ROANOKE BKACON. NOVEL LITERARY THEFT. f dished Every Friday. e PostUffice at Plymouth N.C.,aa iUer. to every reader of Tun Uoanokb d us ia making it an acceptable aud -dium of news to our citip.cnu. Let fople and the public know wnat is 'ijrmoutu. Report to ns all lteniwor ival and departure of friende, social is, gorious illness, accident, new jw eiiterni'UeB and improvements of aracter, change in bufinees indeed everything that would be of interest n price, 81.00 per year. fients inserted at low raV8. btices exceeding ton line ., Ave cents It the words, allowing eijrht. to the line, Juey with .M!S. for all in excels of ten I hrill not be responsible for the views noma. for publication must be nccoiunanieu ma of the writer. ents are requested not to write on but xe paper. mcatione must uo sent in ny 1 nurstiay hey will not appear. lemmunications to THE KOANOKE BEACON, PIvraonth.N. C 'CTi;n!xa .vitcii n.vzr.i, IJrush is Collect?;! and Kis illexl in Connecticut. Jwltch hazel industry dates put thirty-five years. are many kinds of witch r this product is rather re ft in that it has no standard hat given by its ma mi fact- is not subject to a chondca! 1 the purchaser must depend rth r.Don the Rood faith of Ml." h:r tho-rh until ' b dh!.i"!.: ing alcohol, for or:;!ns but four ; it f; oiii a hiifhel c keeps his still h of do j.n. a of witch hazel, u rt.'sMi'er can take out p.lim- rorty, cr even twon- ?. i'rorn a ton of brush at one ti. IT'3 can kep c.n runr.ins act nntil he sets t!r?d; it is ' an-?, hut. as r. mutter of -'.illo.i 13 the strongest, . Ptle veaker, and so '. l r- i r-irsninjrs is but . i.; - i. i-; nothing h;ft. :':'n ;? i v w ho. instead of , i : t i , distill from L-.caaso it is so much can ho m-ulo any time But the product so ob is not the-fine, pungent odor run young twigs. Some -or proportion of water ! fff by the amount of :nd car. u "d the result!; pro- .. i: i.tjous distillation with vnces cf witch hazel'B . 'stic o.l or. itch hazel season does not pj.-H a'fer all their crops have yptod. Thore is at such a tilt- t;r the farmers to do, and ei o i.ol for this industry it go hard with some of them. ;':ruly hitch their horses to a tarn and, armed with small its, drive out into the woods. itch hazel grows in hilly and places and it is usually diffl- o f,e: to the spot with a heavy frrivlnj at a good growth of -h all hands set to work cut : "i-nsh off near the roots and it into the t.ea:o.s. There !s no hir.'j; It, for it. has a chaiucter 'f)1: and pungent but pleasant v.'h'v.i o 'nad is obtained it la n to 'tie r. carrot rifting station, e it Is c-.t. then Decorated and ito th'o ?lil. T "" prj'-o ' for c-'.i '.a iho-it '.: " a ton. Cuban Diarrhoea. S soldiers who served iu Cuba during paniab war know what this disease is. nat ordinary remedies have little more jbau so much water Cuban diarrhooa lio8l as severe and dangerous as a mild Ik of cholera. There in one remedy, ever, that can always he depend d np h will be seen by the iollowiu" ctrtili- from Mrs Minnie Jacobs of ilonston. 