J 1 i J THE ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISH!?.!) EV!UY FRIDAY C. V. W. AUrfBON, Editor. fLYMOUTfl. - N.C. Fur i) ay, Majwh 10, 1S06. That's what a prominent druggist said o t Scott's Emulsion a short t ime Ago, As a rule we don't use or refer to testimonials in addressing th public, but the .abpvc remark and ,s i m i 1 a r expressions are .made so often in connec . ion with Scott's Emulsion that thcr are . worthy of occasional note, From infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying im proper and weak develop ment, restoring lost flesh vitality, and repairing ,a:5.te, The action of eott's Emulsion is no v: ore of a secret than the composition of the Emul sion itself. What it does i t does through nourish ment the kind of nourish ment, that cannot be ob tained' in ordinary food. No system is too weak or UUicdic LU . J c La J. 11 ' OUU o Emulsion and gather good from it, . We will send you a sample fr. Bs tifi e that this picture tn the form of a Ubel is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & - B0WHE Chemists -409:PearlSt.,N.Y. 5P sci $1; alUruggisls. HORSE SHOEING AND Ropui ;Shpps.;A Having just built and fitted up a General Iiepair shop, on Water, street, near Coast Line depot, I am in a position to shoe hor des aud repair buggies, carts, &c, at short notice and iu bent manner. All work guaranteed. Give me a trial find let me oonvtnee you.' Horse shoeing 05 cents.. . , oc!5 . II. W. UATEMAN. ' HOTEL BOPKB. jEOPER, N. C, J. L. SAVAGE, irop. New House - New Furniture, Good Table - Attentive Servants HOME-LIKE with HOME COMFOll lS. Rooms Fresh and Clean. "Travelers' Headquarters. FALL and WINTER We cordially invite all who are ia need of '. Hats, Bonnets, Dress Goods, Notions, ete., to give us a call. We have iselected our stock with much care from the very best markets and, as usual, are prepared to serve yuu, We havo Hats in a- great va- tiety ef shapes and colors; alio good values in Ladies' Cloths. Our prices are low when the quality is considered. Mail orders will be filled with care. Yours with thanks for favors, MRS. A. M-AYERS. ' WfWflWfiTOfl 1 l.J VI M t M '1 i mu ti i (f it irrn iety pi Hill L ix i Tflke Laxative Brcmo Q?Mnz If Svcr. MUEoi boxes sold ia past 13 months."- TM SiafW BEACON FLASHES. Those who have frieuds visiting1 them, or who intend, leaving home fr1 themselves, will nlettHe let it ba known IE at this oflieo, so the fact may be hren It tioned. It does not matter whetheis $ e- you aro a subscriber or not. it. All we . aHk is let us know it. Alore bad weather. Fresh fish more plentiful, but very high'. "Ir. II. V. Brown is home again, aft'r au absence of some veifes. Mr, M, V Norman is the proud posses sor of a flue new buggy horse Mrs. Arthur Rwain has beeu visiting friends in the eountry this week. FOR BALE I haye a white, full-blond Spanish Bulldog , ior tale. Ha in 1 year atid 4 months old, and weighs 60 pounds; Address H. W. DunbaK, Sound, N. O, Mrs J J. Hhssell of rear Roper, is the guest of her sister, Mrs Ed Nomina, thin weeK We acknowledge a pleasant eall from Mr. W. 0. Bowen ut Mijiitieeilo on Satur day last. ' The faithful old hack horse. "Jane." be- longing to Hotel Roanoke, departed this life a few days ago. Salvel Salvt!! Spread the Salve, but let it bo. Pinesalve, nature's remedy fop cuts burns, nores etc For sale by E Daven port and Bliiks & Don jn 1 . W e faik d to note last week that Mr and Mrs. M. VV. Norman aud Mr. L P. llom thal were in Norfolk. , We are in receipt of a biographical obit uary of the lnte Cleopl.as Latham, but are unable to publish it this week. It will ap pear next Miss Leslie Harrison has returned home after a delightful three raonth'n visit with relatives and friends in Portsmouth and Newport News, Va. Mr .W 0. Ajers has secu'-ffd the services of Mus Kiitbenne Fisk, of New York Oity, a most efficient milliner, tonake charge of his balcony this ssason ny For headache. constipation, ftc. Dede'b Little Liver Pills are best. Th.