 50c. An attomiit is being made in England to popularize the dogfish. Mrs. VTinsiow's Soothing Syrno for Children tecthing.sof tens the gurns.reduees inflamma tion, allays miin. cures wind colic, 25c. a bottle. A new type of bullet is being served to the French infantry. TIso's Cure cannot be too highly sookea oJ r fa cough cure. J. W. O'Bbies, 322 Thirl Avenue, X.. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6,l'J3J. The London Zoo has just received its first humming bird. To Cnre a Coirt In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. .E. Xf . Grove's signature on each box. 25e. Jacob Sieir.er, of Brooklyn, has a collec tion of rare pistols. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Panitary Lotion; - never fails. Sold by Druggists. Mail orders promptly filled by Ii Detcbqn, Cvawfordsville, Ind. $1. The Japanese rvill use American leather. UNSIGHTLY BALD SPOT. Canl lv orc on Xeck-Merciless Itch tnc h'nr Two Veal's Made Him Wild Auotlier Cure by Cuticura. "For two j cars my neck was covered with sores, the humor spreading to my hair, which fell out, leaving an unsightly bald spot, and the soreness, inll animation and merciless itching made me wild. Friends advised Cuticura Soap and Oint ment, and after a few applications the tor ment subsided, to my great joy. The sores soon disappeared, and my hair grew again, as thick and healthy as ever. 1 shall al ways recommend Cuticura. (Signed) H.J Spalding, 104 W. 104th St., N. Y. City." AND TURN HIM LOOSE. Mr. W7iseguy What are you dis turbed about? Mrs. Spinks It's my boy John. He will pilfer. Oh, I don't want my son tn end his days in jail. Mr. Wiseguy No necessity for that. Put him in the life insurance business. Josn Billings must have foreseen ffia tinHa rnntM- f subscribers m "Fads and Fancies" when he wrote: "An American arlstokrat lz the most Hdikilua thine In the market. They are generally ashamed of thair anses stors, and if they hav enny and live long enuff they generally bav ciuzein tew bo ashamed ov thair posterity." The rising of the Sun of Righteous ness was the dawn of the day of love. Mix You With Good Luck Perhaps you've noticed that ofttimes the batch of raised biscuits with which you take most pains comes out the worst. That's because you fonrot to put in the "luck." Good Llick Baking Powder will produce a light, crisp baking every time for a fact. Its use will save those spoiled bakings, because Good PUTNAM Color more srood brighter anil fas'sr color than anvntharnva n., m.. . n m tm eaadjraaa, truant without ripping .part. Writ, Breaking the Trail. Winter in the mountains is severe in its restrictions. Sledffinjr and ravel over the snow-banked trails are limited to bare necessity. In the colder seasons the trails are kept open by shoveling and packing them down. When the runners sing intermittent ly in high, thin voices, tho teamster, with a belt tight around his over coat and flopping his arms to keep warm, faces his greatest hardships But when the heavy snows and rapid thaws of spring come, teaming means a battle and a venture with a sudden termination hanging just ' above. Thousands of tons of snow up the mountain sides hang on a trigger that can be sprung bv the sigh of a breeze or the rolling of a pine cone, and in summer many a barren slope and pile of rock and timber at the bottom tells a skeleton-tale of the winter's night. Floundering, swearing and persever ing opens the trail a little ruffled thread of white from up above, but a hard dav's work for a man. Allen True in '"The Teaming of the West" in The Outing Magazine for January. Flat irons should be kept with par ticular 'care, and occasionally rubbed over with wax to keep their surface perfectly smooth. CRISIS OF GIRLHOOD A TIME OFJPAIfJ AND PERIL Miss Emma Cole Says that Lydia E Plnkliam's Vegetable Compound hois Saved Her Life and Made Her Well How many lives of beautiful young1 girls have been sacrificed just as they were ripening into womanhood ! How many irregularities or displacements have been developed at this important period, resulting in years of suffering 1 nir-la' modpstv and