4 COUNTrNEWS. CAUQUVpTS JllK FLY BY OUR SPECIAL Gtf RESPONDENTS. MACKEY'S FERRY NEWS. WUckey Verrf , fc. C, 3af. S4, Special. Mr. E. S. Patrick weat 0 Plymouth last reek Mr. A. D. Suell weut to Norfolk last ,week. . Mias Hath Bardeu visited Edjeytoa Sat urday and Suuday M.iV 8all;e flagon of Roper, visited Mrs. jS, L. Sieton luBt week Miss Helen Miller of Edeuton, visited pit L C Marriuer la.st week. . Souio of our young people attended ser ioe at Keuobota last MJiidy. Mr. Ki Cbensou aud family, of Roper, UiUd Mr. W. Suell Sunday. Mr. S. Jrriufl of Roper, ftnd ,3f iss Elva Mrrier oftis town, were quietly married at tine home of Mrs. E. J. New berry on WeduesdHy of last week. SOJJTHEKS Boy. If it fa a biiieus attack take Chamberlain's stomach and Liver Tablets ami a quick un is pertain. For sale by a.l druggisu. , SgERSYTLLE CHIPS. jSklnnenmlle, N. C, Mar. 11-SpecjaJ. ' , flay peal are coming up Urns. Fruit, treea are fcuddiug oat early this ?ear. ' $fr. C V - White was the gaest of Mr S. Auauck Sunday Oar farmer! are hauling guano, getting jready for the year's crop Mr. aud Mr W J Harris attended preaching at ttoper Sunday Mr. A Ii Haasell who returued from the iOBpital iu Dec. iu yet uu better. Miss Margaret Auruaok visited Miss Mary VI7n. l'..V U ,J ,J O... J The contractors are getting along fast fin the ffradiuc. Will siiuu hn lnviny irnck. r . .- a 1 r- ' - j c - Sunny Jim. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Pot. T.A"VATfVTT? t)urnrv nrrrvTrvrro f-bleia;DruKgistM"refuud money if it fails Jo cure. E. VV. GItpyK'S "signature is oq i3h J.iu 12 P&ESWELL CHAT. Preswell; N. C, fcfar. 14 Special. Mr. Sanford Sexton and family nave paoved hr.o town. . Mr. and Mrs. Parson, pf Columbia, spent Sunday at the rectory. Mr. T. O Holmes' family has moved into - heir apartments over the store. ' Mrs. Armstrong, of Columbia, visited ' b.er parents at the rectory Sunday. Messrs Jas Alexander and T. S Foley fnade a flying rip Uj Columbia Sunday. Messrs J. E A. Stuart and L. V. Sexton yisited Mr. Sing It ton at Camp 4 Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Kohlos of Columbia, spent Sunday at the rectory, guests of Kev. and Jlrs. inborn. Mr.. O- T. Spraillaud Miss JoseuLine Pitt Speut Sunday and Monday at "Cali forj," Mrs. Spruili'a country home at Juy Wood at a Wood Yard Dou't pay 8 cents per pound for wood. If you buy 1L)0 pounds of White. Lend in kegs you gett 8S pounds of White Lead and 12 pounds of Wood. When you buy L. & M. Paiut you get a full gallon of paiut that won't wear off for 0 or 1" years, because L. & M. Zinc hard. ens tho L. & M. White L,ead and makes L. j& M. paint wear like iron 4 gallons L & M mixed with gallons Linseed Oil will paint a moderate sized house L.& M. costs only J 1.20 per gallon. 8old in the nnh, east, south aud west D. S. Andrews, Ex-Majgr, I)acbury. Conn., Writes: "Painted cay house 19 years ago frith L. & M. Looks well to-iay. gold by H. A. Blonnt, Plymouth, N. C. 3-21 No man shortens his yard-stick without jinogiug uis soni. Far bloatiog, belcbii.it. indigestion, etc , pat 3 King's Dvspensijj i'sb.et a'ter intals. r sale by P E 'Davcuport and Skiles & Pon je 1 Wood $ Seed 1 .13 one of the haridsomest and most valuable publicationa of .'the kind issued.' ' Tho useful find practical hints contained n the annual issues of Wood's Seed Dook fnake it s most valuable hplj to jtll Fanners and Gardpners and ft has long been recognized 13 an up-tor date authority c.n rJl ' Cardan mi Farm Seeds, jftarticnlayty fot southern plantiec;. Wqsas1 Seed Bock mailed fre, tp Farmers end Gardeners rjQ9 request. Vrtts for