8: "I hereby certify tbrtt Chamber' i Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy Ji mv husband of h severe attack nt tn diarrhoea, wliich he brought home Cuba We had several doctors Lut did him no good One bottle of tbia :dy cured him, as our inighbcrs will fy I thank God for so yaluabio a mtd- Jbor sale by all arupgibta Dy Which Mrtny Vc!umf3 of Valuable Cooks Had Ocen Destroped. A curious incident in the history of a free library where the rules forbid books to be taken from the building, was furnished by a man who had a mania for poetry. Ha read everything In that line, good, bad, indifferent. His pockets were always laden with volumes of verse or clippings of rhyme, and he was finally discovered purloining poetry by the most un usual method. For years the library has subscribed to a periodical which ait the expiration of each year ia bound in book form. There irf always a po:m on the last page of each issue of the magazine. This man, it was discover ed, was rem these last leaves from the bound volume by a unique device, lie would lay a wet cord in the book. As .scan as the water had saturated the leaf it could be noise lessly drawn from ks fellows aud folded away in his pockct. In this way he had mutilated twenty-four bound volumes before the injury it self and the personality and method of the offender were discovered. 11? escaped prosecution for the time be ing by leaving the city, and the last heard of him he was k: the. Egyptian army. Th?re is no uood worrying along in dis comfort because of ft disordered digestion. Get a bottle of KODOL FOH DYSPEP SIA, and see what it will do for you. Ko dol not only digests what you eat and piven that tired i-toui ich a needed rest, but is a corrective of tiie greatest eilk-ieney. Kodol relieves indigestion, dyspepsia, palpitation of the. heart, llatuieuce, and sour .stomach. Kodol will make your stomach younj nnJ beUIthy again. You will worry just in the propoition that your stomach werrys you Worry means the loss of ability lo do your best. Worry i.s to be avoided at ail tinxs. Kodol will take the worry out oi yourstnm uch, sold by v E Davenport How Shark Are Killed. The engineers iu the British Navy have a very effective way of hilling sharks. They seal up a dynamite cartridge in an empty can, and put the can inside a large piece of pork. The pork is thrown overboard cn a wire which has been connected with an electric batttery. When the shark takes the bait, the engineer pre:;sr3 a button, which explodes the cart ridge and kills tho fish. Old Age Annuity. Any one in Denmark who pays the state six pounds and ten shillings when .he is twenty-one is entitled to an annuity of thirteen pounds when he becomes sixty-five. But if he dies before that time the state gets ail the money. Every form of distressing ailment known as piles originates iut -rually. The real cuus-e of the trouble is inside. ManZau it put up in collapsible tubes with nozzle, so the medicine can be applied wh-re it will do the most good, and do it quickly If you ore suffering with piles you owe yourself the duty of trying ManZan. sold "by p E. Davenport and Bkiles & Sou se 1 Sale of Asses' Milk i?i London. 'his has been a good year fur the e of asses' mi!';, the consumption which varies act oviinfj to the ount of illness prewdiing. wo or three asse' dairies still d their own in London, one being .hin a couple of hundred yards of lioa" ow kpnt on the nremises. Jom this establishment the milk is it -all over the country in seah.