"V .4 f ) THE BOANOKE BEACON. PTJJMHKn EVERY FRIDAY i i - - . N.jG.1 BEACON FLASHES. S ; f j rijiit, neither jtffl bKc , Hi;, j.Ma jtt ibtne .... rffimvtygifn. 1' White, .-' i M.i i. kj:t in .: : , Williamson, M , C. SaTI vi;; &e jg j?!yinat4i te Jrst week to U A tfopnGy-at-J a Wf PLYMOUTH, N. C. ' : Ja attention ,V0 juf bjtfcinS 4i?jt"U?toJ, 'PI:oBi. lew Firm, - - Ney Store, New Spring Millinery! - opened an up-to-date 1 Y STOl'E-:-u" 'it"k is New, . , , u Vtry Latest t mi the tef vices of trimmer, from. Bal- v.! . . r- if tbo Best. Our r. i. ;.:t. We are striving i .- the pfijblip. V'- a ci; j.rp of ypurpatrpnage. ' y ( In. plaasurecf an early ' our store. Yquvs to Please, Miss I pa Peacock & Opf, Lock More Spending Yosr. Money, Our Spring P-op4i we hqv in and jeady for ynuf ingpepMej?. We do not go beyond aot4l truth !B saying that pur preseut stppfc of Millinery. Press qqi1s, Trimmings, f.'td, is far superior tQ apy wp Uave liver carried. '.is stock consists pf .-ned nnd TJt) trimmed, flats, I !! iaces, 1 hvus Goods, Pape, Pmaeols, Hpjpry, Uorsets, Feathprs, Flowern, TrimminsR, tv-ntl.iri!; usually kept a UiNi-niuss uiJlmerv flti.rp. bnve wttU us acuin this KPaann hnfl, LbttittudMiS8 Isaacs. Ttte Mips in--M sn.w...iioB jft aeason but will " ' 'r )i. I f t.'i'.j have mere- and Very roi-prt ...fuWv - Sirs W, B. W aid & Co V, I. P. PIHKHAH, Guttering, Spidering and Repairing & Specialty, Bids cheerfully given, and Satisfac i 'iUi (t iqtranLPeu. I j. P. PINKHAM, 7-12 PLYMOUTH, N. C, BUNSTAH-JOHES Real Estate Company, 107 Cor. Mitttbws and Martia Bts , (Near (icvermtifctit Builuiug.) Eha?etii City, N. O. CorrespopdoDce desired with those wjo wis to ltiiit, Uiy, Soil, or K changa fteHy of apy descriptioa. Fars agd Timber Lanls wanted for Heady eptoer. 1 2,Q t Those tyho have friends visiting j3 J thQtp,, or wjo inteDaileaDjg Jo,oie c$ them'nelvcB, reaKelotitfcefctiown 3, at this olce, ko itjha ct way joaon- tiooed. It 4oea not m.tter whether eg you aro a Kuhsoriher .ar not. All we aek islet na know it. 4 Washington C.ouiity Demo, cj-.atic Conyention. Mr. and Mf$. p. Dayenport have free w&iUag w Ntyfolk Ua weci. TJe Ci9.u.Mty )e$iQcratic Coyeo waa CBilted t,9 order by lion. Tbos, Jkr Woy,yt, Jhpa., t U o'cJas a, -Vv at Joper, yesterday. Jioji. . J3. 8r ill was filled to tlio cjiai- as temporary cjiairjgaan and CJarfiince katJiaw 0. V. V. Aus bon .tcuiporay seijeUres. On ftiotion the tepowy orafii- KT Am t nu I i n c fhfin hiii n it 111 Al'flof VhirmeXzz : the tQlmiis t,er.e Mr. J. V. Norma n left on Wednesday for Siitheld, y., to loofe aftet his bcUooI. Mrs. John Campbell and children are p$ Ofi au j:.ten(jied yiak to Weldou ujl otner places JEat one of licg'a Dyspepsia yablots afisy ech weal and yon will not suffer with -in digestion, fiold by ? li Daveunort aud iJies a& Sou ee Mra. L, Ralph. v?bo has been yisitioK iu Edentou for Botne tiq;e, returned home on Wedneaday, Quite a cumber of our yoauz people at tended the old Confederate r.-uuion at Windsor Thursday, llr. and Mrs. A, L. Qwoas fire spendicc: I soi!ie days At Yirginia lk'a,ch, Ocean Viw tud othor places of interest Muss JSIHe King who hus been vfslting her Bister, 3Ir. i d. B. Noramn, lm re turned to her home in Norfolk. The rluansiu", antiseptic and healinR propertieH of I'latUve umke it superior to iamily stilvou. sold by? J JJ veupori and bijiles & ou se J. Cupt. D. P. K:.cb and family, mid Misses Iatie Aunbua and Mate to Ol-igou spent u few 4'iys in Windsor this week. Mr. pother Harrisou of Ne;y 'ork, is in Aur midst, visiting his parents, Mr. ucd Mrs J. W, Ilarrieon, near town. