1 ' fT"-"-- , -it -"- ' i rti . ii i si mrthiTrft i i n Mminiriinii',T it i r - - ..T....,. . ii. : i . . ..vi .. ... . . - - - I THE ROANOKE BEACON. PubUdhed Every Friday. Snterea in tbe Pert Office t nyraooth N.C.as temid ltc natter. Mgiw L Wm appeal to eery reader of Tu Ko&nok.4 BcaoOnT to ttid us in making it hu acceptable aud profitable medium of news to our citizen. A?' Plymouth people ana uieimunc suu pv , oingwuln fiyruouiu. repon iu u an v ZmmB the arrival and departure of friends social ! ventt, death, sorioui" llliiec, aocidtjis, new landings, new enterpriWB and irnproy'Tnent ot I .k.,..!! nlinjKTr.s ill bllJ.'IXOSS IlliloeUl fthingiidevrythJBt;taat wyu.d ctiv .merest . to cur twople. enbusnption price, $1.00 peiveir. AdTcrtiKoraeiits inserted atow ru fle. Obituary notices cxct-eiiiii'teu lint .-, live -ut aline Count the words, avowing eipht to the line, , juid ed moavy-witli MS tor all i excess of ten line. , ' The editor will not bft responsible for the views Of correspondents. All articles for publication mast toe uecomtmuiea ' by the full name of the writer. . CorrespandanH are requested not to write on but on side of the pwper All coinmunl'.atioHs trmta be sent in by Thursday faoruiftg ot ttxey will not appear. Address all cmuiuii:.cati-iu to THE KOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth. N. C TEACHING SPARROWS TO GING. Plrd Raised With Canaries Learned to Imitate Them. A Bories of interesting expeniiKuta (n which English sparrows have been taught to sing sweetly, is recorded by Dr. Coziradl. The aim cf the expert jnenter has been to determine what are the conditions under which birds learn and cling to their traditional notes. For this purpose, says the American Journal of Psychology, he has taken very young: birds of ncninu pical species and kept then entirely with songsters, to determine whether they would thus acquire the musical notes. In July, 1893, he put four fledgling English sparrows into the nest ot a pair cf singing canaries. Three of them died, but the fourth survive"!. Tills one had already acquirer! a spar row chirp; but hearing thenceforth only the notes of the eajaary, he went no further with the language which was his birthright. Instead he came gradually when among the canaries, to give notes different from sparrow talk. Even when he was silent, if the canaries were singing he could be seen moving his throat, as if he were try ing to form the sounds, much as a per son often inaudibly follows a song which another is singing. At last these sounds began to be audible, and increasingly so. He began to give TiotiC-s in rapid succession, three or four tones up the scale, and then rep-eating the top note live or six times. Growing bolder with practice and ifae sound of his own voice, he soon Indulged three or four times in succes sion, with eight to twelve notes in each; and in the last days of' Septem ber, when three months old, he went UP and down and down and up the scale all in one run. All this while his voice had been phanging. At first it was harsh, as ia natural with English sparrows; but gradually, with the effort dr with the puh-conscious influence of the sweeter pounds about him, it became- softer and acquired something of the canary (Quality. At first h$ sang on a low scale and tried the top notes vainly; but, as his voice became milder he went higher mor easily. Ee was three months old when, growing bold, he essayed tag first trill. It was short but musical, and he evidently lilted it, for he re