-ycleanNe and tonic the liver. For sale by P E l)yeu. port and Skilea & Son , je 1 Cards have been isned inviting friends to aibirth-dav pnrtv celebrating the fifteen. th anniversary of the birth of Miss Katie Hamrjtou. daughter of Mr. ai'fi Mr, vv Fletcher Ansbon at their home iu this town to-night, vVe wish our young rela tive many hrppy returns of ihe duy. Mrs. W. B. Ward has returned from the north, where she purchased her spriug oiillipery. Mrs. Ward's experience has taught her just what to select tuat will nlease her wa.rons. as is shown by her great lv increased trade. She has also se cured the services of Miss Margaret Isaccs again this season In the spring-time vou renovate your house. Why not your body? Holnsterv Rocky Mountain Tea drives ont impnrittec, cleanses aud enriches th blood and puri. ties the entire svstera. ' 45 ceuts. Daven port's drug store. The tar that is contained in IWa Laxative Honey and Tar is harmless. . It is not coal tar, but is obtained trout tne pine ires or our own native forests. Bee's Laxiitive Honey and Tar is the best remedy for colds because it acts on the bovsfrls thus fxpehlng all colds from the pystein. B-e's Is the original Laxative Howey and Tar, aud is bfist for coughs, colds, croup, whoop ing cough, ljutj and brouchial affections. So;d bv P. E Davenport and Skiles & Sou. CHUECH DIRECTOEY. M. E. Church Services every v'unday at, ll;0f o'clock a. m., and 7:0 o'clock p. in. Prayer meeting every Weduesda night. Rev. L. B. Jones pastor . Suuiiay school everv Suuday morning at jl:15 o'clock, V. M. Bateiuau, Bupt. Baptist Church Services every 1st. 2nd and 4th Sunday at lljOO o'clock a. ra., aud 7:30 o'clock p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night, liev. J. VV. Nobles, pastor. Suuday school every Sunday moiaing at 0.30 o'clock, W. R. White, Supt A liquid !old cure for children that is pleas ant, harmless, and effective is Bee's Laxa tive Honey aud Tar. Superior to all other cough syrups or cold remedies because it actsu the bowels An ideal remedy tor Coiighs, Colds, Croup, VN hooping Coneh nnd all curable lnug and bronchial affec tions in child or adult. Ph asant to take. Sold by P. E. Davenport and Skilea & Sun, je 1 At times of reviral it is easy to mistake racket for results. FOR SALE Having put in new lights in the M E. Church, the Ladies Aid So ciety offer two large chandeliers (one 6 and one 8 lamps) and other church lamps for sale.4 A rare chance for churches or halls needing good lights, to get them cheap. Addref this office, or Mrs. H. A. Blount, Plymouth. N O. Tho only men who ever complained of God's service were tho?e who sought his pay roll for their own promotion If you are troubled with Piles ai4 can't find a cure, try Witch Hazel tvilve, but be Mire you get that made by E C. UeVVitt & Co., Chicago. It is the Original. If you hate used Witch Hazel Salve without beirg releived it is probable that you got h'ild cf one of the many worthless eeunterfeits that are sold on the reputation of the gt-untne DeWitt's Witch Hazel ialve P. E. Daven port 1 j W vJf m mm Sit 'iifc -.iff' MS I BflO Entertained at Mrs, Forbes'. On'Fiidjiy evening, 'Mai. 9th, the voting men of the city elegantly en tenained u number o. their lady inends at it pniry, at the residence of Mrs. W, A. fcorues, .Jefferson Ht At the 1) our almoin ted for the be ginning of tho reception, young men ind ladies began to arrive, and the room was soon tilted with merry couples, (ill engaged in various sour ces of amusement. Music was one of the chief features of tho evening being rendered by Misses Katie Aus bon, Estelle Forbes and Gertie Bate man. It would be useless to under take to sav a word in description o the -music, as from the foregoing names, one can, easily surmise, as every on? is more or less acquainted with the rare musical talent pos.ses ied by those 'young