-d ttls, the prlca being Cs. pc-r quuit. .o '?rsec."" of Japan. . ,- iiii-ee thousand persons j, ii make a good living" by ....(. Ht';, training, and selling what '.aiof.n as " singing insects." Tho sects somewhat resemble our i 1 T i . . . . - .. K'i'ets, being Known iu .mau uy name of kuna-hibari. The music aic.h thev make resembles that of a Ivor bell. and. though rather n:o- 'otonous, is very clear and sweet. Following Tho Flag. When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippines, health was the most import ant consideration. Willis T Morgan, re tired Commissary Sergeant U S. A., of llural Route 1, Concord, N. II., i-ays : "I was two years in Cuba and two vears in the 1'hilippines, and being subject to colds, I took Dr. King's Nw Discovery for Con sumption, which kept me in perfect health. Aud now, in New Hampshire, we find it the best medicine in the world for cough, colds, bronchia! troubles and all Jung dis eases. Guaranteed at Spruill & Bro's. Price f,0c and $1 00. Trial battle free An ouuc of contentment is mere bene ficial to a woman's complexion than a pound of cosmetics. Kta wi-iiiii; ( nsfrit'i. -tho l.o!o;i of Western China it c:nto:.i.iry for tho bride ?r. The weddimr morn to pt rch hor ;; It' on the M.-;li; --t 'n "n--h of a large tie;.', v.'hih- tho elder female ni embers of her family clustor on the lower limb::, arm d w ith sticks. When all ,:ro duly ; tho bridgioom lamb rs t:; the tr'.-e, assailed on all .Ides !)y blow:-, puslvs and pinches m j?".i tho ('owagors, and it Is not. un :! !.' has broken throav.'h their fouco r. 1 ff, ptured tho bride that he is illuwod tc carry her oit. WAsf v!Pr4 fcy ct is i'i .CU iu:k u-' ?...:.. r..U? - had t '.1, RI'.?t;n?.i:.ici-i c;.;: John" h s-3skh;y: r:-- ,A. r'" Ot i-ui.iT, !k.( u. ':. t :i ;.i t A . v: oi.. s c. Ai. Dobbift ;-..! Co;- .-n:i.:;'Ki! Iz S-'craoifd-.M;. 1 took . m.'.isia in f- v ( cad torti- i'n!,p.i.--!r.i--.' ;. v r:K" !.ti. r; f ; e t tl:0 ::'C .11;' vf- ,i i i ; ' iv oo (-.' n.v work a ad . o ';! lit ;:(. ; v- worse mi; II i:iy :ti.i.-; .m'.i l.;vid.- ;. u.l tlfi'vi. -() r i.'.iOi f, !: it I i-r.!J i:o- i.:',e i'.c:'! Id-, le; vv; dr;".-- ti" rcy t' ft t.-o-!i-. .1 l.'V ill;..-, i v.-o. !::;;! .j u O baL'S J Or i.. : 1 irfrr.Mi'!. 'j'l; "lt-yq !, :-f :,.y ,-:.-. .::.d icvK , wia tcirtl r.nd';vc'.ed uo. '. -:!;:-icd dcu'! innnv tini"S evr. W.i;; '.rectcd bv .i!!t :;oi: ;-hyv.iciai'..s in McCoii. ;':.:o:i j-.i'd ;1 !!'.!. but nuii of '.lici.i c-:tM do t:ic ftr.v :ou''!. iii;f! Dr. V Kwir.c of '.;:i!.n. r ru' to .-:e :.,j. ll--i .id ;:.! totiv y.:;.? Kll '...I'M ACli K. i h: .ret inc oik; i.ottlo cf i!ie m.-'.iii'ii'o ;it;d 1 Pw.-:r. to tak' i. and bot'rjrs tho r.ut l.o'tic wai use, I uo 1 b. pntt toet bot?L-. I v"?!d IH botiics :i.i vr.-. com-pic-i.'iiy cuied. That was years n-.i nv iKT.'th h.: boon rxcehor.t .-vvr liav had no syxpioms of rlieaniatir.rr.. Will Partner that I Le::an to walk in a'oo-.'.t six -la v. after i t-hvan to Utkn KUilUMAClDK with th .1 " r. . ' O" ''J'i '" "" '' : -ia-.