Firsts there's some money saved to your pocket every time you buy a pound of Good Luck Baking rowacr price only xo cents per can. This is the purest and most reliable arti cle on the market. . Strength never varies. Every good cook vrltio tries Good Luck be comes a .steady user, but we couldn't sell such enormous quantities f -e tried to make too much, profit- therefore i o cents a can . A wonder of modern merchandising is Baking Powder Second i you receive useful sul elegant premiums for tbe Good Xtjk coupons (notice picture below), and there is a coupon on every can. Many clever women manage to furnish their homes and obtain handsome pieces of jewelry for themselves, all from these coupons. Other baking powders claiming to be equal to Good ' . , Luck cost more, and bring you n,o premiums, either." Ask yonr grocer for a can. If he hasn't it, please send us his nime. THE SOUTHERN MFG. CO., tkhmoad, Vs. A t I OUT THIS) CA AMO SAVt T. VHtV AAa OOOO fO VAkUAftLl AWTtClEi. IK llftT sK Cut the "car" coupon from back of can. mm ONE SPOON 3UTHERN hPlf IN NEW YORrC "That was a terrible crime com Kitted yesterday." j . ;, "It was so. Have the police made my progress apprehending " the cullty parties?" ' "Oh. yes. They've persuaded the newspapers to take! the matter, up." IjouiaTille Courier-Journal. ' TaylotV.Cbrdte itemedy of Sweet Gum and kflilon is Nature's great remedy Cure Coughs, Colda, Croup and Consumption, and cM throat and lung troubles. At drug gists. 25c, bOc. and fl.00 per pottle. It takes a good deal of courage not to pretend you have it. 7Mit initfr frwi If" r - "rif i'-? T jAT-('B"f-vI FOR MAN AND BEAST. KILLS PAIN AND DESTROYS ALL GERM LIFE. CURES RHEUMATISM WONDERFULLY PENETRATING. A COMPLETE MEDICINE CHEST. Price, 23c, 50c., and f 1 .00. Dr. EARL Q. SLOAN, 615 Albany St., Boston, Mass. f If ' EQmS3 Inert analogy1 YlsUa Per Acre," The f armer'fl m o n e y-ba(r and bank ac count grow larger in proportion to the fertility of his farm. Mo 6upply to your fnna the elements that hare been taken from It by planting and harvesting season, af ter season, vac bountifully Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers (with a special formula for every crop). They lay at the root of thous ands and thousands of prosperous iarms. Uso these fertilizers for all jour crops, no matter what they maybe. They will greatly "Increase your yields per acre." and make your money-bag fuller. Jitli. your dealer for them, and If ho ean't euppCy you, writo ua diroct. Don't p-iy your (rood money, nor (rive your note, for any interior substitute. VIRGiKtA-CaP.GLlriJl CHEMICAL CO., TUchinond, Va. Atlant. G. Norfolk, Va. Suvannuh, tia. Durham, N.C. asontgromery.Ala. v ijurjcsuju. c.i,. AierapBiu, J cnn. Baltimore, 11 d. ZEE ShrtiVfjport, La. So. 6-'06. That Delightful Aid to Health n 'Toilet Antiseptic Whitens the teeth purifies mouth and breath cures nasal ratarrh. sore throat, sore. oxer.. i ; ' i j i i nnH hv direct annli'Tation rurp?i 4 all inflamed, ulcerated and ?1 nfi.rlTil rrnrlittrnc rancrl K,f feminine ills. Paxtine possesses extraordinary cleansing:, healing and germi cidal qualities unlike anything else. At all druggists. 50 cents LAEGB TRIAL PACKAGE FREE ' Furniture dealers avc advocates of brief courtships. 80. G-'OG DOCTOR CURED OF ECZEMA. Maryland l'ltysiriaii Cures llimnelf Dr. Fisher Saya: "Cntlciti'M Hemertiea t 1okc True 'Merit." "2ly lace was aK'ictetl v.ilh eczema ia the year 1S97. 1 used the Cuticura Reme dies and was entirely cured. I am a prac ticing physician, and very often prescribe Cuticura Resolvent and Cuticura Soap in cases ct' eczema, and they have cured where other formulas liavc failed, i am not ia the habit of endorsing patent medi cines, but when 1 lind remedies possessing true merit, uch as tho Cuticura Remedies do, I am broad-minded enough to pro claim their virtues to the world. 