it. T.IV. Wesfl & Sow, Seedsmen, VIRGINIA. Commissioners' Proceedings. ,Tn Board of CommUs'tonerx of Wash ington county met iu special session pur suant to adjourn iu-lit, on Monday, Mirch 5th, 3S5, with Leyi glouut, Ohiu T. Freeman, S. B. Jobustop. T. S. bwain and J. W. Spruill preseul. Minutes read and approved. Ordered that free v tcciuatiou VLI uicon. .tinned. JURY L15 r. 7'he foilowiugi persons were drawyl Lo swrve as Jurors, Spring Term superior Court: " Plymouth Tonsbip J O Everett, C. W Auge. L S Landing aud T J 0li.v'wrd. Lee's Mills Towuship J Ctiessop, J. M Peacock, T 1 Cliehson, W U Cbesion, Jno E Phelps, Frili-y Oueason, i'anl Mar row, J T McAUistHr, I'F Marriuer. L .C. Marriner, J T Marrmer and J no AlLS:HU" der. . Skinuerv;'!le Township A W-'Bigge, P 11 Beli and M iMveuport. Kcuppprnowg Towuship Aaron Sprnjlt, Jr ; A J tiprnnl, Itvi S Spruili, Juo G. Wofdley, J F Suell, T N Oray, U G. Davenport. Wip ?v iley, i'3 S lianssil, A G Wnlktr, David Farloub, Jos Duven-1 port, Chas 14 pa.veiipori, S 1 Woodley, A J Furlough.; II C Oliitou np4 D S Clifton. The folJow;ag amounts were allowed persons as clahued : BF Hallsey. JJ. D., Vacciuatlon, Ac.,,, 52 S U Johnstun, Services as Commis- sjom-r, fco 14 00 W J Jackson. Services as Sh'fl', fcc. 36 25 Edgar Bateman, pvee.' road. . . . 1 S E Beasley, " ... ., 2 OJ V M Bateman, Wood, statinnery, jc... (530 0 V W Ausbon, Pub. proceedings, &c CO J L Koper, Lniuber &c 8 18 W T Phelps, Furnishing poor.... Tom Garrett, Oyerseer road...... J fy E 11 Spruill, Lumber ftr road, ... 1 ,() W J Starr. Hprvjces as J).ep. Sheriff 00 H Gurkin, Services at C Home. . 1 y W II Ham ptou, Furnishing County Home, &o S 77 Adjourned to meet 1st Moud.iy in A4ril. F. K. Joijnston, Clerk. CHILDREN If You Have Any Ailing Ones This Will Interest You. "We see so many little boys and girls about town who are weak, thin -legged and hollow-cheeked," w;d Mr. Davenport, out well known druggist, "it seams a shaniu to alio- them to remain so for they will grow up into weak, sickly and nervous men aud wouieu. without the vitality to woik or enjoy life. "If." ooutinued Ms. Davenport, ' the fathers and mothers of such children would beleive what we say of Yiuol, we would see a great difference in the appearance of the youuger g,enerution of this city. Yoa know Viuol is not a patent medicine, and is just the touio growiug children titled. It will make for f.heui good, healthy flesh, sound bone, hard muscle, aud rich, red blod. "True, Viuol is a cod liver oil prepaiatinn, but it does not contain a drop of oil, or any bad tasting feature. It is so delicious tba all childreu love it, ytt it actually do s conT lain all the uiadeeinsj curative element found ifl fresh codV livers, aud is the most wholesome and best medicine for children we ever sold "It is because we It now what Viuol will do that we guarantee if it fails to mako your children well, rugged and rosy, to re fund yoi Droggiet: How Gsti ". :.it s nro Si'Jocted, In selecting ostriches? for menag erie or , zoological gardens, the Bwlffest . are chosen; not because It will bs necessary for them to run In their now quarters, but because swiftness', is a pood indication of health and robustness. .One of these agents ylsltcd a pen of QsJrlflIie3 in Africa. -At his call, two btvi itif:),i birds crime up to him. Being desirous ,qf testing .their speed, he arranged - with the keeper that they should run a rae; so he ca ressc.l tho bin's,- and showed them a l!a;ix'r.;J :!' P"s, of which they are TiK o-trfi'hc . v-'oro hell while tho sifeiur vt-!i-o:l a certain distance. At a jJrnal -thoy were set free, and 1--c;.