'A- C THE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISHED KVEllY-FKIDAY '.J, V, W, A U.WUIV, EDITOR. Plymouth"""-" - n. c Jb KIDAY. MARCH 1UUU. ImpovrTi.shrd Moil, like impov tri !k' i iio(!(, Lectin a proper i'erl ni::e; A t huinist by mmlyz i 1 1 10 noil vn:i tell you what 'jur ''to uso for different ;. oiir blood iu jiijpov'uj'ishecl y;:;r doctor will tell you what Toil nwd to fcrtilizo it and give It i.iy rich, red corpuscles that im-king in it. It may be you I tonic, but more likely you .,. I a concentrated fat food, ;;;!'. i;it; is the element lacking iu vour svHtem. , ' There is no fnt food that is iiy digested and aesimi- Lkul as 5cott's Emulsion od Liver Oil npsensp Ooil It will nourish nnd strengthen -t-!( body when milk and cream l io do it. Scott's Emulsion U always the samo; always palatrible and always beneficial where the body is wasting from any cause, either in children or adults. We will send yon a sample free. I5o euro that this pio tnro i;i tlio form of a lalnl on Him wrapper of m ory bottle ot Emul niou you buy. 808n.&'B8WllE CHSUISTS 6. RSid fll.CO. AH lii'Ugg'iata. HOESE SHOEING AND ! Having just bailt and fitted op a uenerai Repair hhwp, on Water street, ear Coast iLiue depot. I am in a position to shoe hor des and repair buggies, carts, &c, at short notic and in bent ruauner. All work guaranteed., Give we atrial j and let me conviuce 3'ou. Horse shoeing 65 cents. oclo H. W. BATEMAN. HOTEL BOPEH. ROPER, N. C, J. Jj. SAVAGE, Jtfrop. mm 14 New House - isew j.atruitnre, HOME-LIKE with HOMECOMFOR'IS. Rooms Fresh and Clean. SSPTraveleiV Headquarters. FALL and WINTER SUB A I flM 17 I -U- We cordially invite all who are ia need of Hats, Bonnets, Dress Goods, Notions, etc., to give us a call. We have selected our stock with mucb care from the very best markets aud, as usual, are prepared to serve you. We have Hats in a great va riety of shapes and colors; alio good values in Ladies' Cloths. Our prices aro low when the quality is considered. Mail orders will be filled with care. Yours with thanks for favors, MRS-A.M. AYERS. Cakes Kldoes and Bladder KisSu Taks Laxative B; Seven MHIoh boxes soli in pest 1 2 ,,--,, , ft-.,.,TrTJagr.rtrr-v't'r,'c'1 ww;' f- w.vqwww U'jL? jvi V1 iTU . - . To .Cnre a. Cold in One Roy '.K-J BEACON FLASHES. , - . s Thos who have friends visiting 21 the in, or who iiiiei.cU leaving honie j! 2 tbenmttlves, Will plrnse let it be known at this ofllco. ho the fact may be men- tioned. It dots not matter whether !?j you aro a (subscriber or uot. All we auk is let ua kuow it. Mr. J, II. Arps' has opened a first class bakery, a much needed euterprise, iu Fly mouth, The It. R. K. & L. Co., are iiiatnlling a hew UnO-bome power engine iu their mills at this place. The coldest wave of the Beason .accom panied by wind, raiu and euow, struck us ou Tuesday. FOR SALE I baye a white, full-blod Spanish liulldog ' or iale, H in 1 year und i. moniba old aud weighs 00 pounds, Addresa il. VV. DukbaR, Sound, N. O. Mrs. A. S. Blount and child, of Suffolk, Va., are the guests of Mrs B's mother, Mrs, A. J. Leggett, Mr. W. O. Ayers left oa Monday for New York, whore he goes to purchase spring ajid eurumer gooclii. Wo received a short call from Mr. W. E. Blonnt, representing a Richmond marble house in Suffolk, on Wednesday. Dr. W. II Wakefield, of Charlotte, N. C, will be iu Plymouth, at Hotel Roanoko, ou Friday, Marcu 2nd, lor one day only liia practice is limited to Eyo, Eur, Nose aud Throat, and Fitting Glasses. 