ifrr -r lbiue-6i Domesticated Animals. ' Th dog U the most widely dis tributed of the domestic animals. He FALL - , ANNOUNCEMENT: lives la the lowly hat of the African ravage aad la the companion of the Oroentaad Esquimaux, the - most uorthorn inhabitants of the wrold. lie la. in fact, the Inseparable com panion of man and is found where ever the human race exists. His hab i . ,.tat la thu extended further north Roper Gmilctl Hell ppl I IIOPER, North Carolina. , p:, . mm .- . K V other domeatk) animal. Uaos of Cocoanut. Oriental coals not being well salt ed for the production of large quan tity of illuminating gas, and gaso line not .being readily obtainable, the government laboratories la the Phil ippines have adopted a method of preparing gas from cocoanut oil. The oil is slowly poured Into red-hot cAtt-lron retorts, and a gas of a high qnrJity is given off, wita the produc tion of Tery little tar. A Lively Tussle ' with that old easmy of the ro, Onttipa ' tloa, oftea t d i in Appendicitia. To avuid all Mrions treble with Stamacb, Liv a Bowels, tak Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thej perfectly regaltitkeiieorgB, witbent pia or disoomfort 2'io at bprnill A Bra's The Quality of a Mirror. In the mlrro.a of to-day tthe light la reflected by a layer of silver or an amnlgam of tin. -but a proportion of light la lost In the process of reflec tion and the Imago Is less luminous than the original. The value of a looking glass is usually estimated by the thlckncffsof the glass, because the thicker it is the stronger It must be. But, speaking scientifically,' thick glasses are defective because the outlines of the Image reflected are less clearly, defined. Weight of Earth and Wat-r. 4. cubic foot of earth weighs about Ave and a half times as much as a cubic foot of water. A cubic mile of earth weighs 25,649,800,000 tons. The volume of the earth is 259,880,000,000 cubic miles. Thes weight of the world, with out its atmosphere, is 6,666,250,000,000, 000,000,000 tons. To add to this the -walght of the atmosphere gives a grand total of 6,666,255,819.600,000,008,000 tous. . " South African War Scandal. On a of the most recent discoveries in oonectlon with the British South Afri can war stores scandal la that the army authoritcs bought "one pound" tins ol Jam which weighed 12 ounces. Thil ;: .: . ery was made when 1,350,816-sur I ;i n tie..; wtre sold at the end of tb( war. ; Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. An absolutely fvte, cream of tarta powdsr. ROYAL SAKIN3 POWDER Ca, NfW YORK. King 'Phone No. 2 We are at the other eud with full line of everjrtking in way of Fine Merctuitile Stationery, up-to-date type aud pretty inka. We are muning no "Cheap John" print shop, but a trial order will con tince you that when style and quality is considered, we can't bo beat. Send us your next order, APPOINTMENTS AT GRACE EPISCOPAL CLIUKOU. Services on the 4th 8unday of the month morning and evening. Bible class at 4 p. ui, Servics Saturday preceding st 4 p. in., aud Monday following 4tkSuuday at 9 a. m. Mr.F. a. Boyle, lay raWer, will cinduc service eyery Suadiy morniug. All are cordially iaiitod. B. 8. LA35SITER. CURES CATAKKH. If yon bav Catarrh, (lay fever. Asthma, Bronultitia, Cold, eto., K I U, Catarrh corn will cure it sSewd Hump fur hook f wonderful cnrN. ihia remedy is the old reliable Htandnrd and ban tnadu more cures than all other lemedie combined. Addrs : K. E 3d. Catarrh Cure O., P. O. Box 841, Atlanta. Ga. oV. d. elsewhere 11-7 NORFOLK k SOUTHKKN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. IN EFFEOT NOV. 12tb, IKS. TRAIN SERVICE. Noktksovkd: Leave Belhavca