1 have been practicing medicine for sixteeu years,' aud must say 1 find your Remedies A Xo. 1. You :'.u at liberty to publish this let ter. C. M. l-'isber, M. i., Uig I'oo', Aid., May 24, 1905. " Pathos Eetween Lines. John Mitchell, iu a description of one of the historic coal strikes of the last century, said: "There is a story of the privations of those poor people that has a grim pa thos in it. Its pathetic rather than Its humorous side makes the story worth repeating. '.'A child, during the strike, goes to Tvlrs. Simpkins on Monday morning and says: " 'Please, ma'am, my mother sent me for the loan of your marrow hones to make soup with.' "'Tell your mother,' Mrs. Simpkins replies, 'that Mrs. Murphy has them to-day. and Mrs. McDevitt is promised them for to-morrow, hut she can have them on Wednesday if sha'11 return them promptly, hein' as I want to make soup myself on Thursday." A boy must either think his father 'as an awful chump or is an awful liar to tell him tbe things lie never did Avhcu be was young. A TRULY IDEAL WIFE HER HUSBAND'S BEST HELPER Vigorous Health Ia tba Great Source of Power to inspire n juncourasre All Women Should Seek It. Ono of the most noted, successful and richest men of this century, in a recent article, has said, " Whatever I am and whatever success I have attained in this world I owe all to my wife. From the day I first knew her" she has been, an inspiration, and the greatest help mate of my life.'' I JlArj. 3 essia jflnsley J The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Mass. To be such a successful wife, to re tain the love and admiration of her husband, to inspire him to make the most of himself, should be a woman's constant study. If a woman finds that her energies are flagging, that she gets easily tired, dark shadows appear under her eyes, she has backache, headaches, bearing down pains, nervousness, irregularities or the blues, she should start at once to build up her system by atonic- with specific powers, such as Lydia E. Pink hains Vegetable Compound. Following we publisu oy request a letter from a young wife : Dear Mrs. Plnkhara: " Ever slnoe my child was born I liave uf f wed, as I hcp few women ever have, with in flammation, female weakness, bearinr-down pains, backache and wretched fceadacneg. It affected my stomach so I could not enjoy my meals, and half my time was spent in beU. " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made rae a well woman, and I feel so grateful that I am glad to write and tell you of my marvelous recovery. It brourht me health, new Ufa and vitalftjr ." Mrs. Beanie Auuley, 611 South 10th Stret. Taeoma, Wash. What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every sick and ailing woman. If you have symptoms you don't un derstand write to Mrs. 1'inkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E Pinkham, at Lynn. Mas. Her advice Is free and lways helpful. About the last thing on earth a man wants to think of is bis finish. BOX OF WAFERS FREE-NO DRUGS CURES BY ABSORPTION. Cure Botching of Ga l'.nl KreatU a4 JKart Ktomanh Short Braath liloatlnc Sour Kructatlont Irregular Heart, Kt. Take a Mull's Water any time of the day or night, and note the immediate good ef fect on your stomach. It absorbs the pas, disinfect the stomach, kills the poison germs and cures tht disease. Catarrh of the head and throat, unwholesome food and overeating make bad stomachs. Scarcely any stomach is entirely free from taint of some kind. Mull's Anti-belch Wafers will make your stomach healthy by absorbing foul gases which arise from the undigested food and by re-enforcinj the lining of the stomach, enabling it to thoroughly mix the food with the gastric juices. This cures stomach trouble, pro motes digestion, sweetens the breath, stops belching and fermentation. Heart action becomes strong and regular through this process. Discard drugs, as you know from experi ence they do not cure stomach trouble. Try a common-sense fNature's) method that does cure. A soothing, healing sen sation results instantly. We know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will do this, and we want you to know it. Thi offer may not appear again. 