GROWTH OF CHURCHES IN 1103. Roman Catholics Mde Largest Net Gain, Episcopalians Highest Rate. Some figures on tho relative strength and growth of the various .Churches of the United States are given' by Dr. Carroll In the Chrlo tlan Advocate. In the year 1905 total number of communicants was 31,148,446, a net gain for that year of 519,156. This membership was distributed as fol lows: Roman'' Catholics first, with 10,785,496, net gain 192, 112; Moth odlsts second, with 6,429,816, gain 101,892; Baptists come third, with ' 4,974,047, gain 72,667; Lutherans fourth, with 1,841.346, gain 61,580; Presbyterians fifth, with 1,723,871, gain 26,174; Disciples of Chi 1st sixth, with 1,235,294, gain of 1,428; Episcopalians seventh, with 827,127, gain of 19,203; Congregationulists eighth, with 687,042, gain, 13,321; Reformed (Dutch and .German) ninth, with 406,022, gain 4.021. The percentage of gain Is Inter esting, for the largest denominations " are not, except in tho case of the Mothodists, enjoying the same rate of growth as some of the smaller one. In their, percentago of increase they stand In this ordar: Lutheran, ,028; Episcopalians, .028; Congrega gationallsts, .019; Roman Catholics, .017; Methodists, .015; Presbyter Jans, .015; Baptists, .014; Reformed, .008; Disciples of Christ. .001. The large rate of Increase of the Lutheran denomination may be part ly accounted for by immigration. Methodists and Bapticta are doing jnost for the negro of the South and ere very strong in that section. The Baptist growth in the North, where they number 1,075,833, was but 4.S64; but the Methodist Episcopal Church North, 2,910,779 strong, had a growth of 62,847. Old Roman Recipes. Women of ancient, luxurious Rome used to( ea.t parsley as a mouth cleans er. Honey' boiled" In wine and aniseed was also a sweetener of the breath and pastils of myrtle were 'employed for the same purpose. Sliver tongs and knives were employed in caring for the nails. No woman of social emin ence cut her own finger nails; those who had not skilled slaves employed barbers. Perfection in these respects was one of the thirty beauties attrib uted to Helen of Troy. Great pains were bestowed on the feet, for it was considered that the breeding was be trayed by them as easily as by the . hands. They were always much in evidence, the sandals worn not hiding them. Long, tapering fingers were highly prized. Various kinds of herb decoctions were employed to beautify the finges. Pliny gives rtx'ipes for re moving any undtoired substances from the nails. Ac-sea' milk contributed to the white ness of the women's skin. It was some times poured Into the bath and the "whole body laved in it and sometimes the hands and face were sponged with tt from a silver basia, the soft linen towel completing the process. The hair -.vac dollcately scented and ail kinds cf washes and burnishes were fcpplSed to it. It took many slaves to tiring the tresses into the classic bands cr high pyramids which were the fash ion at various times. Perfumes were nrjft only applied to hair, hands, . clothes and the person generally,, but pervaded the rooms, which were hung with garlands and decorated with blot-ma of many kinds. The drosses' of Roman matrons wor-e made bril liant with various processes of pres sing and smoothing, machines being employed for the purpose. Though most refined in the duties of the toilet the women of that day were barbaric in their cruelty Woe be to the poor slave who failed to follov her mistross' command; she was whip ped by the public flngellator if she did not f&.l a prey to the personal fury ot her mistress, who would hurl at her 'victim the mirror or anything else ai hand and would not dledaln to pierce her tender flash with the long ever ready hairpin if nails teeth and honfla , were not sufficient A hundred years ago the best physician would give you a medicine for your heart without stopping to consider what effect it might have on the liver Evou to this good day cough and cbld mediciues inva riably biud the bowels This is wrong. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrnp with Honey and Tar acts n the bowels drives out the cold clears the bead, releives all coughs. cleauseR and strengthens the raucous mem branes of the throat, chest, lungs and bronchial tubes, sold by P E Davenport and BMtiles & Son se 1 v Blackmailers of Budapest. Budapest has a gang of blackmailers -who operate much like the 'Black" Hand" here. Letters have been re ceived by many well-to-do persons, all signed simply by the number "13," and .all demanding sums of not less than $500, and oftener still large, under threats of dynamite in case of refusal. A grain or two of explosive material is inclosed with the letter by way of a sample. Memento of Whaling Dnys. A curious memento of the whaling Industry of Monterey In Mexico re mains In the pavement leading up from the street to the west door of the San Carlos de Borromeo, one of the churches founded by the Spanish missionary fathers, and is still in ex cellent repair. The old time method of purging tie sys tem with Cathartics