- , ,- . - ' . -ir ,9 .A A ' ' . T ,! V'? .i-'V.N" V''l? ?: -i-',. .S'WEEFS ALL POISONS OUT OF THE BLOOD. A purely ..!: ably rsmdy that goss right to the seat of the disease and iL" "'of crui ",0. h?'", o'umiv - mmoiw " -ri ceres by 'rsmovf the cevcc. Your druggist sells and recommends ttneumacide. becanto take'Tt I couiii walk as eood'Vs'any Sarnie co.U.5 ard fccckitt free ff you send five cents for postage to BOKIiSTT CJISMICAL COMPANY. ProprJctors, Baltimore. budv. and v ent back t.i vfrlt nr,ii i. Vourii truly. JAMES V.1lLKE. ; "..)!: . , ' -i :c . -' .y ";; v. it, La Cnp': All BIoog! Diseasec .Medical Value of FIowci-p. It is now established that flowers and tho perfumes distilled from thorn have a salutary influence and consti tute a thearapeutic agency of high value, and that residence in a per fumed atmosphere forms a protec tion from pulmonary affections and arrests phthisis. In the town of La Grasse, France, where the making of perfumes is largely carried on, phthisis i3 unknown. Passing of the Glacier. According to experts who have been studying the question, the death and total extinction of the pre historic glaciers is only a matter of time. In the Dauphine Alps seven teen main glaciers have been und?r close observation since 1890, Rnd all have shrunk steadily during the pe riod, some of them as much as fifty feet a day. Animal Immunity to Drugs. Certain substances which are d"dly in their effects upon men can be taken by the brute creation with Impunty. Horses can take large doses of antimony, dogs of mercury, goats of tobacco, mice of hemlock, and rabbits of irelladona, without in jiy. On the other hand, dogs and cuts are much moro susceptible to the influence of chloroform than man, and are much sooner killed by It. hundred years ago the best physician Jbuld give yon a nu dicine lor your heiol jitbout stopping to consider what eti'tct I Hiight Lave OB the iiver Evtu to this od dy cough Hd coid medicines inva kb!y bind tne boweli Tliis is w roug. Dee' j.xauM.- l.'uuah Srup with li mey aud r 'ats on tht- bowtls drives or' the coid duiri tin- in-, 1 1,, niciv-.i, ail coae'is. . . , . , - i . .. . I..- f1'. l.!!-C:.!!rt I'll 111. ir d i t t;-e tl.iohi, .!:. i-t. iuugss aud ,vu;,Lui iubB. fcuid by t & i'aveuport nd BSkiles & Son e 1 Tiv.ftesmon in d.:paii. f'eme of the Japanese trade amen la th- ..;:a,l-.-r ievi:.-' of Nip.pon. havo a i i.riOiiS '-vx y of udvcrti.-dtu: th-'.r or ss. On their light fort-anna rl.ey tattoo figu r.v.--1 he 'dioetuaker a ihoo. toe wodcutter an ax, tie oot'-hor a cl .iO. r. Undcrric-at h those nl l .iiis h ;ch i;tscript!o:'.;i as "I .i my work mod-.. i!y it-nd cheaply," and '"I am as t;ood i-.t my trado as ;:'!;. o. of my feliov.'s." Wiien they are looking for v.oik they baro the!;' arms wall; nlmt tho id roots. Jast What Kveryone Should Do. Mr J T Barber of Ir wiuville. Ga , al ways keeps n battle of CLaiDbt;rlaiu's Colic Cholera uud ihanhoi.