THE ROANOKE' BEACON. Published Every Friday. Entered in the rntOPc at flymonth N. C.,9,e Mcond digs aitter. J-i. ...... !- J". We appeal to every reader of Ths Roanoke Bsacon, to aid via. in makiur it un acceptable mid profitable medium of news to our citizen. Let Plymouth people and the public know what in going on in Plymouth. Report to us all items of news ttje arrival aud departure of friends, social events, deaths, norum ilmepsi, accideuts, new buildings, new enterprises aisd improvements of Whatever character, chungiin b-iwiuess indeed nything and everything that would be of interest to our people. Subeeription price, $1.00 per year. Advertisements inserted at low Obituary uotices exceeding ten lin Ave cents alme. Caunt the words, allowing eifht to the hue, and send money with Mb. for ail in excess of tea lines. The editor will not be responsible for the views of correspondents. AU article for publication must be accomoanied by the full name of the writer. Correspondents are requested not to write on but on side of the paper. AU communication must be sent iu by Thursday rjorutng'or they will not appear. Address all communication! to THE KOANOKE BEACON, Plymouth. N. 0 rOMCE MILITARY RELICS. Compelled to Wear Brass ISuttorw and lie Easy Targets. Practically all armies now havu uniforms cf khaki or other Incon spicuous material for active fight ing. Bras3 buttons have disappeared frith the scarlet coats in which Eas Uah soldiers made themselves tar gets for American Indians a century and a' half ago. Even the parade uni forms of modern troops are quiet. But one place brass buttons hold their own. The policeman in most Countries, and especially in the Uni ted States, have to wear them on pa fade and on the firing line. Tho thought of a policeman In his dou ble row of brass buttons is as pleas ant to the burglar, the hold-up raan, the street beggar and crookdom gen ially as was the sight of Braddock'a regulars to the Indians who am bushed them near Fort Duquesne in 1776. Much of a patrolman's night work consists of prowling around dark & leys and back doors in deserted busi ness districts. Ha is permitted to wear rubber-heeled shoes, and can be more or less silent. He can lurk tn shadows and often get tho start of 4 stealthy crook. But the moment ho steps into a street light or even comes up an alley in the dark he Is as visible as though he were illumi nated.' His double row of brass but tons mako him not only a walking ign post on the darkest night, but ''but also a plain target If It comes to shooting. The rights of the soldier tho. world over to offer as inconspicuous ft hooting mark as possible have been universally admitted. But the Indus trious policeman is ctill hampered by in antiquated tradition In the matter Of uniform. He is a military anach ronism. Telephone Stops Log .Tarns. When Alexander Graham Bell poke his first message over the tele thons, thirty year3 ago, he had no idea that the instrument would be ttsed to break '"log jams," the terri ble bano of the logman's career. No jporo Interesting incident of the in vasion of modern Invention Into ths pathless to&ct than hor, the te!e-rjhone-' thus saves hundred . of Uvea SCach year has boon told for many a Anv Tr HPo nf t.V- InTnnn tho hardy work of fc-Ilinrr trees and tho perilous task of floating them down streams to the sawmill presen'R a gceno Into which it scarcely seems the Ingenious Inventor would ever break his way. But tho telephone has made log jams an event of tho paet. The passing of tho log Jam is an occasion of rejoicing by the wood man, but not to tho devotee of pic turesque scenes of the woods. It is a wonderful