1 r '..lij, ri'''"'Li"''rF " 1 ""-- , , .- Jk V. TfJB ROANOKE BEACON. PUBLISH Etf SVKttY FRIDAY C. Y.;,W. AU8BOf, EDITOB. PLYMOUTH. ' - . BEACON FLASHES FltlDAY, NOVEMBEU 30, 190G. SPED JIT UFE That's what a prominent 1 r u g g Is t said of Scott's EmuliQn a short time tfZor "As a rule we don't use ojjrefer; to testimonials in aatjressing the public, hut tmib above remark and & i m.lti a r Expressions are ma& ?sobft.en in connec tion ;i?Uh Scott's Emulsion thutylhey are . worthy of occasio.tial ' n o t e . From infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means df remedying im proper and weak develop ment, restoring lost ; flesh ancjvj tality , . ancl-repairing aste. The ac t i o n of Scott's ""Emulsion is no mo.reof a. secret tjian the cdinposition' of the Emul sion itself.- 'What, it. does, it does through nourish ment the kind of nourish ment that cannot be ob tained in ordinary food. No system is too: weak,pr delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. v ' ' ye wui ttna you a tanipU Am. , jure that thii picture in h '(arm 6i Ubct is on the wrapper of Try little of Kmuliion jou SCOTT & BOWNE W fmt St., N..Y 50c and $1; all ironists. a short vicit to JUOIk MILLINERY ! 1 fhlaniiounce to : t5$ipli$ tot have just t receifed Sir Fall and Vin jC; ter-linB of Milfjncry goods, Trmiin, etfc, etc., and Jare prepared to fit you out iii the 4ery latest style. r We have -an- up-to-date trimmer tins season, and with the Ine Vyest arid- fresh est gootjs, - to be bad, wp flatter"-. ourselves that we cantplea-the "most - fastid eous) Gi;ye us a call, and be coiivinced for yourself. Yours jtQ'PIease.: Miss Ida Peacock & Co:; EOPER, N. C. Odr" Fall 'and Winter . Stock of Millinery, Dress Goods, Cloaks, &c, is now com- plete, and our force of Skilled .Attendants are' ; ;' A rtxiou s to Please You. Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Latham have TetuiiW '""from the North, where the-iiave selected the Largest and Prettiess aggregation of Millinery, Silks, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Novelties, Etc.,-. Etc., the firm has ever carried. Yon are cordially welcome and in vited to attend and inspect thii stock at your convenience. The time taken will be profitably speut, as this most popular store has surpas sed its. former success in pretty se lections this season. J 1 I- g Those who have frieuuij visiting themnelves, wjII please let it be known a 5 at this office, bo the fact t ay be men- n tioned. It does not ntfitter whether It you aro a uubscriber or uot. AH we oak is let va kuow it. Dr. B. F Ha'ety of Boper, was in town on Wednesday. Hon. II. S. Ward of Wnshingtoii', was here the past week. Dr. S. Haaell made Baltimore last week. Jast received the biggest lot of "Wil non" Heaters we ever had. bold only by IjOvis P. Hobuthal. . Miss Maggie Berry of Darden's, visited oar town on Wednesday. Col. W. F. Beasley made us a pleasant call while in town ou Tuesday. Thanksgiving was pretiy geiiersllj ob served by our peoplo yesterday. Winter is knocking at your door. Keep him Out by bujhg a "Wilson? Heater. Sold only by Louis P. Hornthal. Mr. Warren Ambrose dropped iu to see us while iu towu on Wednesday, Mrs. N. T. Herrington of Roper, was in town shopping on Wednesday. Farmers, bring yoar geese, ducks, chick ens, .eggs and fresh meats to Hotel Roanoke aiid get the highest market prices for them. C. D. Loans. Attorney 8. B. Spraill made a profes. sional trip to Koper on Wednesday. Attention is directed to the card of Mr. L. A. Peal, stoves lined and repaired. Meesera H, O. Blonnt and O. V, Lewis of Koper, were in to sec ns the past week. Every year our sales increase on "Wil son" Heaters. They have stood the tebc of years and by every comparison the "Wiisou" BUt'da to day without an equal Sold only by Louis P. Hornthal. i Mr. and Mrs. S. S Cornstalk of near Creswell, were in the city on Wednesday. Mr. Surry Parker of inetown, was sha king hands with bin friends here this week. Messers Alfred Blount aud ii. S ttwain of vhe Koper sncuou, weie in town this week. ELM WOOD