peated it and continued steadily to practise it. It was done modestly, and alter each trill he sat still and ap peared to be listening. A year later, however, when the report was being written by the experimenter, he had ('j't. to be quite an adept in canary cone;, and would trill and sing contin ually punctuating his song with com plete circles and semi-cire'es on kia perch. To try th effect of association upon him, Dr. Conradi removed him for a time, in his f.n-.t year, from the can aries, and put. him where he heard on- ly sparrow chatter. Gradually he ceased to sing and bejan to return to the neglected sparrow tongue, out when he was again hung with the ca naries he regained all he had lost in less than a month. TO CURE A C OLD IN ONE I , 1" Take LAXATIVE H'nMO QUININE Tablets. DruRgistB refui-.l money if it f..i! to care. E. W. GllO V'LhS oignalnre is on each box. 25c ' vl 12 . Engiand'3 Best Known Churj'n. The name of St. George's, lia.iover square, seitos to be well Known to every American why ecrnoo to hif.glard, says the London Ctronkle, not so much because it is the faaluyjahh; "marriage church" ia this country, 0.1 because President P.cosevt. ;t mar ried in it. A tew years back an Arai Jcan dropped into the vestry and loohx.J up the marriage register, in which, er der the date of Dec. 2, fuaaci the Bignature of "Theodore Iioo::eve!t, 23, widower, ranchman," and that oi "Edith Kermlt Carow." Till tn&n eveo the clerk, J. Moirey, did net know tha the American President's signature was lit the book. The End ot the World of troubles that robbed E. II. Wolfe, of Bea r Grove, Ia., of dl usefulneai-;, came when he began taking Eleo'iie Bitters. lie writes: "Two yeais ao Kidney trouble panned me arvnt MiUVring, which I duld never have survived had I not taken Elec tric Bitters Thfry also cured me of Geeeral PeLiiity.'' 8urb car j for ah Ktorjach. Liv-r and Kidney complaintH, Ih'.vod dineaBes, Hwadaciie, Dizziness and VeakiifeBS or bodily decline, price 50c. Guaranteed bv Jpruiil & Bro. . " Reward of n Spy. Frvsh light has been thrown on Russian methods of espionage by derails which have conic to light of fhe career of Zinalda SmoUanlnoff, a beautiful young woman, who wna sentenced at Leipzig to fifteen months imprisonment for betraying German military secrets. Mile. SmoUanlnoff received a salary of $10,000 a year, which enabled her to enter the highest circles in Ger man society. The Rn:Ma:i .'.ovora ir.cnt valued her services very high ly, for dining the five years of her cctivity as a spy she communicatee! to them over eo import.:!:'; military secrets. To this end sfcy i use-in a: ad and ensnared owr 1(M .'late HfaVi:!3 and army o Sic era. r.nd exploited tlv.'i.i for lu'T purpose:-. Wlica l?o orac-rod from prison ho will be o.v'.T.ed f r;):h CP.-r.ear.y iind prol 'Id ted f: un ever a--.a in entering the eor.r.try. G,rm;.: suilitary Huikcritien r-;ard t i a. iiu;-.t danavrcais a: a of rt eci! t tii:cs. i Ise far :ii:::w.. U: p :i.ui.".!iiy ia. ('..: a ' n ra: o ccor t'at i e .Vc Irci'iiiu .: a i-'.'..; in; . ;:ive. Ii U o: a '.":o -rf he in tin- iaumniy tliat V.:'..: :s 'i ;- la: ;-y;i::ia; v. ! ap;;'.l tleeir ::: gj; iT-euts coattd "vit'i :jy m" . :. inco:iaara uly Die- and fraality. Ti,l. asj-haltum. a.j eoiitiisies :a.-?i-"d. i i" j -vi: ':ed tjsr.'.':- of tlf? dead tlon;ei ..; turned tlu'-ni into tho lcs.l paint ,!:'! ::. ! ir. i he voi li. Ct.! ee;i Hai;s in Frasi-.w 'C'.r.i 1 rain," in the shape of ilor..- .:f littl; red, grct;n. and yel- i:i.