-a Jtemedy at Lr.nd reudy for iusUnt u-e Attacks cf cvlic, cholera murLus aud dlarrluiea come ou a o siiddcuiy Uij-o there is no time to hunt u doctor or go to thj store for medicine. Mr. harbor say: Lnye tntd CiiamlierUio's Colic, CLolfi-r. and Diarruoca Kerned y Which is t . e of the hft,t medicines I ever j saw. t ! to a bottle of it in mv room T have had sew ru! attacks; of colic and it h vi pre vi d lo Le the best medicine i ever used." eold by all druggists TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BItOMO QUININE Tables. Druggists refund 'money if it fails CO euro. E. W. GIIOVE'S signature is on each box. '2"ic j11 12 CHEAP AND CONVENIENT METHOD OF TRAVELING. The Norfolk t Southern Ilailrond, has, elective, Juno 1st. TJOC, placed on sale at its principal ticket c Paces, Interchangeable Mileage Tickets, good for transportation for om thousand mils, at rate of $-.r.0" each. Th; tickets are good fir transpor tation over the following, comprising about 15,000 miles of railway and steamship lines: Ailmila & WM Point. V. li. Atlmilic a: Hiniiinuliiiiii Hy. Atlai.lie Ci Noriii Carol iitH It it. A i.'ll.lil, C'i:;it l.ilii' It it. Hallil'inre t-:i n. t'wiki-t Co Cliiirles.'on i Wti-ton. Cumliiiti li;'. Clii-M:lieiiki- Si;:iinshiii I'oinj'iuiy : dusr J.:ii: st.-ainl)o;lt C:npniy e'filniubOi. Niwhi'iav & I.mii-fij I! K. I'lori'lu Siioru Hy l-'n.-f-n S)irf ia 'l.iin-5 1-Ja-t i'f Mr'apLis) . .m--:,i n a. Iin,f l!a 10 l.::ic S:iaa:cr:i i.i.niav'ilii.- i X;i!;alu I.', it. l.oin-iviOt-. !!r:ii."ioii A. Si f (:.: l-,y. Mwon. iMililii: t Sa a;:riaii 1" It. Xanfi-illc i'i al.;iiou-.i :-t ,o :i-T;y Nuri'iilk boi: I licrn lluil'ouu, Steai.Kr C illec trie l.ilii' 'mi ;;.u o.-!i'in 11 U. of South faroliiiii. l-'iv'lisiksburg & l'(,uutur ft. ". i,y:iiii.iiii .V SlaOslioru Ky. cr.n! 1 .Mr lam' 1,'y. 'i":i:;u fni-stiiill.'.-rn liy. WV.-'.cra t- Ati.iiaic Ky. Wi'.-m. rn l!y. of Auibuina. I drilled" the Artesian Weil for Mr. C. J. Norman, ami for the town of Plymouth, N. C. Why not let me drill one for you? Address till orders to P. G. Ellis, P. O. liox E. Branchville, 2-1 Southampton Co., Va. For Sale. HEPOKT OF THE CONDITION OF TIIE ISLIVK OF JPl-iYMOUTH.. At Plymouth, in the itate of North Carelfua, at the Close of Business, .pril Cth, l90t I have a good, single, sconddiand spring wagon, in pood runuiny; order, that I will sell at a bargain. Apply to E S. Cahoon, Skiunersville, N. C. WANTED : Two men in each county to represent aud advertise Hardware de partment, put out samples of our good8, etc. Traveling Position or Office Mauager. Salary $90.00 per month, cash weekly, with all expenses paid in advauce. We furnish everything. THE COLUMBIA HOUSE, Dept. 010, U.rdh Ave , 3-9 Chicago, Hi. RK80UK0ES. Loan and Discount, -Own-rafts, Secured, .... All other stecks. lionds ami Mortgages, -l!:tiiking House, Furniture and Fixtures, Due from HiiiiUs and Uankors, Cash Items, ------ (iolrt Coin, - Silver Coin, inclinling all Minor Coin Curroney, National Bank Notes and Oilier U. S. Notes, ToTal, LIAUIUTIES Cijiital Stock, ...... Surplus Fund, Undivided Profits. pcs Current Expenses and TiiKe Paid, Deposits Biibject to check, - T0TAT., D Oh LA lit. 6C,7Ctt.S8 W.8T .30.00 - 3.S00.00 10,824.75 8o.n - :8.ook UOl.Mt 1,100.00 91.M4.Cg DOLLARS . 13,500.00 3,000.1X1 3. 030.41! 73,414.' - al,541.fiH f nte ofXorth Carolina, Count r of Washington, n : I, Clarence Latham, Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear that the above' statement is true to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. CLARBNUK LATHAM, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, tliis K'lli day of April, l'XHi. W.M. BATF.MAN. C. S. C. I orrect-Attest : L. P. HORNT1IAL, C. D. LOANK, W. C. AYF.RS. Directors. m m P il Si m P m DIGESTS WHAT YOU The $1 .00 bottle; contains 2Y times the trial ,-!zc which splls for 50 centa. PKSPAKSD ONLY AT TK2 LABORATORY OP E. C. DcWITT Zc COriPANY, CHICAGO. ILL. Sold bv P. E. DAVENPORT. I and CURE, ths LiUMCS lp it mW'Q i , ... i--. .. .