daily (except Sunday) 8:30 a. m. Lfave Wagiilntoi 8:10 a oa " Plymouth 9:8 ax " Maekny'a Ferry lC-.OOaiu. Arrive EJ.uton 11:258 a. m. Leave Kdentoa daily (except Sunday) 7 50 k J 1 35 a. m. fc 2 U p. m. Arrive Eliutbuth City daily (ex cept Sunday) 8 W a.m., 12 18 A a 39 p. m. Arrive Norfolk daily (etoetSua day) 10 4S a. m., 1 00 e R 10 p. m. Leave Bdeutca daily ex. Hauday 7:80 a. oa. and 2 20 p.m. Leave Elizabeth City daily except Sunday 8 z5 a. u. aud a IS p. m. Arrive Norfolk daily ox. Kaaday 10 10 a. m. and 00 p. ui. Southbound : Leave Norfolk daily (rept Sunday) 8-36. liSfia. m. A 4 it p. n. Arrive KHz. City daily (except Sunday)... 10 27 a. iu fcl'9, C 87 p. at. Arrive Kdentoa daily (xcpt Sanday) .. 11 25 a. m. A 1 20, 7 35 p. n. Loavo Kdeuton daily (except Sunday). 2 SO p. n. Arrive Belttaren daily (exoapt 8?wdy)... I ir V- tf'P llOH. ... GOOD NEWS FOR PLY H0UTH. Science at Last Discovers a T Real Cure For Rheumatism. After years ef experiment a n.r soieatifia remedy has been fuaud that not only re laivee, bat abaolotcly eures Kheuuiatim and kindred diaeaer. to tday cured. Rbeu auatiim i caused by an excess of poiaon cm aeids iu the blood. The new discovery KHBUMACIUE. though purely vegetable, nd aotiag through nature' chaunelM, Bea traliaa those iii; a,ud sweep all poiaous hA . harmful germs out cf the blood. At the Mctoe time it tone up tV.e stomach aad rKate the liver end kidneya ( KUEUMACIDB therefore, caree th dia eaee pereaaneatly, hi-eauae it removee the mdn It kaa cured hundrfua of cases alter the moat nt 1 dotors and bAtpitala Laye failed. UbETJllAClDEchreJ James Wi km of Dillon, K. O., arter he hud beeu itnld iu bed By rkeainatiaui for three jeare atxl Vis feet were- cS awa up alrix st to his b-iK. This' is on'v on oi the rcunv marvoiue . ear ltHET!MACID: hasErt.'dy pcrforrti . 4: RHEUM ACinB in Qixvag tf.; on.., ef Rhenni'.Hhai, Sciatica, luinbrtgr, ut, iidaey trouble, indigent ior. and connnptt tion, riicht iu tui ctniunit tnda) Beeau" it ban cared so uiauy ntbera we beleive it will core you Al! the le-ding draiat iu this place sell and re-oniui-d UUEUMACIDE, Willi IjflB rK (f 8w :. Discovery FOB 1 OUGHSaod C0c$l.00 (uluo rrce inai. Surest and Quietest Cure for ail THROAT and LUKO TEOUU- L3, or MONET SAGS. Ktld by aprultl A Bra. Why Wear Dirty Clothes? When Tr a &mal outlay I will cl-an pr' tit dye then, Haatrtnor iLm taink h1. o ,J5 most as bright as new. I make a Specialty of cleaning, dying and prewiring ' Ladies' Fine Drea8 8 e n d ; our tioilcd Huit or l)ri-M8 lo in and save tb1 cof.i -.f a (Jrdfiia frit'i a riiH-lsioc- s-lititt-J. i i wr.tk t?avar.'d 1o (jiv fH'.iarttCt!.'. Saml. Wiggins, - PLYMOUTH, N. O. ! i i '. 5 C ipi( S10 p. on. . '2:80 p. m. . . 4:30 . if ;i:45 p i p v .' mler- -i Oi i III dlrtte 8ttlUl. CouaeCt at Norfolk with trains to sad freaa Virginia Beach aud Currituck Breach TC AM BOAT SCMVIC K. ' Leave Kdaaton 1:0 p. rn., daily eicept Sunday, lor Benppernoug River, Steamer leave Belhavau X Xtt p. ru, daily except Sunday for Oriental, New Berti, Wilmi'-gtun, Morehead City, Ac. Hteaiccra leave Blbavn Stfvi.m. Tues day. Thnrsday -ui Saturday for Aurora, bontu Creek, Uukleyvillc, As. yteauior leave t'tyuontn daily (exoept Siaday) 4:15 p. iu. fur Viadsor aad Cashic Kiver. For further inf rotation apply te W. B. Davenport, Ag't, Plyraoutb, or ! the Gen end Office of the N. A K. it. R. Co., Nor folk, Va. M. W. MA QUI EF., Gn. Supt. If. K. KING, H. C. KUDQINIJ, Gesi'l Manag.r. Gea'l Ft. rase Agt. pamlico eivisien. Xo.at lee. t A. N ! 