if vwh THE ROANOKE BEACON. QUSKB nTDOTCI PLACES. 1 h is I h C e v 0 I 3 I Published Every Friday. ' Entered In the PetiOAlce at i'lymoutli N. C, ft eeoond oWgg ai utter. We appeal to every reader ofTu Knokk BsacOm, to aid u in lualcnn; It an acotitnble aud profltabie medium of uew to our cltiiceti. Let Plymouth people and the public know wbat it going ou in Fljmoutu. Report to uc all itemed news the arrival aud departure of frlende, social event, death, aorlouu ilinen, aocidoiitn, new buildings, new euttrprines and improvement of whatever character, ohanKeniii buHim!? Ii deed anything and everything that would be of iuterent to our people. Snbeenptlon price, $1.00 per year. AdTertiaemenu iuoerted at low rs. Obituary notice exceeding ten liui , five cent a line. Count the word, allowing eight to the line, and send money with MS. for ail in oxcet-s of ten linei. The editor will not be responsible for the views of correspondents. All article for publication tnnat be accompanied by the full name of tne writer. Correspondent are requested not to write on but on Ride of the paper. All communication must be sent In by Thursday morning or they will not appear. Address all communications to THE ROANOKE BEACON, Plymouth. N. C POLICE MILITAHY IIELIC3. Compvllrd to Wear Irafs Cuitons and Ik Easy Target. Practically all armies now have uniforms of khaki or other incon spicuous material for active fight ing. Erass buttons hare disappeared with the scarlet coats in which Eng lish soldiers made themselves tar gets for American Indiana a century and a half ago. Even tho parada uni forms of modern troops are quiet. But one place brass buttons hold their own. The policeman in most countries, and especially in the Uni ted States, have to wear them on pa rade and on the firing line. Tho thought of a policeman in his dou ble row of brass buttons Is as pleas ant to the burglar, the hold-up man, the street beggar and crookdom gen erally as was the sight of Braddock's regulars to the Indians who am bushed them near Fort Duquesno in 1775. Much of a patrolman's night work consists of prowling around dark al leys and back doors in deserted busi ness districts. He is permitted to wear rubber-heeled shoes, and can be more or less silent. He can lurk In shadows and often get the start of a stealthy crook. But the moment he steps into a street light or even comes up an alley in the dark he is as visible as though he were Illumi nated. His double row of brass but tons make him not only a walking figs post on the darkest night, but but also a plain target If It comes to shooting. The) rights of the soldier the world over to offer i Inconspicuous a tbootlag mark sjs possible hare beea jnfvertmlty admitted. But the indus trious) policeman U sttH hampered by a antiquated tradition to tb matter Of uniform. He la a military anach ronism. Old Roman Recipes. Women of ancient, luxurious Ronu used to eat parsley as a mouth cleans er. Honey boiled in wine and aniseed was also a sweetener of the breath and pastils of myrtle were employed for the same purpose. Silver tongs aud knlres were employed in caring for the nails. No woman ot social emin ence cut her own Anger nails; those Who had not skilled slaves employed barber. Perfection in these respects fU one of the thirty beauties attrib uted to Helen of Troy. Great pains were bestowed on the feet, for it was considered that the breeding was be trayed by them as taslly as by the hands. They were always much in evidence, the sandals worn not hiding them. Long, tapering fingers were highly prized. Various kinds of herb decoctions were employed to beautify the flnges. Pliny gives recipes for re moving any undcJred substances from the nails. Asses' milk contributed to the white ness of the women's skin. It was some times poured into the bath and the whole body laved in It and sometimes the hands