( i. .- ; i.- J 1 V'! tt? sriee snai. I ("JSHSaaa h JO! r.:i Surect and tiuioicestt- Cure for ail $ g TH11CAT and rV'JSTO THOUB- LES, or IIOjNTLK TlACK. bold by SnrvtiK t Bro. Our Clubbing Offer. I'i auu TAD5''I.V,.'.-, ..rwi-.tittv .! ma.-,! iv. M fS W1 ''.., .i- . ... W. o:.t.ijJ. FjTf'iT'jK L'i 1 HAT 5. V, ;..'. u,.. a.-,., i.u.m.j, u. ou? ., -rt S. 'ii e'. 'U 3':art' .r:w Sin . ft M INti P. F E R C N T. .- frr-c Wi r .in !'-a- IKE: i f.i J ri.m i v,..i,(. t., m IuteiehunKo;.b! Mileage Tickets i;'.r.od I & O;-S0i Oosoiitfr SSrett, S m.;. ..-....! hi.,-,, .vill ...r..nt,.,! i f?5 ?'' KtMGTOK. Ki. O. W for transportation oyer th N & fc . li. K. 'ivli''i'"'-. -2 The,e tickets present a cheap aud con- 1 & WV venient method of traveling to the puolic. ; j& f A-' 'l- 'A ' & $ I'tv.d f'E Genera! Tassetuer A-ei.t. j .S:;:.;: ITtitii this notice disappears wo will give the following Cheap Club Uati-d: The Hoauoke Beacon and the Atlanta Constitution one year tor $1 .50 The Konnrke Btn.con, the Atlanta, Constitution and the Sunny iSouth ono year for 1.75 The Uoanoke lleaeon and the Thrice-A-Week New York World one year for 1.50 And if you waut the Best Combination to be had for love or money ,-sond us only 2. 50 and we will send you for one year, Your Home Paper, the Thrice-A-Week New York World, the Atlanta Constitution and the Sunny South Six of the best pa perr, published every w-ck, and at less than half tho cowt of one daily. Address THE ltOANOXE HEACON, Plymouth, N. C. s tiwyelopeaia H0LLiTEr.'3 Hocky fountain Tea Nuggets A 3uay Uiiiolna Tc? Eij P-r-b. Prints Gdioa ilsalta aad HtuoR od Vigw. A specifls fw CirMtfrmtloji. Ii.-lirestiOTi. Liv.t sad Kil !'' TroiibluH, !'i:i:f.U's, Fo.ei.i i, ImttiPf jl.u..l, I5.t1 Breath, rfltncKkh liowi.vj, jfM(.th. iu i Daukac h:1. US It e'lcy 1-intttaln Te. Id ihIi-l.-t form, !i.r. H..,ta & w,x. Ccnuine made L-. XloCLijiLfi Dia Co;;i'ANV, r.;auis.)n, Vin. GOLDEN NUGGETS PGR SALLGW POPLP Sold by P E Davenport &, Co. Jji'-i -:-ijKi.iws2iw; y r,.-, . - f.-.--r:L P v ka has stccff the test 25 years, Avcrsts Annual Sales over Ono en2 a Half Million I Uoes fcas record Of frnt .rial to vcu ? No C?:rrs No P.w. Enclosed with every koitle Is a Tea Cent package of Grove's Black Root. Liver Pills. 50c. 3 THE Y0ELD ALHAUAC and SHOYCLOPEBIA IS ON SALE ALL VK: 'J'HE UNITED SJ'ATE. It is a volumo of nearly seven hun dred pages and sells for Vor, t, by mail for 3.jc. A Iid'evence Hook of c u u - n ; ! . ue, alrne?. iid.:'jjt!.sabl, to vv : .-.: of hu: '-ir.esrt, or iu ihv Lrof It contains infonjui ti v . than 1,300 tirely top:r run! p ;,- u over 10,000 fyts-.iic!i as urisw daily for answering. Election statisn'ca, aricn'ii.rE.1, financial, educational, railroads, shipping, etc., etc., through all the list of topics where rew iifuir" nro most vaiii.tljle. c.oltiiiiiia of index. Send for this "Standard American Amual." Address THE WORLD, Pulitzer Building, New York City. 'T