DAIRY has some fine heifer and bull calvta for le. Those dsirittg to purchase such would do Well to call on Mr Clarence Latham, at the Hunk. 11 22 tt Mr. Eli Gnrganon9 of Williamston, has been in this bectiou buying peanuts this weeK. ' Mrs. L S. LindiDK Aod Miss Katie Aus- -bn'weut to Kopr Weduesday to hear Bishop Strange. ' -' ' ' -1 ' ' Taken as' directed, it becomes the great est curative agent for the relief of suffering bum tuity tver devised. iSuoh in Bollister's iio-:ky Vtountaiu Tea. 35 ceuts, Tea or Tab lets. P E Davenport Miss -LoJia Joneu- of Edcntou, has been Viiting Miss.Margie vVillougilby on Wash ington Heights this week. , Mrs. H. W. Mizell of Edentou, and hfr cousin, Mrs George Modliu, of Norfolk, speat a few days here tho past week as gueiits of Mrs. Mizell's mother, Mrs. A. M. JobtiBton. The lit. Rev. Robert . Strange, D. D , Bishop of East Carolina, will vinit Plym outh Dec. 4th. There will be Evening Prayer Sermon by the Bishop and Coiifir uiatiou in Grace Church, Dtcl 4th at 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. GASOLINE ENGINES I am fully pre. pared to do any au4 all kinds of repair work on gtsnlin engines, b"d solicit the patronage of ihoae uedin( mv '-rvices. D. H. CLARK, Plymoi;th, N. C. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding, rrotrudicg Piles, DruggiRts are authorized to it fund money if PAZO OIN TML'ST fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 0c jin 12 Our Agents. Messers J. M. Chesson, of Roper, and J. M. Leary, of Bkinnersville, are. duly authorized agents, to take subscriptions una receipt lor uuy. money intended lor the Ukacon. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is ou each box. 25o jan 12 New Almanacs. . We shall have a limited number of Turner's N. U., Almanacs (1907) in a few days, one of which will be given free to each new subscriber, and.one to every old subscriber who bays 'up or renews before Christmas. Positively none will be given away after January 1st. Your stomach churns Rud digests the food you eat aud if foul, or torpid, or ...out of order, your whole system suffers from blood poison, Ho'.listtr's Rocky Mountai i Tea keeps yon weii. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. P E Davenport . Serving man through compulsion and force, is slavery, but serving men volun tarily, ia religion , Miss Carstarphen Entertains at Roper, N. C. "Sleepy Hollow," the beautiful home oj Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Blount, was. the ucene of much en joyment on, Thursday evening, .Nov. g;.'ud, when Miss Augusta Carstar phen entertained the Hook Club. The euests vere received in the hall by Miss Eva Stevenson, of Shuw boro, N. C.; Miss Stella Blount and Miss Eva C. Chesson, t The ;Literary feature of the even ing was very iustn.ctive, dealing with Historic and l'ortic poiuis in North Carolina.: At ten o'clock the guests were in vited into the dining hall, where a bountiful repast was served in the mrnt' artis'tic maaner. Green and Lnvandar, the color . scheme was carried out in ;very detail. . Those present were, Mjs. Jamefr E. Blount, Mrs. Koper, Mrs. Kes senper, Mrs. Charles Spruill, Mrf. Wm. Bloutit, Mrs. Speight, Mrs. Koonce, Mrs. Suo Bluant, Mrs. W. T. Spruill, Mrs. T. W. Blount, Miss Eva Stevenson of Shawboro, N. C; Miss Eva C. Chesson and Miss Stel la Blount. Ladies' Home Journal Patten In every clime its colors are unfurled Its fame hits spread from sea to sea ; Be Got surprised if in the other world, You-hear of Roc.i Mountain Tea : P E Davenport. Dance at Roper. ; A delightful dance was given by young men at the town hall Friday evening, Nov. 23rd. Music Wat f ur nished by the VVilsan Italian Baud. Many beautiful and intricate figures were gracefully led by Mr. Hubert P. Walker; of Plymouth, JN . C; with Miss Eva C. Chessod. Tho&e dancing wyr3, Mr. Sidney S. Stevenson, of . Sliawbero, N..;C, with Miss Neva Cahoon; Mr, Jos. Bell, of ShawbWo, N. C, with Miss Stella B.yimt; Mr. 11. P. Walker, of Plymouth, N. C. with Miss Eva. C. Cheswn; Mr. Edward Iieary, with Miss Eva Stevenson