ladies. Card plaving aud ''Moonlight' also occu pied a place among the most note worth v features. ' At eleven o'clock refreshments were served by Misses Katie Ausbon and Estelle Forbes, consisting ot fruits, candies,, etc., after which the guests retired to their several homes Those present were, Mr. Willan: Washburne, Clarendon Willoughby, Herman Warn, Vance Norman, Co cil Beasley, Jack Ohessou, MathiiU rSpruiII, Jeese Swam. Joe Landing, Grover Midgett, and Misses Fannie Mae Lewis, Ida Harrison, Gerlie liuteman, Oad 'Campbell, Katie Aus- bon, liianehe cprnill, Margie Wi loughby and Estelle Forbes. x. y. z. It's hard for the man who has ground off his nose on the money mill to smell a taint on aoj thing A GUARANTEED 0TJUE FOB PILES. lushing, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in t; to 1 14 HyH .-,yc jlin I - The best bmks are in heaven f but the receiving tellers are likely to be in some back alleys here ; The gums and resins obtained from pine trees hav hmg beeu recognized as highly beneficial iu the treatment of backache, kidney and bidder troubles. Piue-ules is the name of a new medicine, the principle ingredients of which coma from the pine toiests ot our own native lnd. For sale by P. J5. Davenport and bkiks& Sou. . A $S6,So7.6o Check. The above check represents pre miutn money deposited on a large Endowment Policy in the old, line lie J i anoc Life of ,, Pittsburg, Pa. We have at exact i.".!py of the check on file in this ofiice. Place your insurance in ihecom pany That gives Disability Insurance without-extra cost. Whose sane and liberal rnethodsconiiuand the respect ot thrifty American,'', District Agency, : Keliancjs J.ifjs Tns. Co. Next door to Beacon ofliec, Plymouth, N. C Agents wanted in N, C. and Va. A Safe Cough Medicine for Children. Ia buying a oough medicine for children never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Oouh Remedy. There is ue danger from it aud relief is always mire to follow. It is especi ally valuable for colds, t, roup and whooping cough. For sale by all druggists. When yon see a man who pntB all his re lisi'n iu safety dapowit you may know he hasn't any A Scientific Wonder The cures that stand to its credit make Uueklen'r) Arnica Halve a Scientific wonder. It cured E li. Wulford, lecturer for the putious of Iitiesbandry, Waynesboro, pa., of a distressing cast- of Piles. It heals the worst Burns, Sores, Boils, Uicers, Cuts, VVoiuids, Chilblains aud Salt iiheum. Only ?5c at Sipruill & Bro's FOR SHERIFF. I take this method of rt turning thanks and appreciation to the citizens of Wash ington county for ttieir confidence aud sup port iu the past, and as another year has dawned when a convention will be held for the purpose of naming a man for the position I have beeu holding for the past Kix years, l respectfully offer myself an a candidate for the consideration aud action of the convention. ' I have been conscientious in trying to discharge the dutieu of office actvptably to the law-abiding men of the county, and can culy promise, if re-elected, to dibCbarge those duties us I have iu the past. ' , Very respectfully yours, u. j. jackson. The best way to rid tho system of a cold is to evacuate the bowels Kennedy's Laxa tive Honey aud Tar acta as a pleasaut, ytt effectual cathartic on the bowels It olars the head. cu?s the phlegm out of the throat, strengthens the bronchial tule-i, rwlelves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc, svld by P , Dav export Cures Grfp':-.' in Two Iteys, - W I - Sf Wt..M drC. jj ( For an Impaired Appetite. Loss of appetite always' nannUs from faulty digesi.in. All that U needed ia a few doses of (.'haiuberlaiu's ftto'uucb and Liver Tiblets. 