COUNTY NEWS. HI a STOOD THK TEST 25 YEARS. WAS IT MURDER? The old, original GROVifi'8 Tasteless Chill J, Tonic You know what you are taking. It (, CAtTQIIT ON THE FLY 1WT OUR is iron and quiuiua in a tasieietis form, mo cure, No pay. 5()o. jau 12 Bettor paaa up the offering than waste your geuiue trying to make a niokel look like a dollar Gabc Walker, Colored, Chaf special ook;respot6ents. gtd with Killing His -Wife. ROPER RHPLES. ures IE FLY K OTLES. atarrh Ot Tkuwday taoruiag of last week Qaba Walker, well-to-do colored faziaer living imV Keper, weal to Roper'tnd reporteit that his wife hud killed hersolf," 'the if he returned ' DrrJ,.1f."8pfjfl:ht, special cero tier, went U the acona and erapati- eiodajurj and from the iuvetiga tion. eatticient ef ideoce waa found to justify Coroner Speight in having Walker arrested, and he was turned over" to officer W. H. Tarkentou of that towBihip, who brought hiui to Ply&outh aud, upou tbe coroner's ceramitotent, , he was placed m jail cnrg4 wua wna murder. It seems that while Walkar made no attempt to escape, and gave uo evidence of having; committed the deed, yet, upou investigation, it wi found from the maoier in which the wectaa waa that, aad otaor circuui. tteSi, that it waa aet a caae of oictdo, aa tbo has ben i elaisaes), heftoe the charf of murder against him. Walker i a small negro, about 50 year 'old, aod while-he heart a good record aa an hoojirt;, hard working WISH, BIIU IS uuuaiuciiu o gwvu inr xtt'))j hie neighbors, it is said he nnd'fyis'wife have been baring fam ily wraps for the past twenity'flvo yearir. ..,v y 3TEENGTH-CEEAT0R. Vinol Guaranteed by Physi cians, and Over $ wo Thou sand Reading Druggists as the.Best Strength Creator Known to Medicine. This ia because Vinol la the latest ecieu tile production of the greatest tonic re baiMer the world Um ever known uaiuely, cod liver oil. Za Viael the avstem-eloggfag, naaseatiog all U etiaaiaated, aad the naeehciaal, eura 1m eUoasats kaovo to exist in the cod's llvjr ere edssuusUred In a highly eoaeen" stated feria, therefore, a preparation eon taiatag ail these auedioiaal, curative cud body-belldiDg elemeots, frse from ail or fraaae, must be the beat etieagth creator possible to prodaoe"' la Vlnel yea kaow what yea are takiag, feaevetftaiag it coaiaiae ia Based oa tka hack label el ever battle. TWa is why Tlael is so ea,ielllolly MeeKateaded by pajreieieM aad gaerea- teed by era ice Uaaeaad et taveleadiag Craggtste of tka Uaileat fcltttee ae a bedy. ballderaad etreagtkreatot for old pee pie, wea von to, puny children, aftar alekeeea sad for all pelmoneiy diseaeee. The dealer kaews what ha ia giving aad Ua patiaatkaeve wkat ha la taking, v ' llr. P. E. Davenport, oar laadiag dragr gilt, stye, "we tall Vinol on a positive gleraatee that it ia aad will do all we claim for U or ref add ' Money without qnestioa.' Tate'ia liaalf prevee the. troth of all etetemeals published aboat Tiaol ia tbia papar- T. B. Oaveapert, Drtggist. Tapering off a bad habit if oftaa ealy tbo the kindling for new aian UXCKKY'S FERRY NEWS. Ifackay'a Ferry, H. C, liar. 31, Speolal. Mr. E. 8. Patriok vitited Edanton laat Friday Mra. O W &ntl viaitad Urt. L. U Mar- riur Uat Friday. alia Mazirio Chawoa vinited Miau leva Chsitou laat waek. Mr. John Wynne of Edenton. waa in our widit Batarday. Maaara H B. Oheaoa and Hope Spruili wont to Flymoath lad Friday. Mra. Hester (Gaboon and dan eb tar. Miau Mary, viaitod Hit. Uotlia Chosaon Sunday. Missaa Manila Tarkeatvn and Mary Warru Cahoou viaited Hit Queaaia Spruili the paat week. - Mr. T. B. Cbeasoa aho has been ena- plojed in the atoro of Mr O. W Uutll. baa nww returned to the farm A Chicago Alderman Owes His Elcc tion to Chamberlain's Coagh RoHtedj. Nl