-1 v. TJIE ROANOKE BEACON. Published Every Friday; Entered In the FotOflice at f lymouth N. C, as Mcoat) cUis mutter. J-U x W tptalto every reader of Tut Koanokk BacOh, to aid iw.in making it an acceptable and Droiltablfl nftdilim of nu'it nnr MHana 1 .it Plymouth pwople and the public know what is going on iu i'lrmoath. Keport to ns all items of ; frswa (he arrival and departure of fneiulu, social ' eventH, deatht, aoriouH iUnets, accident, new uttdlnga, new enterprises and improvement of 1 jrhjitevtir character, chanter in buMes indeed anything aud everything that would tic of interest o our people. Bubewiption price, $ 1.00 per year. AdTcrtweim-nts inserted ut low ra.. Obituary uotices exceeding ten lin five corns time. Count the word, allowing eight to the line, and end money with MS. for all in excess of teu llnoi. The editor will not be responsible for the views Of correspondents. All articlt for publication must be accompanied Pf the full nam of the wriu-r. CprredpondenU are renuosted not to write on but opt side of the paper. All comBianlcatiou? must heeut in by Thursday por&IDK or they will not appear. Addree allcoro.miiiucatie.il tj THE ROANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N. C WOMEN WHO UVZD A3 rVN. Jfl3tance3 in Which Was Kept Un For the Deception Many Yea re. Dr. James Br.rry, who Ht-s buried m i JCcnsal Grccu Cemetery, was a won derful instance of accccssfu! coneeol mint of s1. sa3's tQe I-ondvn TIt-0it3. At an early age she fell in love with an array surgeon, to follow whose lor tunes she assumed the dres of the opposite sex and entered the pj-niy p.a hospitu assistant. She displayed such ability that she ros-e until sho ' was given the post of Inspeetor-G-enoral of the Army, Medical Department. Slight of form ana of dark complex ion, her general bearing and conver sation displayed an almost feminine refinement. A favorite with the men on account of her humanity, her quarrelsome temper by no means en deared her to the officers, and served her in such bad stead that once site was obliged to fight a duel, from which adventure she fortunately erner ged scatheless. She died in 18G3, at the age of 70. ; A female soldier who in 1739 was ?burted at Chelsea Hospital with mili tary honors, was Christian Davis, bet ter known as Mother Rosa. She served for 12 years in the Earl of Orkney's .regiment, being present at the battle of Dcnowert, where she received a . musuet ball in her hip, and at the en gagement of Ramillies, where she was so badly wounded as to require the at tendance of a surgeon, by whom her &ex was discovered. Some while after this she returned home and received from the Queen a bounty of 50 and a pension for life. To avoid a distasteful marriage, Sophie Sobine Apitzsch, who was bora in Lunzenau, in Saxony, in 1692, took o wearing man's clothes. After several-exciting adventures she came across an armorer, one Karl Marlitz whose name;., having by some means got possession of his papers, she for awhile assumed. One day, b.owever, pn being deflected blowing the horn a privilege reserved in those days for such only as were of noMe' btrth Bhe vaa brought before a Magistrate, a Certain Herr Volknaan, who forteonje reason known only to himself, thought w recognized in the handsome stran ger the Crown Prince of Saxony. Shrewd -enough to take advantage of this mistake Sophie Apitzsch accepted not only an invitation to the Magis trates house, but all the costly prus nts that were showered upon her by tta. misguided man. For some considerable while all Trent wall both with Sophie and her deluded host, in whose brain the most ambitious designs for his daughter Joanna were fast taking shape. But pueb a gross fraud was bound sooner or later to be found "but. And found Out it was, when Sophie Apitzsch, brought before the authorities to ans wer for her fraud, could make but a ame excuse, and was sentenced to be whipped publicly out of the country n other words, to be conveyed from town to town until the frontier was reached, and flogged publicly in the jnarket place of ?aoh. This severe punishment, however, was commuted to a year's imprisonment, whence So phie emer2d to disappear into obscu rity, for of her subquent career his tory is silent. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BKOMO QUININE Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c jau i Enforcing Law in England. In England no arretts may bo jnade on a Sunday, except for tr'a fon, felony, or a breach of the peace; and freedom from arrest at any time oa civil process U a privilege en joyed by members of the royal fam- !ly and their servants, bishops, pors ,and peereses, and members of Par liament during the sitting of Parlia ment and forty days before and af ker each session. The End ot the World f troubles that robbed E. II. Wolfe, of Bea Grove, la., of all usefulness, came when e twean taking Elecric Bitters. He ! rites: "Two yeais ago Kidney trouble insed me great suffering, which I could ever have survived had I not taken Elec- to Bitters. They also cured me of Geueral ebility." Sure cure for all Stomach. Liver id Kidney complaint. Biood dinwrtnes, sadaehe, Dizziness end Weakness or rdi!y decline, price aOc. Guaranteed by Jpraill i Bro. New Facts About) Pompeii. The question whetLci Pompeii was a seaport in the strict stu:se of the word, says Harper's Weekly, or whether it. was separatcu from the sea by a strip of land, was solved de facto ta 1 87 9 by a network of trenches opened by Rurgero across the disputed district. It was ascer tained on this occasion that the story of a three-masted ship, iu fact, of the flagship of Pliny, ullegid to have been found near tho farmhouse of Mesttgua in 1833, was absolutely groundless. The masts. Been and de scribed by the naval architect Olua- eppe NVsri. were simply trunks of cypress trees. Many such trunk3 of cypresses have been found since. They meas ure, a an averagf, in. 1.4:! in cir .r.! inferos we, m. 0.47 in diameter, wNeh septus to bo tho proper size for a tree 40 or 4" ;ears old. ThMr roots are are still planted In tho an tique humus of tho mouth of the S.irno. whereas the trur.ks are em bedded Iu the lnplll of the eruption of 79. With the help of these fossils re mains the lint of the undent sea coust has been traced from Torre Amiuiuiata to Caste2luuur.fi re, cross ing tho River Saino 3,000 feet above it- present mouth. The picturesque recks of novigliano, the petra Ilor eulis of the Romans, which before t!:y eruption, were separated from the mainland by a channel 1 . T 5 0 m tors wlr come now within 4 20 me ters of the uhore. A horse enn live twenty-five days without solid food, merely drinking wotcr. seventeen days without either en ting or drinking, but only five lays whan eating solid food without drinking. Every forb of distressing ailment known as piles originates int 'rnally. The real cause of the trouble is inside. MauZan is put up in collapsible tubes with nozzle, so the medicine can be applied wnre it will do the most good, nud do it quickly If you are suffering with piles you owe yourself the duty of trying ManZan. sold by P E. Davecpert and Skiles & Son. se 1 Present Day Honeymoon. Koeu observers have notel that newly married couples of moderate means are beginlng to take a more sensible view of the honeymoon, and even wealthy peop!e are showing a tendency. to limit the wedding tonr to three or four days in Paris. Th? old-fashioned idea that a young married couple must cut themselves off from their friends and spend more money than they can afford at expen sive hotels is gradually giving way to the more commonseD.se practice of dis appearing for three or four daya. Some unconventional ample hare recently gone so far as to make of their honeymoon nothing more than a week end at a popular watering place, asking their friends to com-e down for bridge over Sunday. One bride, after two days' absence from London, brought her husband back to her par ents' house and gave a series of thoatre parties, an innovation which gr&aOy pleased, her frier da. Galvestpn's Sea Wall makes life now as safe in that city an on the bighei uplands. E. W. Goodloe .who resides on Dutton 8t , in Wueo, Tex., needs no sea wall for safety. He writes: I have used Dr. Kings New Discovery for Con sumption tho pakt five years and it keeps me weell and safe. Before tbs.t time I iiad a cough which for years hud been growing worse, now itsgone. Cures chrouic Coughs La Grippe, Croup Whooping Cough hnd prevents Pneumonia. Eyery bottle guarnu. teed at, Spruill Jb Bro. Price 50c and $1 00 Trial bottle free. Muzzled Women of Muscat. Women oMhe better class in Muscat all wear muzzles, which barely allow them to open the mouth or see with the eye or sneeze. If there happens to be a Cleopatra in Muscat she will never fascinate any Antony by the beauty of her well shaped nose, for it is kept in a spe cially made, ugly case, in which it is impossible to tell its shape. But with all its fault3 this is a far bet ter system than that of cutting off the nose, as men in tho Kangra Dis trict, in India, are wont to do when any of their spouses have proved too fascinating. Nowadaj-s a house is known by ths bathtubs it keeps. CURES CATARRH. If you have Catarrh, Hay fever, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, etc., E. E. M. Catarrh Cure will cure it. Send stamp for book of wonderful cures. This remedy is the old reliable standard and ha made more cures than all other remedies combined. Address: E. E. M. Catarrh Cure Co., P. O. Box 311, Atlanta. Ga. See nd. elsewhere. 