and face were sponged with it from a silver basin, the syft linen towel completing the process. The hair was delicately scented and ail kinds of washes and burnishes were applied to It It took many slaves ro bring the tresses Into tho classic bands or high pyramids which were the lash ion at various tim-s. lerfumes were not only applied to h3ir. hands, clothes and the person generally, but pervaded the rooms, which were hung with garlands and decorated with fcloome of many kind3. The dresses of Roman matrons were made bril liant with various processes of pres sing and smoothing, machines being employed for the purpcoe. Though most refined In the duties ol the toilet the women of that day were barbaric in their cruelty Woe bo to the poor slave who failed to follow her mistress' command; she was whip ped by the public flagellator if she did not fall a prey to the- personal fury of her mistress, who would hurl at her victim the mirror or anything else at hand and would cot diedaln to pierce her tender flesh with the long ever ready hairpin if nails teeth and hands Were not sufficient Danger From Tho Plague. There' grave dan3er from the plague of Congo? aud Cold? that ate no prevalent. anlH yon take Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coupes and Colds Mrs. Geo. Wall, of f'orext City. Me., wrtes: "It' a Godsend to people living in climates where coughs and cold prevail I sod it quickly end llieui. It prevents Pneumonia, cares La, Grippe, gives wouuerful relief in Asthma aud Hay Fever, and laukes weak Inugs strong enough to ward off Consnmp Hon, Coughs ad Colds. SQc and $1 00. (Kytrmterd by Bproill k Bro. Trial bottle fw:e. Mesne Pwple Bare Taken to Keep Their Money Safe. One of our best-known members of Parliament built himself a man- I sion in a remote part of Hampshire, on the confines of the New Forest. J Ho noticed during the progress of : the work that a contractor's clerk ! came back from the railway station bringing with htm a walking stick i bearing a lable addressed to his em j ployer. This always happened on a Friday afternoon, and he became cu rious to know the reason. When he asked for an explanation of the mystery thecontractor touched a spring in the handle, screwed off a a headpiece, and, turning the stick upside down, rolled out on the table a heap of sovereigns. It appears that the nearest local bank could not be used In time for weekly pay. Accordingly the con tractor had the stick made, tho inte rior of which was hollowed out In order to take the sovereigns. The precious freight Amounted to 100, and was despatched every week as an ordinary parcel. During the whole time It never miscarried. Possibly a more remarkable sav ings bank was found during an In quest held In London recently. It was discovered that the deceased had a wooden leg, within which were a number of sovereigns wrapped In a kid glove. Surely a wooden leg Is one of the most peculiar banks Imag inable. A short time ago an old miser died, at Brescia. She lately revealed a. singular hoarding place for treasure. She had ayways lived as one in deep poverty, and had carefully excluded all neighbors from her apartment. When she was taken ill and felt the approach of death she sent for a notary, to whom she confided the hiding place of her money. She had lived In constant dread of robbery or loss, and so for years had preserved the whole of her money in a hollowed out leg of a certain table In the room. When search was be ing made before properly accredited witnesses a sum of 5,000 was brought to light in money securities. A sum of over a quarter of a mil lion pounds has been thrown Into the ash pit by the government. This extraordinary exhibition of waste of public money was found out some little time ago. It was discovered that scrap brass had been used for road making. Originally the ashes from the brass foundry