-;;vj to run for tho figs. They r-iHu T;.-)-!ndlng a!on? at a terrific '';t!,..'t-.'.,ng jtwolv,tt fourteen feet si a s rUo. Thry ran s!i and neck for more than huif th? d'.?(ancfe. their winga porkitn; li;e i'.rms and making a gr'-it so -.in. I.' Prrsontly .one drew a "i 1 )'"-.:. "hk behind, as a hoy r' - i' t io, Uj see where - V: , . ; ' : I . P. ; lh Othor ... hi--:;!.-. :,- vWr.v'r sUiekfmcd his r- r - . iiy it or tod up for the atarrh IJAS SI. 001) '1'flE TEST 25 YEA US. Tho oi,d, original CHQVg'S Tasteless Chill I'Ohl'j ion know wi:nt you are taking. It is ir.n and ,iuiiiue i.i a tasteless form Mo cure No pay. ,0c. jau la RICHMOND, .'meters reqafrtng Isrgq quanti !'Jtt. Erly Pas. fcnar I'Uicr Vagatabie Goods, are requeated Ilea of Seed nap Beans or Colors of the Sea. Sea colors; are frener.aily unstable. The beautifui f,ea-i)lr.nt3 that tempt us in the rock-pools alons the shore lose their brilliancy when tahea from the water. The dying dolphin shows all the colors qf pearls pr ppals, coming and going on hig shim mering side. The pea itself i chame leon like Jn ita changing hues. One who has ever saf upon fhe shore and watched the colors, coming and going upon it3 surface w(!l find if hard to. tell what is tho clor pf the sea. A& a rule, bright green indicates shoal water, the lighter the f irj t thp more GhallQw thp depth. Drjt piue water is a sign of grant depth. But even blue water af a dlstanpe tkfs on a dark green hue. Careful obferva-: tions have shown that even In the deepest water the hasal color is some tint of green. In our own exporU ence we hnve observed that. vhk?n the load was thrpwn ir, mid ocean, whore the surface color was dark blue, the plunge revealed a flash of brilliant green in the opening water. .-tV. 1 - . j -." A Chicago Alderman Owes His Elec tion to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. f'l can heartily and conscientiously tpc ominend Chtnherlaiti!8 Cough Remedy for affections of the throat and lungs," says Hon. John Shenick, 220 So Peoria St.. Chicago. "Two years ago during a political campaign, I cought cold after beiua over heated, which irritated my throat and I whs finally compelled to stop, as J cuold pot epeak aloud. In my estrerritv a friend advised me to use Chamboi Iain's Cough Remedy, I took two dos-ea that afternoon and could not beleive my sfuses whan I found the nest morniag tkj inJLimmation had largely ubsidd. I took ssvoral doses that day. kept right on talking through the campaign, and I thank this ltcdicino that I won my seat in tho Conscil." This rcui idy is for sale by drugpipts. Anjnia! Immunity to J)rngs. (Certain substances which are deadly in tljeir effects upon men can be taken by tho brute creation with impurity. Horses can take large doses o antimony, dogs of mercury, gcata of jlobacco, mice of hemlock, and rabbits of belladona, without in j y. On the other hand, dogs and cats are much more susceptible to the influence of chloroform than man. and are much sooner killed by it. MINISTER TELLS THE TRUTH' Personal Experience of Aged and Well-beloved Preacher. No other man in the community i-? so well beloved or whose words have such weight as the miuitsr, who has devoted his life to the service of mankiud.'ln Mary land oue cf the most noted Methodist min isters in the riab sugared severely with rheumatism. He found no relief until a frieud recotur.eudo.4 HUEUMACIDE He was so delighted with the reMilts that for the benefit f other sufferers, as a duty to mankind, he tells his experience in the fol lowing letter : "lieis'erstown, Md.. February 27th. "J was taken with Iefl immalory