2106 GOOD FOR 2m. Send this coupon with your name and address and your druggist's flame and 10c. iu stamps or silver, and we will supply you a sample free if you have never used Mull's Anti-Helen Wafers, and will also send you a cer tificate good for '25c. toward the pur chase o more Belch Wafers. You will find them invaluable for stomach trou ble; cures by absorption. Address Mrix's Grape Iokic Co.. 328 3d Ave., Bock Island, ill. Give Frtl Address and Write Plainly, All druggists, SOe. per box, or by mail upon receipt- of price. Stamps accepted. Unless a man has faith ia bis work lie will not work faithfully. FITS permanently mirsd. No flts or nervous ness after nrst day s use or ur. JH.uue s ureac XerveRestorortatrial bottle andtreattsefre I)r. E,H.Kukk, Ltd., S31 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Many of the large ocean greyhounds carry cats as mascots. ; A Guaranteed Cure For Plies. TtcWn1-. Blind. THe'fvlin". Pro'rucllav Pili. Pruztfets are authorized to refund monevi: PazoOiutment fails to cure in 6 to Udays.SOe. Norway, have established Koosevelt streets. ltolbel in Churcli. ,TiT!t think what an on t rage it is to be robbed f all the benefit of the services bv continuous conphing throughout the congregation, when .nti-CJripine is giiarsn teed to cure. Sold everywhere. 2.1 cts. KV W. l)iemeT, M. !., manufacturer Jrrinvfield. Mo. S'avcry still exists ia Eritisa East Africa. To Cure a Cold In Onu 1i Tak T,nxatlv Promo Cuisine Tablet. Drurcistsrafund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sitrnnturo oil each box. 25c. The largest safe in the world will bold $10,000,000 in uncut stones. PIso's Curecuuot be too htsrlily sooken of r cough curs. T. W. O'OaiEK, 322T'oIrl Avenue, S., Mlnneaoolis, AllnD., Jan. 0,130). Germany leads European countries xo the number of publications. Itch cured in . 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitarv Lotion; never falls. Sold bv DraKgiflits. Mail orders promptly filled by Dr. Eetchon, Crawfordsville, lad. $1. The total number of men in the United States liable to military service is 11,126 730. LOST 72 POUNDS. Was Fast Drifting Into (lie Fat-1 Stajci of Kidney Sickness. Dr. Melviu M. Page, Page Optical Co., Erie, Pa., writes: "Taking too many iced drinks in New York iu 1895 sent me home with a terrible attack of kid ney trouble. I had acute congestion. sharp pain in the back, neadachea and attacks of tlizzi- 65 itA nese. My eyes gave f-Jt-. languor and sleep lessness, of the dis ease unou me I wasted from 194 to 122 pounds. At the time I started using Doan's Kidney Pills an abscess was formins on my right kidney. The trou ble was quickly checked, however, and the treatment cured me, 80 that I have been well since 189G and weigh1 188 pounds." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T STILL TRIMS HUSBAND'S HAIR. Aged Millionaire Keeps te the Custom of Hit Poverty Days. In Brooklyn there lives a millionaire well along in years, with a wife from whom also youth has long since fled, rrom the old days before wealth came to them the couple retain one custom which has passed, as the years have flown, Into a sort of sacred rite. The old lady cuts the old gentleman's hair. Once a year the millionaire goes to a barber shop and has his scanty locks trimmed. That seta the Rtyle for the ensuing year. When he comes home the wife carefully stud ies the cut, and after that it is her work of love to reproduce it until another year rolls around and the an nual visit to the barber takes-place. The old gentleman also shares him self. Economy in the matter of barbering, which was first a matter of stern ne cessity, is now the one