and rolling mills of the Royal Laboratory and other fac tories were regarded as so much waste material. As a matter of fact, they were given to the superintend ent for the purpose of making roads anl pathways. This went on for a number of years, when a wideawake coa tractor Eii 'to know of it. lie feaeronel aaV red to remove tho ashca from the fire holes and to give the govern ment the sum of 3 s. Id. a ton for them Into the bargain. After this arrangement had been going on for some time It was dis covered that tho contractor was sell ing the refuse at 6 a ton. Then the ordinance officials took the matter Into their own hands aud issued proper tender forms for them. Then the firm which had used to paying 3s. 4d. a ton offered 5 to 6 a ton, while eventually as much as 7 .7s. Sd. per ton was offered for the waste ashes. This means a reve nue of 10,000 a year, which hith erto had been thrown Into the ash pit. Actually, It Is estimated that a quarter of a million pounds has been wasted by the military officials who thoughtlessly threw the refuse away A sum of 8,000 was found in the mud at Liverpool a short time ago. This was in the mud behind the landing stage water, where a cash box was found containing a number of bank notes and about 8,000 In securities. Pearson's Weekly. Telephone Stops Log lams. When Alexander Graham Bell spoke his first message over tho tele phone, thirty years ago, he had no idea that the instrument would be used to break "log Jams," the terri ble bane of the logman's career. No more Interesting Incident of the in vasion of modern invention into the pathless forest than how the tele phone thus saves hundred of lives each year has been told for many a day. The life of the logman the hardy work of felling trees and the perilous task of floating them down streams to the sawmill presents a scene Into which it scarcely seems the Ingenious Inventor would ever break his way. But the telephone has made log jams an event of the past. The passing of the log Jam Is an occasion of rejoicing by the wood man, but not to the devotee of pic turesque Bcenes of the woods. It is a wonderful sight to see the logs piled almost inextricably on top of each other in a rushing stream, and It Is a thrilling spectacle to watch the dar ing woodsman cut away the Jog that Is the key to the Jam and then as the logs begin to move see him skip nim bly over the moving pieces of tim ber to safety on tho shore. Now, however, the man who makes his an nual trip into the woods of Maine or Canada to watch the logman bring tho fruits of a winter's work down a mountain stream will be disappoint ed. The Jama are never permitted to form. At the first sign of a clog one of the men patrolling tho banks of the river telephones upstream to I have the Cow of logs stopped to the ! quiet stretches, called "trips. " In this way the Jams are nipped In the . bud. is soon as the incipient trouble . Is 'over the men along the trips are ( notified by telephone and the stream of logs moves along again. CURES AFTEh. RHEUMACIDE rus cured tri-cn had failed. Rheumao.Jo Johns Hopkins Hosplt?:, of Salem. Va.. and D. H. remedies and the doctors h.-. Alaiost a Mlrac'e in This Csv. Billon, t. C. .- ; Bobbitt Chemical Company: tionilenieii : In September, '"). I r k 'en matistn in a very bad form (inflaium;ut'- . 1" r.iontli Hiter tlio disc !J if rtcd 1 dad i r Biy w;Tkand eo to K.-U. it rcntim" o -.v -worse until my ariuS trid l.i;i,ds - ft I drawn, so much so that 1 '"n" roi tlifni Mylw wcv : (ir.-fvr ' :.r't : '.e f -!" i?o- my hips, t w-.s us he ip loss ?s . ba: : nenr!: It months. Te muscle' ..i; .i . ..- and ' ?!. wereliard :;nd shriveled fi..1 rlratli many times o r Was ti ted Ly s..t .'i: .-it physicians in i 'Co1' V: i di Jk.ari.- I none of then c-'i ld mi any o.: : J. P. Kvin. of JMIIo.i. nn 'A er . r.. II I me la try your RH',;i'.l . i'.. ' oi : Lottie 'it the m-'i'--ine r.j 1 -. .o t . H. nnd tx-fr.re thet.'i' . . . I r - . 