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wjiliains of llami! ton, who luiyo beuu visiting the family of Mr. Ed. B. Norman, returned Lome pa Tuesday. j Misses Annie Pellard and Olga Marsh, of Batu, who have boon visiting Misses Louise and Bettie Ayors, lotumed houjs on Tuesday Don't drag along with a dull, billions, heavy feeling. 'ua need a pill. Use DeWii'K Little J5urly Ki.-ers, the facioe little pills. Do not sicken or pripo, bjit results are sure. Sold by P. K. Davenport. - Mis Estelle Burgess, f.fter a pleasant visit to our town as the giuut of Min Cad Campbell, left on Monday for her horao in Jtocliy Mo' . Mr. Clarendon WjllouxLby r-lured hopae on Wednesday from an oKtti:dt-d trip to Key? 1'ork, Philadolpaia, Baltipaore, Norfolk and other points. In this state U is not necessary to serve a fiv days' notice for eviction of a cold, use the original laxative congdi syrup, IJenn .edy's jjazative Honey acd T'.r. No oiates. iiold by P. E. Davenport. Attention is directed thjs week to the nd pf W. Davenport, Saw inil, Gin, etc-, for sale. A inost desjrahlo property op thp$e Wishing such an investment. Miss Jaur Williaraspn, who has been Ipending the past month in our town as tfte guest of Miss Ratio Ausbon, left Tues day inq? cjng for her hqnje in Berkley, Va., leaving ni&uy friends, an4 at laot ope broken heart behind. A tnqat delightful entertainment was givpn Monday evening at the home of Mr, V. F. Ansban. by the young wen of Ply mouth, complimentary tp the visiting young ladies, Misses paura, Williarasou of Berkley, Va., and Aunie Pollard and Olga MariU of Oath, X Q. A world qf truth in a few wordss ''Nearly i all Qtuer cough cures are constipating, esp ecially those pontainiog opiates. Kennedy.s Lasativo Honey and Tar inoves the bowels. Container no opiates," You can got it at P. E. Davenport. were nominated for tjie' respective Oifticea witlwutt a dissenting VQte, vi.j For bJtiorif, VV. J. Jitckson. For Clerk Superior C.ourf, C. Y, W. Aysbou. ttegistep of paeds, F. U.John ston. For County Ti-eswrer, Clarence Jafliam. For Coimer. J)r, W. II. Wsrd. For imprest n tali ye, Jir. W. II. Iiirdidon. For County Coir.njissjcncrs, S. P. Johnston, Ji. M. Snell and i. A. Jjitchtield. On motion Mr, T. S. S-.vain was recommended for appointewnt 01; the Board of j ducation. T.he State Ueniocratic platform wad tisdoi'srii. and perfect harmony and good feeling prevailed through out the entire suasion. .Most able speeches were made by Hons. b. B, SpruiU, Tlios. W. J-!loaiit, Mr. VahB. Martin and oth ers; speeches ca!cniateo to bring Uemoctatiu harmony and success, and to neal White riupremaey and ' busincrfs prosperity in North Caro lina for all time, if taken in the spirit they were made, and put in practice by a btate-loving, home-loving, good i',overnnif!)t-lov ii. people, hh the evince men 01 tins county ever proved themselves to be. A Word cf Thanks. It becomes our pleasant ditty at this time to return our most sincere thanks to the democratic convention. and especially to those true friends who so nobly and beautifully com plimented its on Thursday. W would itideed prove ungrateful were we ever to cause them to regret one word or one heart-throb spent m the espousal or our cause. Words fail us to express half the gratitude ve feel, but it elected, wy snail never forget or betray this con kdeuoe reposed in up, vet d:all ksiow no man, ritur or clicoue in the dis charge of our duties to the public, as we see them. Yours very gratefully, C. V. V. Arspox. ae No Paper Nxt Week, It having been several years since ve have taken a day off, we