Khcu matism in my left hand aud foot iu the be ginning of this winter and suffered yreutiy . A gentleman iu .Baltimore who had tried UllLlJMACIDE f r Ktiettuiatism reoora- mendtt it to me. I secured three bottles and took it in smaller doses than prescribed, and am now entirely pared. Can use both hand aud foot without ihe least iucnuvet cisiipc, "Yours respectfully, 'J. K. WHEELS, Pi'.sU-r, Re.isterstOrt U M. E. Chutch ?' Your druggist sells aud recommends RHEUM A.C1DE. Hay Fever, Asthma, Brpnchitisl Colds, Tho old reliable "E. E. M." Catarrh .Ciiro never fails to euro the abovo jdis pases. It has been inanufuoturod in tho South for over twenty years and js thoroughly endorsed by many of tho .roost ;:nn'uc:it poojilo in tho Southern States as the only true euro for Catarrh, Jlay Fever and kindred diseases. Thousands bear wi'ljing testimony to its paramount healing and .curative yirr tucs. Many of its cures wcro marvelous after tho most noted physicians, special ists and .other remedies had failed, ft Is -purely vegetable and a delightful smoke. Wo r.iako it either mixed with mild tobacco, from which tho nicotine has been extracted, or not, as desired. iscad stamp for book of particulars containing the most Avondeil'ul record of .cares ever known. Piico $1 per box. If jour druggist canupt supply you it wi. 1 bo sen t prcnaid upon receipt of price. Address "E. E. M." CO. '0, Box ATLANTA, PA- For Sale. I fcave a good, single, second-hand spring wagon, ja good runuing order, that I will soli at n bargain. Apply to JS. S. Cauoon, Skinnersville, N. C. AHN0UH3BU2NT ! Npw Firm, - - New Store, New Spring Millinery ! We have opened an up-to-date . MlLLINEttY STOUE iu lioper. Our stock is New, Bright, and of the Very Latest Styles. . We havp secured the servipesj of an Excellent Tritniner, from Bal timore. Our goods are of the Best. Onr prices are Kiglit. We are striving to Please thu pilblig, We ask a share of your patronage. We eolicit the pleasure of an early visit to our store. Yours to Please, Miss Ida Peacock & Co., 3-15 ROPER, K. C. Cost a Few'Cents More - Worth Pouble the Difference. . tamped Envelopes with your full business card printed op them, The government prints nothing but yoiir address and yop pay 21,0 per M. This does your business no good. w We print thtm for $31.73 per-M.; $11.00 for 500 and print' anything you .want on them. on't it justify you to pay tiie slight difference iintl gat what you want, and something that will do your business good. Give us your nest order. Cash must accompany all orders. WAN TED District ' Managers to post sionn, advei'iise hwd distribute samples. Salary $18 00 weekly, 3 t)0 pr cUy for expens-s Mute age. and present employ mei.t. IDEAL f 11 E K CO., 39 Randolph St., Chicago. . . my 18 WANTED tTwo mn in each county to represent nud advertise Hardware de partment, put out samples of onr goods, eic Trnj-Hlig Position or Offica Mauatrer, i!-ry $'9'7(y per montb, cash weekly, with all ixtenses paid iu advance. We furnish evei thinff. . THE COLUM HI A HOUSE, Dtpt. giO, -231 "th Ave . 3 9 Chicago, Bi. The Tax Haoks are now in my h.vnds Tor 1005. 1 will -'thank the prople io con:e for ward uitd settle r))eir taes for this year. '. Yours tmiv, Y. J. Jacksox, Sheriff. fl KSLLthbCOUQH- Sakd CUBE ?s WITi-S III" If Jiniw'c ri FOFi i OUGliStnd prica 50c &$1.GQ Free Trial. bua-eec ana tiuicifer.ti cure THROAT and LUlfa THOTJB- for all R HOLUSTEH'i llcky Founiain Tea Kusss A Easy Medicine for Easy People. ' Trins Goldsn Health and Bcaewed Vigr?. A Pr"utfic for Constinatlon, lum'-restlon, I.tvs .'