eight to sec the lc,-3 piled lather in a rushing stream, nnd if. is a hrilling spectacle to watch the dur ing woodsman cut away the lor? that "fa the key to the jam nnd then as the JSoga begin to move see him ship nim bly over the moving pioccs of tiai ber to safety ca the shore. Now, piowever, the man who makes hi?i an nual trip Into the woods of Maine or Panada to watch the logman brin.; ie fruits of a winter's work down a Snountain stream will bo dipanpoir.t pd. Tho Jams are never remitted to form. At the firct sign of a elog ono M the men patrolling the banks of he river telephones upstream to have the flow of logs ctopped in tho lulet stretches, called "trips." Ia this way tho Jams are nipped iu the bud. As soon as the incipient trouble i over the men along the trips iotlfied by telephone and the stream sf log3 moves along again. Tery form of distressing ailuaDt known ft riles originates hit rnally. The real cause jf the trouble i9 inside. ManZan i-1 put up U collapsible tubes with i.ozzle, so the ledicine can be applied whre it will do lie most pood, and do it auicklv If vnn a - j - j ie suffering with piles you owe yourself " ' - - j - - n - i j -. I Hard is ihe exit from Easy stre et and fauy there be that fiud it j The End ot the World ! troubles thftt robbed E. H. Volfo. of IU prove, la., uf all u.;fulness, cam vltu ; I began takiog . Ei'-frie Bitters. K j Iteet "Two v' ac-- KiJroy tioub'.- ! toed me great Buffering, which I caM , fver Lave purvived imd I pot tairii Eke- j jb Bitters. They hIso ennd me of tj'i.eral ' Suility " Sure care for ail St or ! ich, L:v r j !l I.!,.- T. 1 j- p murj COU1 liUiUlfl, Jjirnm UiSeriHCB, iadachft, Dizziueiss auu Wttakiiegn or ;hl declitie. i-rict0c. Quarantecd by iraiil&Bro. V Consul Jockfon,. of I a no?hJlle, states t'if't on r-eo.tTit of tl.p stead nt1. i Tit of tr.p steaci--.ksc Industry the ?u".s octoxe r.n important consiaera tion. Ko Fays: "The most Important ici? plant produces forty tons per day, and there are three others of j vf.ryins capacity. The rystc-m eni- j ployed is that by which sulphurous ' rteii is The appearance of tsc i ior industrial requirements has nat i uniiiv suggested its use for domestic purposes. Several attempts to make ice boxes or refrigerators have been mo'-e or less unsuccessful. In one Instance a family import?;! a refrig erp.tor direct from Now York. There nhovild be an excellent opportunity for the American ice box in La P.o chclio nnd neighborhood." Cor..o!;'tIori cf the Nobodies. If you are jisorabio because you arc not g:v?at think of the former greatness of Uo:ne and cheer up. Fcr ehivt'n hundred years Rome wan mistress of the known world. To day the langiicpa of the Romans has been forgotten, and the Ro am a has ro commercial im portance, nnd i.; known among men uorely a:? a c;uio. Tbe Romans, no ted ad philosopher. and soldiers, who Invaded ami subdued every nction known at the Roman period, are now ntuncum curiosities. Portunaffiy they h:vo been spared the humiliation of r.ara.'fo: i:.; in Egypt I raw the body of xhi groat ruler on payment of 2 0 ceiu-. If yoa are r.ot great you will at lfa:;t cscapo the humiliation of hivi:g your body exhibited two or thice thoa.-Dr.rl years after death. Crtch; of "Indort'jre. I-eal documents were once en-eroi-sed on parchment because paper cost so ruuch moro than dressed skin. The parchment was seldom trimmed exactly and the top was sr:; Hoped with the fcnifa. hence the' rern "this indenture." Even where tlu- lawjers have deptrted from the custom, still obtaining In England, of using parchment for their legal forms, the p'?rie hes been retained. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE IiKOMO QUININE Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E W, GliOVE'S signature is ou each box. 3c jan 12 A Valuable Map. The Czar owns a' map of Prance con structed of precious stones. Paris ia represented by a huge diamond, Bor deaux by an opal, Marseilles by an exa erald, and so on, while the various de partments are shown in a single sort of stone. The entire collection ot in t'he Iremlin represents more than $60,000,000. Training for the Throne. Th&t King Haakon VII. of Norway has a royel eye for the succession of h!s djLsity is evidenoed by the fact that be lost no opportunity cf holding up his son, the infant crown prince of Olif, to the g-ize cf Norwegians at the ceremonies at Christiania. Ths youngster figures almost as prominent ly es hta father in the pictures. Galveston's Sea Wall ioakefi life now as safe iu that city aw on the hudiei uplands. E W. Goodloe .who resides on Dutton St , in Wtico, Tex., needs no sea wall for safety. He writes: I have ued Dr. King New DiKcevery for Con sumption tho past hve years and it keeps rue weell and safe. Before tLr.t tirae I had a cough which for years had beeu growing worse, now its gone. Cures chronic Coughs La Grippe, Croup Whooping Cough h'nd prevents Pueumonia. Every bottle Riiaran. teed nt, fcipruill &. live. Price r0c aud $1 00 Trial bottle free. Fingers ar.d Grnio. A new test of the iriouf.! and phyrdenl condition of children has l'eri d'e:ov ertd by a spcdnHsi in the phyri'al dovelopcerst of children.- It consists cf finger exercis, which, ca-y as tbc-y uTpViT, dopnd for suce-s-3 s'o oatir-.-Iy upon the physical and- Dintal eotdl titn of the one who tides them. They consist simply in folding d-.wu th f!r.2-"3 iu siT'esaio.n. e'thor singly or by two.-; yet by nsans of them i.xy t tested tJ0 ir.isi -tptihility of the ii;r:a.:.i rhild'c brain to receive and retain i:Kpressi02.s. 'They are r..lso x tost r-f misu In children who an- over works d ia wdicol, and thro.i:?h theo morjtal va!cnei-.3 cxay be detectod ia b3Ciiward children. CURES CATAKEII. If yon Lave Cr.tarrh, flay fever, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cold, etc., K. E M. Catarrh Cnr will cure it. Hend stamp for book of wonderful cures. Thin remedy in the old reliable Hrandard nnd lia made morf cures than all other reinedies combined. Address; K. E M. Catarrh Cure Co., P. O. Box Sil, Athiutii. Ga. See d. elee where. 11-7 S'me people think ihey have peace wheu they mre only pelriiied. XV-n applied aud covered with a hot cloth Fiiiet-ahvi net like a poultiee Bost for burn. bruibuH, boils, eczema, s'iiu diseases, etc sold by v E Davenport aud feikiles & Sfon se i V t.jan'8 imagination rvenls more than the i ma;; in wry fian. Oi.'. 1; worJJ Lo .-iCdrt;e aud hard U had, I oui'l They made to 'e. Ilow (..race af.d b auty corubined By using l'.ocky Ilour:tr.irj Ton. F, E. Da-.tnport r' !'..".'....'" ."'... wii i a. , . ,j , , " - .,JM ., H "MAKES YOU WELL ALL OVER." IP u ?"EUMACIDE goes right to ths scat of the disease, sweeps W h ?L n5 gsnis and poisons out of the blood, cleans up a!! the plague- fe:? ?P?4s ll) thc and all th organs to work Igain m 5 kturesway.. Pureiy vegetable, non-clcohoSic, it is yet thc V LJ r?ost Powerful of cleansing medicines, and at the same fjr fZl urn? F3fiUl.Tt$JS the Irer. tones tin the stnmnr.h nnd hnilHc f up the entire system. RHEUMAC1DE is thc only that cures rheumatism to stay cured. MOST POWERFUL Ash .AJ 0J: .r Jlv fr-J A J-sV iV nf OORES DISEASE BY BEHOVING ' THE CAUSE.' RKKUBflACJDE h'3 cursd thousands cf cases after rM o.her remclic? ?.nd famous doctors ha-i failed. Austin crce!!, of Salcrn, VaM spent $5,00 in medicines and hun crecs of tiolizrz ior physicians1 fees, and at last h was curcsd tej sn??5- 2rf says it has "rnlahlm a new. 1? JfMw fT'3?