-T(t. fell recently at Angers. ah : v . . Tlio fi7, : a i l.r ';rs, yaenc tuenon lasted cl so numerous wore the la.. i els that they choked the wa ter plj.es in the town and were shov eled nil in the streets by the cart !.':; Every form of distressing ftihueut known uk Files originates int anally. The real cause of the trouble ia inside. ManZan is put up in collapsible tubes with nozzle, so the medicine c?.n bo applied where it will do tho most goad, and do it quickly If yon uro suffering with pilos you owe yourself the duty of trying ManZan. sold by P E. DuYeupert and Skiles & Son ne 1 Intoxicated Inoscts. A dahlia garden where the flowers are cut at about noon is a regular pot house for bees and wasps and even the big bungling bumble bes do not refuse to imbibe. From the cut stem of the -plant on sunny days about noon a juice exudes that seems to be a whole sideboard of Intoxicants for the Insects, and, for two or three hours afterwards the wonVgo-home-tUl-raorning state is very apparent. The industrious, steady-going bees, misled into tasting it. will first staggesr then drop to the ground and with head down attempt to dreg themselves home, only to finally roll over and give up to it. Pretty soon they recov er and are ready to try it again If the temptation remains. If not. they take up the burden of work a.nd probably have some -excuse to offer for time loct and no returns. Pees and wasps and burable bees are not whl'tc rUbonr if opportunity oirer:. Galveston's; Sea Wall makes life nor us safe iu that city tu on tl. hichei uplands. E W. Goodiee .who renides on Duttou St , in v.'tjco, Te;.. needs no sea wall for safety. He writes: I have used Dr. Kings New Di.-covery for Con sumption the pant live years ana it Keeps mo weell anil sale, j.eioro i.a. i;me una a cough which for years had been growing worse, now it one Cares chronic Coughs La (irippe, Group Whooping Cough un-i prevents Pau-utiionia. Evry bof.tlo Kuaran. teed at, Spriiill & P.ro. Prico ."0c and i OG Trial bottle free. k The art of catting a whole eh .--a -e j into Halves a; kdovji iu lew. c.?uai it iz attc-mr-rcd with a knife. t-K- v suit af'-- va;:y heiua; a !rcl:vn ehf o' a br .'..' en knife. Tho eo: r;-'t v'tiy to 1 do i; is to a line wire-. Ta.;-.? length of it f-atiTicu.-nt to go iou:a! t: cLfsf.?t', w:h ::ome to spare at e. .l (jt.il. Twiai each of theae endi r:; a, a form t" o h ''Ais. Grasp handl'.; -'' (l. jHn i:.;.- .u: ro-mf. 1 eueu.. V.i! and peal with a w:L. The chec .an fsll apart into las.': hiily clean--a! halves. Dar." of pea-) may hi cut in She same way, cr a fine idrong Ft r ins xa.-.y he uaed instead cf tL wire. CURES CA'i'AKRII. if y '1 have Catarrh, Hay fever, Astl tbma. Brntiel.itie, Colds, etc., b. E. il. Catarrh Cure will cure it. Send stamp fur book of wonderful cures. Tins remedy is the oid I reliable standard and has oad-i more cures than all ether remedies combiued. Addres.: E. AI. Catarrh Cure Co., P. O. Box 311, Atlanta. On. See ad. elsewhere. 11-7 MoFt men are wiiliug to pray for their enemies to get the worst of it. Wheu applied and covered with a hot cloth rinesaLvt: aet.s like u poultice Best for but Hi, brnistH, boiN, eczema, nk'n diseases, etc. dd by r E Davenport and Skiles tte !:cn se 1 A gentlemen would rather be taheu for a sorvant than fail to be of service. Old maids would be bCaree ami hard t find Could they be tra3e to aeo, How gruce and beauty is combined By using Rocky Mountain Tea. P, E. Davenport ""-"'i f, t ' . . . " - ' i- -.;"r - -c- .. -" '.. h - ; '. ,. .