THE KOANOKE BEACON. Published Every Friday. Salrel M the PttOc st riymouth N. C.,os Seeoad ettss Better. We appeal to every reader of The Boamoks taioc, to aid u In making it aaaccepuble aud pcoSUble saedlan Of news to oar oltUeL. Let riTBoalb people ad the public know wbal is going oa la riyraoutn. Report to n all Item of aewethe arrival ansl departure of t riaedc, social irtiu, deaths, eorloos ilmees, eaaHeou, sew oJlatngs, new enterprise and Improvement of whatever character, ebatiKeoin buslaenK lndoeu aathles; aad everything that would be of iutereit te oar people. Subscription price, $1.06 per year. Advertisements inserted at low ra'te. OVMtaary notices exeeediug ten liui , Ave cents lace. Couut the word, p.llowlngeight to tbe line, aad eesd money with MS. for all in exa of ten " Xbe editor will not be responsible for the vlewe ef correspondent. , . All articles for publication mut be accompanied by tbe fait name of tbe writer. Correspondents are requested not to write on bat one sido of the paper. .,,.., All communications must be sent la by Tbareday morning or tbey will not appear. Address all eBtnnnicaUoni to THE KOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, V.G cunrors aids to spewctt. Methods Adopted by Wei! Known Speakers nod Writers. Reader a may have noticed that many persons while speaking pub lic orators Included hare a knack of doing something which appears in an unaccountable way to assist the Sow of words.', 81 r Walter Scott has supplied an illustration of this. Whon at school he could never succeed In getting above a certain boy In the class until he discovered that this boy, while re peating his lessons, continually fid geted with a button-on his waistcoat. At the first opportunity that offered. Seott cut the button away, and his object was gained. When the boy was called upon to construe, his band instinctively sought the button, a&d. being unable to find it, his mem ory completely failed him and he went in disgrace to the bottom. Mrs. Oowden Clarke, the compiler of the well known concordance to Ehakespeare. has told of a similar peculiarity on the part of Madame de Btael. who had a habit when talking of taking a scrap of paper and, snip ping it into bits with a pair of scis sors. Tbe idiosyncrasy of Gibbon, the historian, was to take a pinch of Banff between his fingers when he reooeBted an anecdote, and Invaria- V wonid think tbe Laxative idea in a eongk syrup should bars been advanced lesg before it was. It seems the only rat iestsl remedy for Coughs aud Colds would he to move the bowela and clean tbe mu cous membranes of the throat and lunge at the save time. Kennedy's Laxative Roucy aad xr dees this. It is the Original Laxa tive Conge Syrup, the best known remedy for Coughs, Cttld. Croup, vVhoopiog Con;, Tsetse good aud harmless, said by P B Davenport . There is always sn odor of keaven is the home where klsilv deeds sod verda blessosa Three little rales we all should keep, To make life happy sod bright, Smile in tbe morning, anile st boob, Take&euky Mountain Tea at n is lit. Davenport's drag atore. A -Mystery KxpUtlned. One of the strangest of stories of false Imprisonment comes from Vrenoe. A woman woe sentenced to imprisonment for life for bar lag eaused tbe death of her husband and brother. The three had lived to gether at Malaunay. near Roeun. tn a, cottage, tbe lower part of which was used as a wineshop. When the woman was sent to prison other peo ple took the wineshop, but the bow tenants suffered, tbe nan from faint ing fits, his wife from nausea, from which s lie diod. Another couple tried their fortune, but they too were overcome by the "spell of the ac cursed place," as they thought it. They were subject to fainting and loss of memory. At last a scien tific examination of tbe premise was made. Then It-was found that a lime kiln adjoined the inn. In the wall dividing it from the oottagewere many fissures, go that whenever lime was burnt monoxide of carbon es caped into the inn. This was tbe secret of the deaths for which the woman was suffering, Se was brought out of prison after six years of servitude. Torture By Savage "Speaking of the torture to which bo me f the savage tribes in the Philippines sub ject their oea.tlven, remind oat of the iu tease