11-7 For every real sorrow there are a hund red shadows. When applied and covered with a hot cloth PinesaUe ants like n poultice Best for burns, bruitiCK, boiJn, eczema, skin diseases, etc. sold by E Davenport and Skiles & ton se 1 Wrong rather enjoys the blows it gets front blowers- Old maids would be scarce aud hard t fiud. Could thev be made to fm. iiow grace aud beuuty ia combined By usiiig Kocky Meuu'uin Tea. P. E. Davenport RHEUR1ACIDE goes right to the scat of the disease, sweeps all the germs and poisons out of the blood, cleans up all the plague- &poisin tne oody and sets au tne organs to wont again m Nature's way. Purely vegetable, non-alcoholic, it is yet the most powerful of cleansing medicines, and at the same time regulates the liver, tones up the stomach and builds up the entire system. RHEUHIACIDE is the only remedy that eurss rheumatism t stay turcid, MOST POWERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER WORLD, CUBES DISEASE BY REMOVING THE RHEUMACIDK hzs cured thousands of cases after ell ether remedy and famous doctors had faiied. Austin PercJlc, cf Sslcm. Va.. s:nt $2C0 in nidic-incs anil hun dreds of doners lor physicians' fees, and at !sst was ci'.rsd by h-U -i dozer, bottler, of RhcumcicJ. G. Dietrich, of ':H' Ramr.a str;;?.t. BAstinsors, syn it has !tii c him a nev man." Mrs. S. A. Corrib?.s VA 3. Oihor street, SrJtimors, sayis it slsansct! her blod. tocfe awcy hzr Dfn. z:vJ itz her "fee! AftsfT-JefstS Doctors Failed. Here :r .1 cns. rur.-.l hv RHFUMA C1DK aftor noted Nc.v Vc: .v s .,.Cj ,. ists had iaiied. Mr. W. H. liuehus v. rites (ro:n .' tkin. Vi.: i'our bottles of KHEUMACIDK Ivivc entirely cm rod me of a loiar staudititr .".so ot rheumatism .tud creatly improved my u'l'i'i r.tl hcnlth. I wa.i a tcta! v. i i-ck, li.ivtia; ha.i rheu matisin for twenty years. I s;ent sev eral wooks ari'i much nioiisy tryiaif specialists iu New York, but HKKU MACIDiC is ttje only cute I have iound. Wl.cn I lx.-L'i'.n to ust it I weichoj 1 10 r-our.ds. Now I weigh 1W) pounds, n;y noirt.nl weicht. "VV. K. HUGHES. CHEAP AND CONVENIENT METHOD OF TRAVELING. The Norfolk &. .Southern Railroad, has, effective, June ldt, 1000, placed on sale at its principal ticket tfiiees, Iuleixhaugedble Mileage l'ickcts, good for transportation for one thousand miles, at rate of $-':.K) each. These tickets are good for transpor tation over the i'ollowiuc;, eomprisduf? about 15,000 miles of railway and tteamship linea: Atlanta & Weet Polut It. 11. Atlantic A IMrmiutrlmm lty. Atlantic & North Carolina R H. Atlantic Coast Lini-It H. Haltiinore Steam facket Co cliarli'Kton & Western Carolina Uy. ChcSHpenke. Steamship Company Joact Line Steamfoout Cmupnuy Columbia, Newberry & Lautx-us H K, Florida Weft Shore lly Fmco Spstetu (Line Kast of Memphis) (jeorgiaK It. Independent Line Steamers Loiiinvilie & Nathi!e K. It. Louisville. Henperooii &, St Louis Hy. Maeon. Dublin & Savannah K It. Nashville. Cfcatatiootra St Louie Ry Norfolk & Southern hailroad, Stt-aracr & Elec tric Lines Northwestern R U. of South Carolina. Itichiuond. r'rtdrickbburg & Potomac H. R. Savannah t Statesboro Hy. Seaboard Air Line Jty. Waihing'oii-Soniliern Ry. Western & Atlantic Ky. Western Hy. of Alabama. Intrchaugable Mileage Tickets issued by the above unmed He will be accepted lor transportation oyer the N & &. It. li. These tickets present a cheap and con venient method cf travelint; to the public. il C HUDGINS, General Passe uaer Ajreut. Our Clubbing Oifsr Until this notice disappears we will give the following Cheap Club Rtites: The Koanoke Beacon and the Atlanta Constitution one year for $1.50 The Koonoke Beacon, the Atlanta Constitution and the Sunny South one year for 1. 