oversensitiveness often puzzle their mothers and baffle physicians, because tnej'witnnom tneir confidence at this critical period. A mother should come to her child's aid and remember that Lydia E. l'ir k- ham's Vegetable Compound will at this time. m-fnare the svstem for the cominiT change and start the menstrual period in a young1 girl's life without pain or irregularities. Miss ErimaColeof Tullahosma, Tenn., writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " I want to tell you that I am enjoying bet ter health than I have for years, and I owe it all to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com poftind. u When fourteen years of age I suffered al most constant pairi, and for two or three" years I had soreness and pain in my side, headaches and was dizzy and nervous, and doctors all failed to help nm " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was recommended, and after taking it my health began to iniprovo rapidly, and I think it saved my life. I sincerely hope my experi ence will be a help toother jtirls who are pass ing from girlhood to womanhood, for I know your Compound will do as much for them." If you know of any young1 pirl who is sick and needs motherly advice ask her to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., and she will receive free advice which will putheron the rightroad toastrong, healthy and happy womanhood. I for !t$c. la Marapa we trad a 10J tAQK iXK glTiog Uie experieM of a practical Poultry Kaiaur t&i an amateur, but a man working for doilttr and venta during 'ii .years. It leackM how to Leieci (and Cure Diseases; Feed lortt alao for Fattening; which Fowl Uf bare for Ureedinic; everything ra lulUeor prolltatile Poultry rai liut. HOOK rUHMSiilMJ CO. 14 1 Laooard Street, New York. fjfiissEmm aofe EI IJ Baking juuck is me always-reliable baking powder. Strength invariably the same, and highest purity guaranteed. Baking Powder coets less than any other good powder only io cents for a pound can. It is so T)ouuIar with those who have once tried it that we are shipping to your sec tion in whole carload lots. Hoping to get you to try it we offer you many handsome premiums, pictures of which are shown in gift book inside each can. Buy a pound can to-day; cut the coupon from back of label, and save it. THE SOUTHERN MFG. CO., Richmond, Va. f CUT OUT OOOO FOR L. r FADELESS DYES forfree tiuT-How7 You can hardly ever trust your eyes to tell you what a woman really looks like. UNSEEN IN SAW Then ar unseen things about this Saw. Yon cannot a- th" -e texture of the Steel; takt'g a sharp, .tutting edee and h Ids it longer tban any otnerSaw. You cannot nee tbe toughness of fibre: bends without a Lreak or a kluk. SILVER STKELi tl.e finest crucible steel In tb.9 world, Is madj on tho Atkins formula, temper. 1 and harde-ed by the Atkins secret process, a. i used y in Atkins Saws. You cannot see the perfectly grad''atrd taper of the blade; runs easily, Without 'ckting. liut uean see tho Atkins trade-murk nffd it is your proteo" i when you buy a Saw. We are saw-makers and our trade-mark on a Saw means that it is 'Mir own make and that we are Justly timid 0f -. va mcke all types .aA aizea of Saws fur all Tmrooses. Atkins Saws, Corn Knives, Perfection Floor ft Scrapers, etc., are sold by all good lmrwara dealers. Caialocue on request. E. C. ATKINS CSL CO.. Inc. 8 Largest Saw Manuf, :uren in the World, Factory and Esecutive CScet, LxiiinaDolU, Indiana. BRANCnES? New Tort:, Chlropo, Minnro polls, Portland, (Oregon), 8f -le, ban Kranclwro, Memphis, Atlanta and Toronto, (Canada). I Accept bo Substitute Iaiut on the Atkins Bread T SOLD BY GOOD DEALERS EVEHYrtlCl FOR SALE THREE HUNDRED SKOMl-lltM) TYPEWRITERS AH Makes, From Ten Dollars Up. Inata Iment Terms, if desired. Write for Pricea J. E. CRAYTON & COMPANY, John White & Co. LOUISVILLE, KY. EiUbllihod U3T ElakMt Market ptto rani tor rw FURS and Hides. Wool oa feusUltlOOa CURED ? Gives f Quick f Relief. Removes all swelling in 8 to so days ; cucwia n i " - In 30 to 60 days. Trial treatment .... .. u U r,..n'. GAfiS Spociallsts, Cox B Atlanta, Gat. r.iiBfs iiiiki ait use tans. Best Coutib Hyrup. 