of Shaw boro, N. C, Mr. E. U. Spruill, with Miss Alice Cahoon; iir. Lilton Clagou, with Miss Maigaret Ciios son, of MackeyV Kerry, JSI. C, Mr. Jouis Uas8e.ll, with Miss Louis Ca hoon ; Mr. Herman Ward of. Plym outh, N. C, with Miss IdajBlount Spruill; Mr. Edward S. Blount with. Aliss.Loula Branch; Mr. Jane E.. Leary, with Miss Carrie SpruHJ ; Mr. Jas. A. Chesson, with Miss llattie Peacock ; Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Blount. The chaperones were, Mrs. Leary, Mrs. W. T. Spruill, Mr, feue Blount, Mrs. llalsey. ' After the dance Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Blount served, a duiv.tv luncheon. Those invited "were Mis ses Alice C ihoon, Eva C. Chesson, Neva Cahoon, Mr. Sidnev S. Ste venson, of Shawboro, N, C., .Mr, Robert P. Walker, of Plymouth, N C, Mr. E. L. Spruill, for November have just arrived. All patterns 10 and 15 cents. Style books Free! The Xew Fall Ciooilg Comprise: A beautiful assortment Silks, Velvets and all of Dress Goods, Trimmiugs kinds of aress accessories. The most popular materials in ladies' dress goods for fall and winter wear will be Chiffon Broad Cloth, Poplin lotli, Panama cloth, Taffeta cloth, Henrietta cloth, plain and mixed Englisn Suitings, plaid Eni? lish suitings, Serges, Qassimir, Cheviots, Mohair, Sic cilians, and Novelty Suitings. We are showing the above materials in all of the newest and most popu lar shales. The critical buyer will find all of the Fiew materials that will be popular for this season, a:' well as ti most complete line of staple dress goods in plain colois, Many oY these goods have been bought several months in advance of the season, in order to get them at old prices, so our customers may pioiU by our foresight, which will enable them to got just as good values at 50 and 75c the yard as last teas.'ui. Wc are displaying the prettiest line of Ladies Keckwear ever shown in Plymouth; some of th de signs being entirely new creations. . .. Ladies Tourist 0 at8, in Kerseys, Covert and Shadow Plaid Tourist Cloth. A comprehensive line; of everything that's now in ladies' coats, showing Ahh latest styles in sleeves, back and trimming eflVct. -ltfi EU M AT 1& M , I quietly relieved and promptly cured by 'Dr. Drnmmditd'j Ugb&tag JK$di6S. Ttio internal remedv U pKmiaiit fj take, acts immediately, dues not disturb diges tion, aud is tor rLtuirmtibm only iu all its torturicg fwrrun. The extrual preparatioa restore stiff juioU, drawn cards aud hard- eued musclen. If your .druggist Lah not thebe reinediu iu wtock, do not take any thing e!e. Send $5 to the Draaamom! Medicina Co., New York, and tho fall treatment of two large bottle:; will be bent to your expreNS address. AgeuU wauted.lt CHUSCH DIRECTORY. M. E. UhurcL Services every Sunday a.t 11:00 o'clock . tu.t and 7:00 o'clock p. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday tight. Rev. L. B. Jones, uastor V Suuday school vtrv Sunday morniug at 9:15 o'clock, W. M. liateuian, sjupt. - Baptist Church Services ever Inf. 2nd and 4tb Sunday at 11:00 o'clock a. m.. and 7:30 o'clock p ru. Prayer meeting every Thursday niht. Kev. i. W. Nobles, paBtor. Sunday school every Sunday morning at 9.30 o'clock, W. It. White, Supt. .v: Qrace Episcopal Church Sunday school every Sunday 9 30 a. in., Clarence .Latham, Superintendent - - Fourth Sunday. 9 30 a. m., Bible claos ; 11 a in , Morniug prayer. Sermon aud Ho ly Comuiuniou ; Fourth Sunday night, Evening prayer and Nerinon ; ouiet- Sunday mornings, Morniug prayer and Mttnoii by the .lay-reader, Mr. F A.Boyle.' Iiev B; S, Jjassittr, Hector. " '- " . J: . ' SAVii YOUil OLD stove. I am' new fully prepared to Hue and epair aM'kl jds of sheet iron liea erS. A few centa tpint n the old one before it is' too late, will nav you the price of a new one. Give- me a call if your utove needs attention. . . L. A. PEAL. At H. Peal'a shops, :. Wexford Cheviott, a cotton dress material in shadow plaids and grey mixtures, suitable for I-;: dies' Skirts and whole suits ; we have them iu several beautiful patterns, at 15c. the yard, liari-istMirg' Shoes, for