3t ' Mr. Geo. W. Waters left on Tuesday for the northern murkets, to select spring dry goods for the department store of Mr. Louis P. Hornthal. We don't mind allowing reasonable time on subscriptions, when convenience de mands it, bat we ni'ist insist ou job work and advertisements being paid for prompt ly. The business demands it. If it is a bilieus attack take Chamberlain's Stomach aud Iiver Tablets aud a quick cure is certain. For sale by a.l druggists. Dr. J. A. White will be in Plymouth, at office formerly occupied by Dr. early, ou; Water St . on Monday. March 5th. to reu der seivio-B to those who may need dental work. He will remain one week or ten days. ' Mr. Leanard AnEbon took his best girl, MUs Undine Overton, out diiving last Sun day, and while out visited the home of Justico A. A. Harrison and were quietly married. They have our heartiest congrat ulations. , For bloating, belchiuc, indigestion, etc , eat a King's Dyspepsia Tab.et after meals. ior sale by f E Davenport aud SkileB & Son , je 1 Mr W, D. Cooper left for Beaufort on Tuesday, where on the la he formerly opened the furniture business to be con ducted at that place by him and Mr. J E Hughes, under the firm name of "Beaufort Furniture Co." A horse belonging to Mr. ( Jabo Jones and being driven by his sister Miss Mollie, accompanied by one of Mr Jones' little boys, rau away on Wednesday, throwing them both fro the buggy and hurling the little boyquite bae'ly. Through no fault of purs, material failed to reach us m time this week and we came near having no paper However, haviug a piece of paper not n.niKhn.1 while suffer ing from vaccination, whicn saves us an omission, though short We trust this may not occur again soon FOR SLFl Uaving put in new lights in the M E Church, the Ladles' Aid So ciety offer two large chandeliers (one 6 and one 8 lamps) and othn- church lamps for sale. A rare chance for churches or halls needing good lights, to get them cheap. Address this office, or Mrs. ii. A. eiount, Plymouth, NO. WANTED :Two men ia each couuty to represent aud advertise llardwur- de partment, put out samples of our goods, etc Traveling Position or Office Manager. S!.ry $90.00 per month, cash weekly, wall all expenses paiu iu auvuuce. furnish everything. THE COLUMBIA HUUSE, Dept. 610, fith Ave.. 8-9 tjuicago, in. A' GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protrudif.g Piles. Druggists are authorized tartfund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure iu 6 to 14 days. f0c jan 12 CHURCH DIRECTORY. M. E. Church Services every Sunday at. 11:00 o'clock a. m., and 7:'0 o'clock p. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Rev. L. B. Jones pastor Sunday school everv Sunday morning at 9:15 o'clock, W. M. ISateraan, Supt, Baptist Churoh Services every 1st. 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a m., and 7:30 o'clock p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night. Rev. J. W. Nobles, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday morning at 9-30 o'clock, W. R. White, Supt. , Three little rules we all should keep, To make life happy and bright, Sn ile in the morning, smite at noon, Take Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Davenport's drug store. It takes more than willingness to be no. thing to make you amount to something. A liquid cold cure for children that is pleas ant, harmless, and eff'-ctive is Bee's Laxa tive Honey and Tar.. Superior to all other congh syrnps or cold remedies becansf it acts on the bowels. Au ideal remedy Jor Coughs, Colds,' Croup, tV hooping Cough and all curable lung aud bronchial affi c tions jn child or adult. Pleasant to take. Sold by P. E. Davenport and Skiies & Son. ... jel months. rGlSO OmninC TaMcts. ? i ?n every MACKEY'S FERRY NEWS. Mackey'a Ferry, N. C.r i-b. 28, Special, ,, ... , . , . . , Mr. WaStHr Obes.ou m here ibis wetk. Mr. Milton Starr of Ui'ea'ell w in oui midst last week. . Section last week. : Some of our yozug people were out on a spun last tiuuday. Mr Gilliam Chesson aud wife, of Roper, was here lat hunday. This section is full of hoboes who came to work ou the railroad. D. 8.. W. J. Siarr