'J hey will invigorate the stomach, rtrengtheu ike dine tioq and give you to appetite like a wolf. These Tablets also act as a gentle laxative. For eale by all drug gists . Whon iriendship is but a Racial ladder cue soul goe down faster than the feet can climb up It is not difficult to releive blind, bleediug, itching or protruding piles vith MunZtn, the great pile remedy. It is put up in col lapsible tubes with nozzle, and may in troduced and applied t the seat of the trouble. Stops pain instatrtly. sJoldby P.E. Davenport and Skills & Sou je 1 To the Home-Seeker. Desirable 2iel Estate on Seeded Ktreet. Lots 102 aad 103 for sale. Terms eaoy. Will sell one hause with one-third of land aud a guarantee of improved conditions as to occupants of the remaining houses. None except white people need apply. For further inforoiatioB apply to the under signed, or communicate with J, W. Bryan, Greenville, N. C. , 1 18 W. M. BATEMAN. J. -W. PERRY. COEIP'Y, Cotton Factors and Com mission lercbants, Koefolk, Va. Quotations, Mar. 13, 1U06. COT I OX Quiet. Strict Middling . , . H Middlmp! . ... 107-8 Strict low middling , 10 8 4 Low middling , , , 19 5 8 Tinges . . .... Stains - . . , . , Bines , , . :' ' PEANUTS Dull. , . . :$ . . . 3 1-2 . ' . 2 1-4 -11-2 . I 12-2 1-4 $1 00 btiBhel $2.50 f) bag . l.lobu . , .1.00 bu Fancy , . , Strictly prime Prime . , Low grades , , Machiue picked Spanish B. E. PEAS . . Black & Speckle Peas Clay & lied Peas Peaunt Bags, 68 in. 8oz. in bales, 10 l-4c. oc 12 s- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. X. J. A.. Wliite, DENTIST. Phonh 9, Williatnstop, N. C. will be ia Plymouth the first week in each mouth. sa li VAX mim mum, Attorney-at-Law, PLYMOUTH. N. C. . Proinpc and faithful attention given to all business entrusted, 'Phone No. 22. WANTED: 'by Chicago wholesale and mail order house,' assistant manager fmaa or woman) for this county and adjoiuiug territory Salary f:'0 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work plensant; position permanent. No invest ment or experience required. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-addressed envelope. COOPEH & CO., ja 15 132 Lake St., Chicago, 111. PROTECT YOUR FAMILY! You insure your house, your barn, ycur time. Why hot your life? Is your service worth anything toyour family ? Ilemember that when your life ceases your family needs yonr ser vices just the same. What provision have you made ? There ia no tricks hidden away in tbe plici8 we are 'offering you. Com pare the contracts with those of other companies. Address: pintrict Agency, RELIANCE LIFE INSUItANCE CO., Near Beacon Office, Plymouth, N. C. Agents wanted in Belhaveu aud Washington, N. C. NOTICE ! I drilled the Artesian Well for Mr. U. J. Norman, and for the town of Plymouth, N. C. Why not let me drill one for von? Address all orders to P. O. Ellis, P. O. Box E. Branebville, 2-1 Southampton Co., Va. BED FOE SALE! I have one (I) good goose-feather l)ed for sale. Never beeu used at all. Weight GO lbs, and will be sold at u bargain. J. M. WO 01) LEY, bkiiinersviHe, N. C. MErMOlESl , fer AMrj mfy, m,. Me mtm A Beautiful XWTTTT IT HP TTr. A roJ W V li JUL Ji M- JULM XiiL i. Xii WASH FABRICS The whole month of February will be devoted to the show- and selling of all kinds wash goods, for early . Spring wpear. mg of m ssexi Te bave just received a beautiful line of Gingm bams and Percales, suitable for Children's ashooj. dresses, Boys waists, and Ladies' Shirt-waist suits, &c; also many beautiful novelties in French Mer eerised goods, in white and in colors. These good$ are among the newest productions for spring, 1908, and have not been shown in this market before. White Goods yet Reigns Supreme, Our line of white goods We have tried to leave out nothing that would nees supply a Want. Our Mercerized goods are of the finest French finish. Our Linens are importations from the "Ouid Counthry." Don't fail to see the colored 'Linens, 3G.inch wida at 25c The New Ladies Home Journal Spring Catalogue now on sale. Fashion plates -in Six Colors. Over 1300 illustrations. Prico 25c J?outs Display of IiD flo R M 0 R. MO -ML -m -w is unique in its complete- JtornticiL