9 M Le. Varkej't Ferry ir. SO II 00 PljateaUt I SS ! It II . Fiae Town 4 0 ' 190 rr. Washington Lve. SeS r. x. r. k. ; a. m. I 10 i t,v. Maekry's rerry An, IM i 105a Utt 2 SO ; 11 90 IMke ioad . V 1 4i ' 11 SS Viaicperes IN'! I li:5 t-auuu IX ! j Jt( Arr. ?fi'lhi'-n ,v: tU i V M. P. I No. S. Kef.! Ouraa Oaleiai Prevanta I'&ewmeula ; t-'?.35; ' every bottle. PawatBiBv iT lav Ml Sold by P. E. DAVENPORT A CO. SAW MILLS. LIGHT. MEDIUM AND HEAVY WOOD-WORKLNQ M.lCiaXGSY FOR f.Vl7.Y Kli'.D OF WOHK ENGINES AND BOILERS AND 5IZES AND FOR EVERY CLAS OF SERVICE. ASK FOR OUR ESTIMATE BEFORE PUC1NO YOUR ORDER. GIBBES MACHINERY COMPANY COLUMBIA, S C. Special Advantages Offered To Parents Desiring to Secure for their Boya aud Girl a Prvcticl Educution, thereby preparing them for the Ilesponsibil itie of Life. Tuition $1.00, 11.25, $1.50. Alex. H. Koonce, A. B., Vrin. FOIEYSHOMMM Ocrca Caktai Prevents Poeoraeaia BHIC1L, BEICE, BEICE ! Having installed the latest improved machinery for the manufacture of brick, I am now prepared to furnish 4 building brick in large or small lots, at moderate prices. The material used is the finest aud the worK the best to be had. Those intending to build should write for samples and prices before placing their orders elsewhere. Transportation is good, my Kilns being directly at the junction of the A, C. L. and N. & S. Railroads. Plymoutli, C. 30in6 Vuv 'ow.d omos m oS ;8nm pimq no aAq oav vxm. by. 1jaou Xuq o; OafaiurApt: antA o si i jnq '4aA noX qA ;snf jaouj sn Xq onii; Xub iut?a; uoX qeiuinj ubo qa x 'uivSicq b 9.tuoo3 pfnoAv noA jt Xp-o; Uo 90ud oinos ojnb pp) oq ;8tim osoij pn J9ao goinit? si uosvss oqx niL W Alio 3C ' ' : : Sn?,r,-!r r-'i:?. Si" St j u.u a a vi lansSouQ PraSfl pi! Ploaaant to talio and does not gripe or nauseate Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble Stimulation Without Irritation. Ordto Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new laxative syrup combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. Constipation, Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup will posh iively cure chronic .constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO 1a different. Orino Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only aud do not touch the Live. It can very read, ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organg can not cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc. For Biliousness and Sioli Headache. Take Onrso Laxative Fruit Syrtry. It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. Oxjno Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best lax-' ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant and does not gripe or sicken. iXofuso substitutes. Special Offer I Nover before have we tiiadfl this low rate, but ws arc anxious to swell ottr eubucription list this fall, aud are willing to pay fur it. Until Oct. 1st, we will nccvpt new subscript ioM te Thk Ii'oasokk Beacon xt. the Special Low 1U( of $1.00 ! 10 tti'uuttr, fMyWbl in a'lHiiofc. '! h i e-jj; u it price is $1.00 per year in advance; 60c. fur months, i n 1 rial u!tcr'iion of 8 months for io. Your neighbor rends nml likes 'he p:per, will t)U. Fill out this blank and mail To-Day. i mm Talie ORINO Laxatlva Fruit Syrup and if you are net satisfied your moiicy will be refunded Prepared only toy FOtPf A CO., CtUoago, IIU COLO AND RECOMMENDED 6Y EE JHtl' , G. V. Vf. AUsnUX, riymouth, n. n. Ok it Mtt ; Eur.he Mni ? , for sui'.-cripi i,t to "The Uurtuoko ?k;-o.i!i" for foiii h v. your v'Svr y.'..vt. Vuuri'rt".My:t;nliy1 Xamo N. H. t? r,;i -rs! k ".'.scril't", i;ii)u!v bzw.l r I I to Vu in a-lacv fur mty tud all li'ti itst sho a it in UtM of your homo paner- Editok, i. fa 0 AvKNfOlil 4 CO., Cp-t ate Druggista

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