of Creswell." visited Mr. C. VV. tiucll Sunday. We are glad to see Mr. C. W. Suell home again aud improving fast. Mrs W. Starr, of Creswell, visited Mrs. O. VV. Snoll laBt week. . Mr. Jas. F. Knell of Belhaven wau in our midsi Saturday aud Kuuday. Wc are sorry to chronicle the death of Mrs, C. M. Chesson, who died of paralysis on I uesday. Southern Hot. A Safe Cough Medicine for Children. Ia buying a cough medicine for children never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Oouh Remedy. There is uo danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. It is enpaci ally valuable for colds, i roup and whooping cough. For Bale by all druggists. FOR IS UK LI IFF. I take this method of returning thanks and appreciation to the citizens of Wash ington couuty for tneir confidence aud sup port iu the past, and as another year has dawned when a oouveutiou will be held fur the purpose of naming a man for the position I have been holding for the pant six years, I respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the consideration aud action of the convention. I have been conscientious in trying to discharge the duties of office acceptably to the law-abiding men of the county, and ran culy promise, if re-elected, to discharge those duties as 1 have i;i the past. Very respectfully yours, w. j. Jackson. HAS S100D THE TEST 25 YE&KS. The old, original GttOVE'ri Tasteless Chill 'ionic You know what you are taking. It is irou and quinine in a tasteless form. Mo cue, Mo pay. 5Uc. jau 12 Nothing you can do pleases the doVil more tUaii your attempt to do nothing. A' Chicago Alderman Owes His Elec tion to Chamberlain's' Cough Remedy. "I cau heartily and conscientiously rec ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for affections o (he throat aud lung," says Hon. John Si.enick, 220 So Peoria St.. Chicago Pwo years ago during a political campitign, I cought cold after being over heated, which irritated my throat and I wi8 finally compelled to stop, as I could not speak aloud, hi my extremity a friend advistrt mo to use Chamheilain's Cough Rem- dy, I took two doF.s that afternoon and could not beleive my senses whan I fouua ttie next morning tko inflammation had largely .-ubsid d i took several doses that day. kept right on talking through the campaign, and 1 thank this luediciue that I won my seat in tha Coustoil." This rem edy is for sale by all druggists. be patient ; card houses are built iu an hour, caihedrals take centuries To the Best Paid Man. It's sound sense that we tell you. Your work costs lts-i dollars and is best every time you use the L & M. Paint. You do more paiuting with one gallon of L. & M. than with two gallons of other paiuts and the L. & M. Zine kardens the L & M. White Lead and makes the L. & M. Paint wear like iron. 4 gallons L. & M. mixed with 3 gallons Liuseed Oil will paint a moderate sized bouse, A. T. Terrell, Kiverhead N . Y., Writes, "16 years ago painted with L. & M. Only uo.v requires repawtiug " Sold by fl.'A. Blount, Plymouth, N. 0. 2-2t . Cost a Few Cents More Worth 'Double the Difference. fctamped Envelopes with your full business card primed on them, The government prints nothing but your address and you pay $21.20 per M. This does your business no nood. We print them for $21.75 per M.; $11.00 for 500 und print anything you wHiit on them. ou't it justify you to pay the slight di Here nee and get. what yon want, ana someinin that will do your business good. Give us your next order. Cash must accompany all orders. Health and Accident- Ask to see our Accident, and Health Policies. Our company has pa id $2,852,070.89 losses. . Surplus' to policy holders, $1,000,000.00. ' Agency. TTk itei Statks Castal tv Co.. Plymouth, N. O. Next door to Beacon oface. For an Impaired Appetite. . Loss of appetite always