angering I endured for three mentbg from Inflammation ef the Kidneys," says W. If. Sherman, of Cnahing, Me , "Noth ing helped me until I tried Elsutrie Bitters, three bottle of wblou completely sored me." Cures Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Blood disorders and MftUria ; aad reatores the weak and nervous to robast brtltb. Ouarasteed by Sprnill & Bro. Price 60c. ' The fast that a rasa is all puffed up with pride will not mitigate the jar when be falls Doctors Are Puzzled. The remarkable recover of fcKsnnstb Hilver. of Vanceboro. Me.fls the subject of ranch interest to the medical fraternity sad wiis circle of friends He says or hit case t "Owing to severe UfLtunatioa ef tks Throat and congestion f the Lungs, three doctors gave me up to die, when, as a last rtrt, I was iodaced if try Dr. Xiug'a .Wew Deevry aad I ta happy to say, it saved tat life.' G, th woat ('Mgris uud Y;d KrorwhWs, TV'liiis, Llir. Ho trs- t an :', .3, i : Q: r iv&i a. j .1 uE oro s. fcUo mad f 1 w. TrW lM free. BATJI THAT LAST A MONTH. Promote the Healing of Wounds emd Acts as a Gkmeral Sedative, e the praetlee of roed4eias pro gresses the therapeutic agents em ployed ar?.rently become starrer, and tn no direction is this more clearly shown than in the Insistence of physicians on the value of various forms of hydropathic treatment. Cosmos of Paris recently published an article recommending baths of net dayB or weeks, but of months. Francis Mirre says in this article that Professor Otto Kummef. cLlef inrgeon of the General Hospital of Hamburg, has recently tried with success prolonged bathing in canes of entensive phlegmasia, serious fls talaa, cancer at the period of degen eration, aad exposed eeseous and ar tleular tuberculosis, as well an in eases of extensive burns in the seo ond or third degree. The bath-tubs whloh are so arranged that the wator la constantly renewed, and kept at a temperature of from 85 to 100 de grees Fahrenheit. In the tub the pa tients rest on a sort of pneumatic mattress, which Is filled with air and allows the sick person to rest and sleep comfortably. "This prolonged Whing." says the writer "has a most excellent general offset The appetite Is stimulated, the patient sleeps better and fever is reduced. Wounds which sro constantly wiher by the water of the bath are Ql-kly cleansed and cures obtained which would be lmppossible by any other treatment The cutting pains and fever coosecjuaat upon the b aoxptlon of septic products Quickly cease when the bath la used, and the convalescence of the patient to fre quently only a question of a few hours. In Ui'J case of severe barns the treatment baa a remarkably sed ative effect on the exquisite suffer ings of the cuticle, and it shortens considerably the period of suppura tion. The only Inconvenience atted ant upon the permanent bath is that it . sometimes produces ezcema. and that it makes sensitive those por tions of the body which are more or less callous, as the hands and feet These complications, howevere, have only a relative Importance, and a few applications of lanolin suffice to cure the eruption." Public Opinion. Champion Linimentfor Uheumatism. Cnas. Drake, a mail carrier at Chspin ville, Conn., says: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the champion of all liuimcuts. The past year I was tronbUd a great deal with rheumatism in my shoulder. After trying several cures the storekeeper here recom mended thin remedy and it completely eared me." There is no use of anyoue suf fering lrom that painful ailment wbea this liniment can be obtained for a guall sum. One application nivas prompt relief sad its continued use for a short time will prodaoe s permanent sure. For sale by all druggists. The hot-headed man does net derive bis temperature from bis iilumiuating powers Don't frown '-look pleasant. If yow re BBffering from indiganlien or soar stomach, take Kouol Dyapapsia Cure. lion. Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Qs , a ty : 'I suffered more than '20 years with indigestion. A friend reeommended Kodol. It rlevd me in one day and I now enjoy better hf!th than for many yearn." Kodol digests' wh yon eat, releives or steuisch. gas wu stemaeb, belchiug, etc. sold by P S Daveupurt Tales of Tamatfno: Some, eurious stories of the fa mous tenor Tamagno, who died re cently, are given in the Derlinor by his impresario. De spite the fabulous sums he received, the great singer had a reputation for extrome parsimony. When staying In Moscow he noticed that the waiters in the hotel furnished him dally with fresh candles, although the old ones Lad been barely used. This voxed him and, seeing that remonstrances were ef no avail the candles, he learned, formed a waiter's perquisite he began to collect the candles himself. On leaving the hotel he gathered up the whole collection and distributed them among the waiters when they lined up to receive their tips. stage was hia only daughter and her children. It was for her that he boarded his wealth, ' which he ap pears to have feared might slip away. With his daughter near him. however, he kept open house at his vhlA in Vareao, near Milan. Once. In Et Petersburg, he. disputed a fee of 3 francs for the forwarding of a telegram, but on hearing that his da tighter was 111 he left St Peters burg and 40.000 rubles ($20,400) to burry to Milan. In a Dorlln hotel, after appearing In "Tho Prophet." for which he re ceived $1,260. he ordered for his supper two poached eggs and a bot tle of mineral water. Eventually he drew from one of hit pockets a bot tle of wine, some of which he poured Into the mineral water. It was a bot tle which he had contrived to secrete at a banquet given in his honor two days before in Prague. Iadirextioa is msek of a habit. Don't get tbe habit. Take a little Kdol Dyspepsia Care after eatisg and yea will quit belch ing, puffing, palpitating and frowning. Kodol Digests what yon eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by P. E. Davenport. The man with time to waste is a higher foci than the one with money to bam Too will rot find besafy la renge net er Csmplwloo whitewash Tme beanty rome !S eBB ,T bat take Hollieter's riHHlo tcs. It is a wrudpr!j! o Wither. 85 cents Tea 07 tablets. . Davenport & Co. rnsr o HUMOR IJT ENGLISH POLITICS. Instances of Rapid Retorts nt Public Meeting:. The beet way to treat a heckler at a political meeting la undoubtedly to humor him, not in the sense of tempting him to continue his pur suit, bwt in that of rcduefng hlnT to siloaee by a witty sally, a coi:rsc that rarely falls to find favor with the other members of the audience. sas London Tit-Bits. There ars occasions, of eonrs?, oa wli'.ch th candidate finds In hopeless d'T.cultlor, whon seeking for a retort. For instance somo eurs apo Mr. WIIIIj vas ornvirt? at the top of his vfiif; lti a mosc strcnuo'ts manner, an hapecsd to upj the vel! v.ora peruse frorr. David Cop rerfield, "EarVls I3 wlUin1," when b mm at the back of tb hll b.-wled oat. "No, 711"i is bar'-in'." the laish being eg. :n:.t tha politician. Man. .When Charges urlolrh. the Aboli tionist, wan ral:Jt! upon to answer a evardy ?.id despicable "rotten I'-Ig" he-kler, ho did so by cslmly rs rrarkinf as he wiped his face: "This is a striking evidence of what I have always maintained, that pro-sla' err arguments are unsound." The lata Sir Henry Havclock-Allnn tot over the difficulty by fixing his eyes ca tbe spot whence the al.not winged mes senger had been projected into Vce, and remarkiur with Just the 'lightest indication of disgust, "I : ly. my friend, the hen that laid that ?gU had a very bad breath." The P 'ght Honorable John Mor ley U OU3 of the few political speak ers who can auell a heckler with a smiling retort as effectively as the famous Campbell of Monzie, who, t hen he asked an Edinburgh bur rc88 to vote for him and received the angry answer, "Vote for you! I'd sooner vote for Satan hlmsel'," sweetly replied. "Yes, but, if your friend doesn't stand, may I depend upon your support?" a remark that earned him a stanch adherent. A short time ago when Mr. Morley was speaking at Montrose, a heckler demanded penniseion to put an im portant question to the right honor able gentleman, that turned out to be, "Why doesn't he p'ay golf?" in answer to which tho sitting member promptly retorted, "I don't think I'm old enough to bczin yet." a statement that excited muc'j hilarity and put the audience on excellent terms with the speaker. The best safeguard sgainnt headache, con stifstisn aud liver troubles