-. i ( ; : ' -X. V. , ', '' . - .-a:h,V V ."nV' '' V .'''A i v.. ''.a. c -,r ; ra..(.'' :; , ? " 'p 1 v i .' ; i p i '. 1 and ha.; 'h i ! i 0 " '.'.Ui ') 1 j ' 1 1; 1.1- lc; ' 1 en 1 ? i ai ' . ": . f Si.r.'i'. ia . v ' ' i i i" : i ' .: :u a.h:Mit ..' OK :' at ' 'i :ra!.i!i aid -v:.!k as uood io v.'u: k aca ir. Ha 0; : 1 ; : l.-ram ; uh body. ru;. v. Ve.ur tru:y. CHEAP AND CONVENIENT METHOD OF TRAVELING. Tho Norfolk & Southern Kailroad, has, effective, June 1st, i'Jotf, placed on sale at its principal ticket offices. Interchangeable Mileage Tickets, good for transportation for one thousand miles, at rate of $2.".00 each. These tickets are good for transpor tation over the folio wim;, comprising about 15,000 miles of railway and steamship lines: Atlanta & Wcct Point I?. It. Atlantic Birmingham Ky. Atlantic & North Carolina R It. Atlantic Coast Lin .- K K. Baltimore steam L'asket Co Charleston & Western Caroliua Ky. Chesapeake Steamship Company Coast lane Steamboat Company Columbia, Newberry A Laureus It K, Florida West Shore lty 1'risco Spstem (Lines Kast of Memphis) Georgia It K. 1 ndependent Line Steamers Ix)ui8ville & Nashvljlc li. K. Louisville. Henperson & St Lonis Ky. Maeon, Dublin Savannah It K. Nashville Chatano)ga tfc St Lonis Ry Nori'oik & Southern Railrov.l, bteauier & Elec tric Lines Northwestern R It. of .South Carolina. Richmond. Fredricksburt; & Potomac P.. It. Savannah & Stateeboro Ky. Seaboard Air Line Ky. Washinon-Southei n Ry . Western t Atlantic Kv. Western Ky. of Alabama. luterchaugenblc Mileage Tickets fcsucd by the above uamed li.aew will be accepted for tranfportation 'oyer tho N & li. li. These 'tickets present a cheap and coa V"aiti)l method of traveling to the tatbha. 11 (j. :irbGi.:c, Genera! Pa-s-Tccr A;.;etit. Until tills notice disappears v; Will h'iVC Li.iJ jGi TLa Ivoaaahc IV aeae aa Our.slituiiiHi cau vcar ...1 as d ia' 'i'h'j ito'ii'.oiie 1)R. U.-iUt- Jar' -'Italian ar me a-;ir for. . . Th air 1 r ' k? Liacaa aa ; '.he Tl.tiee- ; Va: : vi VVi.rM CUH Vt"ir for l.hO 1 And if yo'i want the lie at Coiuh:)uutie:i: I to ha had toi h'-aj ;r !iienev,-ffrid n.; on iv ; $2. SO r.e.d v. wih taa:i ;aai i cno year, Your il'-aae Panr, the 'Lh.hce.-A-Wcf k i New Ycra World,' tha Atlr.nta Oon-'iitathm I ! and th ri-'ii-.y South h the be.-:! j :b'.i.--hed every .V'-ck, xu ut hw than I 1 ier.s ; aif the co.-.t ot cue dailv. Adoress i illE ROANOKE h'ilACON, Piya.,vuh. N. O. I MCl.LIRT-7'0 5S.I t i.U f .3.-.t,V..V Sr-;f isalcino for oJu?y rtwprf. Sriajs CjlJsn Eoahh eo-i iUaewid Vigor. I A 9-"-:if.'c for Corpii;. n. I;:,!,;"63tion. L!v m. Kl-Jney Troueles. l:r.ipi.-;:. i.cs-drnu, I:..;a:re B'i 101. Bfi'f Tir.i'h. e.-.-f.-hh l;o-r. ! if '-a-l I Hut HwkJ-.u. I: 'fell -ky Jlovnt an Tea in t i '"t fvria, VA c 'iit a hox. Oeiiuia-s m?.tla h-i 1 llou wtcb Dne Caa-VAs-y, Wn ILsd.-i. Vi'it,. G0L92 MUCG5T3 FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Sold by P E Davenport L Co. stops t&e cotagix andhealsSaxts Grove's t has stood the test 25' years. . Avero Arjr4.1l Sales over Ons csd c Half MSiicE to bottles Does this record of merii pel to yo ? No Core, No Pay. 50c. 1 1 f o.i- i i. V r.av. with thi alu r 1 a; aay- tvr-'ie:- l:y rc-;cvhi? the acinus rcwKi bsW.a sna !:c-o!-.is.t fr if yov. .Uid fftfc cc;ri':a for postegc to r. !.