'i n to uet betrcr. T t:r t.'-s Vot. i.. ' cr lettf!jr c- r: 1 T.,it i y - - . valth h '-. o?' .... i had ro vn:; . - oi rl. -n.. .. . .' !u--rh. i' t'i,i L'c i- v. tv, ht ili".-i afi-r I D-H'an to ta'..? Kli JMAv.iS . ..h t! .iil oi Clinches; in ab-'ut thr-c moiitiio at.T i 'oeean taks ;t I evid w.-.'k us od as any V . t'.y. cud v. -.-r:t h-.clt to work aeaiii. j .. t. . j v. ' 'r- i CUEAL AND CONVENIENT METHOD OF TRAVELING. Tb Norfolk A Hnutlirn lbulrond, ban, tlffotive, June Int. 15H. Pel , Rt itn priucipitl ticket .fflt-e. InterchnugeHblB Mileiie Tickets, go.Hl for trausMirtaUu for on thousand mil. s. t rale l $J5.MI esch. ThB tickets are Rood liir traunpor utinn ovsr ths lbllowiur, ewmpriMnii about 15,000 mile f railway aud sleauihlup hues: Ailauia t Wei Point It. it. Atlantic Hinninebam Uj. Atlautlc A North Crlin It U. A tlautU: t'Mt l.iBf It U. Batltmor t?an CmW lo i barU.iwa h Wvtvra Carolina Ky. CaMp. !i.mrhip unay -l Unr StMlUlMwtfainKy ('Ismbla, N.wtmrry Lra R K. Miirida Vtt hor Ity Kri.c Si.t-m (Liam hat of Mftisl) UMnliH K. ImleiMiuifiit Line Stt'nroi-r l.iilville& Narinlile it. U. J.ouivlllf, Ueiipirin & St I .nut Uy. Uaton. Dublin & Suviumuh It It. Na.hvillo CUtanKta f St 1,.uU Hy NortuU & Southrru liailroail, Slinun-r & Elec tric Linn , ,. Northwi'rtrrn U H. of South I iirolina. hlrliinond. FrKlrickiburt! A. l'ototnac K. K. SavMiiimli A tnteiboro Ky. Spihinrl Air i.in- Hy. Wnaiiiuu oii-.scuih'rii lly. Werteru tt; Atlmiiic Uy. VcntMH Hy. of Alulmina. , Iuierclmujeble MilsaRe Tickets isHiied by tli xve utrut-d linen will b accepted for trannportaliuu oyer th N & K. K. TheHo ticket pregf nt n cheap and con veniwiit method f traveling t tl- public. H tl. HUDGINS, General PftMeimer Agent. Our Clubbing Offer. Until this notice disappears we will give the following Cheap Club Uates : Tbe'Koanoke Beacon and tus Atlanta CouNtituttnu one year for $1.50 Tim Roannka Beacon, the Atlanta Constitution aud th Munny South on yar fur .... 1.T5 The Itoanoke lteacon aud the Thrice-A-Wt-ek Nw York World one year for 1.50 And if yon want the Btt CouiMnatioa t( tie had for love or money, send as only $12. 50 and we will vend yon for one year, Yonr Home Papr, the Thrice-A-Week New York World, the Atltuta Constitution and the Suuuy South Six of the best pa pers published every wek, and at less than half the cost of one daily. Address TliE KOANOKE HE A CON, Plymouth, N. C. HOL.LItTCR'8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Dttty Mtdlola for Buy ?opl. Prlnjs Golden Health sad Braewti Vigor. piocMo for Contijft!on, lnlkrtton, IJee 'ii.l Kidney Trouble, Pimples. Ecemn. trapur y. xxl. Hud Dronth. Klupelsh Bowel. Iles'lach' n J liackaoiie. It's Rooky MouatAln Tea In tab rt form, 35 cut n box. Qenuiae made t, HoLiMTan Dntro Coxpwt, Madlion, Wli. GOLDEN NUGGETt FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Sfcld by P E Davenport & Co. KlIIlSKOIiETTAR tone ttm oontitk sv4 besAeUso Grove's tw.AT muv aaWi H rd94 mm every in . AM ; cases e? cirretf .: K EI in a end the nrw -capital in the Cirr v. irioK . Va. s, j!OG, it cpsrciUs ty purciy ivuur&'i msthods, does r et is: jure w iviho&tvt stcmacl-.,ar5i hull? up the entire system. ..... -".. , r ' i ks v ftk A' UWLEPS ALL POISCNO OUT OF THE BLOOD. i- purrly vegetibla r?modv thi.1 gci right to the eet of th c'i&ese and cufsc uy removing the cam. Your drugtlst sells end recommend Rheumicidti. c stic ar.d booklet froo If ycu send f!'e cents for postags to .'VTT CraiirAl COMPANY. P.otrctw. Itlmoro. NOTICE! I drilletl Ihf Ariciti Well for Mr. C. J. Norman, ami for the town of IM mouth, N. C. Why not Ivt me drill one for von? A things all orders to i'. (. Eluh, P. O. Box E. Branchvills, 2-1 Soutbaiupton Co., Va. For Bale. I ks?e a f'd, lrt. aeea4-kail eriag wagea, ia geo ruasiaf order, that I will sell st a bargain. Arply B. S. CAnoH, 8kinner.ill, N. C. WANTED: Two raon in each coanty to represeut sud ndverttNe. Hardware d parthieut, put Ut nainplrs f onr Kfw.d, etc Trnvelinj? P;itiou or Office Uaua.t;r. Hl.ry 90.tM) per month, cawb weekly, with all expense paid in advance. W'u fnrnUL everythins;. THE COLUMBIA ROUSE, Dpt. 010, J.'U.Sth Ave . 