icpults from 1 faulty diizcstitn. All that lt needed U a fw dotes of (Jhamberl&iu's Stouach aud Liver l TibleU.rThey will, invigorate the stomach, j elre ha dkehtif)Q and give you an appetite like a wolf These Tablets also act i as a gentle laxative. For sale by all drug- Some men think that they are weary in well-doing because their jaws ache, It is not difficult to releive blind, bleeding, itching or protruding piles with ManZui, the great pile remedy It ie put up in col lapsible tubes with nozzle, and may be in troduced and applied vt the seat of the trouble. Stops pain instantly. Sold by P.E. Davenport and tkiles & Son , je 1 To the Home-Seeker. Desirable Real Estate on Second Street. Lots 102 and 103 for sale. Terms easy. Will sell one house with one-third of land and a guarantee of improved conditions as to occupants of the remaining houses. None except white people need apply. For further information aply to the under signed, or communicate with J. W. Bryan, Greenville, N. C. 1 18 W. M. BATEMAN. J. W. PERRY C0MP Y, Cotton Factors and Com mission Merchants, Norfolk, Va. Quotations, Feb. 27, l!)0G. COT I ON Q iiet. Strict Middling . , . 10 3 4 Middling . . . 10 5-8 Strict low middling . ( 10 12 Low middling . . , 19 S 8 Tinges . . . . Htains .... Bines .... PEANUTS Fancy , Strtctly prime Prime . . Low grades , , Maohine picked Spanish B. E. PEAS . Black & Speckle Peas Clay & Red Peas , Dull. a 2 1-2 . 2 1-4 . 1 1-2 I 1 2-2 1-4 $1 00 bushel $2.50 $ bag l.iobu 1.00 bu Peanut Bags, 08 in. 8oz. in bales, 10 lvtc. oc 12 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Xi-. .A-. White, DENTIST. Office Main Ib'xitEET Phonic 9, WiHiamstou, N. C. C2T will be in Plymouth the first week iu each month. se 14 yak mm HAiim, Attorney-at-Law, PLYMOUTH, N, C. Prompt and faithful attention given to all business entrusted. 'Phono No. 22. WANTED : by Chicago wholesale and mail order bouse, assistant manager (man or woman") for thi? county and adjoining territory Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; expense mooey advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No invest ment or experience required. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-addressed envelope COOPER & CO., ja 15 132 Lake St., Chioago, 111. NOTICE! I drilled the Artesian Weil for Mr. C. J. Norman, and for the town of Plymouth, N. C. Why not let ine drill one for you? Address all orders to P. O. Ellis, P. O. Box E. Branch ville, 2-1 Southampton Co., Ya. BED FOR SALE ! I have one (1) good goose-feather bed for sale. Never been used at all. Weight CO lbs, and will bo sold at a bargain. - J. M. WOOD LEY, ISkinnersville, N. C. Sif4-f 47 .-'-' Co!d by P. E. DAVENPORT & CO. v;;:;: . couah, Etc. I 4 '..r. U IO .... (. . - J. M a. OULS A Beautiful WHITE AW WASH FABRICS TIip, wholfi month of February will be devoted to the show ing and selling of all kinds of wash goods, for early. Spring wear. We have just received a beautiful line of Ging hams and Percales, suitable for Children's school drosses, Boys' waists, and Ladies' Shirt-waist suits, ifcc; also many beautiful novelties in French Mer cerised goods, in white and in colors. These goods are amouj the newest productions for spring, 190(5, and have not been shown in this market before. White Goods yet Reigns Supreme. Our line of white goods is unique in its complete ness We have tried to leave out nothing that would supply a Want. Our Mercerized goods are of the finest French finish. Our Linens are importations from the "Ould Oounthry." ( Don't fail to see the colored Linens, 36-inch wide at 25c. The New Ladies' Home Journal Spring Catalogue now on sale. Fashion vlates in Six Colors. Over 1300 illustrations. Price 25c. ouis 9?. sJtornthaL UPW mil Display of CIiHE JtomthaL

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