is De Witt's Little Early Itinera. Keep a vial of these famons little pills iu the house and take a doo &t ,bed time when you feel that the etomseb and bowels need cleansing. They don't gripe, sold by P E Davenport It is easy to imagine that if yoa have the wild the Lord will find the wings Keep the little ones healthy and happy. Their lender, sensitive bedie require gen tle, bi-aliug remedies, RoliUter's Rocky Mountain Tea will keep them strong aad well. 35 eents, Ta or tablets. Davenport's Drug otore. . Grove's hm Ciood the test 25 vears. tottlcs. Does this record smooseq wtxn every " su n'uiw use "MAKE ii RHEUMACIDE fall 6erin ana poisons ouz ot ine Diooa, cleans up an in pi f pots in the body and sets ail the organs to work again In Nature's way. Purely vegetable, non-alcoholic, it is yet the most powerful of cleansing medicines, and at the same time regulates the liver, tones up the stomach and builds up the entire system. RHEUM AC IDE is the only remedy that cures rheumatism to stay cured. MOST POWERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER TB WORLD. CURES DISEASE BY REMOVING THE CAUSE. RHEUMACIDE has cured thousands of cases after all other remedies and famous doctors had failed. Austin Pcrcollo, of Salem, Va., spent $200 In medicines and hun- Mnetm m f. t 5 9 a . . . . . . sfwwi viuiicirs torpnysicians Tees, ana r.i lasi nc was curca oy half a dozen bottles of Rheumacide. C. Dietrich, of 2120 Ramsey street, Baltimore, says it has "made him a new man. Mrs. S. A. Combes, 114 S. Cilmor street, Baltimore, says it cleansed her blood, took away her pains, and made her "feel After Noted Doctors Failed. Here is a case cured by RHEUMA CIDK after noted Ne York special ists had failed. Mr. W. R. Hushes writes from A tkins. Vs. : 'Four bottles of KHEUMACIDE nave entirely cured me of a long standing; case fe rheumatism and I realty improved my general health, was a total wreck, havinr had rheu matism for twenty years. 1 spent sev eral weeks and Much money tryins; specialists la New York, but RHEU- is the only cure I bav lound. When I began to use it I weighed 10 pounds. Now I weigh 180 peuiMis, my normal weight. W. R. HUGHES." Number of Feet a Second. Few men could tell if they were asked how many feet per second thoy walk. A press photographer, whose work requires him to know ail manner of speeds, said the other day: "The average man walks four feet per second. A dog on its ordinary jog goes eight feet a second.' A horse trots 12 feet a second. A reindeer over tho ice makes 26 feet. A racehorse makec 43 feet. A sailing ship makes 14 feet." Chicago Chronicle. Wicn Are We Strongest?. The lifting power of youth of sev enteen years is 2S0 pennds; in his twentieth ear this increases to 320 pounds; in tho thirtieth and thirty first year it reaches it3 height, 363 pounds. At tho end of tho thirty first year the strength begins to de cline, very slowly at first By the fortieth yar it has decreased eight pounds, and this diminution con tinues at a slightly increasing rate , until tbe fiftieth year is reached, when the figure Is 830 pounds. Af ter this period the strength falls moro and more rapidly until the weakness of old age is reached. It Is not possible to give statistics of the decline of strength after the fif tieth year, as it varies to a large ex tent in different individuals. Chi cago Journal. A dose of Piue-ulen st bed time will usu ally releive hackaohe, before morning. These beautiful little globules are soft geletine coated and wheu moistened and plaoed iu the month you can't keep from swallowing tbem. Pine-ules enntain neither sugsr nor alcohol just gums aud resins obtained from our own native pine forests, combined with other well known bladder, kiduey blood and baokaeba remedies. r-o!d by P. . Davenport and Skiles & Hon. je I The 1906 Seed Catalogue of T. W. Wood & Pons, juat received, is far iu advance of any previous issue. The value of ibiit pnblicution in giving fall and up-to-date information iu regard to both vegetable and farm crops for riouthern planting cannot be entiuja -J. The atonal issues of this catalogue Lave done more to aid in the diversification and growing of profitable orotm in the South than any other similar publiontion in this country. This catalogue is mailfrd free to farmers and nardeners, upon request, to T. V. Wood & Rous, llichuiond, Va 1 ri !a ,i o u . 