little thing that the couple refuse to give up out of tn days of poverty. As they are a chlls-, less couple, there is nobody to hector the old man Into engaging a valet. Really tho old man has his hair cut more often than is necessary, for sometimes when the worries of wealth and social duties are more than or dinarily oppressive the good wife will say: "Come dear come up to my room. I want to cut your hair." And while the scissors snip the ojd couple laughingly go back to the old happy days of youth and struggle once more. A man would bate to drink even whiskey if be was sure it was good for his health. CAUGHT BY THE GRI RELEASED BY P&RU-NA. Cm Blood, Skin Troubles, Caneer, Blood Poison. Orestf at Blood Purifier Free. If your blood is impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, it you have Mood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, ecsema, itching, risings and lumps, s-abhy, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) accord ing to directions. Soon all sores heal, aohes and pairs stop, the blood is made pure and rieh, having the skin free from every eruption, and giving tho rich glow of perfect health to the skin. At the same time B. B. B. improves the digestion, cures dyspepsia, strengthens weak kidneys. Just the medicine for old people, as it gives them new, vigorous blood. Druggists, $1 per large bottle, with directions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and special free medical advice also sent in sealed letter. B. B. B. is es pecially advised for chronic, deep-stated cas?s of impure blood and skin dis !usef and cures after all ulse fails. Many a man's meanness is due to chronicle stomach trouble. Bewnre of Olntwett For Ctarr!i TUat Contain Mercury. . ssmercury will saruly dojeroy the sense ol amell aadcooiplet'aty ileraa;e the whole sys tem wnea unterln it thr 3 Tjn the mucous eurfaee. 8uah articles saould never be used rcdpt ou pr33;rlpi,ioa from reputable phy sicians, as tho damage they will do is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from then. jiaU'.t Catarra Cure, manufactured by J. Oneney & Co., Toledo, O., eontains no mercury, uad is taken internally, actin; directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces otthesystein. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken in ternally, and made in Toledo, Onto, b t'. i. Cheney Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists; prloe, 76c. per bottle. 'lake Hall's family Fills for constipation. When" a man 'oversleeps" and misses a train that gets wrecked you'd think from the way be brnrs about it that it was all due to the brains he's got. Pneumonia Followed L Grippe Pe-ru-na ths .Remedy That Brought Ralief. . Mr. T. Barnecott. West Aylmer, Onta rio, Can., writes: "Last winter I was ill with pneumonia after bavin la grippe. I took reruns for two month, when I became quite well, and 1 can say that any one can be cured by it in a reasonable time and at little ex pense." Systemic Catarrh, the Eesult of Is Onpoe. Pe-ru-na Receives Credit For Present Good Health. Mrs. Jennie W. (Jilmore, Box 44, White Oakj Ind. Ter., writes: "bix years ago 1 had la grippe, which was followed by systemic catarrh. The only thine I used was Feruna and Mana lin, and f have been in better health the last three years than for years before. J give Pcruna all the credit for ray good health." . Pe-ru-na A Tonic After La Grippe, Mm. Chus. E. Wells, $r., Delaware, Ohio, write: "After a severe attack of la grippe I took Penina and found it a very good tonic." "Mot Effective Medicine Ever Tried For La Grippe." Robt. L. Madison, A. M.. l'rinoioa! ot Cullowhee High School, Painter, li.'C, is Chairman of the J&ckson County Board of Education. Mr. Madison sav': "l am hardly ever without Peruua in my home. It is the most effective medicine that 1 have ever tried for la grippe." Mrs. Jane Gift, Athens, O.. writes: "L had la