eaa heartUy and eeaeeleatloeilv rae aaiMcad Ckaborlai'a Coagk Eeaedy for Boa. John Shdniok, 320 8o Faeria St.. Chicago. "Two yeare ago duriag a pelltieai oaaipaiga, I aongkt cold after being oyer, heated, which irritated uy throat and I waa finally compelled to atop, aa I ooald sot apeak ajoad. Ia toy extremity a friend adfiaed n to uae Ckambeilaia'a Coagh Keneady.f I took two doiea that after boob and could not Metre my aenieawhsnl foaad Ue next tnwmiLtf the iaflantaiatioa had largely anbaided. I took MTcval dosei that day. kept right on talking through tbo eamnaiga. and I thank tbia medicine that X won mr eat ia tbo Coaaoil." Thia rem. dia for aale by all drutfgiate, The woman who tbinka only of her leek nwoyt jooaa H. A Scientific Wonder Tke eurea tkat ataad to Ita credit make Buoklen'e Arnica Halve a Seieatific wonder. It eared K K. Maltord, loetarer for tke Fatrone of Husbandry, Wayaeeboro. P., of a dlatreuttig caae of Pilea. It heala the worat Burns, aerea., Boila, Ulcere, Cute, Weeuda, Chilblains and Bait F.heura. Only 85e at Spraill A Bro'e BoravvX O. Mte. 31 -Splai. We get aeaie fresh fish oceaaieually. We have goad weather oae day aud bad weather for aevarai Dr. J I.. White, daatiat, 1 Bre deiag some prefeaaional work The N k 8 K R, had a wreak between Re par aad Featege leal weak Mr. Burwell Biddiek, of Suffolk, is here with a force of brisk masons, buildiug the bank Mrs J T Lov is and children, of Wash ington, ia here vuiiing her pareuls at tbe hotel The newspapers tell us one day that the Virginia Cat it K. ka bought out the H. tt 5 the next paper comes out with a con iradiotioa. that the N A 8 ban bought the Virginia Coast. We will leara which i the viator, some day II 1 Ull. I If it is a bilieas attack take Chamberlain's Stomach aad Liver Tableta and a quick euro ia certain. For aale by a.l druggists. For bloating, belching, indisestion. etc.. eat a King's Dyspepsia Tablet after meala. fter aalo bf P Davenport and 8k ilea fc Hon SKINNERS VILLE CHIPS. 8kiansrsville, N. C. Mar. 51 Special. Kotbiug but bad weather, sure, Mrs. S. S. aumack visited friends at Columbia last week. Mr. aud Mrs W.J Harris visited Mr. A. W Haaitell aliduy. borne' of our people attended vrachinc at Pleasant Grove last tiuaday Mr T. II. Wycna o, Creewell, ia visiting relativer ia this neighborhood. Mr, Cbarltoa Uarriss waa the gueet of m.w. aeai swam last Saturday night Mr. CliaUa Everett waa the gaaat ef aar. e. a. Aumaek'a laeaily tke paat week. J r a rti t . . v. m. aaraeaion ic ai worn OB a oettoa picker, and aave he will bo ready to piea couon aoxi tail, wo wisu him sue aoae. huxT Jim. BsawsjawmwsBWBSBBimsnEE TO CURE A COLD IX ONI DAT Take LAXATIVE BttOMO QUININE Tables. DruKgists refund mouey if it failN CO cure. E. W. UROVK'S aiguature ia on cacu box. 00 Jau 13 niHISTER TELLS THE TRUTH Personal Experience of Aged and Well-beloved Preacher. Mo other man in the community is so wcll-bsloved . or whose words have such weight aa the minister, who haa devoted his life to the aervice of mankind. In Mary land one of tbo moat unted Methodist mio latere ia the titat auf ered severely with j rheumatism, Ue found na relief nntil a friend recommended KHEUMACIDE lie waa so delighted with the results that for the benefit of other sufferers, aa a duty to j mankind, be tells his experience in the fol io wine letter: "Jleisterstowu, Md.. February 27tb. "I waa takeu with Inflammatory Kheu matistn in my ltt hand and foot in the be ginning of thia winter and suffered u really. A gentleman in Baltimore who had tried RIIEUMACIDE fcr Rheumatism recom mended it to me. I secured three bottles aad took it iu smaller doses tbau prescribed, and am now entirely cured. Can use both band and foot without