- rj. S. Gcrnbcs, 114 S. GiSmc-r stroftt, L1a!tsmorc, says Wv JMwW i -its has', lan d Mr. v . li. Hi.arh.jfl wnfw tro:u tkmc. V i : 'Four b.if.Ics of KHJCUACIDK have rntiiciy cv-cil u.e of a st'iixhiiiT t t r.'a i;rn;it:-in -trul Kresuly improved rr.y Koueriil health. I was a total wi ock. l-.avuik' lrui rheu raatism for tw-.-nty years. I sp; nt scv eral vocks arivl fiiuch :uon?y trvliiit specialists in Now York, but ktl'EU MACIDK is tho only I have found. When i b -'tan to use it I veiiriied i-'o pounds. Now 1 wciph l-'J pounds, tiiy iJOJinat wcirht. "W. k. IlUGHIiS." K3 CHEAP AND CONVENIENT METHOD OF TRAVELING. The Norfolk Sl Southern Railroad, has, effective, Juno 1st, l'JOU, placed or. Rale at its principal ticket offices. Interchangeable Mileage "liekets, good for transportation for one thousand miles,, at rate of $2;"i.()0 each. These tickets are good lor transpor tation over the following, comprising about 15,000 miles of railway aud.steaniship lines: Atlanta fc West Point K. K. Atlantic fe Birmingham lty. Atluntic North Carolina R R. Atlantic (.'oaul Lino K li. Baltimore Meam PaketCo charlui'ton & Westerti Carolina Tty. Chesapeake Steamship Company Coast Line Steamboat Company Columbia, Ntwbi'rry Laureus It R. Florida et Shorn Iiy l-'riHco Sp-tt-m (Lints .bast of Memphis) liorgia ii li. Indfpcndeiit i.i'.ic Steunieis Louisville &. Nasl:ile It. K. Louisville. Ilt'iipt-rsun it St Louis I;y. Macon. Uuhliu Jo Savannah J K. Nashville Ctatanoofa t St Louie Ky Norfolk & Southern Kailroad, Steamer & Elec tric Linus Northwestern R R. of South Carolina. Richmond. l-"n'1i ickbun; & Potomac R. R. Savannah & StaUsboro Hy. Si'uboanl Air Line I?y. W'ashincon-SiMithci u Iiy. 'coierii b Atinntic Ry. Western Ry. of Alabama. Interchangeable Mileage Tickets issued by the above uamed liuew will be accepted for transportation oyer the N & 8. K. It. These tickets present a cheap aud con venient method of traveling to the public. II C. 11UDGINS, General Passenger Agent. Our Clubbing Offer. Until tii is notice disappears we will give the following Cheap Club iiateu: The Koanoke Beacon and the Atlanta Constitution one year tor $1.50 The Koonoke Beaeon, the Atlanta Constitution and the Sunny South one year for 1 75 The Roanoke Beacon aud the Thrice-A-VvTeek ,'ev York World one year for 1.50 And if you want the Best Combination to be had for love or money, send us only $2.50 and we will send you for ono year, Your ramm Paper, the Thrice-A-Werk New York World, the Athnta Constipation and the Buny South Six of the bet pa pers published erery week, and at tens than Liilf the cost of one daily. Address THE ItOANOhK BEACON, Plymouth, N. C. KOLLISTirS'S 8ec;? tkmlm Tea Ikmzlz A hxj y.ediolne fcr Bvsj Peop. Drlngfl tJJdea Ecai'h uxi Tlenewed Vitor. A aneeMIc f r CouRtlnatioi!. Indieestlon". lW ivA jv.Jm y Troubles. P!!.-:p!'.-. iV.-zom-t, I-u.. Jiooil. Had Breath. S'nfr'sh io-vls, ttb ipohn aud BacKaehe. It's Rocky :.IouD:;ifii jntnV '; ""'a wuts a hux. 0 riuirn! (,pd- hv itoi,t.i8T2n D:.'