grippe very bad. My husband bought Pcruna for me. In a very short time I saw improvement and wis soon able to do tny work." ft V K A . Suffered Twelve Year From After Effect! of La Grippe. Mr. Victor Patneaude, 323 Madison St.; Topeka. Kas., member of Knights and La dies of Security, writes: " "Twelve years ago 1 had a severe attack of la grippe and I never really recover my health and strength but grew weaker every year imtil 1 was unable to work. '"Two years ago I liegan ueinj: Pcruna and it built up my strength bo that in I couple of mouths 1 was able to go U . work again. "This winter I had another attack of la grippe, but Pcruna scon drove it out ol my system. "My wife and I consider 'Peruna a Household cmedy." - 3 REPEATING SHOTGUNS No matter how big; the bird, no matter hpw heavy its plumage or swift it flight, you can bring it to bag: with a long, strong, straight shooting Winchester Repeating Shotfrun. Results are what count. They always give the best results in field, fowl or trap shooting, and are sold within s reacn 01 everyDoay s pocKetoooa. FREE: if.ii name and address on a postal card for onr forgt Mastrattd catalogue. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO.. NEW HAVEN. CONH. CABBAGE Plsuvts! CELERY Plants! nd all kind of garden plants. Can now furnish all kinds of onbtig plants, nrown intLieopeu air nu l will mtn'l ureal coiii. umwii from ut-oit or me mot roiuitiie fUMiucn. thouauil acre truck farm. Flanixoar d ( elrrv rwadv lust of Dej. I.uuc time oranrlier. Rediceil exprfm ralaa promised, whloh. when eflcttT, We ua thn aame planta ou oar JfcjhSp.-i fully rouuted and pnprly iaek. t'Ar'? ct. onloa and Heft plan1 , same rgpM'iiM,' tvtfJLi4X'n. alve us nr ct-nt. lea than nirri'iiinrflse n OTOTtvMr, "l-W periiioinaiid, larue lot to per the lU-sn l.F. O. B. M-k-SjjSp wd (nicenls ieruouriii. rSjS'ffi? i tutu. S. V. ArlliiKton White Stilne Cucumber Sft-d buceuts tier vouriii, Rfi 'E" t 1 . O. R.. Mecgctts, S. . The bnited States .Atriculmral uevarmnt E ft has established an Kxpnriinrntal Station on our farms, to test all kl d riiiitM. of vewetahlea eat eoSallr l abliauen. I he reitun f tliernoxperimentt w will be pi ased o Kleyouaeany tlme.-Voura respectfully II. KMTtll ( OMPASI, MEUttETTS, a. e. PRICE. 5 Cts tmt THE iipjh ie..d IS GUARANTEED TO CURE GRIP, CAD COLD, HEADACHE AMD NEUHALGIA. I won't sail Aatl-Crtplee to a dealer who won't Oaaraatea Ii, Call for your MOXKT BACK IF XT UOESA'T CYTBJB JkY. W, Memr, M.JD,, Uanufacturer. Sjr in afield, JSt 1 tjeot'l i CVStI WMlfil ALL (LIE FAILS. Beat Cough Hyrup. 'l'natea jfotxl. L'ae in time, gold by dniyglsts. "7 So. 6-'06. 10 Cfcr 60c wht1 h of tadin? lfW BOTeJtjea hi ("tvoi. oat SmKiem Seeds, al'a worth uf I'niTeraal IT aium tunons free with erv erdar. noiAilA-HO'S BED 8TOSX, SAXl'lsiOKf. John White & Co. LOUISVILLE, KY. . aksslUa4 1U7 Richest market price paid fur raw FURS Mi HlrfM. If afflicted with weak eyee, use) Thompson's Eye Watr mm fell fit h.iW&&A l'X-rfJt.Trvi.ft-.-.w nm inn aaiimili T.S .--a- n v a I -I : M rm "-saasa" To sweeten, To refresh, To cleanse the system, Effectually and Gently; There is only 0110 Genuine Syrup f Figs; to get its bene ficial effects pispeis coias am headaches iien bilious or coe stipated; For men, womeE and chOdren; Acts best on and liver, stomach an bowels; Alvays huy tho gcrwssao NcRufacLurcd by tho 1 vj--T m mmmr SdwI Francisco. CaL HewYorkJU. :rJ genuine Syuc of Flfs is, icr sale bv all first-class druggies. The full name of the compan7-CalifcrRia Fig Syrup Co. is always printed pa the front of every package. Price Fifty Cents per bottle. P U T N AM FAB EL ESS Color more roods brirhtar and fan .r colori than inmtkirn.. o... 1,. 1 u ri,..j.....ij ... au dyeaaj faraaat witkout rlppla, apart. Writ, for free Woia.t-HeVto" Orl leica aa4 Jtlsgolari. MOS ltVE DUV&vbZvllmJw&iV? YES

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