4 i ' - jn I 1 v(iposiiti v. raisin w . nwv. WASHINGTON D. C. Tasteless CMM 1 . 1 n 1 TNVeprempitly obtain O. S. aud iToretgn J rSuui model, skutaa er ) otocf Jnvi-i ton lor j r free report m patciftawlity. Vor trte book r Averacrs Annual &t!s nvci Onn tmA a Half Mii!ten of merit &DeaI to vcu? pome is a l en cent package of Grove's U WEL goes right to the seat of the . . . . like a new woman." and recommends Rheumacide. CURES AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL. Sample bottle and booklet free If you send five cents for postage to Bobbitt Chemical Company, proprietors, Bammo START TO GET WELLTODAY BE PORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE ' BANK OF JbPIYJWCOIJTH; At Plymenth, in lie State of North Carolina, at tbe Close of Business, Jan. 29ih, 1906. RESOURCES. Loan and Dincounts, . - . Ovvrnufu. Secured, . . . All other Stick. Bonds and Mortgagee, -Banking Iionse, Fnrn'.tun? and Futures, Tue from Bunk and bankers, Caxb Item, - . . . . Geld Cols, . ' - . . Silver Coin, Including all Minor Coin Currency, National Bank Note and Other U. S. Notes, ToTal, . LIABILITIES Capital tck, - . . . iurp'ni Fund, - . , . . Undividi d rroflte, fi Ogrreot Exixmncs and Texts Paid, Drpohs subjec! to check, ..... TorAt-, - State of Xorth Carolina, Count r of IV.iahintrtou. as: I, Clarrnce Lathnm, Cabier of tho above-named Bank, do telemnly swear that the above stoltmcnt Is true to tho beet of my knowledge and belief. CLARENCE LATHAM. Casbler. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 8th day of Febriu ry, 1906. .V.M. BAT2MAN. C. S. C. Our Olubbing Offer. Until this notice disappears we will give the following Cheap Club Kates: The Kosnoke Beacon and the Atlanta ConHtitntionoue rear for $1.50 The Rosaoke Beacon, the Atlanta Constitution and the Sunny South one year for 1.76 The Itoanoke lcacn and tbe Thrlee A'Week New York World one year for 1.50 And if you waut tbe Bst Combination U be bad for love or money, send as only $2.50 aud we will vend yoa for on year, Yonr Home fspcr, the Tbrice-A-Week New York World, the ttltuta Constitution aud the Sunny South Six of the best pa pers published every wek, uod at less than hulf the covt ot one daily. Address TUB liOANOKE I'SACON, Plymouth, N. C. eio pe Ua OtttfH asal lsaalelss&fje and YRAOC-MARKS prompU obulocd tu ail countries, or no tu. H'e obuio FATE NTS THAT PAY, advertise them thorenghly, mi our expense, and nalp you tosuoceaa. Bead model, photo or sketch tor mil report oa patantabUttr. te years' practice. SUR PASSING REFER EN CCS. , For free Guide Book oa rrofltblc Paumt write te S03-BOB Seventh Otroat, WAOHINOTON. D. O. fr dtfidrcot 0f, ur0 Jim t ttm. o T OalEC No Cures. No Pav. 50c. Black Root. Liver PiEs. disease, sweeps .... . Your drugg ALL OV au 1st sells XMSgp-; ;, I DOLLARS. K.X13.M ' 48.11 iooe.00 . 3,500. M . 29.lM4.44 . 009.11 MS.09 IS9.8S 1500.00 ' SoTmO DOLLARS . 12.WS.M 8,OO0.M - 1,118.61 71.M1.8 . 80.1M.M Corrtct-Attest : L. P. HOJWTHAI W. C. ATBRS. L. S. LANDING, THE WORLD ALIIAI7AC and ENCYCLOPEDIA J8 ON SALK ALL OVER 'J'UE UNITED STATES. 1 It is a volume of uarlj seven liuu- i I . .11 . f .. .if . a area nages una sens lor -cue. oenc a Aw uy ju;ii jor oov. . A Kefertnce liock of unue'ual val ue, almvit indispeiiKuble to any man of husineao, or in the proiessions. It contaiQ.s liuorutHtiou on mer than 1,000 timely topics and presents over 10,000 f.tcta such as arise daily for answering. , Elect iou statistics, agricultural, financial, Uucational, railrusda-, ahi)ing, etc., etc.,, thronph all the list of topics where new htrures are most valuable. H4 columns of index. bend for this ".Standard American Anninl."Ad.lre88 THE WORLDS Pulitzer linildilig, New York City ERSITV COLLEQE OF ME9ICIKHofff.NA? F.HDI6IWE DEWTISTrTT FHORBI ACT Ke Jorn LaloratorlM U chaffs ef specialist. Quia System. 8uprier O.otcs. Bedsnla tcacluaf im our sir HeepitaL for detmited iufrmH-Hi, wtit THI PHQfTTOW. X stheumatlam, Ssiatisa. Rheumatic Govt. LmbaAe, Catarrh. Indigesttort. Constipation. Kidney Treacle, Liver risea. La Orl ope, Contaftioua iood.Pe4aa). AH feloed Pieeases.

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