that tear, gripe grind &Dd break down the walls of the Btomach ad intestines is superseded by DaJa's IXWo Liver rills They cleanse the liver, and "instead of Weakening, build up and strengthen the whole system Reloive head ache, biliousness, constipation, etc. sold by f E Davenport and Skilos & Sou se 1 Use for Spider's Silk. Several small articles of wearing apparel have been made of Rilk wov en from spiders' webs, and they werj found to be more durable, lighter lu weight, and more pleasing to the touch than articles made of the or dinary kind of silk. Spiders' silk is not likely to become popular, how ever, because spiders cannot bo cul tivated profitably owing to their onormous appetites. The spider ought not to be re garded as an enemy to mankind, for it does a great service as n deetroyer of insects. The speed Ith which it '.an gobble up a house fly is .-mazing. It hns been calculated that a man. anting at the same rate as a spld"r, would require "a whola fat ox for breakfast, an ox a nil five sheep -for tllnnyr, for supper two bullocks, ci; sheep and four hogs, and, just before retiring, nearly four barrels of fresh fish." It is, however, a wasteful feeder, and often only sticks the juices of its victim, dis carding the more solid parts. Some Russian Proverte. Here are some proverbs commonly on the lips of the people of Russia: When the thunder ceases the peasant forget to cross himself. A man needs only not to be a cripple or a hunchback to be ac counted a handsome fellow by the women. Even an old man can win a wom an's love and keep it if he isn't jeal- "5U. When tho devil cannot arrive in time, he sends a woman on before him. Praise jour wife., not three days, after the wedding, but three years after it if you can. Poverty is not a sin, but it is the cause or many. At home a man is Judged by hla dress; abroad, by his wit. Fellow-travellers and fellow-gam blers soon know each other well. A He told cleverly may be truer than the truth told foolishly. Misfortune comes by the hundred weight and goes by the ounce. , For bloating, belching, sour stomach, bad breath malassimilation of food, and all symptoms of indigestion. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets are a prompt and efficient correct ive, sold by p E Davenport and Skiles & Son se 1 School Hours in Germany. After examining 16,000 school chil dren, three German medical experts have urged the abolition of afternoon lessons on the ground that they ex haust the vitality of the scholars. Swimming In Public Schools. Swimming Is part of the currfculum of the public schools of Yarmouth. England. The boys are taken to the shore in parties and are trained till they can swim fifty yards In the sea. A woman worries until she gets wrinkles, then worries because she has them. If she takes Hollifiter.s Rocky Mountain Tea she would have aeitber. Bright, umiling face follows its use. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. P. E. Davenport. Welding by Electricity. Welding has been brought to such a state of perfection that welding ap paratus can bo carried to a railroad track and two rall3 Joined as solidly as if they, had come out of the rolling mill one piece. Drills Causing Death. Excessive use of drugs is the cause cf death of 20 per cent, of the popu lation of Austria, according to offi cial statistics, while 44 per cent, of tho medical profession in that coun try die of heart disease. Scrub yourself daily, you're not clean in side. Clean inside means cleab stomaohe bnwela, blood, liver, clean, healthy tissue in every organ. Mokal: Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents Tea or Tablets. P. E. Davenport. KSLLthe COUCH and CURE the LUNGS wlT" Dr. King s lew llseoverv bp "CONSUMPTION FOR I OUGHSand IW ISOLDS Price 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. twinini wm Sold by Spruill & Bro. . 4 VI m & s .a rwi i i and TRADE-MARKS promptly oouuuea in all countries, or no It. Wo obtain PATE NTS THAT PAY, advertise them thoroughly, at our cxj!iisc, tul fit'lp you to success. Semi model, photo or sketch for FREE report on patentability. 20 years'-practice. SUR PASSING REFERENCES. For free Uuide Book on 1'rnlirnble 1'iUuntn writoto j SQ3.BOS Seventh Street:. m t a it bkm a." f&a I m '.Til KBffii'y,'' FOLEYSKOHETAtnJTAR for ftiUdrant safe, sure, JVo optut iw,i iiwp ''ti'i iYitl NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. IN EFFEOT APHIL lGth, 1906. twain service. Northbound : Leave Belbaven daily (exoept Sunday) :au a, m. Leave Washington 8:10 am " Plymouth 9:26 a m " Mackey's Ferry 10:00 am. Arrive Edentou ll:!i5 a. m. Leave Edenton daily (except Sunday) 7 r.O & 1 1 3" a. in. & 2 20 p. m. Arrive Elizabeth City daily (ex cept Sunday) 8 50 a.m., 12 28 & 3 2!) p. m. A iTi ve Norfolk daily (exoept Suu day) 10 45 a. m., 2 00 & a 10 p.m. Southbound : Leave Norfolk daily (except Sunday) 8: 3."., 11 55 a. in. t 4 45 p. ni. Arrive liz. City daily (except Sunday)... 10 27 a. m & 1 Hd, C, 37 p. m. Arrive Edenton daily (except Sunday). . . It 25 a. m. & 2i'0, 7 35 p. m. Leave Edenton daily (except Sunday) 2 30p Arrive Belbaven daily (except Sunday) f 10 p, Leave Edenton 2:30 p. Arrive Plyu.outh. . 