the least iuconve nienoe, "Yours rtsj.eotfully, "J. It. Wheeler,. Pastor, Baistorete-wn M. E. Church." Your druggist sells aad recommends RIIEUMACIDE. A $86,807.00 Check. The above check represents nre- raiurn money deposited on u large Endowment Policy in the old line Reliance Life of Pittsburg, Pa. We have an exact copy of the check on file in thia office. Place your insurance in the com pany that gives Disability Insurance without extra cost. Whose s;tne and liberal methods command the respect ot thrifty American?. ' District Agency, Rkliakce Life Ins. Co. Next door to lieacon office, Plymouth, N. C. Agents wanted in N. U. and Vit. JURY LIST. The following named persons were drawn to serve as Jurors, Spring Term Mapsrior Court: riyraouta Township J O Everett, O. TV Ange. Ii 5 Lauding and T J Gay lord. Leo's Mills Township M Chesson, L. U reaooek, T B Cbesson, W H Chesson, saw a. raeips, nuy unesson, Uanl Mar row, J r UsAlliSter, I F Marriaer. L C. Varriner, J T Marriaer aad Jne Alexan- Car. klaaersvtlle Township A W Biggs, r sa won aaa at r uaveuport. Bcuppernoiig Township Aaron Spruili, a opraui, L,evi b spruili, Jno O. tveouiey, r onU, T K Gray, U O. Davenport, Wm Wiiy, E ft Haasell. A. u naiaer, uavid Furlough, Joe Daven port, Chas N Davenport, 8 H Woedley, A J Furlough.; H C Clifton and D 8. Clifton. Cost a Few Cents More Worth Double the Difference. stamped Envelopes with your full business card printed on them;' The government prints nothing but your address aud you pay $21.20 per M. This does your business no good. We print them for 9!1.75 per M.; $11.00 for 500 and print anything you WHtit uu them. Won t it justify you to pay the slight difference and get what you want, and something that will do your business good. Give tie your nxt order. Cash tnnHt accompany all orders. amou:i:ementi Soma men talk too laud and all women talk too meek. The gams aad resiaa obtaiaed from pine troee have long bees reoognixed aa highly taief aitl ia tbo treat meat of backache Kidney aod bladder troubles. Piae-ules is iae name or a new medicine, the pria S mmvu mi Rum roHit irom toe D Krnsi of mn owai imti laaa. i Ot sale I. B. Dateaport aad Skllea A 80a. 1 kJple teia M Buy Wood at u Wood Yard Don't pay 8 cents per pound for wood. If you buy 100 pounds of White Lead in kegs you gett 83 pounds of White Lead and 13 pounds of Wood. When you buy L. A M. Faint you get a full gallon of paint that won't wear off for 16 or 15 years, because L. A M. Zino hard, ens the L. i M. White Lead and makes L. A M. paint wear like iroa i gaiione L & M mixed with 3 gallons Linaeed Oil will paint a moderate sized house L. A M. oests oulv $l.2e per gallon. Bold in the north, east, south and west. C 8. Andrews, Ex-Mayor, Danbury. (Joan., Writes: "Painted my bouse 13 years ago with L. A M. Looks well to-iay. Bold by H. A. Blount, Plymouth, K. C. 8-3t Marriage is the only thing that will take tbe oenceit oat of seme men. TTh4fir helps ae te think mora kiadly f mmmt- U?. fc i?itg ia tke kiagdoia A Safe Cough Medicine for Children, Ia buying a cough medicine for children never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it aod always sure to follow. It is sable for eolds, t roup and whooDins gkw Tor sale by aU druggists. Remedy elief is 1 ally valu etivgkw New Firm, - - . New Siore, New Spring Millinery 1 We have opened an up-to-date MILLINERY STORE in Roper. Our stock is New, Bright, and of the Very Latest 5tyles. We have secured the services of an Excellent Trimmer, from Bal timore. Our goods are of the Best. Our priees aro Right. We are striving to Please the public. Wo ask a share of your patronage. We solicit the pleasure of an early visit to our store. Yours to Please, Miss Ida Peacock & Co., 3-15 KOPEK, N. O. North Carolina, Washington County. II. A. Cbn, ay hie next friend, 8. C. Cuessonj .