Ladies and Children, All the new fall lasts shown in the newest arid most comfortable shapes.' Every pair guaranteed to wear. " : LOUIS .P. Ill WIN T H A i To Cur a Cold In One Bay Take Laativ Iromo S1111111 Curt Crip ia Two Xet. C7i every MILLINERY FALL and WINTER. We wieh to announce to our friends and the public that we will be prepared ou and after OCT, 4rJCH. . i i - e to show thetn tnrougn our Jine oi Full llats, etc. All those in need of anything below mentioned will be gladly bliown tnrougn our siock, and no doubt you will be pleased with it. We carry hate, both trimmed and untrimmed, from 2oc bailor to the fine grade dress hats. Intant's head- wear, Dress goods, uorfior?, Hosiery, arid a full line of Millinery, inclu ding a big lot of Ribbons, both Fan cies and staples. To kuow the beauties in millinery for the present season you must come to see thetn. Honing to haye the pleason of show ing yon our line and thanking yon for a liberal share of pationage in the past, and expect ing itB continuance, we remain, Yours respectfully, Mrs. A. M. Ayers, 3 30 Plymouth, N. C. NOTICE. I will eil at fle to the highest bidder, on Thursday, tho 22nU day or November, 1W, at th ifptdvuev of N. T. Craft, deed. ii'r Hn pdr, N. C . all the tMsiotiul property belonetuie to tuid ttHtf, comistiug of uouttelioM and kitchen furniture, ono ptntio, hoMSS. muie. CRlue isrmiuu uichbih, s Kiel, curw.corn, foddwr. &e. Per.oni wmittns a fine road horns will do well to attend. Terms of re i follow: cnH lor ii aiuonnfs ur.aur Hfty dollar, : fifty dllin aud over. ix mon'hs, : wittt note and upproved security. Sule to com. ! townee at 10 o'clock a. m.. and contiuue from dny ! to dav antil eerYvhlae t dipoiied of. For further information apply to the undirrtenpd. Oct. 87, 19CK5. W.8. DAVKNPORr, Admr Macktj's TerryN C North Carolina, Washington County. To F. It. Johuetou, Entry Taker ef Wash ington County. The undersigned, H. T. Qurganus and O. W. Qurganus enters aud layii claim to the following described tract of laud in Plymouth township, said county the same being vacant and unappropriated land rub-' ject to entry : Beginning at Noodia Kelly's west corner, a sweet gum, thence southwardly t the Urowuey Island Patent line, thence with said line to a corner, thence enstwardly to the dismal to a corner, thence northwardly to Noodia A. Kelly'a line, thence with Raid linn to the beginning, and about twelve miles from Plymouth, near Long Kidge road. This Oct 19, 1006. j lie T. GUBGAKCS. C, W. GUKOANUS. j Teut F. It. Johnston. NOTICE. i Having qualified aa Executrix of the e-' tate of K U. Leary, deceased, noiice is hereby given to all persons indebted to he! said estut to make immediate payment to me, aud to ell persons holding dtbts or claims against it. to preaent them within , one year from this date, or this notice wlK: be pleaded iu bar of their recovery Thin fcept. 13, 1906. ! 10-27 Sarah E. Leary, Adm'x. North Carolina, Washington County:, lo ' F. It. Johnston, Entry taker for Washinc-1 ton County. ' Tho undersigned, .V. W. Ange, enters, and lays claim to the l'ollowing describe:'. 1 tract of land in said couuty, the Bame be-1 ingvacint and nnapproptlated laud sub- ject to entry : Beginning at the edge i ll the dismal iu Henry GurgatjU' line.Ujeneel runuing HOuthertStwardly along Henry Gnr-J ganus' line to thw Blount & Manly line,, .1 ....... .....Jl.. nn.. Vltnn., At Via. - IUCU n t31 n RIUI ' niuuK t i v w . )y line to .lacasau & MiZ'll patent line, . thence atoug WiZall . Jckson patent line, to the edge of the hih land, thence with' the edgs of the dismal to tb beginning I Containing about 150 acres This 0:t. 31, 1906. ' Test F. R. Johnstoh. Largest JcWeiry tlousa DIAM0NI WATCH JEWEL Q 1 Yon arc visit our M'ore. Mail inqv.it ten r'cc: attention. Goods Sir,) m cy-prc known to its, or uviy factory rcf rcicc. Wrile for ,-ur ;iGC FOR WEDDING . HOin.-A Y GIFT, PAUL GAL i 190 i.:d 205 Kb NORFOLK. PUOrK.ST.ON A I Phon i- :i t t f .T .1 i .M V. W. Akob. I in ecL ti-on'h. X -f 1

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