3.9 Chicago, 111. THE IEW IDEA T77 I I iA liM --3 I 1 WWW ens sdv 1 11 Usui til IqtiY. tirO M fif Ct4!fftl lh l levlr aU other seosh euree are censUtavUng. eapeciaUr those conUlnln Ootatei. Kennedy! Umatite .Sold hy 1 K. DAVENI'ORT. BimiCIIie BI1ICM., ISIlICKk. Having installed the latest improved machinery for the liianutaeture of brick, I am now prepared to furnish building brick in largo or small lots, at moderate prices. The material used ia tho finest and the worK the best to be bad. Those intending to build should writo for samples and prices before placing their orders elsewhere. Transportation is good, my Kilns being directly at tho junction of tho A, C, L. and N. & S. Hailroads. Tasteless Chill AmAt4 m,m.wf f wrttt? hmC&m fa e Tea Ceaft. pmkas erf CrW9 - err OTOE HA Rheumatism aftsr a! I the do"' others, of Bait: morns, after wor?d, had failed. Rheumacl contractor, after they had spznt h'it. Rriv'.urnacidc cured sirs. Mary v2Lor;i, cr ntn v oirt, h. naWft had eiidurcd for 0 yars. R'ncumacidc cured W. R. i-A ,Wr.:,. Vn... ci'l-af the most famous New York s-fcciai.'sts failed. Rhcur.-.Qcide is the L 1 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BAK OF IIYlVIOTJrrHL At Plymouth, in the iutf of North Careliua. at the Clone of Busmen, Bent. 4, lWW. UKSOVUCVS. ttan and Dl-rnunt. ...... Ov.r.-raft. Sviarwl. ...... Nrth Carolina hur Unt . All other Mi ik. i'oml uHtl Mortgititi-a. . - . lvBiem on Konctii, Kni.kiitK lloiiHif . ii.im.W. Fiirnitiir and Wixturr. Jl.tW0.0fl, llav from Huk and Kiik. rn, -t'aeh Itnti", .... tiolit Cin, - - - ttlr Cot a. Iiu-Jading all Uin.r CrJ a Currency, . . yaiienal ak Kei a4 OtW U. S. Nete. TvTAIh MAttUITIRfl CIlll !tuck, Kurplu I iind, ....... t'iiltvi4"l f'ruflta. I"' Vr nt K x-ne and Tk Ili. irKli tubjret to chi-ik, Totai, tufeufXortli Curvlinii, Count ofWimltlugton, h : I. Clar nee l.a'h.Mii. Chl'r of thr Imivc-u:iiu m1 Ikank. 1I0 tulcuitily ar tkat Ik see knniriit i true tu the bent ut my kawid ami belief . C!.AlK.CK LATHAM. C'Mfcier. SubioriU'd and orn bvfare me, tl.U 11th day of xpt, lfOS. W. M. UATKMAN. C. S. C. THE 0W8!AL LAXATIVE 1W Plymouth. W. C. i omc Na Cnrc. No Pay 3vc. fcotft' - th f is spec; - 3 cure 1 Ausiin iferceil. rrs ctnt'r let est jvery of m&6 SbiatifS, Lumbajo. ; t Rhumtio Qeut. Ir.diatlan " Constipation, Ll ri"TrPv,. Is,';, Kiur.y Traxble. La Orippe Ail Elocd Oisseaee. DOl.I.ABH. (I.OSI.M sri.M t.eee.eo s.uoe.eu 15T..W . s.oo.a t.&oa.or 7S4.74 iii.se 1 re t.eeese TTVttSI DI.MM . ii.so-.eo t,ew.e S.OM.SS M.tas.st . IS,Ul orn-i't-AliMi: L r. HOHNTtlAU L. S. UNblNO, W. C. ATKH. likucter. w mim wm w 1 w w w RedOwr Btaiwoiliiif tt thPSSF Honer and Tar moves the bowels, contains no Oriels THE WORLD ALIIAIIAC and ENCYCLOPEDIA IS ON SALK ALL OVKU THK UN1TKI) STATICS. i. i. . m sr. m riri cousi strut rm U hMmi nf It is 11 volume of nearly seven hun dred putt's and sells for 25c. Seal by mail for 35c. A Inference Hook of unusual Tat tie, aliiivgt indispetmuble lo any tnaa of Itusiness, or in the profesaions. It contains informittion on more tliMti 1.000 timely topics and presents over 10,00(1 facts such us arise daily for iiiiHwering. Klectiou statistics, agricultural, financial, odtrcational, railroads, shippin?, etc., etc., through all the list of topics where new figures are most valuable 34 columns of index. Send for this "Standard Americas Annual." Address THE WOKLD, Pulitzer Buildihg, New York City. ih

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