- A. M Walker and J. R. Myers, trading as Walker Myers. The defendants above' named will take netlce, that a Summons was issued on the 14th day or Dec, 11H)5, in be nprlor Court of Washington County, re-.urnsble U Spring Term, 1906.. And that tbe Sheriff of said county has returned sale Hutnnions. endorsed "The defendants cannot be found iu my county," and it appearing from the affidavit of tb l'lnimifT that after due dilifconce the Defendants cannot be found in thie 8tat ; and that the Defeu dants aie non-rtsldent of this butt, and that he has a good cane of action against tbe defendants on account of injury to his person caused by the negligence of the defendants, for which ne claims daiaages in the sum of 21,950. The Defendant will further take notice that a Warrant of Attachment was issued in said action March the ?lt, 1B08, agaiuft the rel estate of tbe said Defendants, bounded as follows, via : On the .North by the Koanolta Hirer, on the W en by tbe ttaauok Railroad & Lumber Co., on tbe Soauh by YV. li. Huuipioii, and ua the Kast by Henrietta Lee's eetat?. Aad it appearing that said Defend ants are non-residents f this State and the Plum tl's cause of action is for injury to hig person, caused by the aegUkenee of said Defendant, aud that the Warrant or Attachment is made return ble to Hpriug Term of Superior Court of Washing ton County, April JJiird, 1U0U. Ssaid Defeudaiw will appear and answer or demur te said complaint or tea reielf therein demanded will be grunted. Witness ay hand this the 22ad day of Marco, :90t. W.M. iJAl talAN.c S. C Hay Fever, Asthma, i Bronchitis S Colds. The old reliable "E. E. M.' Catarrh Cure never fails to cure the above dis eases. It has been manufactured in the South for over twenty years and is thoroughly endorsed by many of the most prominent people in the Southern States aa the only true euro for Catarrh, Hay Fevor and kindred diseases. Thousands bear wiHing testimony to its paramount healing and curative vir tues. Many of its cures were marvelous after tho most noted physicians, special ists and othor romcdics had failed. It is purely vegetable and a delightful amoko. We raako it either mixed with mild tobacco, from which the nieotlne haa been extracted, or not, as deaired. Send stamp for book of particulars containing the most wonderful record of cures ever known. Price 1 per box. If jour druggist eaanot supply you it wi.l be sent prenaid upon receipt of price. Add r one "E. C. M." CO. O. Box 341. ATLANTA, GA. For Sale. I have a good, single, second-hand spring wsgou, in good runniug order, that I will sell at a bargain. Apply to E. S. Cahoon, Skinnersville, N. C. WANTED: District Mauager to post signs, advertiwe and distribute samples. Saliry $18 00 weekly, $3 00 per day for expenses NtatA age and present employ ment. IDEAL JstlEAU CO., 39 Randolph St., Chicago. my 18 WANTED : Two men ia each county to represent aud advertise Hardware de partment, put out samples of our guodn, etc Traveling Ponition or Office Manager. SsUry 90 00 er month, cash ' wtekly, with all rxpeuue paid iu advance. We f urn inn everything. THE COLUMBIA HOUSE, Dept. 610, 234. fith Ave . 3-9 Chicago, III. The Tax Books are now in my hands for 190;"). . I will thank the people- it come for ward aud settle their taxes for this year. Yours truly, W. J. Jackson, Sheriff, ECILLthh cough AND CURE TMi LUNGS WITH Or. (ling to Discovery for C 'ONSUMPTION OUGHS and OLDS Price BOc A SI. 00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. 