take the privilege of taking a vacation next week, so no paper will be issued. This will not be altogether a week of rest for us, as we shall continue to hustle for the paper while awav. and trust the good people we go J among may help us out to snen an extent that we may return so much recuperated,' both physically and fi nancially, that we can male r.p to you the little you lose by ourabsence for one week. Why docs the sun burn? Why does n mos quito sting? W hy'do we feel unhappy in the Wood Old Summer I'ime? Answer: we don't. Yve use Da Witt's Witch liaiel ! alve, and these little ills don't bother us- Leu: a to look for the name on the box to get the penninc. by P. E, Davenport. Sunday School Picnic at Mt. Pleasant, Special to The Beaco. Mt. Pleasant Sunday School gives a picnic August 8th, at Shadsberry Lane, on the sound. There will be bathing, lishing and sailing. Come and bring your baskets, and let'. eajoy the picnics, while they ate going. G. II. Scnppernong, N. C. The Country Newspaper, In no activity has there been more progress qunng the last twenty years tnati mat 01 tne qqtintry newspaper. Thpre. are now hundreds of country papers which m editorial ability, me cliudie;il appearance, and all that cpnpriuutes tp inspire respect ana command attention are fully abreast qf their metropolitan pontempamriep, in moral tone, and often in editorials tjjey surpass wostof hp gj-pat dailies. In times past the ponntry editor was quite generally regarded with a half pitying contempt as a goad-natured but chicken-hearted chronicler of inconsequential locals. AH of this has changed. Country newspapers, us a class, wield the mightiest influ ence in the nation. The editors are men of character and enterprise, do ing more for the community for less money than any other body of work ers. FOR CLEHK SUPERIOR COURT T hereby bep leave to present my name for tbo favorable consideration of the Denru ocratia voters of Washington pounty for nomhuithiu and election to the cce of .Superior Court Clerk. Haviag always beer, n Democrat, I have ,lo:to what I oould lor the success of that purtv since attaining my majority. Yut I nn.ko 110 :luiui upon it, believing tl.nt we are under obligations to it, and not it tons II U well kuowti that this cfrice qiust have something to t-upplement it. I am in thiti uOMiitn: I ' ii i'o convenient to tht; Court Houeo; I enjoy a reputation for. fitn.t attention to btiKicess, acu u honoreu with notLiuHlicn and ruction, shall do rav b-isl to lut rit your eowiidenee and approval. Vnurs, verv respectfully, C. V. W. AU.TON. Prof Tvitr, of Amherst co'lepe. said rrcont ly "mn can live comfortably without k,r,... o man ever cxisl-d vithont a dipes- tivr evstem. The dvupepiio httsneithur faith, hope or chsrSty." Day by day people realize the importance of taring for their digestion; realize the need of the use "f a little ccr rcctivn after overeatinp. A corrective like Kodol For Dyspepsia. It digests what you pat. Hold by P. E. Davenport. to It will take mor than nn eight hour day make the twenty four hourw divinn tT (!uplicete a fool is to argue The way with him. r1 n ti ill mmar rt, w Ml WO J-'iSYS. i MID-SUMIER STOCK-RELIEF SALE Prom now on all Spring and Summer Dress Fabrics will be offered at greatly reduced prices, in order to clean stock and get ready fo another season, We still have many Beautiful patterns in thin and aney white soods, that are regular hot weather com forts 1 7i Colored Lawns and Organdies we have a va riety of patterns, from the big flowered Silk Organdie to the smallest polka dot Batiste, all included in the big reduction sale now going on, Special Several pieces half Linen crash, for skirts ; merly sold at 25c- now l2Jc. per yard. for- Another big special in Embroidered Mouslin, m white, ' light blue, lavender, grey, and a beautiful shade of red, reduced from 35c. to 25c. per yard. If you need anything in Men's or Boys' Clothing and Straw Hats it will be money in your pocket to call in and get our reduced prices before buying. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns for August just received. All patterns ice. and 15c. Style Cook Free! LOUIS W . H O !?, IV T II A L . 7 rinityf ark School A firstolass preparitory school. Certificates cf graduation accen ted for entrance to leading South err, colleges. Best Equipped Preparatory School in the South. Faculty oi ten officers and teach ers. C a n t p a s 0 f u v t n ty -1 1 v e tie r eg . Library containing thirty thous and volumes. Well equipped gymnasium. Ihtfh standards and modern method??- of instruction. Frequent lectures by prominent lecturers. Expenses exceedingly moderate. Seven years of phe nomenal success. For catalogue and other infor mation, address, II. M. North, Headmaster, DC." HAM, K. 0. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789 !90(. II?id of the State's Educational Syatera. DEPARTMENTS. Collegiate, Engineering, Graduate, law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 43,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central heating system. New dormi tories, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. building. STUDENTS. 7 IN PftCULTY- Thfs Fall tfrm begins Sept. 10 190U. Addresg FllANCIS P. Vk.vablk, Pkesident CHAPEL U1LL, N. U. Laxative Bromo Otiinine iMets. .... .-r. -. i . lf f. & on boxes sold in pu&t id mom. as. jiiia biiiiti on every TTT-W BOX tSJGm I f VALUABLE FARH TIMBER LAND ! FOR SALE. j Tract of la-ut eittiBttit iu Peyiiolilnon towciUit). ' Qatn Co., N. Rijoiniur li.- lauds ot Mrv Ni.vitii. .1. G Vatiuy, Adili'iiw Hayes and a'.Uara. cnntKii'in two huodred Vi)') ncrec. laoro on leas. Ahnut so cro cleared and in very iood f Uarw; fori cumvutUm, ih's tfHSBinuwr thickly 't with young i into will logs nw. The i Wvel, w iih gray (oil. clay foundation. Very wc farm, with good i building1. Farm iituated id about one mile oi A.' C. L. K. U., and in odb mile ot Gatei Station, a) pood ihippiiig point. L.aa gotm deed. AddreM Hus eUAc or J. A. FANNY, 7 .'- Qtes, N,C. TRINITY COLLEGE Four 1 )eprt men tF -Collegiate, Graduate Enginecrinp and haw. Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in all de partments of soionee. Gymnasi uai furnished with best ajipara ratus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy stndents. Vonng Men wishing to Study Law Khoidd investigate the Ktt perior advantages offered by the Department ot Law in Trinity College s i : For catalogue and further in formation, address, I). W. Newsom, "Registrar, DURHAM, N C. 1 New Ideas, Sprinr Millinery, Dress Goof Notions. I We cordially invite all v. need of Hats, Bonnets, Dr and Notions, to give 3 a have selected our stock v care from the best markets? prepared to serve you. We will open up our nev April 3rc and from that time on tl season will display a line t Ladies, Misses and Child can select a stylish hat a prioo. We have them in rioty of shapes and shades best to cheap grados. Mail orders filled with Thanking you in advi: vors shown us, we are your Very respectfully, Mrs. A. M. A 330 PlvmouJ HOTSL HO BOPER, N. C.j J. Xi. SAVAGE, il New House - New For Good Table - Attent J 1I031E-LLKE with HO?iE I Rooms Fresh and taTTrateleTa' Ucudau V