'l'aatea jood. Use In time, noia nr aruRnnts. HE tobacco A Droos m liiJ soil about 103 Potash per acre. placed, or else the yield will fall off in quantity and quality. A good tobacco fertilizer should contain at least ten per cent, of pure Potash, and the Potash should be in the form of sulphate. "Tobacco Culture" is the' title of a book valuable to all tobacco growers. A copy will be sent on request, free of any cost or obligation, to farmers who will write for them. .ddrosB, GERMAN KALI V70HKS, New York 93 Nassau Street, or Atlr.nta, Ca. S.i. Br dad Street. PRICE. n rimp thf rmd f. m . . . - V e- II fl lliunt WAI . b'-rj mm IS Ml?, CAD " I mi I M .11 JSIf ETV' q in M tn t,W M Wh pHAS K0 BJllL FOrThlftflflE Kv CtiI ,or your MOXii1f BACK. IF IT DOESS'T CITSA. i.-Vi-" fi?rTVri, V V. IF. Dienter, M.D., Manufacturor, SxrinafielU. lit you cannot spend years and buy the knowledge required cent3. lou want tnem to pay their own way even lf you jnerely keep them as a diversion. In order to handle Fowls Judiciously, you must know son) tning about them. To meet this want we are selling: a book giving the experience) of a practical poultry raiser for (Only 25c.) twenty-flve yars. It was written by a man who put all his mind, and time, and money to making a success of Ghick en raising not as a pastime, but as a business and if you will profit by hla twenty-five years' work, you can save many Chicks annually, and make your Fowl earn dollars for you. Tho point is, that you must be sure to detect trouble in the Poultry Yard as soon as it appears, and know how to remedy it. This book will teach you. It tells how to detect and cure disease; ta feed for eggs and aleo fol" fattening; which Fowls to save for brt.-edinir purposes; and ev3cythtr.p, indeed, you should know on this subject to make it profitubf. Sent postpaid for twenty.. 4va cents ia strops. BOOK FL'B:-TSm3SG HOUSiJ, Ui Leonard. W NewYorkCtts m ium mm Msaalai!fe3 i. IT . i j I MUTT 0DU Wlf ONE WiX i JfiuTHERN mil y (Solid Car.oad"GOOD Ll)CK"BAKING POWDER THIS CAR AND SAVE IT. TH1Y and valuable ARTiri r a err i ir im I Hlx7.E;.A.2.?,!2.s: TMe Department Stob or I " " m it. owowtw osi wmhmk v U S A.I ,., , ... If you want to seo dollars grow, feed your lielde with Virginia-Carolina- Vi tiliers. Thoy will "lncreasa your rie'ds per aore,"and thus bring'd&wa the cost of production, oven it you us lower teams and lees labor. Wo have thousands of Btrong testi monials from farmers who hava tried other makes of fertilizers and assert that v Virgiaia-Carolina Fertilizers are by far tho best. They will give youerops that will ran ko more money for you. iiuy no othor, even If some dealer endeuvors to get you to buy some "cheap" brand just because he may reako n little more profit on that, OI course, that vi ould bo tohis Interest not yours. V!RGISIA-CROUNA CHEK1CAL CO;, Richmond. Vs. Horfblk. Va. Snrhem. H. 6. m Cbarlutco. S (T. Baltimore. Ed. itknta, Ga. SiviEua'a, Ga. Montgomery, lis. Memphis, Tola, - fcareyepor., la. MM for worker. 1 treuU4 with ills peculiar to kJt their sex, used as a doucho is marvclousiy twt cessfnl. Thoroughly cleanses, kills disease cerma, stops discharges, heals inllammation and local soreness, cures lcucorrhoea and nasal catarrh. Paxtine is in powder form to be dissolved lo para water, and ia far more cleansing, healing, germicidal and economical than liquid antiseptics for alt TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES , Tor salt) at druggists, CO cents a box. ' Trial Box and Book of Instructions Pre. Tmc R. PaxTon Company Boston, MaW So. l-'06. EGZEiS: Tetter and all Itehlna drte?dcro7FREE TRIAL HALE ( HEMIC CO.. KlItOVILLE.KO. crop takes from the pounds of actual which must be re- FT3 111 OS GUARANTEED TO CURE, COLD, HEADACHE AND NEUBALeSA. EAK.N MONEY lf yu e,v tnem ael. unless you understand them and know how to eater to "their rmilrmnta anrl dollars learning- by experience, so you "must by others. We offer this to you for only 21 TIncreaseVojuYieldcA U UUU Wi LI Lrl u u u u u )

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