1 HOULISTCR'ft Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A By Medicine for Bniy People. ' Eriofi Ooldsa Health and Beaewsd Vigor. A eoeclflo for Constipation, Indirection, IJve .id Kldasr Troubles, Pimples, Ecsemn, Impure lod. Bad Breath, Kluarirish Bovels, Headache .nil Backache.. It's Kooky Mountain Tea Id tab at form, 8 crnte a box. 6oulne made by HoLLMrrca Druo CoarraxT, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUQGET8 FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Sold by P E Davenport A Co. NOTICE LAND SALE. W. F. Gray 1 vs Clarence Ambrose, Edgar L. Jackfon, Jes'e W. Jackien to Willie B. Jackson Having been appointed by the Co art as Coram! s sioner to sell the land hereinafter described. 1 will sell to tbe hlfhect bidder for cash, at the Cosrt Hon deer In flymoutb, N u.. on Monday, April 2nd. 1906, the piece of land situated lu Washington oonnty, Skiunersvllle township, adjoining the lauds of M. L. Davenport and knuwu as tbe "Ilardr Gruy Flace," containing tea acres more or less. Said sale being made for division as set ferth in the petition on file ia the office of Clerk Superior Court. This 5th day of March, 1906. J , F. JACKSON; Uontmusioner. NOTICE, By virtue t a decree of the Superior Court ef Washington county, N. C, ia th causa ef Mercer Bowe, by bis next friend, Jaaies W. Mason aad alary E. Kowe, ttx Parte to the Court, appointing dm Commisxinner, I will sell for cash at l lie Court Uense door In Plymouth. N. C, on the 16ih day of April, 1906, at 12 M. the following real estate in tbe County of Washington, N. C, containing abcut twenty-six acres of cleared land and six and one eighth acres of woedland. Tbe cleared lai.d tx tcinnlng at an Elm at the edge of the public road at 8. H. FurlouphV corner, thence Northwardly along his line about 1100 yards toC. W.Will's Boifue (sound line, thenco West ward ly 120 yards along raid Hill's line to bis corner in Jamo 1, iatman's line, tueiice Southwardly along Bateman's line about 1072 yards to the pub lic 'road, thence Kastwardly along said road-&S yards to the heginnlug, and lying on the North aide of tbe public road. The woodiand lies en tho Houth sie of the public road and adjoins 8. H, Furloughs on the East, Wilson Oliver on the boutb, J. I. Kateman on the West, and the public road on the Jiorth. March 12, 1006. J. N. PRUDEN, Commirsioner. F0IYSS0IJETTAH fW s4lc(reMM est, estrw. Mm mptmtm R6tirned With Big Stock of B5I03 BARGAINS ! Our buyer has returned from tbe nortb witb a large stock of goods, that we are offering at l'.)v prices. u , Every Line is Now Complete We bare tbe largest stock of pretty Lacci and fini broideries we bave ever can itd, and are offering' tbem at lower prices. On Next Td,1GQ7t!hf we will make Special Sale on fJaiiiburgs, Laces. 1 JT a as ".. H ana jjauies collars , 8 J- 6 . " 10 i " 41 ' 8 . ; - 12 -vV . u ' ' 10 wide 20 t u 18 v IS " 1 " ' 1 1 i ii i i - J 1 asaiasaaaaw v A 100 Ladies' 25 Coliars will go tbat day at 15c eacli Save up. our change and v Don't Forget the Day. . Yours truly. W. C, .Ayers, RIDING VEHICLE ANCFACTl'RKA 4W I wiah to inform the good people of Washington and surrounding counties, that I am still makiig AU Kinds of Riding Vehicles. With jcara 'of eiaerienoa ,i . in the business, and the services of experienced work men, I am prepared to build ALL VEHICLES ia UP-TO-DA1E STYLES, and at Prices as LOW as OOOH work CAN BE SOLD. V, Phaetons, Buggies, Snrrjs, Wagons, Carts, Carl Wheels, Etc. ANYTHING YOU WANT in Cuta way or Piano Bodies, with Brewister, King or Single or Double Plate Springs. All Vehicles made from Personally Selected Stock, and GUARANTEED TO SATISFY. ' ' ' V When in need of anything in this line, give me a call before placing yonr order. , , ' BaT-TERMS AND PRICES SATISFACTORY. iiilFiiii. se 20-tf "Ibe Old Reliable." PLYMOUTH, N. C, 4