-a Cokpa.w, Madison, Wi- " " N'JGSETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Sold by P K Davenport J: Co. Si JKHto. a $ sloci the test 25 years lE&'V&ZGTQ. Of ,y Edic-d wiiJb every BLOOD PURIFIER JSB Uhc a ncv wman." Vour druggist sells Mti40mfMW GORES AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL. Sample bol:2cs and booklet frsc Sf you send favs Gents fcr postage to Bobbitt Chemical Company, proprietors. Baitinwre..' START TO GET WELLTODAY I drilled the Artesian Weil for Mr. C. J. Norman, and for the town of Plymouth, N. C. Why not let me drill one for you? Address sill orders to P. G. Elcis, P. O. Box E. Branchvillo, 2-1 Southaoiptou Co., Va. For Sale. I have a good, single, second-hand spring wagon, in good running order, that I will sell at a bargain. Apply to E. S. Cahoon, Skinnersville, N. C. WANTED : Two men iu each county to represent and advertise Hardware de partment, put out samples of our goods, etc Traveling Position or Office Manager. Sal.-.ry $90 (M) per month, cash weekly, with all expenses paid in advance. Wo furnish everything. THE COLUMBIA HOUSE, Dept. GlO, .' Ave . ?,.fl Chicago, Hi. 51 RICK., IgRICI, BRIK ! Having installed the latest improved machinery for the manufacture of brick, I am now prepared to furnish building brick in large or small lots, at moderate prices. The material used is the linest and the worK the best to be had. Those intending to build should write for samples and prices before placing their orders elsewhere. Transportation is good, my Kilns being directly at the junction of the A. C, L. and & S. Railroads. BRIWK.I.BSY, Average A3.m:l Sdm over merit Sncal tn vu ?. .. Nn ivery hcVJo h a Tea Cent, package of Crovc-'s Black Roct, Lsvsr Pli. R sweeps rm 's plague- If Mf Jpi fMl remedy WORLD. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BAIVJES: OF PLY3IOUTH, At Plymouth, io the State of North Carolina, at the Close of Business, June. fS, 190G. KKS'JL'UCES. Loans and Discounts, ...... Ovi.rerafts, Secured. North Carolina State Bonds - All other Stocks. Ponds and Mortgages, - Prvmuiui ou Bonds, Banking Houses, JO.lWO.UO. Furniture and Fixtures, l,500.0(i, Due from Hanks aud Bankers, - - Cash Items, - - - - - - - - Gold Coin, - Silver Coin, including all Minor Coin Currency , National Bank Notes and Other U. S. Notos, ToTal, . LIABILITIES Capital Stock, - - Surplus Fund, Undivided l'rotits. Ips3 Cnrrent Kxnennes and Prpo.-its eulijcot to check, - . Total, Piitc of Xortli Cnroliiin, Cvunt v of Wimhiixaton, ' 1. Clarence Latham, Cashier of tho above-named bunk, do solemnly fwear that the above-stai'i-mtnt is-true to the Viest of my knowledge and belief. CLARENCK LATUAM, Cashier. Subscribed and iworn to before me, this S3id day of June, l'.!0!i. W. M. BATEMAN. c. s. c. DIGESTS The $1.00 bottle contains 2 PREPARED E. C. DeWITT & bold by 1'. E. DAVENPORT. VJ. r w TA - ) Om zmd rtiw. fV air .Sftr?. T4 Sciatica, Mhu:naUc Gout, Lumbago, Caitirrh. Intiijjtstion. Contlpat!on, KjUnoy Trout !, Litf; r DiB2i36, La O rip pc, Contagious Blood Poison, All Blood Disease. DOLLARS. 59,041.90 312.18 3,000.00 2.0CO.(w 207.15 - 3,500.00 14,972.35 1G3.40 - 438.00 637.83 1, 2.10.00 8-S.165.81 DOLLARS - 12,50 1.00 3,210.08 3,680.40 67,4-15,75 - 85,155.01 . .. Taws I'aid, CoricQt-Attort V,'. H. HAMPTON, L. S. LANDING, L. P. HORNTIIAL, Directors. WHAT YOU EAT times tha trial sirs, which sells for 50 cents. ONLY AT THE LABORATORY OF COMPANY, CHICAGO. IIX. tneyeiopedia THE -m WORLD ALMANAC and ENCYCLOPEDIA 18 ON SALE ALL OVER . TIIE UKITED'STATKr. It is a volume of nearly scvci' hun-. dreii pages and sells for MJa. Son' by mail for 35c. A Reference Book of unusual val ue, almost indispensable to aoy man of business, or in the professions. It contains information on more than 1,000 timely topics and presents over 10,000 facts such as arise daily for answering. Election statist ice, ancultiwil, financial, educational, shipping, etc., etc., through nil s i list of topics where new fiL'nres are most valuable. 4 columns of index. Send for this "Standard American Annual.' Address TIIE WOULD, rulitzer Buildihg, New York City. visiiH Mm.