4:30 p Arrive Washington 5:45p.m. Trains Nos. 1, 2, 5 & G stop at all inter mediate stations. Connect at Norfolk with trains to and from Virginia Beach and Currituck Brauch m. in. m. ru. STEAMBOAT SERVICE. Leave Edenton 2:30 p. m., daily exoept Sunday, for Scupiernong River, Steamer leaves.Elizabeth City daily (ex cept Sunday) for Kaanoke Island at 1:45 p.m., and for Oriental, New Bern, Wil. ruinRton, Moreheau City. &c, at G 45 p. m. Steamers leave Belbaven ! 00 a, ni. Tries- day, Thursday and Saturday for Aurora, couth Creek, Makley vine, fcc. Steamer leaves Plymouth daily (except Sunday) 4:30 p. ni. for Windsor and Cashie lliver. For further information apply to J. W. Andrews, Ag't, Plymouth, or to the Gen eral Office of the N. & S. JR. R. Co., Nor folk, Va. M. VV. MAGUIRE. Gen. Supt. M. K. KING, H. C. HUDGINS, Geu'l Manager. Gen'l Ft.& Pass Agt. PAMLICO DIVISION-MIXED TRAINS- A. M 9& 11 IK) U 15 luo 1. M. A. St. 110 20 :io 5 in 11 3.'. 1 11 55 12 10 I'. M. Lye. Arr. Lve. Arr. Mnckey' Forry Plyuuiiith Vine Town Washington Mackoy'g Ferry Knper l'ikc Road F liishopcrots '' F Pnntego lklhuvrn Arr, Lvc, Arr. Lve. 650 5 20 4 00 2 40 r. ji. "AW 3 2P 2 4.' 230 2 85 210 r. it. Backache Any person having backache, kidney pains or bladder trouble who-will "take 'two or three ?ine-ules upon retiring at night jhall be relieved before morning. SPSS? The medicinal virtnee of the crude gums and resins ob tained irom the JUtive Pine been recognized by the medical pro ession tor centuries. In Piue-uleu we oSer U of the virtues cf the- Wativo Pina that re cf valua in relieving all vi'dnoy ?M Bladder Troubles Prepared by INE-ULE MED1CIN3 CO., CHICAOC 8old by P. K. DATEHPORT k CO. rX?lie IVortli O ai'oiina State Normal and Industrial CoIIee COUKSES Literary Classical Scientific l'edag gical Cmmerc lal D mcstic Science Manual Training Huftic Three Covunes le3ding to deqreoa. Special coursea for graduates of tLer J leges, Well-f quipped ITainiDg bcnooi lor i eacnerB. caara, laundry, mm atid fees for use of text books, etc., $ 170 a year. For free-tuition students, $1 Fifteenth annual session begins .September 20, 190G. To secure board In the d mitories, all freo-tuition applications should be made before July 15. . CorreipJ donee invited from those rte3lring competent teacners ano stenograpaers. catalog and other information, adlress CHAHLE3 D. McIVER, President, GREENSBORO, N. C. Why Wear Dirty Clothes? When for a imal outlay I will clean press or dye them, making them look al ia oat as bright as new. I make a Specialty of cleaning, dying an, pressing Ladies' Fine Dresses. S e u d your soiled Suit or Dress to me aud save the cost of a new oup. Orders from a dis tance solicited. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. fckjiii. Wiggins, PLYMOUTH, N. C. PWIil?Q Salvo For PISeftf tiuratf Sores Having repaired and renovated the old Plymouth Milling Company's Grist mill, I am prepared to do grinding for the general public. This mill is so geared that the meal is never over-heated, and is consequently epual to the best water ground meal. For the convenience of the public I make Saturdays regular grinding days and solicit the work of farmers an d all others wishing good, sweet meaL All orders promptly filled. "Very respectfully. B. F. OVERTON, Plymouth, N. O. n is ran a I iidiiiwy b 8 bis Swrii or fi s Pleasant to talle and docs not gripe or nauseate Chronic Constipation. Stomach and Liver Troubles Stimulation Without Irritation. Ounco Laxative. Fruit Syrup ia a new laxative syrup combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange tho Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. Constipation. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure chronic constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomaah is upset and the bowels arc irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. Tho condition'oi the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why Tills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO is different. Orino Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read, ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organs can not cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc. For Biliousness and SicK Headache. Take Ortno Laxative Fruit Syrnp. I sweetens the stomach, aids digestion an acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver ancl bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. Oitrxo Laxative Fruit Svrun stimulate the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion o pimples and blotches. It is the best kx ativo for women and children as it i mild and pleasant, and does not gripe o sicken. R.efuse substitutes. OUR TaKe ORINO Lasative Fruit Syrup and If you are not satisfied your money will be refunded Prepared only by FOLEY & CO., Chicago, III. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY i OAvFjNfOltl & CO., ' (Jp-to-Sate Druggists.

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