-..: nOBni'fT CHEMICAL COMPANY. Proprietors, Baltimore. DlMW NOTICE! I drilled the Artesian Weil for Mr. U. J. Nonnun, and for the town of Plymouth, N. C. Why not let me drill one for you? Address all orders to P. O. Ellis, P. O. Box E. Branehville, 2-1 Southampton Co., Va. For Sale. I have a good, single, second-hand spring wagon, in eood running order, that I will sell at a bargain. Apply to E. S. Cahoon, Skiunersville, N. C. WANTED : Two men in each county to represent and advertise Hardware de partment, put out samples of our goods, etc Traveling Position or Office Manager. Salary iy'jo.OO per month, cash weekly, with all expends paid in sd7anee. Wo fu'rninh evervthiuu. TliLCOLlfMOIA iOi h Dept. t'lO, -jVA.r.th Av:.... Chicaau. Hi. :i-9 Wk II fill i i'lV ji. . 1 E 1 5! si- ? 1 r ill! v prihv, T1! a7jl the -vorK the best to he hud. T'-tov.f intending to build should write for samples and prices before placing their orders elsewhere. Transportation is good, my Kilns being directly at the junction ot the A, C. L, and N. Sz S. Railroads. I tit's,. -to tte ts- TXIwT w sis ir js. life Tcstoless CMH -a rV' ft"- )sSON3 CUT OF ?:S-.s-l fi"cri ti?hl to the acaS cf the itsess and rj-:---.- ' Yc5'r dfuist csiia and rcos-nrronds hcumaoicie, j , t REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE 33IVXhC OIF1 PLYMOUTH, At Plymouth, ia the trtate of North Carolina, at the Close of Business, June. 18, 190G KK30URCES. Loans and Discounts, - - - Ovirirafts, Secured. - North Carolina State Bonds , All other StLcks, Bonds- and Mortgages, Premium on Bonds, Banking Houses, $2,000.90. Furniture and Fixtures, $1,800.09, Due from Banks and. Baukere, Cah Items, - - - - - Gold Coin, - ------ Silver Coin, Including all Minor Coin Curroncy, National Bauk Notes and Other U. S. Notes, Total, ,'. - LIABILITIES Capital Stock, ... surjdus Fund, Undivided Profits. less Current ExpoBscs and Deposits subject to check, - Total, .? rf Xnrth Carolina. Count v of Washington, .s . I. Clarence Lathum, Cashier of the ahove-nameA Bnnk. do solemnly vear that tie.- ahovi stamcnt is true to the be: t cf my kuowledpr and belief. CLAUK.NCK LATHAM, Cashier. Stil-.seribi.d ami ?w-rn 1j before me, this CJid .: .Ian-, l'.-O'-.. v.-. BATJSMAN. c. s. c. m DIGESTS The $1.00 bot'lecmtalr.s PREPARED E. C. DeWXTT & Sold by P. E. DAVENPORT. in;-t;ulcit the latest improved lor the nuiaufaeture of brick, i)i-epaiea to furnish builtling rge or siiuill lots, at moderate ho n:atcri:i! used is the finest &r W E !T7x v . 3?r T?r zzhl. u m -Touts v. era r- 1 rs. DOLLARS. 63,044.30 343.W 3,000.00 . 2,801). 00' '. ' 07.15 - 8,500.0ft 14,972.35 103.40 - 4:.00 037.80 1,250.00 88.155.81 DOLLARS - 13,500.00 3,210.06 3,030.46 67.415.75 - &i,155.81 . Tafes Paid, Correei-Attest : W. II. HAMPTON, L. S. LANDING, L. 1'. 1IORNTHAL, Directors. WHAT YOU EAT 2'4 timesthe trial t.c, which sells for SOcenta, ONLY AT TH S LABORATORY OP C022PAHY. CHICAGO, IIX. THE WOELD ALMANAC f and ENCYCLOPEDIA IS ON SALE ALL OVER TUB UNITED STATES. It is a volume of nearly seven linn-., dred paes and scdls for loc. Scut by mail for 35c. A Reference Book of unusual val ue, almost indispensable ta any mau of business, or in the professions. It contains information on more than 1,000 timely topics find presents over 10,000 Uxi." such as ;tri-o daily for answering. Election statistics, agricultural," financial, educational, railnds, ihipping, etc., etc., thvotigiijilVthc list of topics where now figures are" most valuable. I4 columns of index. Send for this "Standard Ameri-i Annual." Address THE Vv'OViLP, Pulitzer Buildihg, New York Citf . - V, A 'ISFr 7 t .1 P 9 LM wm r MJl IS- towopsdia

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