75 Tho ltoanoke Beacon and the Thrice-A-Week New York World one year for 1.50 And if you want the Best Combination to be hr.d for love or money ,scud us only $2.oO and we will send-you for one year, Your Home Paper, the Thrice-A-Week New York World, the Atlanta Constitution and the Sunny South yix of the best pa pers published every wnek, and at less than half the cost of one daily. Address TliE liOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth, N. C. HOLLISTc-rVS Rocky santain Tea Muggsfs L Bicj Kedlofse for Eary I'ocpl. Erir.gn vio'.don Ksthh aaJ Scnevcd V!,jor. A Rneci.'lc for Cnustipntlon, Ind!:ostiori, Llvi ,, 't.'"?' Trouhlof:, ri:r.ples. Ecjeiiifi, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Slujrijisb. lkwls, H(aache and BacKacU. It'3 Rooky JiounUIu Tea in tab let form, conts a box. Genuine mada by iloLLujTFa Dni-u Company, Madison, Wig. GOLDEN fJUGGETS FOP. SALLCW PEOPLE Sold by P E Davenport Jfc Co. i has stood the test 25 years. Average Aimttsl Sales over Ons and a Jj pottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. fl Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Grove's Blcck R.oot Liver TIIIj. WELL 3 T -fJwa.-.'ii -ffV ilko a n&w vOfnan." and recommends Kheumacfde. IURES AFTER Sample bottle and for postage to Bobbitt Chemical Company, proprietors, Bawmofe. START TO GET. WELLTODAY NOTICE ! I drilled the Artesian Well for Mr. C. J. Norman, and for the town of Plymouth, N. C. Why not let me drill one for you? Address all orders to 1 G. Ellis, P. 0. Box E. Branchville, 2-1 Kouthampton Co., Ya. For Sale. I have a good," single, second-baud spring wagon, in trood runuiug order, that I will sell at a bargain. Apply to E. S. Cauoon, SkiunerHville, N. C. WANTED : Two men i'b each conhty to represent and advertise Hardware de partment, put out samples of our goods, etc. Traveling Position or Office Mauager. Salary $90.00 per month, cash weekly, with all expenses paid iu advance. Wc furnish everything. THE COLUMBIA HOUSE, Dept. C10, 2;U.5th Ave , 3-9 Chicago, Hi. mm w in. m m IS BLlCILt Having installed m P mm m i y m m M y m machinery for the manufacture of brick, I am now prepared to furnish building brick iu large or small lots, at moderate prices. The material used is the finest and the worK the best to be had. Those intending to build should write for samples and prices before placing their orders elsewhere. Transportation is good, my Kilns beinjr directly at the junction of tho A, C. L and N. Sz S. Kailroads. ! 15. . BRirVIvIlfiY, Plyiiioutli, 3V. . Grove's Tcsteiess CliLI Tonic ALL OVER, 1 CAUSE. Your druist: sells AF-L OTHEF ill booklet free if you send five cenn REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BV-TVIsC OF PLYMOUT ti. At Plymouth, iu the State of North Carolina, at the Close of Bn.:"e.-;, J RKSOUKCKS. Loans and Discounts, Ovkrcruftri, Secured, ...... North Carolina State lionds - All other Stocks. Iionds and Mortgages, - Pienifum on Bonds, Hanking Houses, SJ.CUO.UO. I'nrniture and Ptstnres, $1,500. 'A Due from Hiinka tind liankir., -Ci.-li Items, Gold Coin, silver Coin, including all Minor Coin Curronry, National Jank Notes and Other U. S. Notts, ToTal, . LIARILITIBS Cnpitnl Stoclr, Surplus Fund, - Undivided Profits. Iff Current Expenses u:n! Ucposita subject to cheek, Totat., Sate ufXorth Carolina, Count v of U'nsh in.-n- I, Clarence Latham. Cai-hier of the aliove-iiam. C. : statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. .... i i.rn . ti.ij ., .1 ! . ont Jt day of June, I'M). W. M. BATFMAN, c. s. c. DIGESTS The $1.00 bottle contUns ?. F'REFARED E. C. DeWITT fic Sold bv 1. E. DAVENPORT. m llmM n n ,Kavm.Mfl:vtgJ BRICIHl, BEICIi. the Litest improved Half Mi&ion 14 4 t ft.l;.- Uv.-r Ci;sai:?j, La Cirtppo, Blooo P. -..-AM fSO:i i.,K44 s.oeo.oo 2,600.00 207.15 :;. 500.00 U. '-'i :a iOK - lfl.ao U37 8'J 1, -J50.no Ta-, VUJ., times the t.i. ...v.. .. ONLY AT THE LABOKATOHY OP COMPANY, CHICAGO. XIX. mi A cneyclopeoia THE W0BX TFJV and EE ..YuLQ?EDT j s . ; v -: ! . " V i 'J UK ITv l' fi T i It ts a voln v.)f ot t , r - - , h dred pajre? and sod for v,V vut. by mail for 35c. A Reference Book of iinunal val ue, almost indispensable .o any man of business, or in the profesnii.ps. It contains information on more than 1.000 timely topic? ;.nd present over 10,000 f'tcts such arip du'W for answering. Election ctHl:s' !c-i '!:, :ura', Onaneial, oducKfion-J. r-tiirnads, fehipjiii'-r. etc., etc., through all the list of topics where new ficurep are mot vuhirdilA ;-$4 -ojiini!v. of irdox. 8e-'d for this '.t.-indm-d American Annual." Address THE WORLD, Pulitzer Buildihg, New York City. I N m iiiaiarfn 4 A- - m V I