.it Kidney Troubles, Pl-niples. Ecem , Irnpurf ;.ooil, Had Breach, SlufTfrish BowoK Heudach rid BitekiU'ho. It's. liooU-y Iilo-ntfttn Tea In tab ft form, S5 c.-Jt3 a bcx. Kenuiuo made b-y .Ioli.ister Cosr?Axy, Bladis-ou, Wis. GCLD MLS SETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Sld by P E Davenport & Co. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. W. F. Gray 1 vs Clarence Amtiroe Kdgar I.. Jackt-on, Jes-c W. .lack-on & Willie KJackHonj Having been appointed by the Coufl 0qnrai g atoiier to pelt the land heiiuaf ter di,'BCi,ii.1, J will soli to the highest bidder for each, at. the Court HoiMe door iu l'lymouth. N O.. on Monday, April 2nd, 1900, the piece of lund sitimteil ia 'Ksliiiito) county, S-kinutrsville township, adjoining the lauds of M. L. Duvenport and knoru as tbe "lliirdy Gra.T Placa," containing ten acres Dioie or sale being made for division ne t-el forth in the petition ou flle in the office of Clerk Superior Conrt. ThU 5th day of Jiarch, l'J06. . J.F. JACKSON, C'omtoiisiouer. NOTICE, By vlrtne of a decree of the Su))erior Court of Wt.hington county. N. C, jn'th" eausu of itcrcfc1" Howe, by hi next friend, .In in en W. Mason and Wary E. Howe. Kx lart to tho Court, appointing me Comtuiasioner, I w'tl sell for cattli at. tke t.'ourt lioniie door in Plymouth. N. C., on the lBtli day of April, 191)6, at. 12 M. the following real estate in the County of VVRfhtnirton. N. C. , contatniiig about twenty-six acres of cleared land and six aud one eighth acres of woodland. The cleared latd beginning at an Elm at the cdjre of tno pnbiio road at 8. H. Furlough's corner, thence Northwardly alous his line about 1100 yards to C. W. Hill's liogue hui;nd line, thence Weut ivardly 120 ysrds along n uid Hill' lino to his coiner in Jnrooi i. noteman's line, tounce Southwardly along Batmaii'n line about 10TS yards to the pub lic road, thence Ea(twrdly along said road 59 yards to tho beginuing, aud lying on the North side of the public road, .The waodiard lies on tho South fide of t'n public road and adjoins 8. H. Furlough's on the Kuxr, Wilson Oliver on the South, J. I. Huffman on the Wet, and the public roiirt on (he North. - March 1:2, IX'U. j. rur dkn", V'uiiinUsinucr. 1 J t . , LI LA Beturned With. Big Stock of BIG- -'-SiRCrilNS'! tg:-'.nM,iPi)wpsisw s - ... . . . - . v Out buyer lias turned from the north with a large stock of goods, that wo are offering at low prices Every Line is Now G omplete We liave the largest stock of pretty Laces and Em. broideries we have ever canitd, a?id iXVO offering tlieia at lower prices. - " On Next Tuesday, March, 20th, we will make a Special Sale on Hamburgs, Laces and Ladies' Collars Hainburgs, 5c quality, going at 4c. 8 " " 0 u 10 ' " ' 8 t 12 " 10 15 " " 12 wide 20 " 18 100 Ladies' .ggo QoHars. will $6 that day' at 15c each, Save up j our change and Don't Forget the Day. Yours truly, F. C, Ayers, IG E HI ni v si I wish to inform the good people of Washington, and surrounding counties, that I am still milking All - f ICintls of Riding Vehicles. With years or experienco- in the business, und tho services of expwrienced work-r. men, I am propped to huM ALL VEHICLES in UP-.. TO-DA'LE STYLES, and at Prices as LOW as GOOD. work CAN BE SO LP, . ' Thaetons, Buggies, Surrys, Wagons, Carts, CarU Wheels, Etc. ANYTHING YOU WANT in Cuta. way or Piano Bodies, with Brewister, King or Single, or Double Plate Springs. All Vehicles, tirade from Personally Selected Stock, and GUARANTEED TO SATISFY- When in need of anything in this line, gire me a, call before placing your order. , a B-TERMS AND PRICES SATISFACTORY. te 'i'j tf 9 ('Ihe Old Koliable., rLY-MOUTH, N.